Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7706 Return to the peak of Yuanjing, reached!

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The Purple Crown Chief Superintendent launched a ruthless attack, unleashing all his strength and waving the giant star flags wildly to sweep away.

Boom boom boom, click!

Stars shot out one after another, and the entire void became twisted and horrifying, extremely terrifying.

The other two Purple Crown Chief Supervisors stopped taking action and just waited for him to capture Jiang Tian.

But the next moment, an amazing scene appeared!

"Hahahaha, well done, so happy!"

Jiang Tian suddenly laughed wildly, sounding extremely excited.

Under the astonished gazes of the three Purple Crown Chief Supervisors, Jiang Tian suddenly began to devour the huge waves of stars that were gathering crazily in the starry sky.

"Tun Tun Tun, Tun Tun for me!"

Jiang Tian madly urged the star sword body to absorb the huge waves in the starry sky.

A series of terrifying stars entered his body, causing his star sword body to violently tremble.

He has never been so happy as he is now, letting the violent stars impact his body.

The Star Sword Body, which had been dormant for a long time, underwent exciting changes at this moment and began to evolve towards a higher level!

"Star Sword Body, increase it!"

Boom, boom!

Countless purple stars burst out from Jiang Tian's body.

At the same time as these starlights exploded, the stars that filled the void crazily poured into the body, pushing the star sword body to improve step by step.

"What a star sword body, it's actually more powerful than the legend!"

"But it's useless. If you meet me, you will still die!"


The Purple Crown Chief Superintendent bit the tip of his tongue, sprayed a mouthful of blood onto the giant purple star flag, and threw it out.


The giant purple star flags skyrocketed crazily, suddenly exploded and disappeared into the starry sky.

The next moment, the entire starry sky began to shake crazily, erupting with a terrifying power!

"not good!"

Huo'er was shocked!

This power made him feel inexplicable fear. Can Jiang Tianzhen withstand it?


Huo'er wanted to step forward to resist, but was blocked by a terrifying force, making it difficult to get close.


Huo'er's heart sank and his face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, he couldn't help Jiang Tian and could only rely on Jiang Tian to face this terrifying murderous intention!

Boom, boom, boom!

The purple star giant flag summoned a large swath of stars to crush them, like the starry sky collapsing, blasting towards Jiang Tian layer upon layer.

This terrifying power is so suffocating.

And they were suppressed within a range of less than a thousand feet by the power of the giant star flags. Just this pressure was enough to kill any half-step chaos realm.

Huo'er's expression was extremely ugly, and his heart was in his throat.

This time, can Jiang Tianzhen be able to bear it?

"Hahaha, so happy, so happy!"

What is shocking is that Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, and his momentum became stronger and stronger.

"The star sword body rises!"

"Void Immortal Body, open!"

Boom, buzz, boom!

Jiang Tian unfolded the Star Sword Body and the Void Immortal Body at the same time, wildly attracting the stars, and at the same time arousing the power of the void to wash away the Void Immortal Body.

In the face of this unimaginable pressure, his aura increased instead of decreasing, being pushed by external forces to become stronger and stronger!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The Purple Crown Chief Superintendent exclaimed in horror, his scalp numb!

He did not hesitate to expend his energy and blood to activate the giant purple star flag, summoning a large number of stars to come. Not only could he not suppress Jiang Tian, ​​but he was also used by the opponent?

"No, no!"

"Take it back quickly!"

The other two Purple Crown Chief Supervisors noticed something was wrong and quickly reminded them.

"Take it! Come back to me!"

The Purple Crown Chief Superintendent suddenly woke up and prepared to take back the giant flag.

But his attempts were of no use.

At this moment, Jiang Tian's body seemed to turn into a black hole.

The terrifying sucking power erupted, wildly devouring the stars, and the power of the void that followed poured into his body.

It pushed his breath up and down, repeatedly hitting the limit.

"The peak of Guiyuan Realm, charge!"



With the help of external forces, Jiang Tian suddenly began to hit the bottleneck of cultivation!

Boom boom boom, click... bang!

The seemingly insurmountable bottleneck was instantly broken under the combined impact of internal and external forces.

Jiang Tian's bloodline spiritual power surged wildly like a volcanic eruption, breaking through the bottleneck of cultivation and rapidly transforming towards the peak of Guiyuan Realm.

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian shouted excitedly, his whole body boiling with excitement.

Si Tianjian's stronghold, he really came to the right place!

Without the pressure and help from these people, he would never have reached the peak of Guiyuan Realm in such a short period of time.

"I have to say, I really have to thank you, the Purple Crown Chief Supervisors!"

A ferocious look flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and his words were full of dominance.

"You...you are looking for death!"

"Blast me!"

The Purple Crown Chief Supervisor formed a seal and directly detonated the star banner.


Large swaths of starry sky collapsed layer by layer and were constantly annihilated.

It seemed that Jiang Tian had been forcibly crushed and killed.

But amidst the rolling waves, a figure appeared again, it was Jiang Tian!

He stood proudly in the void, seemingly completely unaffected by the power of annihilation!

"How is it possible that you can sustain the self-destruction power of the giant star flag?"

The scalp of Ziguan Chief Superintendent was numb, and his expression changed with horror!

To him, this was incredible.

"Just a quasi-emperor weapon wants to kill me, you are too naive!"

Jiang Tian had a sneer of disdain on his face.

That's right!

The giant purple star banner is a quasi-emperor weapon, which can arouse the power of the stars and the power of the void everywhere in the starry sky, and can explode with terrifying power.

But for his various special physiques, the effect is greatly reduced, and it can even turn harm into benefit, and even use it to devour nourishment.

"No...not good!"

"Go, go quickly!"

Boom, boom!

The left and right two Ziguan chief inspectors turned their heads and left.

The purple crown chief inspector who had just discounted the purple star banner was a little slow to react, and was hit on his chest by a giant fist wrapped in purple light.




The purple light swept backwards, and the chief inspector of the purple crown flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, spilling a large amount of blood all the way, and his breath plummeted.

"Half step into chaos, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian unfolded his bloodline devouring talent, and directly devoured the bloodline essence of Ziguan Chief Supervisor.

"The effect is good, but unfortunately there are too few!"

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian looked up and saw that the other two Ziguan chief inspectors had been suppressed by the giant lotus transformed by Huo'er and could not escape.


Jiang Tian stepped forward and came to the giant lotus.

Search for souls!

He searched the souls of the two Ziguan chief inspectors on the spot, and all the secrets of the top Sitian inspectors were exposed to him again.

But just when he wanted to further explore the deeper secrets, a terrifying thorn of thunder erupted from the two of them, and even launched a backlash against him.



Jiang Tian stopped drinking and cut off the connection with the divine mind.

The two purple-crown chief inspectors fell to the sea of ​​gods and collapsed in an instant, losing their sanity.


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