Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7723 Five-element suppression, super large interface!

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Jiang Tian's expression changed, and just as he was about to dodge, the terrifying big hand suddenly merged.

And he and Lian'er, who were in the palm of this giant hand, were caught off guard and imprisoned in it.


Jiang Tian slammed both fists together, and hit the fairy dragon crit.

The berserk force tore apart the earth attribute barrier, blasting a big hole in the void in front of it, and took Lian Er out, but was directly moved to another void by a berserk force.


Jiang Tian's expression changed!

Immediately start the phantom inspection, and you will be stunned!

Originally, he and Lian'er didn't rush out of the control of the big khaki hand, they just blasted a huge hole out of the palm of the big hand.

And the merged one hundred thousand feet big hand is leading them to the other side at a fast speed.

The speed is so fast that it is not far behind his large array of transforming space.

"It's amazing power. There is something special about this large earth attribute interface!"

Jiang Tian didn't panic, but waited silently.

He wants to see what this big hand is going to do.

In the blink of an eye!


The movement of the big khaki hand suddenly stopped and stopped in a certain void.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying black hole, no, it should be said to be a yellow hole opened.

The big hand that imprisoned them started to move again, throwing them towards the open yellow hole.

"I see!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened.

This is an unimaginably terrifying giant, or a huge terrifying beast, trying to devour him and Lian'er together.

"Empty Transformation Formation, get up!"

Hum rumble!

Crack, crack!

He originally wanted to activate the Great Transformation Formation to escape, but he didn't expect that the formation pattern would be torn apart by a domineering force just after it emerged.

"Earth attribute spiritual power, suppressed by the five elements!"

A strange light appeared in Jiang Tian's eyes.

Earth is the master of the five elements and can suppress the power of the five elements.

Although the power of the Great Formation of Dissolving Space is not the pure power of the five elements, it is difficult to completely transcend the category of the power of the five elements.

Therefore, it is still suppressed by the laws of the earth system.

"Void Immortal Territory, go up!"


Jiang Tian decisively opened the Void Immortal Realm, and blasted towards the opposite yellow hole.

Click... Boom!


A painful roar came out, and the huge hand that had been opened by a hundred thousand feet closed again with a loud bang, and threw one person and one lotus down fiercely.

Boom, boom!

One person and one lotus fell sharply!

In order to prevent Lian'er from being injured, Jiang Tian teleported to her side several times one after another, and waved away her body of Dao Lian.

Choose to face this powerful enemy with one force!

"Earth attribute spiritual power, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, and he directly opened the star sword body!

The power of the star sword body is mainly the power of the stars, but the power of the stars is basically the same as the spiritual power of the earth attribute, but it is stronger and stronger than the spiritual power of the earth attribute.

Therefore, as a star sword body, he is not afraid of encountering this powerful earth spirit power.

"Star Sword Field, give me the town!"


The Star Sword Field unfolded again, blasting towards the giant hand of a hundred thousand feet.

But its covering range can only cover one finger of this giant hand.

Crack... Rumble!

Under the frantic strangulation of the Star Sword Field, the giant yellow fingers were shattered inch by inch.

Jiang Tian found out that this is not a good way.

After all, this giant yellow hand has five fingers, and it takes a lot of effort for him to smash one, but it is still easy for the opponent to fight back.

With this in mind, Jiang Tian decisively urged Jianyu to explode.




Amidst the terrifying roar, the self-exploding Star Sword Field instantly destroyed the huge yellow hand.


The powerful existence hidden in the yellow storm on the opposite side let out a furious roar, and in an instant, another giant palm bombarded it.

Squeak, squeak... Boom!

Wherever the giant palm went, terrifying earth-yellow lightning burst out from the void!

This is an earth-type thunderbolt generated by the friction of earth-type spiritual power. Although it doesn't look so eye-catching, its power is equally astonishing.

Jiang Tian's eyes suddenly brightened!

With the body of real thunder, this is the first time he has seen this kind of thunder force.

And the power is so majestic, absolutely not to be missed.

"The body of real thunder, swallow it for me!"

Bark, boom!

Jiang Tian directly activated the technique of thunder escape, and instantly came to the yellow thunder and lightning, and swallowed it into his body.

Bark, rumble!

The moment the thunder and lightning entered his body, Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated and improved.

"Earth-type lightning, earth-type spiritual power, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian didn't hesitate any longer, and he really started to swallow the void crazily.

Boom, click, crack!

A stream of earth-yellow lightning appeared densely, and strands of earth-attribute spiritual power were swallowed into his body.

Propelling his aura to rise again and again!

"Huh? The Tyrannosaurus Immortal Body changes!"

Feeling the abnormal movement of the Balong Immortal Body, Jiang Tian's heart suddenly trembled!

He thought that devouring these earth spiritual powers would lead to the transformation of the star sword body, but he didn't expect that the Tyrant Dragon Immortal Body would change first.


Accompanied by a terrifying dragon chant resounding in his body, a majestic and terrifying aura spread out.

Forcibly swaying away the earth spirit storm within a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet!

The Tyrannosaurus Immortal Physique transformed rapidly, reaching a certain limit!

"Peak of Tyrannosaurus Immortal Physique!"

Jiang Tian clenched his fists tightly, his body filled with unprecedented power.

The Tyrant Dragon Immortal Physique is divided into upper, middle, and lower stages. When he entered the Guiyuan Realm in the forbidden area of ​​Xuanshen Valley, he had already reached the latter stage.

At this moment, he has reached the peak state, which really surprised him.

"What kind of transformation will be ushered in in the next step?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and he couldn't wait to feel the transformation of his physical body.

But he knows that it is not hot enough now, and he needs to wait patiently for the opportunity to advance.

Click... Boom!

Suddenly there was a violent sound of thunder in the body, bringing Jiang Tian's thoughts back to reality.

"The body of real thunder!"

Jiang Tian's eyes sparkled again.

This time, it was due to the change of the real thunder body.

After devouring a large amount of earth-type lightning, the power of the real thunder body also increased significantly.

Before that, he had almost never been in contact with earth-type lightning. This time, the devouring made his own lightning power change a lot.

The most obvious effect is the evolution of the real thunder body, whose power has reached an unprecedented level!


Jiang Tian clenched his fists violently, and thunderbolts exploded between his fingers and palms. The violent thunderbolts bloomed wantonly, and the void collapsed and annihilated layer by layer!

"The power of earth attribute lightning is so strong?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

The body of real thunder was already extremely powerful, but after fusing a large amount of earth-type lightning, the power shocked even himself.

There is no doubt that coming to this super-large interface this time is a huge improvement for him.

At this moment, he was so blessed that he swung his five fingers forward!


A 100,000-meter thunder formation suddenly appeared, and the terrifying thunder resounded through the void, and the terrifying thunder power blasted towards the 100,000-foot earth-yellow giant hand on the opposite side.

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