Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7770 extremely dark place

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"Who the hell is your Excellency, and what kind of enmity do you have with me in the Yuanyuan Realm, and you want to use such terrifying means to deal with us?"

The silver-robed old man looked up to the sky and shouted wildly, trying his best to search for the person who made the move.

But under the impact of Zilan all over the sky, they couldn't tell east, west, north, south at all, and couldn't detect the opponent's position.

My heart became more and more horrified!

"This..." Jiang Tian, ​​who was stepping on the void outside the Yuanyuan Realm, was also frowning at this moment.

Originally, he just wanted to activate the "Phantom Eye" and bless his divine sense to search for traces of the giant monster's hand bones in the shortest possible time.

But he didn't expect that the magical power of "Phantom Eye" would become so violent as his cultivation advanced.

Once cast, it fell into a state of almost out of control.

"Phantom, take it!"


Following his slamming, the giant purple wave that swept through the Yuan Yuan world suddenly rolled back and returned to his body.

The purple light in Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and then returned to normal.

But the scene of the Extreme Yuan Realm made his face change!

I saw tens of thousands of warriors being washed to pieces, and at least a thousand people lost their minds and fell into frenzy and couldn't get rid of it.

There are also many people whose spiritual energy is slack, and the aura of their cultivation base can't stop escaping outwards, and their strength is greatly damaged.

There are also strong people in the chaotic state like the silver-robed old man who can still maintain self-protection.

At this moment, all those who were awake were glaring at Jiang Tian, ​​but there was deep shock and fear deep in their eyes.

It was this strange warrior who used a sudden huge purple wave to sweep across most of the Extreme Element Realm, causing them, the top powerhouses, to fall into terrifying chaos.

"In the early days of the Chaos Realm, how is it possible?"

"Even in the middle of the Chaos Realm, it is impossible to have such a terrifying method. What is the background of this person?"

Everyone forced themselves to calm down and stared at Jiang Tian warily.

The old man in the silver robe had apprehension in his eyes: "Your Excellency has such means, and you are definitely not an unknown person. I don't know what you want to do when you come to my Yuanyuan Realm?"

"I'm here to find one thing, no, it's two!" With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he transformed into a golden phantom of the giant monster's hand bone.


The silver-robed old man's expression changed, and a strangeness flashed in his eyes.


"This is not..." There were a few exclamations from the crowd behind, but they quickly stopped.

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened!

Judging from everyone's reactions, they must have seen the giant monster's hand bones, otherwise they wouldn't have reacted so strongly when they saw the golden phantom.

"It seems that they have indeed come to the Yuanyuan Realm, tell me, where are they?" Jiang Tian asked in a deep voice, murderous.

A layer of cold sweat had already appeared on the forehead of the silver-robed old man.

With such a terrifying existence, he has realized that he is not an opponent.

Although his realm is higher than the opponent's, but the opponent can suppress thousands of powerful people with only one illusion, and it is not difficult to kill him.

"Your Excellency, calm down and listen to the old man carefully!"


"The two rare treasures that your Excellency transformed, I and many experts in this world have indeed seen them before, but that was a few days ago..."

The silver-robed old man opened up the chatterbox and began to speak eloquently.

A few days ago, two golden rays of light suddenly descended on the Yuanyuan Realm, and the moment Fang appeared, it caused violent changes and set off all kinds of incredible chaos.

At that time, there were many great powers in this world to suppress and try to snatch it.

As a result, without exception, they all fell into it, so that no one in this world dared to compete for those two rare treasures.

"A few days ago?" Jiang Tian frowned.

He didn't come too late, but it seemed that he still took a little time.

"Where did they end up?" Jiang Tian asked.

The silver-robed old man pointed to the direction of the back of the Extreme Yuan Realm: "They... have gone to a taboo area that warriors in the Extreme Yuan Realm dare not set foot in - the extremely dark place!"

"A place of extreme darkness?"

Jiang Tian's eyes moved slightly, looking at the edge of the extreme world.

Here, he couldn't see the area behind the Ultra Realm.

I thought it was the same as the normal interface, but it seems that it is not the case.

What he sees now is only the front of the Extreme Yuan Realm, as for the situation on the back side of the Extreme Yuan Realm, he doesn't know.

According to the old man, the back of the Extreme Yuan Realm is an "extremely dark place".

So why is it called a place of extreme darkness, and what is the situation there?



The large formation of transforming space was opened, and Jiang Tian instantly came to the opposite side of the Yuanyuan Realm, stepping on the void and staring up.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you can't help but change your face slightly!

I saw that the back of the entire Extreme Element Realm was pitch black, so dark that even the rays of light falling into it could not escape.

"This is an extremely dark place, why is it so?"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the law of the void erupted, and the silver-robed old man who was in front of the Extreme Yuan Realm was forcibly grabbed by him.


The old man's face changed suddenly, thinking that Jiang Tian was going to kill him.

But then it was discovered that the other party did not seem to be malicious.

"What's the origin of the extremely dark place?" Jiang Tian asked.

The old man's heart relaxed, and he said solemnly: "Your Excellency, do you know the existence of the hidden interface?"

"Know a thing or two." Jiang Tian said.

The old man nodded and said: "Since your Excellency knows it, it will be much easier to explain. Your Excellency should understand that the location of the Extreme Element Realm is on the edge of the Super Boundary. After crossing this star field, you will reach the hidden boundary. You know that, Why is the hidden interface called the hidden interface?"

"Why?" Jiang Tian was puzzled.

The silver-robed old man said: "The hidden interface, the reason why it is called the hidden interface is because it is hidden in the starry sky, and it is difficult to see."

Having said that, Jiang Tian has already guessed a certain possibility.

Staring at the extremely dark tunnel, he said, "You mean, this 'extremely dark place' has some kind of connection with the hidden interface?"

"That's right! Originally, there was no distinction between pros and cons in the Yuanyuan Realm, and both sides were suitable for warriors to practice, but since a certain interface turmoil in ancient times, the power of the hidden interface invaded and eroded half of the Yuanyuan Realm, the 'Land of Extreme Darkness' Here it comes!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian stared at the extremely dark place, as if he was facing a huge black hole.

After looking at it for a long time, there is a feeling of being unable to extricate oneself from the line of sight, as if the whole person is about to be sucked in.

According to the old man in the silver robe, half of the Extreme Yuan Office was eroded by the power of the hidden interface, thus possessing certain attributes of the hidden interface, and finally formed an "extremely dark place".

And this special area has also become a restricted area for the warriors of the Extreme Yuan Realm.

"Those two treasures really escaped into the extremely dark place?" Jiang Tian asked in a deep voice.

"Although the old man didn't see them escape into it with his own eyes, almost all the warriors in the extreme world knew about it. It's just because the 'ultra-dark place' is too dangerous, so no one dared to go there to hunt for treasures, otherwise you would think , such a treasure, wouldn't I be tempted by a warrior from the Yuanyuan Realm?" the silver-robed old man asked back.

"Whether it's true or not, you can find out just by searching!"


The old man's face changed, and he was teleported to Jiang Tian, ​​wrapped in the law of the void.

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