Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7690 Tianxuan Road


He raised his hand and grabbed the storage rings of the three of them, and threw them directly into the Zixuan Realm.

As for those two Candle Dragon Ancient Eyes, he has no intention to check them now.

Because there is no fundamental support from the background of the Candle Dragon School, the ancient pulse transformed by the body of the Candle Dragon is still there.

For him, that too was a benefit not to be missed.

"Not good! The three Supreme Elders were all killed by the town!"

"Oh my god, how powerful is the other party?"

"The Supreme Elder has fallen, Zhu Pangzong is over, Zhulongzong is over!"

"Run, run away!"


Witnessing the fall of the three Supreme Elders, the destruction of the Candle Dragon Killing Formation, countless elders and disciples fell into extreme panic, and then frantically ran for their lives.

Jiang Tian didn't pay any attention to these.

Because those people are not his target at all, and he is not qualified to let him make a deliberate move.

"Candle Dragon Ancient Vein, open!"


Jiang Tian took a step forward and broke through the ancient restriction of the Supreme Forbidden Land.

Ang... ho ho ho!

A vicissitudes and majestic dragon chant seemed to come from the ancient abyss, and the vein door of the ancient vein of Zhulong appeared at his feet.

"This is the Candle Dragon Ancient Vein? Such a powerful breath!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and he could feel the powerful spiritual power contained in the ancient vein of Zhulong.

This is indeed the ancient vein of the dragon's meteoric transformation. Even if the grade is still within the scope of super divine veins, its efficacy is by no means comparable to that of ordinary super divine veins.

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"

Boom, boom!

Jiang Tian waved his arms together, devouring without hesitation.

Two streaks of purple dragon light rushed out, blasting towards the vein gate of Zhulong's ancient vein, spreading wildly in the ancient vein, swallowing wantonly.

Hiss... Boom!

Ang, ho ho ho!

Candle Dragon's ancient veins trembled violently and let out an extremely painful roar. The Candle Dragon Sect was shaken for a while, and countless peaks and halls collapsed.

The head of the Candle Dragon Sect and a group of core elders soared into the air, but they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them, and they dared not approach at all.

"Protect the suzerain..."

"Protect the fart! Run away!"

The elders still want to protect the suzerain, so they can make plans.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the suzerain's fury.

"The three Supreme Elders are all dead, not to mention our Candle Dragon Sect, even the entire Candle Dragon Realm, who can compete with him?"

"Run, run away!"


Under the suzerain's order, the core executives of the Candle Dragon Sect fled frantically without looking back.


A deep roar came from his body, Jiang Tian's aura rose steadily, and his blood spiritual power reached 90%!

At this time, the power of Zhulong's ancient vein has not been exhausted, which surprised Jiang Tian.

In the end, he swallowed up this ancient vein, and the spiritual power of the bloodline reached a height of 95%!

"Ninety and a half percent, half a percent short, what a pity!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, somewhat regretful.

But in his heart, he was extremely excited.

This trip to the Candle Dragon Sect has yielded beyond imagination, and it was finally not in vain!


Jiang Tian tried to mobilize the spiritual power of the blood, and shook his head after a while and sighed softly.

It has to be said that the half-percent gap in spiritual power really cannot support him to forcibly advance.

If he wants to enter the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm, he still needs to accumulate more.

"It's not even half a percent. Does the Torch Dragon Realm have any powerful resources?"

Looking forward to the Candle Dragon Realm, Jiang Tian quickly locked on to the other two most powerful forces under the Candle Dragon Sect.

Tian Xuan Dao, Wan Mie Sect!

"Jiang is here!"

Bark... boom boom!

The Great Formation of Transforming Space was opened, and Jiang Tian disappeared into the void following the pattern of the Purple Thunder Formation.

Tianxuan way!

The second largest top force in the Candle Dragon World, the overall background is not inferior to the Candle Dragon Sect.

It's just that he doesn't have a dragon blood background, so he has always been overwhelmed by the Candle Dragon Sect.

With Jiang Tian's arrival, the Taoist Master of Tianxuan Dao, the five Supreme Elders, as well as a group of core elders and true disciples above the Guiyuan Realm are waiting in full force.

"Who is here, why did you break into my Profound Sky Dao?"

"Since you have come to the Candle Dragon Realm, you should know the prestige of my Tianxuan Dao. Who gave you the courage to break in?"

"If you don't give this Taoist a satisfactory explanation today, you will die without a place to bury you..."


Before the word "Earth" could be spoken, the head of the Tianxuan Taoist master in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm flew up and fell on the spot!


There was an uproar in Tianxuan Dao, and everyone fell into extreme shock!

In front of the five Supreme Elders, all core elders, disciples, and a large number of Guiyuan Realm powerhouses, kill Tianxuan Daoist in an instant!

Such a method is extremely rampant and appalling!

"Shoot together and avenge the Taoist Lord!"

"kill him!"

"Boy, die!"

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and thousands of Guiyuan Realm masters shot wildly, gathering into a terrifying killing will, directly annihilating the void.


After the void was annihilated, a deep and terrifying starry sky background appeared!

Bursts of void power shot out, and the mountains and halls in the territory of Tianxuan Dao instantly turned into nothingness.

Many elders and disciples who had no time to escape were instantly annihilated.

But these Guiyuan Realm powers turned a blind eye. Their purpose was only one, to kill this foreign enemy and maintain the majesty of Tianxuan Dao!

In their view, carrying such terrifying power is enough to make the opponent fall instantly.

But the next scene made them fall into extreme fear!

"Void Immortal Physique, go up!"


Jiang Tian waved his arms and faced the background of the starry sky without dodging or avoiding, devouring all the transmitted void power!


"Oh My God!"

"How can it be?"

"That's the terrifying power after the void is annihilated. How did he do it?"

Everyone was horrified, and at this moment they knew that the person in front of them was not something they could compete with.

"Run! Run away!"

"Let's go!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and everyone began to run wildly for their lives.


In front of such a terrifying opponent, there is only one way to die.

"World Extinguishing Soul Light, Zhen!"

Click... Boom!

Jiang Tian yelled violently, and silver-purple lightning shot out from the hole between his eyebrows.

It turned into a huge silver-purple halo that wreaked havoc.

Just for an instant!

Thousands of strong returnees fell like migratory locusts, with no casualties!

Jiang Tian was too lazy to devour the blood essence of these people.

Because the cultivation base of these people is only in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm, they can no longer bring him effective nourishment, and devouring them is just a waste of time.

After returning to the Yuan Realm's power thousands of times in an instant, the Tianxuan Dao has already existed in name only!

Because these people are the core and backbone of the Tianxuan Dao, which is equivalent to the skeleton and body of the Tianxuan Dao.

The remaining elders and disciples are just superficial and superficial, not worth mentioning at all.

If there is no skin, how will the hair be attached?

The lineage of Tianxuan Dao has been declared defeated!

At this time, Jiang Tian was holding an old man in his hand.

He is the head of the five Supreme Elders of Tianxuan Dao.

Soul search!

Jiang Tian completed the soul search as quickly as possible, and after obliterating this person, he locked his eyes on a certain place in the ruins of Tianxuan Dao.

It was almost completely annihilated by the power of the void, but fortunately he shot in time and swallowed the power of the void with the void fairy body, allowing it to escape.

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