Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0957 a little accident

"Yes! Senior Sister Qi, why didn't Senior Brother Tao come back?"

"Did something happen to him?"

"How many other people are there, why didn't they come back?"

"Hey, that's right! I haven't seen Ba Ying in the past few days. Could it be that he also went out with you in a team?"

"How is it possible? Have you forgotten that when Brother Tao and Sister Qi were recruiting a few days ago, Ba Ying wanted to join but was repelled by Jiang Tian?"

"Oh, yes! How did I forget that?"

"By the way, didn't Jiang Tian, ​​the 'genius' who lit up the Xuanyang Monument, go with you, why didn't he come back?"

"Oh, yes, what about Jiang Tian?"

Speaking of Jiang Tian, ​​several disciples immediately sneered, showing disdain, and made no secret of their envy and hatred for him.

This young man only lit up the Xuanyang Monument with his moon-grassing cultivation base, and he became a hotly discussed figure in the sect as soon as he started. On the surface, he looks very beautiful, but in fact it aroused the strong jealousy of countless disciples.

A junior in the moon-grabbing realm, why does he have such a big limelight?

Why has it become the focus of heated discussions among the Cangyun Sect with countless talents?

Did he light up the Xuanyang Monument because of his shit luck?

snort! Based on this alone, no one in the sect will be convinced!

"Hmph, isn't Jiang Tian arrogant, isn't he self-righteous, now it's all right, he seems to have encountered a tough problem when he went out to form a team this time!"

"Hahahaha! The warriors and monsters outside don't know that he has lit up the Xuanyang Monument, so they won't be intimidated by his 'prestige'. Without this aura, he'll probably be left alone outside!"

Someone shook his head and sneered, his face full of sarcasm and contempt, and wantonly mocked Jiang Tian, ​​whose life and death were unknown.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of piercing laughter, and many people echoed and humiliated Jiang Tian wantonly.

Hearing this, Qi Yurou's pretty face turned pale, and she kept sneering in her heart.

But she didn't open her mouth to refute, but her expression became even darker, as if everyone had already guessed the truth.

Seeing Qi Yurou's extremely ugly face, everyone felt that this guess was almost inseparable.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

Suddenly, several outer sect disciples with strong aura pushed through the crowd and came directly in front of Qi Yurou.

Taking a closer look, he couldn't help shaking his head and sneering.

"Hehe, Senior Sister Qi's going out this time doesn't seem to be going well?"

The one who spoke was none other than Xun Yu's running dog, the outer disciple Huang Junsong.

He stared at Qi Yurou, shook his head and sneered, with obvious disdain in his eyes.

"Hmph, it's not just that it's not going well, I think I'm afraid I'm in big trouble?"

"Hahahaha! When recruiting people back then, Brother Tao refused Jiang Tian to join the team, and she still tried her best to win him over. This is good, something happened, do you regret it?"

The two outer disciples who followed Huang Junsong took the opportunity to ridicule Qi Yurou with contempt on their faces.

Qi Yurou's pretty face sank when she heard this, she shook her head and sighed.

"Senior Sister Qi, talk, where are Tao Heng and the others?"

"Also, what about the kid surnamed Jiang, didn't he come back with you?"

"Hehe, didn't he die outside?"

Seeing her gloomy face, Huang Junsong was even more proud, and the two people around him even fanned the flames and kept mocking her.

Qi Yurou's face was gloomy, and she frowned and sighed: "To tell you the truth, we did encounter some accidents when we went out to form a team this time..."

"What did I say, everyone look at it, everyone look at it!"

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, there was an accident!"

Before he finished speaking, the crowd burst into laughter, and some people couldn't wait to gloat over Qi Yurou's misfortune.

In fact, they were not just targeting Qi Yurou, and if Tao Heng was present, they would not dare to be so rampant, and would even show flattering eyes.

The reason why they did this was mainly to target Jiang Tian, ​​and when Huang Junsong and others instigated it, everyone became even more unscrupulous.

"Hahahaha! At the beginning, I didn't like Jiang Tian to form a team with you, but you insisted on pulling him into the team. How is it now? Has something happened?"

"Hmph! Needless to say, it must be Jiang Tian who caused trouble. This kid is too self-righteous and arrogant!"

"That's right! With him in the team, it's no wonder that there are no problems!"

"Hmph! Senior Sister Qi, I'm not talking about you. You shouldn't have let him join the team at the beginning. There are so many masters in our outer sect. You can't just find anyone. If you insist on letting him join, aren't you asking for trouble?"

"Oh, what a pity, it's too late to regret it now!"

"By the way! Brother Tao and the others, they won't be hurt by Jiang Tian, ​​right?"

The crowd suddenly fell silent, and many disciples frowned, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

Qi Yurou sneered in her heart, but she still held back, still maintaining a gloomy expression.

He even felt more "wronged" because of everyone's ridicule.

"You... Sigh! To tell you the truth, our team did encounter some accidents this time, and we were separated because of this. Brother Tao and the others are now missing, and their lives and deaths are unknown. You should stop talking a few sarcastic words !"

Qi Yurou frowned and sighed, turned around and was about to leave, as if she could not bear the ridicule of everyone.

"Wait a minute!"

Huang Junsong frowned, and quickly called her to stop.

"Senior Sister Qi, you said Senior Brother Tao and the others got separated, but what about Jiang Tian, ​​where did he go?"

In fact, he didn't care about Tao Heng's life or death at all. The two of them didn't deal with each other very much. If Tao Heng really died, he would just secretly say that he deserved it.

What he really cares about right now is actually Jiang Tian, ​​to be precise, whether Jiang Tian died outside or not!

"Jiang Tian?" Qi Yurou frowned, hesitated to speak, as if she didn't want to say more.

But the more this happened, the more Huang Junsong and others couldn't suppress their inner curiosity, and the more they couldn't wait to ask her questions, waiting for her answer.

Unable to withstand repeated questioning from the crowd, Qi Yurou shook her head and sighed, revealing a look of grief.

"Oh! It's all my fault. If I hadn't insisted on pulling him into a team, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened." Qi Yurou blamed herself, shook her head and sighed.

"Huh? What's the matter with that kid, Senior Sister Qi, explain it clearly!" Huang Junsong frowned and sighed, feeling extremely anxious.

Although from the other party's voice, he had already heard that Jiang Tian's end was not good, but he still couldn't wait to figure things out so that he could go back and explain to Xun Yu.

If he hadn't heard the news of Qi Yurou's appearance, he wouldn't have rushed over in such a hurry, and the purpose of his coming to the square was to inquire about Jiang Tian's situation.

Qi Yurou frowned and glanced at him, shook his head and sighed, "I was originally with Junior Brother Jiang, but after we separated from Senior Brother Tao, we were attacked by monsters again. Junior Brother Jiang left to cover me, and now his life and death are unknown..."

Before she finished speaking, Huang Junsong loosened his brows and laughed loudly, and the two companions beside him also laughed wildly, with smug expressions on their faces.

"Hahahaha! What did I say, Jiang Tian is arrogant and arrogant, and he will stumble sooner or later!"

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