Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7736 The Ninth Daolian——Space Law!

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"What a wind element law!"

Jiang Tian's breath was turbulent, the purple light all over his body was fluctuating, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was extremely excited.

He and Lian'er competed to devour the power of the wind-element Dao Lian.

The wind-type dao lotus itself does not have a substantial lotus body like Lian'er, and the entire body is condensed by the wind-type law.

In its early days, it had a substantial lotus body.

And with the continuous growth and advancement, it has already got rid of the shackles of the real lotus body, and has completely transformed into a body of the law of the wind system.

The advantage of doing this is that you are not bound by your body, and you can almost achieve immortality.

But it's a pity that it met Lian'er and Jiang Tian, ​​a terrifying combination, watching to be swallowed.

"No... I am a wind-type Daolian, a spiritual creature of heaven and earth... I am unwilling!"


After a long time, the wind-element Daolian wailed unwillingly, and the huge lotus body completely collapsed.

The law of the wind system was unable to maintain it, and it turned into countless storms and shot wildly inside Lian'er's lotus body, tearing layers of void.

"The collapse of the lotus body can also cause such a violent vision, the law of the wind system is really powerful!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian continued to use the swallowing formula to devour crazily.

Boom, boom!

Group after group of law storms were swallowed into his body, causing his own wind power to undergo a sharp transformation.

The five elements are originally a whole, every change will change, and one is strong and the other is strong!

Driven by the rapid transformation of the wind spirit power, the entire five-element system of wood, fire, earth, metal, and water has been fully sublimated, reaching an unprecedented level!

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian roared to the sky, extremely excited.

This resurrection journey not only allowed Lian Er to receive unprecedented nourishment, but also gave him unimaginable benefits.

Although there is no breakthrough in the realm for the time being, after the next breakthrough, there will definitely be a huge surprise waiting for him!

"Lian'er, hurry up!"

Jiang Tian is not a selfish person, lest his devouring will affect Lian Er.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​don't worry, the power of the wind element Daolian is extremely huge, and I can't refine all of them."

"That's good!"


Jiang Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and even used the Tunxu formula to devour it crazily.

One person and one lotus launched a special contest, which took half a day to swallow up the law storm left by the wind-type lotus.

"Eight flowers, only the last one!"

Jiang Tian stared at Lian'er's recovered lotus body, feeling an unprecedented powerful aura, and his heart was extremely excited.

Before Lian'er was resurrected, there was only the last Dao Lian left!

He was extremely looking forward to the scene of Lian'er's resurrection, to make up for the guilt and regret in his heart.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​I'm looking forward to it too!" Lian Er was also full of longing.

"Let's go!"

Bark, buzz!

The purple thunder pattern suddenly appeared, and one person and one lotus disappeared into the starry sky and returned to the Empress Fuyao.

"Smoothly devour eight dao lotus, yes, come with me!"

Empress Fuyao nodded expressionlessly, and then released the light of the stars, leading them away from the starry sky.

After a while, they came to a strange starry sky.



Both Jiang Tian and Lian Er were stunned!

This place looks empty, there is nothing, what did Empress Fuyao bring them here?

Jiang Tian stared at Empress Fuyao, a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

This woman, isn't she playing some crooked idea?

Empress Fuyao remained expressionless with indifferent eyes.

"You two, don't you see anything weird?"


Hearing this, Jiang Tian scanned the starry sky again.

At the beginning, I didn't feel any difference, but after a while, the corners of my eyes shrank sharply, and my heart was shocked!

"The law of space, what a strange power!"

"Finally I see it." Empress Fuyao had a sneer on her face, as if she was very disdainful.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​what's the situation?" Lian Er was still confused.

"Let her talk." Jiang Tian didn't answer, and threw the question to Fuyao.

"That's right! This is a special starry sky filled with special laws of space, and the Daolian bred here is the Daolian of space!"

"Law of Space, Space Daolian!"

Lian Er was taken aback!

Compared with the most common five-element spiritual power, and even the rarer wind and thunder spiritual power derived from the five-element spiritual power, spatial spiritual power is a higher-level existence.

Warriors with this kind of strength can often crush their peers in strength, and they can occupy a great advantage in actual combat.

It can be described as unique!

"Brother Jiang Tian..." Lian'er couldn't help being a little nervous while she was excited.

The power of space is extremely strange to her, and she is a little afraid.

"It's okay, I will do my best to help you!"

Jiang Tian himself is from the Immortal Realm of the Void, and he has such a powerful method as the Void Transformation Formation, he is more calm and confident than Lian Er.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Lian'er and Jiang Tian immediately fled into this star field and began to search.

Their figures quickly disappeared in front of Empress Fuyao.

Empress Fuyao leaned on the throne of stars, with her legs crossed, a bunch of emerald green grapes exuding glittering and translucent brilliance appeared in her hands at some point, and she ate them leisurely.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I'll wait for you, heck!"


In the space star field, Jiang Tian and Lian Er repeatedly escaped, but they had already lost their way.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​what's the situation?" Lian Er felt very uncomfortable.

"This is caused by the power of the law of space. This starry sky is the home field of Daolian in space. We are within its power range. It is completely normal to have this kind of reaction."

"Then how can we find Space Daolian?" Lian'er became more and more guilty.

In this space, even Jiang Tian lost her sense of direction, making it even more difficult for her.

"Don't be nervous, I'll figure it out!"

Looking for the space Daolian, Jiang Tian can only rely on Jiang Tian to find a way.

He didn't even dare to release the spirit swallowing mouse, for fear of getting lost in this space and causing accidents.

"Void Immortal Realm, open!"



Jiang Tian opened the Void Immortal Realm, released it towards the surroundings with all his strength, and at the same time urged the Void Immortal Body to sense it with all his strength.

Trying to use this method to touch and find traces of Daolian in the space.

Then a scene that surprised him appeared!

The power of the void fairyland fell into chaos in this starry sky and could not be effectively maintained.

Although the Void Immortal Physique sensed something, all it sensed was the madness of space, and there was no definite target at all.

"Space Daolian really has some skills!"

Jiang Tian was not discouraged, after all, this was the last of the nine Daolians.

As long as he successfully devours this flower, Lian'er can be revived, and the guilt and regret in his heart can be finally made up for.

Regardless, it must be found!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


The purple tide swept wildly, and Jiang Tian tried to use "phantom eyes" to find the trace of Daolian.

But he was in shock again!

What the phantom eyes saw were pieces of frantic and fragmented space, and the vision was extremely distorted, which caused great disturbance to him.

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