Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7735--Andrew Devouring the Law of Wind

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"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed, and he immediately activated the large array of transformation and tried to take Lian'er to teleport to avoid it.

But at the same time as the purple thunder pattern manifested, it was torn apart by the powerful wind law and collapsed inch by inch.

"Lian'er, hide for a while!"

Jiang Tian was going to take Lian'er into the Zixuan Realm to temporarily avoid this terrible change.

But he found that Lian'er didn't seem to be afraid.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​don't be nervous, I can handle this wind element law!"


Jiang Tian was surprised.

I saw that Lian'er released the rhyme of Dao Lian, which turned into layers of ripples and spread outward, which actually blocked the invasion of the wind law.

Buzzing, booming!

The laws of the wind system swayed one after another, and the moment it touched the rhyme of Daolian, the speed dropped sharply, turning into a slow rhythm like water waves.

"not simple!"

Jiang Tian's heart relaxed, and he let out a sullen breath.

Lian'er's strength surprised him. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that Lian'er was no longer the same Lian'er as before.

Instead, it devoured the powerful existence of the seven Daolians one after another!

Except that it has not yet re-formed, its power has actually reached an unprecedented level.

They are all safe and sound in the face of the powerful metal-type laws, violent wood-type laws, and water-type laws. Now they should not have too many problems dealing with the wind-type laws.

Among the five elements, wind and thunder belong to wood. Although the power of the wind element is as famous as thunder, fire, and metal, it is not impossible to restrain.

Especially for Lian'er, who has fused with the Golden Dao Lotus, it shouldn't be a problem.

"Golden Lotus Daoyun, open!"

Hum, boom!

Lian'er's aura changed abruptly, and the violent golden lotus rhyme suddenly swung away, sweeping forward.

Wherever he went, the seemingly powerful wood system laws regressed layer by layer, and were instantly suppressed.

But Jiang Tian noticed that the range covered by the golden lotus rhyme is only within a hundred thousand feet.

The vast expanse of starry sky a hundred thousand feet away is still covered by the law of the wind system, showing a strong home field advantage.

"How dare you break into the territory of my wind-type Daolian, I will tear you apart!"

Rumble, squeak... squeak!

The deep roar resounded through the starry sky, and the wind-type Daolian relied on its strong home field advantage to launch a frenzied siege.

"You are not my opponent, give up resistance!"

Lian'er was full of confidence, her words were full of arrogance, and she was not afraid of the opponent's counterattack.

"Dream, this is my territory, you die!"


The atmosphere above the starry sky changed suddenly, and a phantom of a huge lotus hundreds of thousands of feet condensed out.

Its lotus body looked extremely illusory, but Jiang Tian's expression changed suddenly!

For other Daolians, such an illusory lotus body can only show that the background is insufficient, but for the wind-type Daolian, this is purely a normal phenomenon.

The law of the wind element is an illusory existence, but its power cannot be ignored.

After a storm, tearing the void is easy!

"No matter how big your lotus body is, it will be futile!"

Lian'er sneered, and transformed into a lotus body of a hundred thousand feet, rushing towards the opponent.



Terrible roar resounded through the starry sky, and the two dao lotus burst out with terrifying lotus rhyme, striking and fighting each other.

Jiang Tian really wanted to help Lian'er, but Lian'er didn't ask him for help, and she didn't seem to be at a disadvantage.

He had no choice but to hold back his temper and wait and see.

"Arrogant outsider! Do you really think you can break Ben Lian's wind law? This will tear you apart!"


Accompanied by a furious roar, wind blades as tall as one hundred thousand feet cut through the starry sky, slashing and falling.

"Hiss! Not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion suddenly changed!

The size of the wind blade and the strength of its aura are even more terrifying than the Chixue Sword Essence that he pushed with all his strength.

Can Lian'er's lotus body really withstand such a blow?

"Golden Lotus Dao Yun, go up again!"

Click... Boom!

Before Jinlian Daoyun reached its peak, it was torn apart by several crazily falling wind blades.

Although Jinlian Daoyun can restrain the laws of the wind system, there is a limit after all.

At this time, the power of the wind blade condensed by the wind-type Daolian has greatly exceeded the level of the Golden Lotus Daoyun, so it was crushed with one blow.

Faced with this berserk scene, Daolian of the Wind Element couldn't stop laughing wildly.

"Hahahaha! What's going on now, what qualifications do you have for being arrogant, just die!"


Lian'er sneered, and ignored the collapsed Jinlian Daoyun.

Then the breath changed drastically, releasing another kind of dao rhyme!

"Earth lotus rhyme, rise!"


"What? You devoured the earth-type Daolian, that's bad!"

Wind Daolian was taken aback!

Earth is the master of the five elements and can suppress the power of the five elements.

Although the law of the wind system is powerful, it does not transcend the scope of the five elements.

The earth lotus dao rhyme contains a powerful law of the earth system. Once the power of the two laws collides, the law of the wind system will fall into a disadvantage and be defeated layer by layer.

"Damn! Hold on to me!"

The wind-element dao lotus frenziedly urged hundreds of thousands of feet of lotus body, condensing pieces of wind-element lotus petals to wrap downwards, trying to repel the earth lotus dao rhyme just like repelling the golden lotus dao rhyme.

But this time, it miscalculated!

Boom, boom!

Earth lotus daoyun erupted with earth-yellow divine light, crushing the power of the wind law layer by layer, and pieces of wind-type lotus petals exploded, turning into violent winds and scattering in all directions, smashing into an army.

"Damn... no!"

Dao Lian of the wind system let out a terrified roar, seeing that she was invincible, she felt like retreating.

With its wind talent, it is actually not difficult to retreat, as long as it leaves here and finds another place to stay, it will not take long to recover.

Wait until after the transformation, or even reach a higher level, and then look for the other party to avenge, and then you will definitely be able to capture it without any effort.

However, how can Lian Er, who is under the pressure of resurrection, let the other party escape?

Once the goal of the wind-type Daolian is missed, the road to resurrection is bound to be unpredictable, and the future is unpredictable.

"You can't go!"

Hum, boom!

Lian'er yelled violently, and the lotus body of a hundred thousand feet grew rapidly again, reaching hundreds of thousands of feet in an instant.

Pieces of lotus petals suddenly opened, without any explanation, they enveloped the wind-element dao lotus.

After being consumed layer by layer, the body of the wind-type dao lotus, which was originally hundreds of thousands of feet long, has shrunk by 30% at this moment, and was imprisoned by Lian'er without any accident.

The lotus petals on the edge even wrap Jiang Tian in it.

"No... let me out, let me go!"

"Swallow! Fusion for me!"


Lian'er's aura soared, she devoured the wind-type dao lotus with all her strength, and forcibly merged.

Boom... Boom!

Unwilling to perish, the wind-type dao lotus launched a crazy counterattack, setting off an unprecedented wind-type law storm among Lian'er's hundreds of thousands of feet of lotus body.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​help me!"


Jiang Tianzheng had this intention, but he was worried that his rash action would interfere with Lian Er.

Now that Lian'er asked for help, she no longer hesitated.

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"


Once the Void Swallowing Art was unfolded, he swallowed the storm of wind law that filled the void with big mouthfuls.

The spiritual power of the five elements that pushed him to rise accordingly.

Hum, rumble!

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