Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7710 baptism of all cultivators

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"Oh my God!"


Jiang Tian revealed the source of these trophies, which lifted Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao's spirits.

It also shocked the elders and disciples in front of the hall!

"The storage ring of the powerful Guiyuan Realm!"

"My God! What's in it... How valuable is it?"

"It's amazing, the Supreme Alliance Leader is amazing!"


In front of the Qingtian Hall, many elders and disciples raised their arms and shouted wildly, their blood boiling.

Jiang Tian went out for a trip and unexpectedly brought back so many storage rings belonging to powerful people in the Guiyuan Realm.

Although the contents inside have not yet been seen, there is no doubt that its value and level must be far superior to those that originally set up the world-protecting formation.

From this point of view, the foundation of Qingtian Dao Alliance has not decreased but increased, and has been greatly improved.

Just thinking about the death of more than a dozen powerful people in the Vientiane Realm, a shadow always hangs over everyone's hearts.

A dozen elders of the Vientiane Realm originally had the opportunity to grow to the peak of the Vientiane Realm, but they unfortunately fell because of the arrival of the strong men from the Taichu Clan.

Nowadays, Qingtian Realm has been reborn after a calamity, and its strength has become unprecedentedly powerful. It is really a gratifying and exciting thing.

"Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao, sort out these storage rings and fill the cultivation resources into the Dao Alliance treasure house!"

"The heavy treasures, formation equipment, etc. inside will be selected and used to repair and strengthen the boundary protection formation!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, master!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao immediately carried out the order and found a group of elders and core disciples to sort out these cultivation resources.

Looking at the busy scene of everyone, Jiang Tian's thoughts were turbulent, and he suddenly remembered the two former maids - Wei Feng and Wei Yu!

Once upon a time, all the storage rings he captured would be handed over to the two sisters for disposal.

But now, one of the two sisters has died and the other is separated, and there is no news yet.

"Wei Feng..." Jiang Tian couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart when he thought of the calm and steady Wei Feng.

For him, this is an irreparable regret, and he blames himself every time he thinks about it.

And this self-confidence made him more and more concerned about Wei Yu's situation.

Wei Yu, who was once protected and scolded by Wei Feng, was outspoken and willful. After experiencing the great changes caused by the death of her loved ones, where is she now and what is her situation?

Jiang Tian had no way of judging all of this and could only pray that one day in the future, he would meet Wei Yu again and ask her about her experiences during the separation.

"Wei Yu, take care of yourself. For Wei Feng, you must live strong. I believe that one day we will meet again in the future!"

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath and returned his thoughts to reality.

With a wave of his right hand, he took out another batch of storage rings.

The aura of these storage rings is higher than that of the previous batch, all of them are amazing!

"Jin Tianxing, Qin Yao!"

"The subordinates are here!"

"These storage rings are all from the peak of the Guiyuan Realm. I have checked the contents. They will be of great help to your cultivation. I leave them to you!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you master!"

Boom, boom!

The two were shocked and ecstatic, and quickly thanked Jiang Tian.

"In addition to these, I have also prepared another batch of storage rings for the powerful Guiyuan Realm masters!"



The two were stunned!

Jiang Tian first took out a large number of storage rings to repair and strengthen the boundary protection formation.

Then they were given a batch of storage rings to use for improving their cultivation.

Now I have taken out a batch of storage rings. What is the purpose?

"Calm down! This batch of storage rings is to cultivate more masters of the Vientiane Realm for the Dao Alliance, and even great masters of the Guiyuan Realm!"

"I see!"

"The subordinate understands!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao looked at each other with enthusiasm in their eyes.

Jiang Tian's plan was indeed profound and far-reaching, and it did not only look at the immediate interests, which made them extremely convinced.

"The Qingtian Dao Alliance must not only have you two in the Guiyuan realm, but if you want to give birth to more Guiyuan realms, you must first cultivate enough Vientiane realms. The previous batch of storage rings were to enhance the Vientiane realm. These, It is to elevate the Wanxiang Realm and give birth to more of my Return to Origin Realm!"

"My subordinate understands!"

"Master Shengming!"

The two were so excited that they accepted the storage rings.

Jiang Tian returned this time and brought back a shocking amount of cultivation resources.

These resources are enough for Qingtian Dao Alliance to use for a while.

"The work at hand has not yet been completed. I may leave again within a month at most. During this period, you and I will do our best to improve the cultivation of the elders and disciples of the Changdao Alliance!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, master!"

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao were extremely excited. Thinking that they could work with Jiang Tian to create batches of powerful people in the Vientiane Realm, and even newbies to create seedlings in the Guiyuan Realm, they could no longer calm down.

“Without further ado, let’s get started!”

"Yes, my lord!"

"All elders and disciples listen to the order and gather immediately in front of Qingtian Palace to receive the baptism of the Supreme Alliance Leader!"

"Subordinates obey!"

"Disciple, obey!"


In an instant, many elders and disciples swarmed in and gathered in front of the Qingtian Dao Alliance's main hall.

Jiang Tian teamed up with Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao to baptize all the elders and disciples with the will of the three of them returning to the original state.

Their baptism is an out-and-out great opportunity for everyone.

Especially Jiang Tian!

He is now a terrifying existence at the peak of Guiyuan Realm, and his cultivation and combat power are far beyond the level of Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao.

Even if it is just a will of martial arts, it is a rare opportunity for everyone.

"Return to the Origin Realm Will, activate!"


Boom, boom!

Jin Tianxing and Qin Yao took the lead in launching the breath of returning to the original state.

In an instant, the will of martial arts at the early stage of Guiyuan Realm filled the void, covering a large number of elders and disciples present.

Rumble, buzz, boom!

Under the shadow of the intersection of two wills, the blood and spiritual power of many elders and disciples began to fluctuate.

The cultivation aura also fluctuated violently.

This is a normal reaction of the martial arts will, which means that they have been stirred up by the breath of Guiyuanjing, and there is a spiritual reaction.

Not long after, a violent roar came out!


"Oh my God! I...I broke through!"

"I also feel the opportunity to advance!"

"I seem to be getting there too, but... it's just a little bit closer!"


Before he finished speaking, Jin Tianxing strengthened his martial arts will.

The powerful coercion swept through the void, and the warrior who was stuck in the bottleneck just now had an instant comprehension, his cultivation broke through the limit, and he opened the advanced channel.


Qin Yao is also constantly increasing her pressure, releasing her own coercion layer by layer.

Many master female cultivators deeply feel her will. As female cultivators, their cultivation base atmosphere is relatively more intimate and less estranged.

Boom, boom, boom!

In an instant, these nuns also showed advanced reactions one after another.

After two or three hours, as many as hundreds of people have made breakthroughs to varying degrees, and more people have reaped benefits to varying degrees, and their strength has increased significantly.

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