Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0945 hidden story behind

"Your Excellency, please don't misunderstand! This matter is absolutely true. Originally, I agreed with the other party not to disclose the truth, but since the matter is weird, I have no scruples!"

The black-robed boss Shang Yunfei gritted his teeth and sighed, finally put aside all worries, and told the whole story.

Jubaofang is a small and medium-sized martial arts workshop in Cangjing, and it is a place where he often goes in and out to buy elixirs, natural materials and earthly treasures.

After a long time, he became acquainted with one of the guest elders, He Tianzhu, and it was the elder who revealed the news of "White Sheep Feather" appearing in the Bloody Mountain Range to him.

That person knew very well that Shang Yunfei and "White Sheep Feather" were inseparable, and as soon as the news got out, he would definitely pursue and kill him at all costs.

The result was exactly the same. Shang Yunfei was blinded by hatred and completely ignored all kinds of doubts, so that he ran all the way here to ambush Jiang Tian.

After listening to the other party's narration, Jiang Tian was still puzzled.

Jubaofang is far away in Cangjing, and it is said that it has nothing to do with him at all. Why did the guest elder, He Tianzhu, disclose this kind of news to Shang Yunfei?

This is completely the way to kill with a knife!


There must be a conspiracy here!

But judging from Shang Yunfei's description, the guest elder He Tianzhu was an old man in his dozens of years old, his cultivation was at the quasi-mysterious level, and he had no special background.

He didn't know each other at all, let alone any hatred.

This is strange!

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, quickly sorted out some clues, and frowned: "Shang Yunfei, how much do you know about the background of Jubaofang?"

Shang Yunfei pondered for a moment, looking a little depressed.

"To be honest, although I have dealt with Jubaofang many times, I don't know much about their backs. I just heard that they are very close to a certain family near Cangjing. As for which family it is, I don't know."

Shang Yunfei frowned and blamed himself, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

After a long time, he was completely used by others, and judging from the conversation after the stop, Jiang Tian did not have the treacherous shadow of "White Sheep Feather" at all, he is not alone at all!

He felt extremely annoyed, why didn't he see the clue at the beginning, and he had to get out of hand before he recognized the situation?

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned and looked at the other party, and found that he was not lying. It seemed that he did not understand the real background of Jubaofang.

Feeling depressed for a while, Jiang Tian was also convinced by the black-robed boss. He was convinced of this kind of news without even knowing the details, and it would not be unfair to say that he was brave and foolish.

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, shook his head and smiled, a trace of mystery flashed in his eyes, and he had already speculated about the conspiracy behind the matter.

After suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he shook his head and sneered.

"Shang Yunfei, let me ask you again, who is that 'White Sheep Feather' who can make you hate so much?"

Shang Yunfei heard that Fang Hu's body shook, a gleam of instinctive hatred flashed in his eyes, and in an instant, an unconcealable killing intent surged out.

Not only him, but also the people behind were full of hatred, each of them was full of murderous intent, as if they had some monstrous hatred.

But Shang Yunfei quickly realized something was wrong, suppressed the hatred in his heart, and let out a long sigh.

"This matter is the lifelong regret of Shang and others. It should not have been brought up with outsiders, but today's misunderstandings are all caused by this. It is no harm to tell your Excellency!"

Shang Yunfei shook his head and sighed, and talked about the past years with emotion.

Jiang Tian listened intently, and couldn't help but gradually frowned.

It turned out that the group of "Bai Yang Yu" and Shang Yunfei were sworn brothers in the first place, relying on their strong cultivation, they made a living as bodyguards on the border of Canglan Country.

Originally, everything was smooth and safe, but once they received a mysterious bodyguard mission, they encountered an accident on the way and were intercepted by several powerful gangsters.

They were fighting hard, and when they were about to quell the dangerous situation, they were struck back by the brothers around them!

That traitor was the ninth oldest among them, "Aries Feather".

This person suddenly turned against him, and severely injured the two of them one after another, resulting in the tragic death of the sixth and eighth children on the spot!

But when everyone reacted and was about to start besieging Bai Yangyu, they were hit by the strange poison he had prepared in advance to confine the spiritual power.

Seeing that all of them were about to suffer, the third child did not hesitate to fight with all his cultivation and forcefully forced Bai Yangyu away, only then did he win a chance for the remaining five people!

It's a pity that the third child was poisoned too much forcibly, and eventually died of serious injuries, and followed the sixth and eighth children.

After this battle, three of the nine brothers died, and after removing the traitor Bai Yangyu, only five remained.

They made a blood oath in front of the graves of the three of them: As long as they are still alive in this life, they must behead Bai Yangyu's novice to sacrifice the souls of the three in heaven!

After finishing speaking, Shang Yunfei let out a long sigh. He was speechless for a long time, and his expression was extremely painful. It seemed that this incident had a great impact on him, as if an old scar had been uncovered again, which made him surge with hatred and emotion.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

"Canglan Country is so big, it's too easy for a person to hide it. If you search like this, do you really have a chance to find him?"

Jiang Tian sneered, shook his head and sighed.

"Furthermore, if he wants to avoid you, he can leave the border of Canglan Nation directly. In that case, how can you find him?"

Jiang Tian's words made several people frown and their expressions became gloomy.

However, they clearly have no intention of giving up.

"You don't need to bother about this matter. Others don't know him, but I know very well that this person is a childhood sweetheart in Canglan Country, but due to various reasons, he failed to accomplish his good deeds, but they have never broken contact. Although Bai Yangyu's whereabouts have been uncertain since that incident, he will definitely not leave Canglan Country!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, a little speechless.

He is too lazy to think about this kind of thing, besides, he already knows a lot now, so there is no need to bother about these irrelevant things.

However, Shang Yunfei and the others were obviously still trembling, waiting for his final statement.

If Jiang Tian is the kind of cruel and merciless person who will get revenge, their ending will still be quite bad.

Although they talked so much, the other party didn't say that they would let them go. This is what they are most worried about now.

"Is that all?" Jiang Tian asked leisurely with a cold smile.

"Yes!" Shang Yunfei's face darkened, and he felt a little bad.

"Is there nothing else?" Jiang Tian let out a soft sigh with his eyes wandering.

"No...no more!" Shang Yunfei took a deep breath, feeling more and more bad about the atmosphere.

It seems that the other party doesn't want to let it go. Having said so much, this matter still needs to be investigated to the end!

Seeing Jiang Tian's deep look, Shang Yunfei's heart suddenly froze, his face darkened suddenly, and his murderous intent exploded!

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