Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7769 Extreme World

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"Damn it!"

"How did he see through it?"

"Could it be that He Boen betrayed us?"

Shouting and shouting were endless for a while, hundreds of Si Tianjian elders in the early stage of Chaos Realm, led by dozens of powerhouses in the middle stage of Chaos Realm at the level of deputy supervisors, rushed out of the interface and surrounded Jiang Tian.

"He Boen is dead, so Jiang will send you to reunite with me!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Do you really think you can challenge the entire Si Tianjian with your own strength?"

"Tell you, this is purely a dream!"

"kill him!"

Boom boom boom!

Hundreds of people in the Chaos Realm frantically shot to suppress Jiang Tian.

Dozens of people in the middle of the Chaos Realm joined forces to launch a berserk attack.

"Well done, the law of the void, give me a town!"

Jiang Tian stepped on his right foot, and the powerful void law suddenly swung away.

The hundreds of thousands of feet of void instantly turned into a terrifying law field, suppressing all these hundreds of people in it.



Jiang Tian shouted sharply, and the law of the void killed them all in an instant!


Dozens of mid-chaos and hundreds of early-chaos screamed and fell to their deaths!

They never dreamed that Jiang Tian's strength was so strong.

Not only can it obliterate the early stages of chaos, but it can also instantly kill dozens of people in the middle of chaos.

A combat power that has completely surpassed this level!

But to Jiang Tian, ​​this was nothing at all.

In the past, he was an existence who could cross two or three great realms and kill the enemy.

And with the continuous improvement of his cultivation, his leapfrog combat power has actually been reduced to a certain extent.

There is no other reason!

Just because what he comes into contact with now are all super interface powerhouses.

The powerhouses in these interfaces already surpassed the high-level interfaces, which reduced his advantage to some extent.

At the same time, there is a huge gap in cultivation between the three small realms of the primary, middle, and high realms of the Primal Chaos Realm.

This also imperceptibly lowered his leapfrog combat power.

But in fact, Jiang Tian's hard power has not decreased but increased, and has reached the highest point in his personal history.

"In the mid-stage of the Chaos Realm, you can crush it casually, but if you encounter the late stage of the Chaos Realm, the result is still unpredictable."

Jiang Tian was not blindly arrogant.

Referring to the huge gap in strength between the early and middle stages of the Chaos Realm, the later stage of the Chaos Realm is definitely more terrifying.

With his current state, he might be able to deal with existences of that level, but he might not be able to gain much advantage.

Once caught in the siege of the powerful in the later stage, it will be even more dangerous, and the result will be unpredictable.

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"

Jiang Tian spread out his arms, and the blood essence of dozens of mid-chaos and hundreds of early-chaos became his nourishment.


After devouring these, his aura has improved significantly.

The bloodline spiritual power has reached 50% of the total!

"It has to be in the middle of the Chaos Realm!"

After the devouring was over, Jiang Tian put away hundreds of storage rings.

Then flee in the direction of the Extreme Element Realm.

Extreme element world!

Located on the edge of the super interface is a medium interface.

According to Si Tianjian's information, the Extreme Yuan Realm has been undergoing frequent changes recently, and sometimes a golden light shoots up into the sky, stirring up the void.

There is also a golden storm filling the sky above the interface, and the vision is astonishing, and the momentum is shocking.

A change like this has never happened a few times in the history of the Yuanyuan Realm, but it has happened frequently recently, which is really weird!

"Phantom Eye, open!"


Jiang Tian turned on the magical power of illusion, and a huge purple wave suddenly swayed away, sweeping towards the extreme element world, the void twisted and shook violently, causing a terrible change!


Jiang Tian's face changed, and his heart was shocked!

This situation was beyond his expectation.

After entering the Chaos Realm, his physical body, void physique, and thunder body all underwent a huge transformation, but he didn't pay attention to the changes in the "phantom eye".

Now, once it was used, it caused a terrifying change, which really caught him off guard.

At the same time, it also shocked and astonished the masters of the Chinese martial arts in the extreme element world!


"what's the situation?"

"Why is there such a sudden change in the sky above the interface?"

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, thousands of warriors stepped up into the air to observe the changes on the interface.

Among these people, there are many who are strong in the Chaos Realm, and there are even many people in the middle of the Chaos Realm.

Recently, there have been frequent changes in the extreme element world, and many warriors have almost become frightened birds.

Originally, the abnormality subsided somewhat in the past two days, but unexpectedly, just when everyone thought the abnormality would come to an end, such an astonishing abnormality happened again.

I saw a huge purple wave sweeping towards it, and the void where it passed was violently turbulent, bursting out with the power of disillusionment!

"No, this is some kind of special phantom fluctuation, everyone go back!"

A silver-robed old man in the middle of Yuanyuan Realm's face changed drastically, and he sounded a reminder.

"Phantom fluctuations?"

"Since it's just an illusion, what's there to be afraid of?"

Some demurred.

If it was a substantial spiritual power fluctuation, or a powerful spatial fluctuation, they would naturally shrink back and be afraid.

But since it is an illusion fluctuation, why should we care so much?

"Stupid! Don't you see that this is not an ordinary phantom fluctuation?"

The silver-robed old man screamed wildly, out of breath.

Ordinary phantom fluctuations will indeed not have any substantial impact, at most it will confuse people.

But for warriors above Guiyuan Realm, this effect is completely negligible.

But the huge purple wave in front of him is not just a simple phantom wave.

In addition to the power of the illusion, it also set off a real turmoil in the void. The powerful illusion wrapped in the power of the void swept in, crushing the void, overwhelming the mountains and seas!



"It's really weird, go back!"

Everyone reacted immediately, one by one exclaimed and backed away.

But they are still slow!

"That's too late!"


The silver-robed old man supported the sky with his hands, and a huge silver mask suddenly appeared.

The silver light on the surface circulated crazily, supporting the invasion of the purple giant wave with the powerful strength in the middle of the chaotic state.

But in such a situation, it broke down after only a few breaths!



The silver light cracked suddenly, and the silver-robed old man exclaimed, being drawn into the terrifying purple billow, unable to maintain that powerful defense anymore.

Thousands of warriors behind were punched into the huge purple billow and fell into extreme frenzy.

Some people's minds are broken, and some people's spiritual power is broken.

Someone's eyes trembled violently, and was invaded by a terrifying phantom, and the whole person fell into a strange state, as if lost in a dream, and could never wake up again!

Some people were directly torn apart by Zilan, turned into strange colors and merged into the phantom, and disappeared without even a scream.


When the silver-robed old man turned his head and saw this frantic scene, his scalp was numb, and his mind almost collapsed.



This is not just a simple illusion, but a powerful and terrifying method that surpasses illusions!

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