Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7708 Killing with one punch

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The terrifying dark green spiritual light enveloped the entire Sky Realm, like a blue magic vine entangled tightly around the protective circle.

Bang bang, click... boom!

The heavy treasures set up in the big formation began to collapse, and the auxiliary magic circles were also crushed by the dark green aura.

In the face of the almighty might of the Taichu Clan's Guiyuan Realm, the World Protector Formation was like a weak baby, crumbling and about to collapse.

"It's too late, deputy lord Qin, let's go, one day let my lord enter the realm of the beginning, and avenge today!"

"don't want……"


Jin Tianxing couldn't help but take out the leader's order and forcibly activated a certain backup formation.

A violent roar erupted suddenly, and a silver light enveloped Qin Yao and several other elders, blasting directly towards the inner wall of the world-protecting formation.

Just when they were about to collide, the World Protector Array suddenly opened a passage, and a ripple-like turbulent special space array appeared inside.

This is the void teleportation array that Jiang Tian deliberately set up here, just in case, to save the lives of the elders of the Dao League at the most critical moment.

Now, this magic circle is used by Jin Tianxing on Qin Yao and others.

These few people are the kindling that Jin Tianxing kept for the Qingtian Realm!

"Mr. Jin!"

Qin Yao cried out with tears and blood, filled with grief and anger.

They finally entered the late stage of the Vientiane Realm, and they wanted to surprise Jiang Tian who would return soon.

Now, the surprise is gone, and Jiang Tian is left with a Sky Realm that is about to collapse.

How should she explain when she meets Jiang Tian soon?

Qin Yao fell into extreme self-blame and guilt, but the formation had been activated, and she could only watch herself being teleported away.

"Want to leave? Stay here!"


The emerald green aura suddenly flashed, like a giant upside-down bowl lying above Qin Yao and the others, abruptly blocking the power of the void teleportation array.


The silver light of the teleportation array exploded, and several figures fell down in embarrassment.

Puff puff puff...wow!

Qin Yao and several elders were wounded one after another, bleeding wildly, and breathing frantically.


Jin Tianxing saw this scene through the passageway of the world-protecting formation, his eyes were tearing apart, and he was horrified!

It's over!

The fire he desperately saved for the Qingtian Realm was also intercepted by the strong men of the Absolute Beginning Clan.

The other party obviously didn't want to leave any survivors and hidden dangers, this is going to kill the grass and root it out!


The blue light crashed down, Qin Yao couldn't bear the terrifying coercion, and was ruthlessly blasted back into Qingtian Realm.

The other elders were directly annihilated by the green light, exploding and dying!

"At this point, there is no other way, and detonating the protective array can't be cheap for these people!"

Qin Yao looked determined, determined to die.

There is a final prohibition left in the world-protecting formation, which will only be used in desperate situations.

Use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in the entire Qingtian world to detonate the world-protecting formation.

At the cost of annihilating the entire interface, it might be possible to severely injure the strong men of the Taichu clan.

There is no other way!

"Brother Jin, hurry up! I would rather die together than give them an advantage!"

Qin Yao urged her hard and no longer had any hope.

"In that case, let's do it!"

The two alliance leaders unanimously decided to prepare to detonate the boundary protection formation.

At this moment, purple thunder suddenly flashed outside Qingtian!

Click, click... hum, rumble!

A huge purple thunder formation appeared in the starry sky, with two figures, one large and one small, standing in the middle.

It was Jiang Tian and Huo'er!

"Qingtianjie, I'll go back...well, what happened?"

"This breath... is from the Taichu clan!"

Jiang Tian was originally extremely excited.

He originally planned to travel for three months, but now he is back after only two months.

He was also very excited about seeing Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao and others.

But as soon as his eyes settled, he saw an astonishing scene!

A terrifying dark green light enveloped the entire Qingtian Realm. These lights were densely packed, like terrifying giant vines.

It's like a series of terrifying green demonic dragons, raging ferociously, as if they want to devour Qingtian Realm!

"Who are you?"

Sensing something strange behind them, several powerful men from the Taichu clan immediately stared at Jiang Tian.

"I, Jiang Tian, ​​the lord of this world!"

Jiang Tian shouted in a deep voice, making the starry sky tremble!

This sound spread into Qingtian Realm and immediately caused a sensation.

"The Supreme Alliance Leader, the Supreme Alliance Leader is back!"

"The Supreme Leader is back, we are saved!"


There was an exclamation in Qingtian Realm, and everyone was extremely excited.

However, the faces of Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing were not so pretty.

When Jiang Tian came back at this time, didn't he just fall into the trap of the powerhouse of the Absolute Beginning clan?

"Jiang Tian?"

"What a nobody!"

"It doesn't matter who you are, if you dare to destroy the good things of our Taichu Clan, then let's die together!"


Besieging Qingtian Realm, there are a total of five Absolute Beginning clan powerhouses, all of whom have returned to the Yuan Realm.

Three of them were in the early stage of the Returning Yuan Realm, and the other two were in the middle stage of the Returning Yuan Realm.

At this time, the three Guiyuan Realm early stagers continued to cast spells on the protective circle, and the two Guiyuan Realm stagers immediately rushed to Jiang Tian, ​​preparing to kill him.

"What a Taichu clan, the enemy's road is really narrow, die for me!"

As early as Jiang Tian had fought several times with the powerhouses of the Taichu Clan in the Star Market and the Star Field Battlefield, it can be said that he had forged a bond long ago.

Facing the two strong men from the Absolute Beginning clan who attacked, they couldn't help but punch fiercely.

"not good!"

"His strength..."

Boom, boom!

The faces of the two strong men in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm changed drastically. Before they could utter a complete sentence, their bodies were blown apart and turned into dark green blood mist.


Jiang Tian didn't waste these essences, and directly used the swallowing formula to devour them, and then sent them into the Zixuan Realm.

"World spirit, put these essences into the wood spirit essence to nourish the Taiyi spirit wood!"

"Yes, master!"

The world spirit received the order, and quickly used the power of the Zixuan world to inject the two essences into the essence of the wood spirit.

At this time, Taiyi Lingmu had woken up from a deep sleep, but without Jiang Tian's call, it could not leave the Zixuan Realm by itself.


"how so?"


The faces of the three powerful Taichu clan men opposite changed wildly!

They never thought that Jiang Tian, ​​who was young, was so strong that he could deal with two companions in the middle stage of Guiyuan Realm in one face-to-face.


"Fuck, let you live a few more days!"

"If you offend my Taichu clan, just wait for me!"

Boom boom boom!

The dark green brilliance suddenly subsided, and the three of them didn't care about snatching the fairy lotus from the Meteor Realm, and immediately turned into three blue lights and escaped into the void.

"Want to leave?"

"Master, leave it to me!"


Huo'er's figure flickered and suddenly disappeared into the void.

The next moment, a red light flashed a hundred thousand feet away, and a huge red flame fairy lotus emerged.

"Damn, this...is this Daolian?"



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