Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0955 Xuanyang Martial Arts Will

"Jiang Tian, ​​our master and apprentice met for the first time, so I will give you a meeting gift as a teacher. You must not lack the skills and magic weapons. As for the things like pills, you can't get them at all. How about it, give it to the teacher. You have a special gift!"

Tang Xiao's eyes flickered, revealing a mysterious smile.

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was taken aback when he heard the words.

But when he was silently guessing what kind of "gift" the other party would give him, a dull roar suddenly resounded through the hall!


Accompanied by this burst of roar, the powerful spiritual power at the peak of the Xuanyang Realm gushed out instantly, and he could not help but put it under the hood, putting him under the powerful pressure of the Xuanyang Realm!

"Hiss!" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and his body shook violently, as if he was being crushed by a huge mountain, and the weight of this "giant mountain" seemed to be increasing!

Jiang Tian's mind was lifted, the body of the tyrannical dragon moved automatically without any urge, and waves of purple aura surged wildly, as if turning into a purple dragon lingering around his body endlessly, making a rumbling roar.

"Oh? Interesting!"

Tang Xiao's eyes flashed, and he nodded slowly, revealing a smile.

Jiang Tian's physical body was far stronger than he had imagined, and he was surprised that he could still forcefully support the will of martial arts at the peak of Xuanyang Realm.

"Good boy, it seems that the teacher really underestimated you!"

Tang Xiao nodded heavily, his eyes flashed suddenly, and the coercion he released increased again!


The dull roar continued to envelope Jiang Tian, ​​making him feel more stressed.

But he didn't have much fear, instead he felt a burst of surprise.

Not everyone can feel the will of martial arts at the peak of Xuanyang Realm.

There is no doubt that Tang Xiao's doing this is actually cultivating him vigorously and giving him great benefits!

The martial arts will at the peak of the Xuanyang Realm is as deep as the sea and as vast as a mountain. Being able to withstand this test will definitely bring indescribable benefits to his martial arts practice.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, the spiritual power in his body surged wildly, and the body of the tyrannical dragon was almost operating to the limit, and his body made rumbling dull roars, obviously it was not easy.

But for him, this is a rare opportunity, so it must not be missed.

Just imagine, which martial artist in the Sunshine Realm can let a strong man at the peak of the Xuanyang Realm temper him like this at all costs?

At this moment, he tried his best, opened his mind, and concentrated on feeling the will of martial arts at the peak of Xuanyang Realm, and his bloodline spiritual power showed amazing vitality under heavy pressure!


Purple light flashed wildly all over Jiang Tian's body, waves of spiritual power rippled in the void, and the aura of his cultivation base was steadily improving and rising!

"Oh? It turned out to be like this!"

Feeling the change in Jiang Tian's spiritual power, Tang Xiao couldn't help being surprised.

What he did was actually just to let Jiang Tian feel the martial arts will of the Xuanyang Realm powerhouse, let him know that there is no end to the practice, and also suppress his genius arrogance by the way.

After all, those who light up the Xuanyang Monument and create the history of the Cangyun Sect will inevitably have extraordinary self-confidence.

Although this kind of self-confidence is not without benefits, it will make him overly arrogant invisibly, and it may affect his practice.

But with the passage of time, Tang Xiao suddenly discovered that Jiang Tian not only did not appear to be in a difficult situation, but even took this opportunity to mobilize his blood and spiritual power to resist. boiling!

"This child is really not simple!"

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes brightened.

Even Ling Xiao didn't have such qualifications. Looking at the entire Cangyun Sect, he might never lose to those top geniuses in the inner sect!

At this moment, the spiritual power in Jiang Tian's body surged wildly, forming a huge vortex of spiritual power around his dantian, spinning wildly to resist the heavy pressure of the Xuanyang realm.

At the same time, under the strong confinement of the Xuanyang Realm, this spiritual power actually had some kind of subtle connection with the external spiritual power!


Accompanied by bursts of dull roars, Jiang Tian suddenly had a bold, even crazy idea!

Since the bloodline spiritual power is so restless, why not take this opportunity to try to break through the bottleneck?

As soon as this idea flashed, he was tightly grasped, and he did not relax in the slightest.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and the body of the tyrannical dragon was fully exerted to the extreme, and the nine rounds of purple blazing sun suddenly appeared again, illuminating the entire hall!

"Good boy! It's really not easy to be able to easily activate the blood vision at this time!"

The corners of Tang Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help being overjoyed.

But the next moment, his face changed slightly, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes!

"Hiss! This is..." Tang Xiao took a deep breath and couldn't help being greatly moved.


Accompanied by a violent roar, the nine purple blazing suns in the void suddenly brightened, as if they had merged into one mass.

However, with the eyesight of a strong person at the peak of the Xuanyang Realm, he can clearly see that it is by no means that the nine rounds of the blazing sun merged into one, but—in addition to the nine rounds of the purple blazing sun, the tenth round of the blazing sun has transformed into one. Positive!

"What kind of qualifications does this kid have? It's incredible!"

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, and a little shock rose in his heart.

At this moment, Jiang Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and quickly sat cross-legged, throwing away all distracting thoughts, and mobilized his blood and spiritual power with all his strength to attack the bottleneck of cultivation.

He clearly felt that the opportunity to advance had arrived.

Tang Xiao's martial will at the peak of Xuanyang Realm is undoubtedly his best whetstone. The bottleneck that he could not break through several times in the past is very likely to be broken under this unprecedented pressure.

This is an opportunity he absolutely must not miss. Once he misses it, it will be a huge regret, and it may even leave him with a negative shadow.

Jiang Tian no longer had any scruples, and sat cross-legged to stimulate the blood and spiritual power with all his strength, and began to launch the final impact!

"Chongyang middle stage, rush for me!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, and the breath in his body was wave after wave, so that the disciples on duty outside the Tianxu Hall were shocked, and rushed to the gate of the hall to observe intently.

Seeing Tang Xiao unleashing the coercion with all his strength, he couldn't help being surprised and shocked!

"Hiss! What's going on?"

"Could it be... Could it be that this new junior brother offended Master?"

"My God! He is so courageous. What a master, if he really dares to offend him, won't he face extremely severe punishment?"

"No! If Master intends to punish, how could he still sit cross-legged safely?"

The guards looked at each other in blank dismay, guessing a lot.

At this moment, the coercion released by Tang Xiao suddenly soared, and they were directly pushed back to the side, even if they wanted to check, they couldn't get any closer.

This made them speculate a lot. They didn't understand what happened, but they just vaguely felt that this new junior brother was probably going to be unlucky.


Jiang Tian sat cross-legged, constantly attacking the middle stage of the Chongyang Realm, and the spiritual power in his body was like the roar of the sea, rising endlessly!

"Chongyang Realm middle stage, break it for me!"

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