Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7737 The demon bone is frustrated

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"What a law of space!"

Jiang Tian was forced to put away his phantom eyes, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Space Daolian's ability is beyond his imagination.

The power of space law was also far beyond his expectation.

Although he has a thorough understanding of the power of space, he has not risen to the level of space laws, and he is inevitably in a huge dilemma at this moment.

"Receiving the power of guidance, open!"


Jiang Tian activated the power of guidance and tried to use this method to crack the laws of space, but he soon discovered that this was in vain.

In the face of the powerful law of space, the power of attracting does not work at all.

The released strands of power were distorted and torn by the laws of space, cut off ruthlessly, and disappeared without a trace.

"True thunder field!"

"Star Sword Domain!"

"Purple Light Mysterious Eyes, open!"

Crack, boom, boom!

Violent abnormal noises emerged one after another, and Jiang Tian tried to use various powerful means to break the law of space.

But these methods all failed without exception, and even the Great Formation of Huakong was taken out by him, but in the face of the powerful law of space, the purple thunder pattern of the Great Formation of Huakong could not be maintained at all, and was torn into pieces as soon as it emerged .

"The law of space is too powerful, let alone find the space Daolian, I'm afraid even leaving here will become an illusion!"

Jiang Tian frowned tightly, his face extremely serious.

The reason why the power of law is powerful is that it can dominate a field because of its powerful rule power.

In particular, the law of space itself was conceived by super powerful space power, and the suppression of the law of blessing is almost impeccable.

Once the opponent is trapped in it, unless they have the power to override it, they cannot be cracked at all.

"Brother Jiang Tian, ​​what should we do?"

Lian'er was frightened.

She has devoured eight daolians, and she is about to complete her resurrection plan.

Unexpectedly, in front of Daolian in this space, she fell into an unprecedented predicament.

The several difficulties encountered before were all solved by Jiang Tian, ​​but this time, Jiang Tian seemed to have no good solution.

"Calm down, I will find a way!"

Jiang Tian forcibly comforted Lian Er, but he had no idea.

He has the super physique of the Void Immortal Physique, but he has not yet reached the height of the law of space.

It is no exaggeration to say that the power of Space Law is a level higher than his Void Immortal Physique and Void Dominion.

In the face of this level of power, even if you try your best, what can you do?

"Taiyi Lingmu, Taichu Demonic Vine, Zixiao Divine Bamboo?"

Jiang Tian's thoughts were swirling, thinking of various countermeasures.

But these methods seem to have nothing to do with the laws of space.

However, he still wanted to try it out, so he took out the Taiyi Spirit Wood, only to find that this sacred tree fell into a deep sleep again after devouring the laws of the wood system last time.

In desperation, he took out the Taichu Demonic Vine and tried it.

As a result, the Taichu Demonic Vine hovered in mid-air and flew back again.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was full of surprise.

It seems that Taichu Demonic Vine is not suppressed by too many laws of space, but it is also unable to suppress the laws of space.

Why is this?

Jiang Tian frowned and thought hard.

The Taichu Demonic Vine itself is an evil thing. It is most interested in things belonging to the evil genus and has the strongest reaction.

In the face of the pure laws of space, it may not be difficult to understand why we are indifferent.

There was no other way, so he put away the Taichu Demonic Vine and placed his hope on the Purple Sky Divine Bamboo.


Boom, bang!

After his urging, the Purple Sky Divine Bamboo erupted into purple thunder rings, sweeping through the void.

But after these thunder rings were swung away, they were quickly swallowed up by the laws of space and were hard to find.

"Isn't this okay?"

Jiang Tian put away the Zixiao Divine Bamboo and fell into confusion again.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth, summoned the giant demon's hand bone, and poured spiritual power into it to activate it crazily.


Boom boom boom boom!

Golden light flashed, and the two giant demon hand bones crossed and slashed in the void, erupting a series of terrifying loud noises.

The terrifying power tore apart the void layer by layer, giving Jiang Tian hope!

"Break it again, faster, faster!"

Jiang Tian exerted force with his hands and urged them wildly.

The two giant demon hand bones slashed wildly across the void, erupting into a series of terrifying loud noises.

Pieces of void turmoil intertwined and rippled, and the golden storm intensified.

"Oh my God! What a terrifying magic weapon!" Lian'er was immediately stunned!

This power made her feel afraid, and she even subconsciously urged her lotus body to move backwards.

She had no doubt that if the attack from those two demon bones fell on her, it would cause huge trauma.

"Strangle the sky finger, cut it off!"

Jiang Tian waved his hands together, urging again and again.

The power of the two giant monster hand bones was pushed to the extreme by him, and the void within a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet collapsed layer by layer, as if the space laws of this area had been cracked.

"follow me!"

Just when Jiang Tian waved his hand and was about to take Lian'er forward to escape and search, a scene that shocked him appeared!

Boom, buzz, boom, boom!

A strange buzzing sound suddenly sounded, and the hundreds of thousands of feet of void ravaged by the golden wave was suddenly suppressed by a strange force, and then rolled back from the outside to the inside.

"Hiss! This...how is it possible?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched wildly, and he was instantly stunned!

The power rolling back from all directions is none other than the power of space laws.

Just now, the two giant demon hand bones were wreaking havoc, breaking through the layers of void, as if they had become the masters of this airspace.

But after their power reached a certain limit, they were still shockingly suppressed by the laws of space.

Faced with the crazy counterattack by the power of space law, they were still unable to withstand the pressure. The huge wave of void they set off was compressed layer by layer and retreated back.

"The giant monster's hand bones don't even work!"

Jiang Tian was anxious, but he knew that there was no point in getting angry.

Since the giant demon's hand bones were useless, he had no choice but to find another way.

Although the power of the giant monster's hand bones is extremely violent, it ultimately requires his urging to exert its power.

But the power of the law of space can always exist and never be destroyed, and it will always suppress this airspace without any urging.

For this alone, he was already at a disadvantage, and it was not too surprising that he was suppressed.


With a wave of Jiang Tian's big hand, he wanted to take back the bone of the giant demon's hand.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Hum, click... Boom!

A strange loud noise suddenly came out, and the golden light in front of him dimmed, and the two giant demon hand bones cut off contact with him at the same time!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically!

The giant demon hand bone is one of his most powerful trump cards, and it can continue to explode with extreme power as his cultivation level increases.

Once lost, the loss to him is simply immeasurable.

"Giant hand bone, come back quickly!"

Jiang Tian roared crazily, trying to forcibly recall the giant demon hand bones, but to his despair, his mental connection with the two treasures was completely severed.

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