Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7709 Double breakthrough

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Dao Lian was red and prosperous, and the lotus petals closed suddenly, imprisoning the three of them, and brought them back to Jiang Tian.

Search for souls!

Jiang Tian directly launched a soul search, explored the secrets of these three people, and then waved his big hand, leading them straight into Qingtian Realm.

"My lord!"


Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were both surprised and happy, but more of them were ashamed and blamed themselves.

"I can't blame you for this matter, stop talking nonsense, and treat your injuries first!"


With a wave of his hands, Jiang Tian launched the blood talent to devour.

Using himself as a bridge, he swallowed and injected all the blood essence of the three Taichu Clan Guiyuan Realm powerhouses into the bodies of Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing.

Boom, boom!

The injuries of the two recovered quickly, and their aura continued to rise.

"Oh my God!"

"I... I'm going to break through the late stage of the Vientiane Realm!"

Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing were shocked!

Their cultivation base has already reached the late stage of the Vientiane Realm, and now they are rushing towards the peak of the Vientiane Realm under the infusion of the blood of the three Guiyuan Realm powerhouses.

Boom, boom!

After a while, the aura of the two reached the peak of the Vientiane Realm!

Jiang Tian originally wanted to promote the two of them directly to the Guiyuan Realm, but found that doing so was too risky and would do more harm than good to the two.

So he resolutely stopped, and left the follow-up advancement to the two of them to break through on their own.

"Wan... the peak of the Vientiane Realm!"

"Master, hey, returning to Yuanjing?"


After the infusion was over, Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing suddenly discovered that Jiang Tian's realm had entered the Yuanyuan realm.

Moreover, his aura is stronger than those of the Yuanyuan Realm of the Taichu Clan, and his cultivation level is obviously higher than those of them!

"That's right, after two months, I've reached the peak of Yuanyuan Realm!"

"Returning to the Yuan Realm... the peak?!"

"My God! The master is amazing!"

Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing were extremely shocked!

Two months ago, when Jiang Tian left Qingtian Realm for the first time to go to the Starfield Battlefield, his cultivation was still in the middle stage of Taixu Realm.

In just two months, he crossed two great realms and reached the peak of Guiyuan Realm!

Such a terrifying advancement speed is simply unheard of and appalling!

"My lord is too powerful. Even in the ancient books I have read, I have never heard of someone advancing so fast!"

"Master, I didn't expect you to achieve your goal in such a short period of time!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were so excited that they didn't know how to describe their feelings.

"You are only half a step away from the Yuanyuan Realm. There are still some remnants of the essence of the three powerhouses of the Absolute Beginning Clan. You need to digest it yourself. Go to retreat immediately and come to see me after entering the Yuanyuan Realm!"

"As you command!"

"Yes, Master!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to retreat according to Jiang Tian's instructions.

Return to the Yuan Realm!

Once entering that realm, the Qingtian Realm will have the background of a medium-level interface, which is initially comparable to a large-scale interface.

Not to mention the more than 100 interfaces around the coercion, but within the hundreds of interfaces in the surrounding area, it is also at the overlord level!

The two immediately entered the forbidden area of ​​the Dao League for retreat, and began to attack the gate of returning to the original state.

The reason why Jiang Tian didn't directly advance to the realm was mainly because the transformation from the Vientiane Realm to the Guiyuan Realm was too drastic, and relying on external forces alone to advance was a great hidden danger.

In order not to leave long-term hidden dangers, they can only rely on their own strength to digest the blood essence of the Absolute Beginners and break through the bottleneck.

"Subordinates pay homage to the Supreme Leader!"

"The disciple pays homage to the Supreme Leader!"


The crisis disappeared, and a large number of elders and disciples in the Qingtian Dao League rushed forward, kneeling down excitedly.

Jiang Tian scanned the audience with a heavy heart.

Ran Di, Tang Zixuan... and other Vientiane Realm elders are the backbone of the Dao League he cultivated two months ago.

But in the attack of the Absolute Beginning Clan, all of them fell.

There were more than 20 Vientiane realms before, but now there are only five or six people left including Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing.

"Clan of Absolute Beginning, wait for me, I will settle this account with you!"

Jiang Tian looked at the sky in the distance, his eyes seemed to pass through the vast starry sky, and cast his eyes on the distant Absolute Beginning Realm.

The cold light flashed in the eyes, and the murderous intent surged!

His grievances with the Absolute Beginning Clan have not lasted for a day or two. Originally, he did not want to go to the Absolute Beginning Realm to take revenge, but this time, he will not hesitate any longer.

Absolute Beginning Realm, you must go there!

Absolute Beginning Clan, we must make them pay the price!

A few days passed by.

Two loud bangs were heard in the forbidden area of ​​the Dao League. Qin Yao and Jin Tianxing both broke through and entered the early stage of returning to the original realm!

"very good!"

"From now on, I, Qingtian Daomeng, will have two Guiyuan Realm great powers!"

Jiang Tian looked towards the direction of the forbidden area, shouts of excitement echoed in the void.

Wherever the sound reached, the elders and disciples of the Taoist League were all moved and cheered like waves.

"Early stage of Guiyuan Realm!"

"Leader Jin and Deputy Leader Qin have both advanced!"

"From now on, our Qingtian Dao Alliance will also have the power of Guiyuan Realm!"

"From now on, the martial arts level of our Qingtian Realm will overwhelm the more than 100 surrounding interfaces, and even disdain the hundreds of nearby interfaces, and become the unyielding overlord of this area!"

Facing this grand occasion and recalling the tragedy and despair a few days ago, the elders and disciples cried with joy and their blood boiled.

After the advanced vision over there subsided, Jiang Tian immediately summoned the two of them.

"Leader Jin, Qin Yao, come to the hall quickly!"


"Subordinates pay homage to the Supreme Leader!"

"What is the master's order?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao came to Qingtian Hall, accompanied by a group of surviving Dao Alliance elders.

Jiang Tian said solemnly: "The boundary protection formation has been damaged in many places and must be repaired immediately!"

"What my lord said is very true. This matter was originally planned, but...just that there are not many treasures left to build the world-protecting formation, and there are not many materials to construct the auxiliary formation. I am afraid it will not be completed in a short time. This task." Jin Tianxing frowned, revealing the practical difficulties.

"Yes, Master. Especially this time, the powerful members of the Vientiane Realm in the alliance have suffered serious losses. I am afraid that the Dao Alliance will not be able to recover in a short period of time!"

Qin Yao looked dignified and sighed endlessly.

The attack by the five powerful Guiyuan Realm experts from the Taichu Realm caused heavy losses to the Qingtian Realm. Whether it was personnel or the realm-protecting formation, the losses were beyond imagination.

If Jiang Tian hadn't returned in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Facing the distress of the two, Jiang Tian was undoubtedly calm.

"Heavy treasures are not a problem, and the formation materials are more than enough!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and densely packed storage rings appeared in front of the two of them.


"Master, this...is this what you have achieved in the past two months?"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were shocked.

The number of these storage rings is more than what Jiang Tian took out before the last time he built the world-protecting formation.

Although the auras emitted are all strange, and there are even some other types of existence, all the auras are extraordinary, and they obviously come from martial arts masters with amazing strength.

"That's right! More than 80% of these storage rings come from the powerful masters of the Guiyuan realm, and only about 20% come from the warriors of the Myriad Phenomenon realm below the Guiyuan realm."

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