Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0958 quietly tracking

"Hahahaha! I just didn't expect this day to come so soon!"

"Huh! Such a self-righteous guy, you should teach him some lessons!"

"Hahahaha! Senior Sister Qi, when you were in danger, did you tell those monsters: Jiang Tian is the genius who lit up the Xuanyang Monument?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately burst into laughter. Everyone was unscrupulous, and the atmosphere was extremely bad.

"Hmph! These idiots!"

In the woods not far away, Jiang Tian looked out, shaking his head and sneering.

Qi Yurou faintly sensed it, glanced over there quietly, and nodded subtly.

The reason why she said that was of course that the two had made an agreement in advance, otherwise with her straightforward temperament, she really wouldn't be able to come up with such weirdness.

Looking at Jiang Tian's looming figure hidden in the woods, Qi Yurou wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so she had to hold back, her expression became very strange.

And her appearance was even more ridiculous in the eyes of everyone, making them laugh even more crazily.

"Hahahaha! Senior Sister Qi, I can't blame you, it's all Jiang Tian's self-righteousness!"

"That's right, if he hadn't been so arrogant, he wouldn't have ended up where he is now!"

"Hey! It's a pity, it doesn't matter if he dies alone, but it's not worthwhile to implicate Brother Tao and the others!"

"Hmph! This kid is really a villain who did more than accomplish anything. Fortunately, he is dead. If he is still alive, I will see him and beat him once!"

Someone waved their fists and scolded fiercely, with an extremely indignant look on their faces.

Hearing these words, Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the woods not far away, almost couldn't help rushing to the man, but he still held back.

The corners of Qi Yurou's eyes twitched, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she almost couldn't help the smile in her heart.

"Everyone... I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!"

Qi Yurou knew that if she persisted, she might be exposed, so she suppressed the smile in her heart and greeted everyone, and immediately left without looking back.

In the woods not far away, Jiang Tian nodded with satisfaction and quietly disappeared.

The atmosphere in the square was still full of enthusiasm, and everyone was still excited about this "good news", until it gradually dispersed after Qi Yurou left.

"Hmph, Jiang Tian really died outside!"

"Good death!"

"Let's go! Let's report the good news to Senior Brother Xun now!"

Huang Junsong and his two companions smiled at each other, quickly left the square, and walked towards the mountain road not far away.

The direction they were heading was naturally Xun Yu's residence.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and followed quietly.

Not long after, the three happened to meet Xun Yu who was out.

"Brother Xun, good news!" Huang Junsong couldn't wait to take a few steps forward with a happy expression on his face.

"Well, what good news?" Xun Yu frowned slightly, looking at the other party.

"Hahahaha! Jiang Tian is dead!"

"What? It's true or not, are you sure?" Xun Yu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, but then he frowned slightly and raised doubts.

Huang Junsong shook his head and laughed, without any hesitation at all: "Could it be false? Qi Yurou said it herself!"

"How did you die?" Xun Yu's eyes flickered for a moment, his brows were slightly loose, and he asked intently.

Although he was also very surprised in his heart, he was still extremely cautious and wanted to make sure what the truth was.

Huang Junsong nodded and said, "I asked Qi Yurou personally just now, she said that she got separated from Tao Heng and the others during a team operation, and then encountered a monster attack. Think about it, if you encounter a monster attack in a wild place , Jiang Tian can still survive?"

"Are you sure?" Xun Yu let out a sigh of relief, with a look of complacency on his brows.

"Of course I'm sure! You don't know yet, Qi Yurou has been back for several days, but her breath is still in a mess, her eyes are dim and her expression is gray, it's obvious that she was seriously injured." Huang Junsong looked smug.

"Does this have something to do with Jiang Tian's life and death?" Xun Yu shook his head and sneered.

"Of course there is! Tao Heng and others who went out with her didn't come back, and Jiang Tian didn't show up. Isn't that enough to explain the situation?"

Huang Junsong patted his chest and said without hesitation.

In his opinion, Qi Yurou had been back to the sect for several days, if Tao Heng and the others were still alive, even if they were injured, they should have returned to the sect long ago.

The situation in front of them can only show that they encountered a major accident, and nine out of ten died outside.

Xun Yu's eyes flickered, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly burst out laughing, this behavior immediately startled Huang Junsong and the others.

"Senior brother Xun, what are you..." Huang Junsong's eyes twitched, he couldn't help being stunned, thinking that Xun Yule was extremely sad.

Xun Yu laughed wildly for a moment, then waved his big hand, revealing a smug expression on his face.

"Hmph! I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

"What?" Huang Junsong and his two companions were taken aback when they heard the words, they couldn't help showing puzzled expressions, they didn't understand what the other party meant.

Xun Yu shook his head and sneered, and said proudly: "Jiang Tian may not have been killed by a monster!"

"Huh? Senior Brother Xun, how do you know?" Huang Junsong's eyes twitched in astonishment.

Xun Yu laughed loudly and said, "Even if he can escape the monster's attack, he will definitely die!"

"This..." Huang Junsong and the others looked at each other, their eyes flickering.

"Hiss! Could it be that Senior Brother Xun has other arrangements?" Huang Junsong was the quickest to react, and immediately guessed some kind of possibility.

Xun Yu nodded heavily, with a proud expression on his face: "Of course! Do you think I will let the kid surnamed Jiang go? He injured my cousin Xun Hao before he entered the sect. I will make him feel better about this kind of person? "

"So that's it! Senior Brother Xun is really good at planning!"

"Hahaha, I really thought he died under the attack of a monster. It turns out that Senior Brother Xun has already prepared a foolproof plan!"

Xun Yu smiled proudly, the cloud between his brows dissipated, and his complacency was fully revealed.

"To tell you the truth, killing Jiang Tian is nothing to me. I don't even need to do it myself. I just sent a message and let him be buried in the mountains!"

"Hiss! What kind of clever plan does senior brother Xun have?" Huang Junsong and the others were very curious when they heard the words, their eyes widened, and they couldn't help asking.

"You know Jubaofang, right?"

"Jubaofang? You know, isn't that the property of your Xun family?"

"Hahahaha! That's right! I passed everything on to the elder Keqing in Jubaofang, why won't he obediently handle it for me?" Xun Yu laughed proudly, extremely proud.

"So that's the case, Senior Brother Xun is really brilliant!"

"Jiang Tian will die now, I'm afraid Kung Fu is dead right now? Hahahaha!"

Everyone laughed loudly without restraint, especially Huang Junsong and his two companions, they all suffered from Jiang Tian's misfortune and wished to kill him, and now they finally took a breath of anger.

"Oh, is it?"

At this moment, a ghostly sneer suddenly sounded, which immediately shook everyone's minds and made their hair stand on end!

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