Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7738 Amazing changes, turbulent laws

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Chapter 7738 Amazing changes, turbulent laws

"Damn it!"

Jiang Tian was almost furious and felt extremely regretful.

Realized that I had underestimated the mystery and weirdness of the law of space.

Knowing this earlier, he would never be able to take out the giant monster's hand bone, but it is too late to regret it now.

At this moment, he couldn't even determine the position of the giant monster's hand bone, and it was really too difficult to take it back.

"Handeye, open!"


The purple waves were rippling wildly, and Jiang Tian desperately wanted to find the location of the giant monster's hand bone.

However, the law of space is too powerful, directly distorting and cutting off his sight.

Phantom eyes are invalid, and the same is true for divine thoughts. Once swept out, they will be distorted and interrupted by strange forces, making it impossible to effectively detect.

Jiang Tian became more and more uneasy, and in desperation, he had to use the Tunxu Jue to devour all around indiscriminately.

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow it for me!"

Swallow, swallow, swallow!

Jiang Tian crazily devoured all around, trying to forcibly take back the giant monster's hand bones in this way.

As long as these two treasures are still within the scope of his devouring, they will be forcibly swallowed into his stomach, and then they can be put into the Purple Profound Realm.

But what happened next proved that his thoughts were just wishful thinking, even a little naive!

Boom, boom, boom!

Swallowing the Void Art frantically, he swallowed pieces of space law into his body, but there was no trace of the giant monster's hand bones.


Jiang Tian's heart instantly sank to the bottom!

Since he got the giant monster bones, it seems that he has never lost these two treasures.

But now, when his strength reached an unprecedented height, he lost these two treasures.

For him, the loss is simply immeasurable!

But now it was too late to regret. He could only make a last-ditch effort to regain the two treasures at all costs.

"Swallow the Xu Jue, swallow again!"

Swallow, swallow, swallow!

Jiang Tian flew wildly in this void, swallowing it repeatedly.

A huge amount of space law was forcefully swallowed into his body, but the giant demon's hand bones were still missing.


Those two treasures have completely disappeared!

Jiang Tian was extremely angry and regretful.

But there is no way, the treasure has been lost, and it is useless to be furious.

"Brother Jiang Tian... I caused you trouble!" Lian'er blamed herself extremely.

"No! I can't blame you. I'm not careful enough. You don't need to blame yourself."

How could Jiang Tian bear to anger Lian'er?

He was just annoyed by his carelessness in underestimating the enemy. The laws of space clearly overrode his Void Immortal Power. In fact, he should have had such an awareness long ago.

Now that the big mistake has been made, it's too late to say anything.

There is no point in continuing to struggle!

"That's all, although the giant demon's hand bones are temporarily lost, as long as we find the Space Dao Lotus and break the space laws here, we will definitely be able to recover them!"

Jiang Tian immediately cheered up and thought of a solution.

To untie the bell, the person who tied the bell needs to be solved. The problem will be solved from where it started.

The source of everything is always the Space Dao Lotus!

"Find it and devour it!"

A look of determination flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and he forced himself to calm down and find a real solution to the dilemma.

at the same time!

Somewhere in the starry sky where the laws of space are raging, two golden lights appear above an almost invisible giant lotus!

This giant lotus is difficult to distinguish visually, and it is clearly formed by the pure laws of space.

It possesses incredible power. The seemingly terrifying giant demon hand bones are as quiet and well-behaved as a sheep in front of it.

"If Ben Lian hadn't abandoned the original lotus body and replaced it with the body of the law of space, I'm afraid you would have had a chance to take advantage of it. Now, let Ben Lian destroy these two terrifying magic weapons!"

"Destroy it!"

Rumble, click!

Violent roars resounded through the void, and the laws of space rushed towards the two golden lights, instantly setting off a storm of laws.

This terrifying power is far stronger than the power of the "Heaven-twisting Finger" erupted by Jiang Tian's urging of the giant demon's hand bones, and it is not on the same level at all.

But not long after, Daolian made a surprised sound!

"Hey, this thing is so strong, can it withstand Ben Lian's law storm?"

The law storm dissipated, and the two giant demon hand bones were still suspended in the void, shining brightly.

"It seems that your value is higher than I imagined, and your background is beyond my expectation. But the more this happens, the more I want to destroy you to avoid future troubles!"

The giant demon's hand bones can withstand the bombardment of the law storm without being destroyed, which shows that its limit is much higher than the limit that Jiang Tian can activate.

These two treasures pose an extremely huge threat to the Space Daolian, and they must not be allowed to continue to exist.

"Destroy it!"

Boom, click, buzz!

The space lotus exerted its force crazily, wrapping up layers of space lotus petals that were difficult to distinguish, and began to spare no effort to bombard the giant demon's hand bones.

Buzzing, booming!

The violent roar resounded through the void, causing terrifying waves.

Not long after, a scene that shocked Dorian appeared!


Under the repeated bombardment of the law storm, the giant demon's hand bones were touched by unknown force, and the golden light surged crazily, tearing apart the space storm in an instant.

The dazzling golden light shines through, and an incredible terrifying pressure sweeps across, tearing apart the lotus petals composed of space laws.

"No...this is impossible!"

Space Daolian's voice began to tremble, feeling inexplicable fear!

At this moment, it did not dare to challenge the giant demon's hand bones anymore, and was already showing signs of retreating.

But before it could retreat, the two giant demon hand bones suddenly lifted high, and then the giant fingers opened fiercely, and struck down hard like two giant pincers.

Boom, boom!


A terrifying loud noise spread throughout the void, and this blow penetrated directly into Daolian's law body, impressively cutting off nearly one-third of Daolian's body.

Immediately afterwards, the two giant demon hand bones suddenly struck each other and disappeared without a trace in a dazzling golden light!

"Where did they go?"

Space Daolian was horrified, both grateful and surprised.

The two giant demon hand bones struck violently and cut off nearly a third of its law lotus body.

If it comes one or two more times, it might be completely destroyed.

But after this terrifying blow, the two demon bones struck each other crazily, and then disappeared into the void.

As for where it went, it is not clear.

But it felt extremely lucky. Since the giant demon's hand bones could not be destroyed, leaving was the most beneficial outcome for it.

It's just its injury... Space Daolian calmed down, checked his own condition, and felt his heart sinking.

The originally complete Law Lotus body possesses incredible power.

Under the terrifying blow from the giant monster's hand bone, the lotus body has been greatly damaged, and its strength has also been significantly reduced.

And at the same time!

Jiang Tian, ​​who had swallowed a huge amount of space laws, also noticed the strangeness of this void.

"The law is turbulent! Why is this so?"

Jiang Tian scanned the void, wanting to find out.

However, his line of sight was distorted and blocked, and he couldn't see very far at all.

But he understood that this was definitely not a normal phenomenon, because the power of the Space Daolian was extremely powerful and could even isolate the hand bones of giant monsters, so there should be no law turbulence for no reason.

Now this situation, why?

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