Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0946 a group of idiots

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"Hurry up, you guys, I'll hold him back, hurry up!"

Shang Yunfei yelled loudly, the aura in his body soared crazily, and rushed towards Jiang Tian desperately, ready to hold him back.



The complexions of the people behind them changed drastically, and they exclaimed in surprise.


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he couldn't help being furious.

If he wanted to kill these people, he would have killed them long ago, and would they stay until now?

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, and the breath in his body exploded, directly overshadowing Shang Yunfei's aura, and suppressed him firmly.

"Shang Yunfei, you are so stupid! If it were someone else, you would really die without a place to die today!"


"What does he mean?"

"Could it be..."

The corners of the eyes of the people behind him jumped wildly, and they heard the meaning of Jiang Tian's words.

But Shang Yunfei didn't understand it yet, he gritted his teeth and tried to hold Jiang Tian back, and even died with him.

They still had a great revenge to avenge, and they couldn't all die here, so he planned to use his own life in exchange for his companion's escape.

The black-robed old seventh gritted his teeth, and suddenly fell to his knees: "Your Excellency, you are so precious! As long as you promise to let your eldest brother go, Li Xiang is willing to repay you with his own body, and he will do anything for you!"

"Seventh Sister can't!"

"Seventh Sister!"

Everyone's face changed when they heard the words, and they gritted their teeth and sighed.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and with a slight wave of coercion, Shang Yunfei was blown away.

Seeing his actions like this, Li Xiang, the black-robed old man, couldn't help but froze, thinking that the other party had agreed to his conditions.

Just now she just made a promise on a whim, but she didn't expect Jiang Tian to agree so readily, so she was a little embarrassed.

But for the lives of Shang Yunfei and several companions, she seemed to have no choice.

"Your Excellency really agree...to my conditions?" Li Xiang looked embarrassed.

"What a bunch of idiots!" Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, cursing inwardly, completely speechless.

Don't say he didn't have this idea, even if he did, Li Xiang is not suitable.

Although the other party was plump and pretty, he was much older than him, not to mention they were strangers to each other, how could he agree to such absurd conditions?

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, thinking that the other party still had a great revenge, he was also quite emotional.

Moreover, after listening to the other party's description for a while, he was also very disdainful of that insidious and despicable "White Sheep Feather", so naturally he was happy to spare their lives and let them take revenge.

"Okay! I don't plan to pursue this matter any more, you guys go!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand and said decisively.

"What... what?" Shang Yunfei stared wide-eyed, stunned.

There was such a big misunderstanding, so let’s just forget it?

A strange light flickered in Li Xiang's eyes: "Your Excellency really want to let us go?"

"You think too highly of yourself, I have no interest in you at all."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled coldly, his gaze swept over Li Xiang, making him blush.

This was an unintentional remark, but it had a different flavor to Li Xiang's ears. It inevitably reminded her of the promise just now, and she blushed for a moment, feeling greatly ashamed.

Seeing the other party's reaction, Qi Yurou couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling a little depressed.

"Junior Brother Jiang, are you really going to let them go?"

"It's just a misunderstanding, and they are not heinous people, so there is no need to pursue it."

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled, and said lightly.

Qi Yurou nodded silently, and couldn't help admiring Jiang Tian even more.

If it were someone else, even if it was really a misunderstanding, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to let go.

Jiang Tian's calmness in dealing with things and his ease of retraction really impressed her!

Several black-robed warriors were overjoyed when they heard the words. For them, this was tantamount to being reborn. Just now they were so intimidated by Jiang Tian's aura that they couldn't breathe. When they heard this sentence, the pressure in their hearts disappeared.

"Brother! Is this true?"

"That's great! That's great!"

"If we don't die today, we still have a chance to avenge our revenge!"

"Your Excellency, forgive me, regardless of past suspicions, please accept my worship!"

After looking at each other, they all bowed to Jiang Tian and paid homage to Jiang Tian. After all, today's incident was initiated by them, and this young man spared their lives regardless of the past, which is equivalent to the grace of rebuilding. Their feelings can be imagined Know.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, let's go!" Jiang Tian waved his queen, not wanting to talk to them anymore, and directly signaled them to leave.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

After several people bowed to Jiang Tian again, they turned around and prepared to leave, but they looked at each other as they walked, with a strange atmosphere and a little hesitation.

"Brother, are we going to leave like this?" Li Xiang bit her lip lightly, but hesitated to speak.

"What do you mean?" Shang Yunfei frowned slightly, not quite understanding what the other party meant.

Li Xiang didn't answer in a hurry, but glanced at several companions, with a slightly strange look on his face, hesitant to speak, which made them all puzzled.

"Seventh sister, if you have anything to say, just say it, we are not outsiders, so there is no need to be so hesitant!" The black-robed second child waved his hand and said.

"Okay, I'll just say something straight!" Li Xiang paused, and his expression became serious.

"Brothers, with all due respect, this person is powerful, well-qualified, and broad-minded. For us... it is really a rare opportunity!"


Everyone couldn't help being stunned when they heard the words, and then looked at each other in blank dismay, the atmosphere was a little strange.

"Seventh Sister means..." Shang Yunfei raised his eyelids, thoughtfully.

"Let me tell you!" The second child in the black robe coughed lightly, took a look at Li Xiang, and walked away.

"Brother, I think what Seventh Sister means is this: this person has amazing aptitude, has such astonishing strength at a young age, and has such a broad mind. He will definitely be a strong person in the future. Such people can only be friends and not enemies. Since we When you meet, why not..."

Hearing what the second child said, Shang Yunfei immediately understood, and couldn't help but froze in place!

Seeing his reaction, several people couldn't help but froze, and Li Xiang frowned even more, looking extremely embarrassed.

The few of them have known each other for a long time, and they have a deep relationship, and Shang Yunfei has been the eldest brother for a long time, so it is inevitable that they will be a little embarrassed when they encounter this situation suddenly.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and the weird atmosphere quickly permeated, so that Li Xiang regretted a little, whether he should have made this proposal.

Just when a few people felt embarrassed and were about to give up their previous thoughts, Shang Yunfei suddenly slapped his head, and his whole body suddenly became enlightened!

"Oh! Why didn't I think of that?"

Shang Yunfei took a deep breath, his eyes lit up, and he looked annoyed.

"Brother, I..." Li Xiang's face was slightly embarrassed.

"Needless to say, I understand what you mean. This is indeed a great opportunity for us. If we can make friends with such experts, there will be only advantages and no disadvantages for us!"

Shang Yunfei nodded heavily, directly dispelling everyone's concerns.

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