Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7734 The Purple Sky Divine Bamboo Shows Its Power

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Jiang Tian holds the Purple Sky Divine Bamboo in his hand, ready for battle!

At this moment, Lian'er has soared to a size of one hundred thousand feet, and the aura of the huge lotus body is surging, exerting pressure on the lotus of Yinhuo Dao.

"With such a complex aura, how many Daolians have you devoured?"

Yinhuo Daolian's voice revealed deep shock, but more excitement and fanaticism.

Daolian's destiny is to devour each other, and grow cruelly through this process.

Now that someone of the same kind who has devoured several Daolian came to the door, it is of course a great opportunity for it.

"I swallowed six flowers before, and you will be the seventh flower!"

"Six flowers? Hahahaha, yes, but your idea is ridiculous. I won't be the seventh flower you devour, you will be the first flower I devour!"


The yin fire soared, and the lotus body of the yin fire Daolian instantly reached hundreds of thousands of feet, and the huge black lotus petals covered the lotus from bottom to top, forming a terrifying formation.

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's expression changed!

Although he was cautious again and again, there was still a huge change similar to that of the wood system Daolian.

In terms of strength and background alone, Yinhuo Daolian may not be able to compare with Wood Daolian, but in terms of insidiousness and deceit, it is definitely better!

"Lian'er, how are you?"

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​don't worry, I can easily destroy the mere Yin Huo Dao Lian!"

Lian'er's confident voice came out, which relieved Jiang Tian's heart.

But the next moment, his face suddenly darkened, and his eyes turned cold!

"What a Yinhuo Daolian, she has such abilities!"

"Jie Jie! Did you find out, so what?"

It turned out that the voice did not come from Lian Er, but an imitation of Yin Huo Dao Lian!

If Jiang Tian hadn't been so alert, he would have almost been fooled by it.

At this moment, Yinhuo Daolian has cut off his connection with Lian'er, and neither his voice nor his spiritual thoughts can penetrate.

"Handeye, open!"


The purple waves were rippling, but what Jiang Tian saw was a chaotic scene, and it was difficult to effectively distinguish the situation inside.

It is even more impossible to accurately judge Lian'er's situation.

But there is no doubt that Lian Er must be in a very dangerous situation at this moment!

"I can't wait any longer, Zixiao Shenzhu, break it open for me!"


Jiang Tian pushed hard, and the purple thunder ring on the surface of Zixiao Shenzhu suddenly flew out, and blasted towards the lotus petals of Yinhuo Daolian.

"Well, what is this?"


There was a roar, and the purple thunder ring shattered a black petal with a blow.

Yinhuo Daolian's aura was turbulent, and he became furious instantly!

"The hateful human race has a magic weapon to restrain Ben Daolian, so I will swallow it with you!"


The aura of Yinhuo Daolian skyrocketed, and black lotus petals suddenly appeared behind Jiang Tian, ​​wrapping him involuntarily.

"Extremely arrogant!"

Jiang Tian scolded angrily and once again urged the Zixiao Divine Bamboo to suppress it.


The purple thunder ring rippled, and the black lotus petals that had just rushed in front of it collapsed.

"Damn! You can't even think about changing the world in this Daolian's territory!"

Yinhuo Daolian was extremely arrogant. Even if he suffered defeat twice in a row, he still did not take Jiang Tian seriously.


With a violent roar, a ball of black fire swept over and swallowed Jiang Tian involuntarily.

"Jie Jie! Hahaha, you stupid human race, you are really seeking death for going against my Yinhuo Daolian!"

Daolian let out a wild and strange laugh, as if he had seen the death of Jiang Tian.

But the next moment, the yin fire it condensed disappeared out of thin air!

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"



The power of space swept through, and the Yin Fire was swallowed into Jiang Tian's body without any obvious backlash.

"How is it possible that you can swallow the Yin Fire of this Daolian?"

Yinhuo Daolian was shocked!

Its yin fire is so powerful that even Daolian's kind can hardly resist it. This human being can swallow it safely in one bite, which is simply astonishing.

"Is this what you are capable of, nothing more than that!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

Thanks to the powerful power of the Void Swallowing Technique and his super understanding of the spiritual power of fire, he is not afraid of the backlash of Yin Fire.

On the contrary, after this ball of yin fire entered his belly, it gave him a cold feeling, which was quite comfortable.

For him who controls the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire, this feeling is not too special.

But it made him see the possibility of further transformation of Xuanbing Forbidden Fire!

It's just that the purpose of his coming here is to resurrect Lian'er, so he can't make any more actions for the time being.

"Lian'er, how are you?"

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I'm fine, give me a little more time!"

Jiang Tian's action relieved Lian'er's huge pressure.

At this moment, her aura surged, and she turned against the guest and launched a fierce attack.

The huge lotus body blooms with five-color lotus petals, spins rapidly, and releases the five-color lotus charm to suppress the opponent.


Faced with the joint pressure of one person and one lotus, Yinhuo Daolian was helplessly at a disadvantage.

Pieces of black petals began to collapse, turning into black light and pouring into Lian'er's lotus body.

When all the petals collapsed, Lian'er's five-color lotus petals turned downwards, covering it and swallowing it forcefully.


The violent roaring continued, and an hour later, Lian'er's devouring came to an end.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​hurry up!"


Hearing Lian'er's call, Jiang Tian looked forward.

I saw that nine out of ten of the Yinhuo Daolian's body had been removed, but there was still a Baizhang lotus platform left.

This Baizhang lotus platform is like a huge black bowl, and the purest lotus liquid essence is stored in it!

"Bloodline swallowing, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian raised his arms together, and directly unfolded his blood devouring talent, devouring it into his body.

At the same time, he mobilized the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire and merged with it.

"Xuanbing Forbidden Fire, melt!"

Boom, boom!

The two forces merged in Jiang Tian's body, and the aura of the Xuanbing Forbidden Fire rose rapidly, reaching an unprecedented height.

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was extremely excited.

After devouring the Yinhuo Daolian, he immediately opened the Great Array of Transforming Space and took Lian'er away from this star field.



Empress Fuyao waved her hand, and the light of the stars filled the air, and Jiang Tian and Lian Er came to another star field.

Boom, boom!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and the place was filled with unimaginable hurricanes. The terrifying power was enough to tear apart the physical bodies of the peak Guiyuan Realm experts and destroy every piece of imperial-level magic weapon.

"What a terrifying wind law!"

A solemn look flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes.

He has all kinds of super physiques such as Tyrannosaurus Immortal Physique and Void Immortal Domain, so he is naturally not afraid of the invasion of these wind laws.

But Lian'er is different. Firstly, her lotus body is relatively large, and secondly, she is at the critical moment of resurrection, so she cannot tolerate any mistakes.

"The Void Immortal Realm is rising!"


Jiang Tian unfolded the Void Immortal Realm, enveloping him and Lian'er together, trying to isolate the invasion of the wind law.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared!

The wind law ignored the obstruction of the Void Immortal Realm and swept directly towards him.

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