Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7722 Jinluo Sky Net, World-Destroying Soul Light

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From now on, the interface where Star Lotus Temple is located may even fall into destruction.

But what if we don’t?

Are you going to let Xinglian take advantage of this outsider in vain?

Realizing their situation, everyone no longer struggled in their hearts, because there was no way out of this fate that they could not escape.

"The master of this temple is incompetent, I'm sorry to everyone!"

The master of Xinglian Temple forms a seal with his hands to activate a certain magic formula.

The next moment, a huge net suddenly appeared in the void around Xinglian Temple, emitting dazzling golden light and covering it wildly.

"Hahahaha! I have finally waited for this day. Xinglian is mine!"


The giant golden net suddenly shrouded down, covering the entire Xinglian Temple station.

The Master of Xinglian Temple, a group of elders, and Jiang Tian were also shrouded in it without any surprise.

"Who is it?" Xinglian Temple Master's expression suddenly changed and he looked up into the sky.

Above the golden net, a group of figures in golden robes suddenly appeared.

"He is a strong man from Jinluo Sect!"

"Damn, why are they?"

"It's broken, it's over now!"

The elders were horrified, and the expression on the face of the Star Lotus Temple Master was extremely ugly.

Jiang Tian had already put them in dire straits, but now there were a group of strong men from the Jinluo Sect who had coveted them for a long time.

This puts them in a completely desperate situation!

"Detonate the Star Lotus and die with them!"

"Guanzhu, hurry up!"

At this moment, the elders realized the dangerous situation and were already more anxious than the viewer himself.

Under the pressure of two powerful enemies, if they don't act more decisively, they may lose the chance to die.

"Xinglian, explode for me!"

Boom, boom!

The aura of the Star Lotus Temple Master surged, he kneaded the seals with his hands, and suddenly began to detonate the Star Lotus!


"Jinluo Tianwang, give it to me!"


Amidst the violent shouts, the golden sky net descended wildly, and terrifying pressure descended. The elders of Xinglian Temple were knocked down like raindrops from the sky.

This power penetrated directly into the ground and directly bombarded Xinglian's body.

Prior to this, Xinglian had already lost nearly 50% of his strength in order to fight against Jiang Tian.

Now facing the impact of the Jinluo Sky Net formation, they were immediately at a disadvantage. They could only support themselves forcefully and were unable to launch a counterattack.

"Damn it! God is going to destroy our Star Lotus Temple!"

The master of Xinglian Temple looked up to the sky and shouted wildly, his eyes weeping with blood.

If he had made a decision earlier, he would have had the opportunity to detonate the Star Lotus and kill both of them.

But now, under the cover of Jinluo Sky Net, even self-destruction has become a luxury.

Xinglian's aura, which had reached the critical point, was forcibly suppressed by the huge power of Jinluo Tianwang and was unable to complete its self-destruction.

"Hahahaha, Xinglian, why don't you bring it to me?"


The golden-robed strong man in mid-air roared crazily and couldn't wait to collect the Star Lotus.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he saw an extremely abrupt figure suspended in the air, catching his eyes like a nail.

"The pinnacle of Guiyuan Realm!"

"No! You are not from Xinglian Temple. Who are you?"

The old man in gold robe shouted sternly and condescendingly.

"The person who captured the Star Lotus!" Jiang Tian said coldly.

"Arrogant! Die!"


The golden-robed old man waved his hand, and a dozen or so late-stage Guiyuan Realm powerhouses around him rushed out and besieged Jiang Tian.

"Destroy the world soul light, destroy it for me!"


The silver soul ring suddenly swayed away, and more than a dozen golden-robed strong men perished in an instant!

Hiss, wow!

The expressions of the elders of Xinglian Temple changed in shock. Only then did they realize that the other party's methods were so terrifying.

Obviously, in the confrontation just now, the opponent had already held back.

Otherwise, how can they survive?

"This...is this the world-destroying soul light?"

The leader of Xinglian Temple was also shocked!

The other party actually possesses the incredible means of destroying the world's soul light, and that is a legendary heavenly soul master.

It is said that an existence like the Heavenly Soul Master can kill people invisible.

Just a thought can kill a large number of powerful people of the same level or even those who have surpassed the level.

When I saw it today, it turned out to be true!

"Jinluo Tianwang, suppress him!"


The golden-robed old man in mid-air was so fearful that he did not bother to seize the Star Lotus, and immediately activated the Jinluo Sky Net to suppress Jiang Tian.

"Void Immortal Realm, give me control!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the Void Immortal Realm appeared in mid-air, suppressing the golden-robed old man until he could not move.



The old man in gold robe took a deep breath and felt the breath of death.

The next moment, before he could react, his body was crushed by the power of the Immortal Realm.

Seeing all this, the Master of Xinglian Temple was horrified!

The methods of this powerful foreigner were completely beyond his imagination.

He was no longer powerless and did not dare to stop the other party.

At this moment, Jiang Tian had also escaped underground and arrived in the Xinglian Forbidden Land.


Looking at the turbulent Xinglian in front of him, Jiang Tian's face turned gloomy.

If it were any later, Xinglian would probably be destroyed.

Now, he did not dare to hesitate at all and decisively called out Lian'er.

"Swallow it!"


Lian'er displayed a thousand-foot-long lotus body, spinning rapidly and falling towards the Xinglian whose aura was turbulent.


The two Daolians began to fuse, and because Lian'er had already fused with the Kunlun Daolian, her aura was stronger than that of Xinglian whose strength had fallen.

In an instant, he suppressed the opponent and launched a comprehensive fusion and devouring.

Buzzing, booming!

Violent noises came out one after another, and Jiang Tian watched all this quietly.

An hour later, the fusion was completed.

Lian'er's aura has grown significantly stronger, and her voice has also become more powerful.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I'm fine!"

"Okay, let's go!"

Bah, buzz, boom!

The purple thunder pattern was opened, and Jiang Tian and Lian Er left this world.

After a while, he returned to Empress Fuyao.

"Swallowing two Daolians one after another, the speed is quite fast."

Empress Fuyao blinked her beautiful eyes, but her face was extremely calm.

"Next one, follow me!"


The light of the stars shone again, and the two of them disappeared without a trace.

Not long after, they came to another starry sky.

There is only one interface here, but it is bigger than any interface Jiang Tian has seen before.

This place is filled with extremely thick earth-attribute spiritual power, and it is an earth-yellow super-large interface.

There is also a huge khaki ring surrounding it, which looks like a huge straw hat stretching across the starry sky from a distance.

"There is an earth-attribute Taoist Lotus here, go and swallow it!"


Bah, buzz, boom!

The void formation was unfolded again, and Jiang Tian and Lian'er came directly to this large interface.

When Fang showed up, he was shocked!

Boom, click!

The void was filled with violent earth-attributed spiritual energy storms, covering the entire interface, making the interior appear dim and dark.

"What a huge interface with earth attributes. The Daolian born here must be extraordinary!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

Before he could finish his words, a huge khaki-colored hand suddenly appeared around him.

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