His speed is not uncomfortably fast, and he has also brought into full play the strength of Chongyang Realm, and even stimulated part of his potential.

But he never expected that this purple-clothed boy in the moon-grasping realm was faster than him, and it was weirdly fast!

So much so that he didn't understand how the other party caught up and flashed across to him?

"Damn it!" The old fifth in black knew that something was wrong, and it was useless to run away at this moment, all he could do was fight with all his strength, maybe there was still a glimmer of life.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and the black-clothed fifth child immediately shot with all his strength without hesitation, his spiritual power soared, and he slashed down wildly at the purple-clothed boy opposite him with a long knife.

"Go to hell!"

A ferocious beast-like crazy light flashed in the eyes of the old fifth in black, and all the breath in his body was concentrated on the long knife, splitting the void, and slashed towards Jiang Tian with violent spiritual power.

"It's you who died!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, with a glaring purple light curling up in his right hand, he slammed towards the long knife that was slashing down wildly.

"Hiss!" The corners of the black-clothed fifth brother's eyes twitched wildly, first startled and then ecstatic!

Although this heavy knife is not a rare magic weapon, it is also a high-grade magic weapon. He snatched it from a descendant of a declining family in the Black Moon Kingdom, and killed countless people with him.

Although the purple-clothed boy on the opposite side is powerful, no matter how hard his body is, how can he be tougher than this sharp long knife magic weapon?

"Hahahaha! To be so arrogant, you are looking for death!"

The old fifth in black was relieved, secretly thankful that he had a quick reaction, as long as the knife was slashed, the opponent would be seriously injured if he did not die, so he would not let him slaughter him by then?

"Lao Liu, Lao Qi, your revenge will be avenged soon!"

The old fifth in black laughed ferociously, a look of madness flashed in his eyes, and the long knife accelerated, cutting faster and faster!


The dull howl of the knife resounded in the air, and a wave of spiritual power visible to the naked eye slashed down towards Jiang Tian's fist.

Boom... bang bang bang!

However, amidst the terrible loud noise, Jiang Tian's fist burst into purple light, releasing an astonishing energy!

The long knife in the hands of the black-clothed fifth child suddenly shattered!

"Hiss! Impossible! This is impossible!"

The fifth child in black was completely stunned, feeling extremely horrified!

Such a sharp and hard magic weapon, not to mention failing to cut off the opponent's fist, was actually shattered?

Is there anything more incredible than this?

The fifth child in black fell into deep panic, and with a flash of thought, he yelled, turned around and fled.

However, just as he took his steps, there was a terrifying roar from behind!

"You... die!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, and suddenly blasted out his right fist, the terrifying force directly overwhelmed the opponent, and after the stern scream, the fifth child in black died on the spot!


The fluctuation of spiritual power gradually dissipated, and a blood-stained black storage bag appeared in Jiang Tian's hand. When the spiritual power was swept away, he couldn't help shaking his head and sneering.

Apart from some mediocre pills and some silver notes, there is nothing special in it.

"Damn it!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation, and in the pile of corpses in front of him, the "dead" old seven in black jumped to the ground with an exclamation.

The speed was so fast that Jiang Tian didn't have time to react.

"Oh? There are such means!" Jiang Tian frowned, and the murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Seeing the blue light wrapping around the black-clothed Lao Qi, he fled farther and farther away, but after fleeing more than a thousand feet, his speed obviously slowed down.

"Hmph! It turned out to be a life-saving escape talisman!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, a gleam flashed in his eyes, looking at the figure of the old seven in black, it was like looking at a dead person.

"It's okay here, come out!" Jiang Tian glanced at the bushes next to him and said coldly.

"Many... Thank you benefactor!"

Two disheveled women walked out of the bush with fear on their faces, with deep horror still remaining on their faces.

Jiang Tian glanced at them lightly, and frowned.

These two women are also warriors, but they are obviously very poor in cultivation, that is, they look like they have just entered the Moon Lane Realm, and their aptitude is extremely ordinary, no wonder they will become the sheep of these villains.

"Take these and leave quickly!"

Jiang Tian frowned, threw the storage bag in his hand to the other party, and pointed to the warriors in black on the ground, who also had several storage bags on them.

But it was obvious that the leader, the fifth boy in black, had nothing of value on him, let alone the others.

Moreover, Jiang Tian didn't like the storage bag of the old fifth in black at all. The pills in it were useless to him at all, and he didn't lack that little money, so he simply gave it to these two women.

"Thank you benefactor for saving your life!" The two women saluted again.

"Nothing, let's go!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand, but his figure rose into the air in a flash, and rushed forward with a ball of purple light.

Watching Jiang Tian leave, the two women were stunned for a long time, and it took a while to recover, put away a few storage bags on the ground and hurried away.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

With a sneer on the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth, relying on his powerful power, he followed the old seven in black all the way forward.

If it's just ordinary gangsters, he's actually not very interested. The real reason why he is so attentive is because he feels a sense of deja vu from these gangsters.

Although he was not very sure, but this breath did make him feel a little familiar, so he chased Lao Qi all the way.

In fact, if he wanted, the old seventh in black couldn't escape from his palm at all.

However, seeing that the other party was quite capable, he followed suit along the way.

Not long after, the black light in front swept into a valley covered by a dense forest.

Jiang Tian restrained his breath and quietly followed, and soon swept into the small valley.

"Third brother!" The seventh elder had just entered the valley when he saw a black-clothed martial artist with a strong figure and a strong aura, and hurriedly greeted him.

"Old Qi? How did you... make it like this?"

The third child in black couldn't help being very surprised when he saw the distressed appearance of the seventh child.

Don't look at this black-clothed old seven-faced thief, but he has always been shrewd and naughty. He has followed his brothers through life and death, and has never suffered much.

"Where are the others?" The third child in black suddenly changed his expression, secretly calling out something bad.

"Fifth Brother, Sixth Brother, and a few brothers... are all dead!" After taking a few breaths, the black-clothed seventh brother quickly took out a few pills and swallowed them.

"Dead! What's going on, who did it?" The young man in black's complexion changed, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.

These people are all masters of Chongyang Realm, how could they be killed casually?

Thinking of this, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched, feeling very uneasy!

"What's going on, did you meet the officers and soldiers of Canglan Nation or some powerful force?"

The third child's eyes flickered, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

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