The leading warrior in black waved his hand, picked up a plump woman, and walked towards the grass in front of him, while the "sixth brother" mentioned the thinner but younger woman next to him, strode forward, and followed the boss. among the trees.

"Tsk tsk tsk, five brothers and six brothers are enjoying themselves!"

"Hey, Seventh Brother, I want to too... Hey hey!"

"Brothers, don't worry, wait until the fifth brother and the sixth brother have had enough fun, you guys have fun!"


"Thank you Seventh Brother!"

Everyone was very excited when they heard the words, their eyes were full of evil lights, and their saliva almost flowed out.

"Ah, no!"

"Help... let me go..."

The tree shook from behind, and there were two women's exclamations and screams, but was frightened by two fierce screams.

"Hmph! If you dare to resist me, I will kill you!"

"Shout again and cut your tongue!"

After two violent shouts, the two women only had terrified cries, and they didn't dare to yell anymore, but the cries were obviously extremely suppressed, revealing an extreme fear!

They were originally a family with the martial artist who was killed just now. They were also a well-known family in the Black Moon Country back then, and their status was quite noble. Living in a precarious and homeless life, they spend the whole day in fear, and may even die at any time.

"It's unreasonable!" Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed, and the cold light in his eyes was bright, and he stepped forward suddenly.


The thunder-like shouts suddenly sounded, startling the six black-clothed warriors in front of them!

They have been rampant in this chaotic border town for a long time, except for those powerful people who dare not mess with them, no one dares to meddle in their business.

At first they were really taken aback, thinking they had met a stronger master.

But when they found out that there was only one person on the other side, and they were all juniors in the moon-grabbing realm, they were all stunned!

"Did I hear you right?"

"Hahahaha! How dare a junior at the moon-grabbing level meddle in the affairs of us Chongyang-level masters?!"

"You son of a bitch, I think you are impatient to live, right? Okay, you want to die, right? I will help you!"

The six of them were worried that they had nothing to do, and when they saw Jiang Tian's weak appearance, they immediately surrounded him with evil smiles, waving their swords at him and about to attack him.

"You... damn it!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and the aura around him suddenly surged, and the terrible coercion surged towards the six people on the opposite side.

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

"Ah... not good! I was fooled!"

The warriors in black exclaimed in surprise, and their faces changed drastically.

The boy in purple on the opposite side is not a moon-grabbing warrior. Judging from this coercion, he is even more terrifying than a master at the peak of Chongyang realm!

"Eh? No!"

"Hiss! He is indeed a warrior at the Moon Grassing Realm!"

"Why is it so powerful?"

Everyone suddenly realized something was wrong again, and they all looked at Jiang Tian suspiciously, puzzled in their hearts.

They have never encountered such a weird situation. How powerful is a small moon-grabbing warrior?

Could it be hell!


"Surround him!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill me!" The old seventh in black's face darkened, and immediately motioned for everyone to attack.

"Death!" Jiang Tian yelled violently, purple light burst out all over his body, and a strong aura swayed wildly, directly sweeping the six black-clothed warriors.


"not good……"

"Fifth brother, save... ah!"

A shrill scream suddenly sounded, and was drowned out by the dull roar in an instant. The six black-clothed warriors in Chongyang realm had no time to make a move, and they were directly shocked to death by the terrifying pressure released by Jiang Tian!

Bang, bang, bang... After a few muffled bangs, six black-clothed warriors landed one after another, their bodies distorted and deformed, looking extremely terrifying.

"Huh!" Jiang Tian snorted coldly, his gaze coldly swept over the corpses of these people, and he strode into the bushes in front of him.

"Lao Liu, what are you going to see?" Lao Wu snarled and ordered.

"At this juncture, you actually courted death?"

Lao Liu wrapped his clothes reluctantly and was about to step out of the bushes, but at this moment, a purple figure suddenly came into sight.

"Huh? Who are you?" Old Six's expression changed, and he came out in surprise.

"What's going on?" Lao Wu was also startled, looking through the cluttered bushes, he saw that there was suddenly an extra person on Lao Liu's side.

At the same time, both of them noticed a disturbing situation, the aura of the six companions... completely disappeared!

"Hiss... not good!" Lao Wu was the most vigilant, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but plundered towards Lao Liu with his clothes uncovered.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Tian made a move!

"You... damn it!"

"It's unreasonable! Juniors in the moon-grabbing realm dare to be rampant, let's see how I teach you a lesson... ah!"

The yelling stopped abruptly, and Jiang Tian punched the sixth boy in the chest, his body collapsed and died!

"Sixth child!" The fifth child in black came up to him and was immediately stunned by the astonishing scene.

Lightning flashed in his mind, and at the same time he yelled and slashed wildly with the knife, he suddenly shot backwards with force from his feet.


The strength of the sixth child is not much worse than him, and he didn't even survive a single face-to-face, which shows that the purple-clothed boy's cultivation is strong.

In front of such a person, let alone avenging the sixth child, self-protection would be a problem, so how could he rush forward in a daze?

"Damn it! How did you meet such a hard stubble? What a pity!"

After skimming out of the bushes, the fifth child in black saw the corpses lying all over the ground and saw the tragic death of several companions.

What kind of strength is it that can forcefully kill so many people in an instant?

What is the origin of this purple-clothed boy?

Thoughts flashed wildly in his mind, but he didn't dare to hesitate at all. With a curse, the spiritual power in his body surged again, and he was about to turn into a black shadow and rush towards the avenue in front of him.

On the opposite side of the avenue was a continuous dense forest, as long as he got there, he would have a chance to escape under the cover of the dense forest.

The secretive terrain there is very suitable for hiding. As long as there is no life and death enmity, the purple-clothed boy will not pursue him desperately.

This thought disappeared in a flash, and the black-clothed fifth child couldn't help but take a deep breath, his eyes turned fierce!

"Lao Liu, don't worry, when I go back, I must let the eldest brother take revenge for you!"

The black-clothed fifth child cursed angrily, and had already skimmed to the edge of the avenue, and was about to leap over and rush into the dense forest on the opposite side.

However, at this moment, an amazing scene appeared!


Accompanied by a dull roar, the figure in front of him flickered, and the boy in purple stood in front of him with a powerful aura!

"Hiss! Impossible? How is this possible?"

The corners of the eyes of the old fifth in black twitched, and he was shocked inwardly!

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