Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0954 Xuanxiu four realms

Compared with Tang Xiao, his cultivation is nothing at all.

After regaining consciousness, he chewed on the previous scene again, and the shock in his heart increased instead of diminishing.

The power of Tang Xiao's palm not only perfectly suppressed the sky-swallowing finger he used with all his strength, but also crushed the spiritual power fluctuations filling the hall in one fell swoop. This method is really amazing!

"No! You can do this at the early stage of Chongyang Realm. If you look at the entire Azure Cloud Sect, you probably won't be able to find another person!"

Tang Xiao's eyes flashed, and he nodded slowly.

"Actually, with your current strength, it's not a problem to be promoted to the inner sect. It's just that your qualifications in the sect are still inexperienced, and you haven't experienced even a big test. If you are promoted casually, it will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people. .”

"I'm not in a hurry to be promoted to the inner sect. The disciples should focus on cultivation." Jiang Tian smiled lightly and didn't care.

"Not bad! It's rare for you to have this kind of mentality! As a teacher, I wanted to teach you a few exercises and give you some advice on your practice. Now it seems that it is not so urgent. Your strength and exercises are perfectly matched. You just need to continue to practice. good."

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, the 'Swallowing Finger' you used just now should be the set of nameless fingers in the Tianxu Treasure, right?"

"Master is as insightful as a torch! What this disciple is using is the nameless fingering method in Tianxu's treasure house." Jiang Tian nodded slowly and said truthfully.

"Well, since this is the case, don't worry about imparting the exercises for now. When you are promoted to the inner sect, you can go to the sect's treasury to choose better exercises."

"Oh?" Jiang Tian's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he couldn't help being moved.

The treasury of Tianxu Peak has already opened his eyes. There is still such a foundation in the power of a peak, let alone the entire Azure Cloud Sect.

At that time, the things in the sect's treasure house will definitely surprise him even more!

Just a little longing, Jiang Tian felt excited.

However, he also understands that it is not easy to obtain that kind of qualification, and to enter the sect's treasury to find powerful exercises and magic weapons.

Otherwise, with so many inner sect disciples, no matter how many things there were in the sect's treasury, they would have already been emptied.

If one wants to achieve this, one must go through fierce competition and selection, just like in the past at Spirit Sword Academy and Purple Star Academy, defeating many opponents to stand out, and only then can one obtain that qualification.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, suppressing his inner thoughts, a resolute will surged all over his body, without any flinching.

Tang Xiao looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. Talking about the treasure house of the sect, this young man seemed to be full of confidence, which really impressed him!

"Okay, I don't have anything else to say about being a teacher, so let me talk to you about the cultivation system after Chongyang Realm!"

"Disciple is all ears!" Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and his heart burst with joy.

Although he has already fought against experts in the Profound Realm, Profound Realm is just a general term, and he still doesn't know exactly how the level of "Profound Realm" is divided.

Leaving aside, let's take Ling Xiao and Tang Xiao as an example. Both of them are masters of the profound realm, but there is an obvious gap in strength, but Jiang Tian is still unclear about the specific difference.

Seeing his reaction, Tang Xiao frowned: "Why, look at you, you don't know much about the cultivation system after Chongyang Realm?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, and nodded in embarrassment: "The disciple is not a warrior from the Canglan Country, but from the Qingxuan Country. Before that, he only knew that after the four realms of martial arts, it was the Profound Realm, but the specific details of the Profound Realm are not available. How much you understand, the disciple's knowledge is superficial, and the master laughed at me!"

Tang Xiao shook his head and sighed when he heard the words, and couldn't help being even more moved.

For a disciple who didn't even know the cultivation system of the Profound Realm to have such aptitude and potential, he was really moved!

He waved his hand lightly, nodded and said: "It's nothing, with your aptitude, once you step into the profound realm, you must be quite a great master, so don't be ashamed of it!"

Tang Xiao opened the chatter box and began to tell Jiang Tian various details of the Xuan Realm.

"The four realms of martial arts are divided into four realms: building spirit, opening the sky, embracing the moon, and rushing to the sun. From the Chongyang realm to the Xuan realm is a great threshold, and crossing this threshold is the four realms of Xuanxiu!"

"The four realms of profound cultivation are divided into four realms: Xuanyue realm, Xuanyang realm, Xuantian realm and Xuanxu realm...Once one enters the Xuan realm, the bloodline and spiritual power will undergo great changes..."

Tang Xiao talked eloquently, telling the cultivation system of the Xuan Realm and some essential knowledge without reservation.

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered when he heard it, waves of waves set off in his mind, and under the leadership of the other party, it seemed that a door to a new world had opened!

"The four realms of profound cultivation: Xuanyue realm, Xuanyang realm, Xuantian realm, and Xuanxu realm!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his heart was throbbing, full of incomparable yearning.

Hearing the other party's description, he felt extremely urgent, and wished he could break through the shackles now and raise his cultivation to the level of the Profound Realm.

But he is very clear that the most important thing in practice is to avoid rushing for success. Without the accumulation of bits and pieces, it is impossible to gain great strength.

"Based on your aptitude, it probably won't take too long to reach the peak of the Chongyang Realm or even the level of the Quasi-Mysterious Realm, but when you hit the Profound Realm, you must pay attention to the following points..."

Tang Xiao was eloquent and imparted all his cultivation experience. Jiang Tian was enlightened by many subtleties, suddenly enlightened, and had unprecedented new cognition and feelings.

Listening to the other party's narration, he nodded from time to time, sighed from time to time, and even corrected many deviations in his understanding. It can be said that he has benefited a lot!

Time passed slowly, and more than an hour passed without knowing it.

For more than an hour, what Jiang Tian heard was almost unheard of things. It can even be said bluntly that the gains in this hour are far better than his previous years of cultivation experience!

"...The cultivation system of the Profound Realm is basically like this, but with your aptitude and comprehension, you probably won't be able to take many detours, and I don't need to say more about the rest, you can experience it by yourself when the time comes!"

With a wave of his hand, Tang Xiao slowly stopped the indoctrination.

During the one-hour exchange, Jiang Tian's aptitude and understanding were stronger than he imagined, which made him so happy that many speeches he had prepared were omitted directly.

And for Jiang Tian, ​​he has gained a lot. In addition to benefiting a lot, he also knows some things that he is eager to understand.

As the big brother of Tianxu Peak, Ling Xiao's cultivation is at the late stage of Xuanyue Realm, while Tang Xiao's cultivation has reached the peak of Xuanyang Realm, only one step away from Xuantian Realm!

As for Mu Lun, the elder of the Dragon and Tiger Sect who had fought against each other a few days ago, Jiang Tian now understood that his cultivation was only at the early stage of Xuanyue Realm.

And just having such strength in the early days of the Xuanyue Realm really made him sigh, and he also deeply realized that no matter how much he cultivated in the Chongyang Realm, he couldn't compare with the real Xuanjing Realm at all!

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