Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7705 Purple Star Flag

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"Jiang Tian, ​​it is a blessing that you can die under this formation!"

"kill him!"

The three purple-crowned chief supervisors waved their palms, and the golden-crowned chief supervisor and the silver-crowned chief supervisor immediately took action and besieged Jiang Tian.

"Master, leave it to me!"


Jiang Tian nodded lightly.

Huo'er immediately flew out and formed a lotus seal with his hands.

The flames all over his body skyrocketed, expanding rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole person suddenly turned into a huge flaming lotus!



"This is... Daolian?"

Hiss, wow!

The expressions of more than a hundred powerful Si Tianjian men changed in horror!

From this giant flame lotus, they felt the terrifying power.

Thinking of some recent events in the upper plane, they instantly thought of an astonishing fact - Daolian transformed!

"Everyone, be careful!"

"It is an existence born from the form of Daolian, so don't be careless!"


As soon as the exclamations started to sound, the Dao Lotus transformed by Huo'er opened its huge lotus petals, covering all the more than a hundred Silver Crown Grand Priests and the thirty Golden Crown Grand Priests.


The violent lotus flames burned fiercely, causing everyone's expressions to change wildly!

"Daolian's power is too strong and invincible!"

"Get out quickly!"


Boom boom... boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and everyone was furiously breathing, exploding their own strength to the limit, preparing to break through Daolian's blockage.

But their efforts were obviously in vain.

The Silver Crown Chief Supervisor has reached the late stage of Guiyuan Realm, and the Golden Crown Chief Supervisor has reached the peak of Guiyuan Realm.

But these people joined forces, but they were unable to break through Daolian's imprisonment, and were severely injured by the terrifying Lotus Flame in an instant.


"Damn it!"


"Sir, save me!"

Everyone was frightened and immediately asked for help from the three Purple Crown Chief Supervisors outside the formation.

"A bunch of trash!"

"To deal with a major criminal, I have to take action personally. What a loser!"

Not only did the three Purple Crown Chief Supervisors not save him, but they became extremely angry.

They thought they could easily kill Jiang Tian by taking command, but they didn't expect the opposite to be true.

A transformed Dao Lotus wiped out all these men.

"Jiang Tian, ​​it is your good fortune to allow us to take action in person!"

"If you die by our hands, your life will be worth it!"


Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by three violent roars, the three purple-crown chief supervisors began to attack.

One of the three held a knife, one held a sword, and the other waved a huge purple star banner.

The light of the sword sliced ​​through the starry sky, and a terrifying sword intent erupted!

The sword light flashed and disappeared, and the next moment it was in front of Jiang Tian.

Immediately afterwards, it exploded and turned into a terrifying sword array.

At the moment when the sword array opened, the stars in the void frantically gathered together and turned into a terrifying killing array, swallowing Jiang Tian involuntarily.

"Star Sword Domain, rise!"

Rumble, click!

Jiang Tian's breath soared, and countless purple starbursts burst out.

He opened the Star Sword Domain and at the same time opened the Star Sword Body.

Turning the guest into the main, crazily devouring the power of this star-killing array!

"Huh?" The chief inspector with the purple crown who held the sword shrank his eyes in shock!

As a strong man in the half-step chaotic state, he thinks that he is invincible in this state. Even if he meets the same level, the Si Tianfa sword in his hand is enough to kill.

But what kind of tricks did Jiang Angel use to swallow his killing array?

"Star Sword Body!"

Ziguan chief inspector Jian Heng was in front of him, his eyes darkened instantly.

As expected, Jiang Tian's physique is related to the power of the stars, and it is also an extremely rare talent for swordsmanship.

No wonder he was able to hold back his killing array, and forcefully swallowed the power of the stars.


There was a loud noise, and the terrifying sword glow slashed down, hitting Jiang Tian in response.

A horrifying scene followed!

The seemingly powerful sword light only caused the Star Sword Domain to tremble slightly, and then swallowed up the sword light and destroyed it!

"Why is his power so strong?"

The face of the chief inspector with the purple crown of the sword changed suddenly.

If it was one-on-one, he would definitely not be Jiang Tian's opponent.

Fortunately, the three of them now join forces to capture Jiang Tian!



The third purple-crowned Chief Superintendent waved the giant purple star flag fiercely.

In an instant, the starry sky distorted and shook violently, and large swaths of starlight were suppressing Jiang Tian like the Milky Way bursting its banks.


"Master beware!"

Huo'er's expression changed immediately!

Quickly urged the body of the fire lotus to prop up a defense.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared!


Amidst the terrifying loud noise, a large swath of starlight directly tore the fire lotus apart, ignoring his defense and rushing past, heading straight for Jiang Tian!

"What a giant star banner. This is the pure will of the stars, controlled only by his magic weapon!"

Huo'er's face was extremely serious.

At this moment, he can no longer help Jiang Tian!

"The Will of the Stars?"

Jiang Tian stared at the stars rushing in like the Milky Way bursting its banks, his eyes glowed with blazing light, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit!

He has not encountered such an opponent for a long time.

The Half-Step Chaos Realm is a higher realm than the peak of the Guiyuan Realm.

One foot has already stepped onto the threshold of the realm of chaos. This is the first time he has encountered such an opponent!


Jiang Tian looked up to the sky and roared wildly, and countless purple starlights erupted from his body.

The star sword body was pushed to the extreme by him, and the body of true thunder exploded at the same time, releasing terrifying purple and gold thunder and lightning.

At this moment, Jiang Tian was like the incarnation of the God of Stars and Thunder, his whole person exuding an extremely terrifying aura!

"You are so arrogant, calm me down!"


The Purple Crown Chief Supervisor fiercely waved the purple star banner, and a terrifying star billowed down on Jiang Tian.


Jiang Tian's body shook violently, and he was forcefully knocked back thousands of feet.

Terrifying huge waves rose up from his body, and the power of the stars stirred up, but he himself was not surprised but happy, and became more and more excited.

"Well done, come again!"


Jiang Tian did not retreat but advanced to meet him.


Another wave of star waves struck from the giant purple star flag, once again sending him flying a thousand feet away.


Huo'er's face changed drastically!

Is Jiang Tian completely at a disadvantage?

If he continues like this, he will definitely die!

"Hahahaha, I thought you had some abilities, but now it seems like you're just mediocre!"

The purple-crowned Chief Superintendent looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, waving the giant flag faster and faster in his hand.

Boom... boom!

Click, click, boom!

A series of twisted stars bombarded Jiang Tian, ​​shaking him back again and again.

The Chief Superintendent Ziguan seemed to have the upper hand, and his offensive was as fast as a wave, thinking that he was victorious and undefeated.

However, Jiang Tian withstood the impact of Xinglan hundreds of times, but he never appeared to be seriously injured or defeated!

"How can it be?"

The Chief Superintendent Ziguan was shocked!

Even a strong man of the same level would not be able to escape unscathed if he was swept away by his giant purple star flag.

Jiang Tian seemed to be relatively passive, but showed no signs of serious injury. It was incredible!

"Let me see how long you can last?"

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