Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0959 killing intent

"It seems that someone is eager for Jiang to die?"

Everyone was shocked, and turned their heads to look, only to see a figure slowly walking out of the dense forest next to them, watching them with deep eyes.

The dense forest is shaded and the sky is difficult to see through. Jiang Tian's eyes are deep and sharp, and there is a strange breath faintly!

"Hiss! Ginger...Jiang Tian!"

"You... are you dead or alive?"

"This...how is this possible?"

The faces of Huang Junsong and the others changed drastically, and they were momentarily horrified.

Xun Yu barely maintained his composure, but his expression was extremely ugly.

"What do you think, am I a human or a ghost?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, with a sly look on his face, his already cold eyes looked extremely strange in the dark woodland.

Huang Junsong and his two companions were almost terrified, pointed at Jiang Tian and said tremblingly, "You won't...really...really a ghost..."

"Shut up!" His words were interrupted by Xun Yu's angry shout.

Xun Yu frowned, and stared at Jiang Tian coldly, with no concealment of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Three useless idiots! Where are the ghosts in broad daylight?"

The three of Huang Junsong felt relieved when they heard the words, but their expressions became even uglier.

They immediately understood that Qi Yurou was just acting in the square just now, and all this was a deliberate game set up by Jiang Tian and Qi Yurou to target them after discussing it.

Not only did they not know it, but they really thought that Jiang Tian had died outside, and this was the scene that Jiang Tian saw right now!

Huang Junsong has no regrets in his heart, but it's too late to regret now, because everything has been exposed.

Xun Yu also cursed secretly in his heart, his face extremely gloomy.

There is no doubt that Jiang Tian hid here intentionally to eavesdrop. He must have heard the words just now. His conspiracy has been completely exposed, and it is too late even if he wants to cover it up.

"Damn it! I've been fooled by this kid!" Xun Yu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, his inner anger rising.

But other than that, he didn't feel any nervousness. After all, Jiang Tian was just entering the sect, but he was a well-known master on the ranking list of outer disciples, so he was naturally not afraid at all in terms of strength.

The reason why he sent a message to the elder Ke Qing in Jubaofang was that he didn't want to involve himself in it. After all, if things went wrong, he would be in some trouble to some extent.

Who would have thought that this seemingly foolproof plan had an accident in the end, and Jiang Tian came back alive, which also broke all his previous plans.

"Xun Yu, there doesn't seem to be any grudge between us. You have done this to me for no reason. How do you think we should settle this debt?"

Jiang Tian looked at the other party coldly, his eyes were as sharp as a sword, as if piercing his heart.

An invisible oppressive force spread quickly, which shocked Xun Yu, who was at the peak of Chongyang Realm, in the heart!

Huang Junsong and others were even more unbearable, as soon as they were enveloped by this breath, their bodies shook violently, and their minds were shaken and restless.

"Chong...the middle stage of Chongyang Realm! How is it possible?" Huang Junsong's eyes twitched after feeling the change in Jiang Tian's cultivation base.

"What? The middle stage of Chongyang Realm!"

"The last time we fought, didn't he still stay at the peak of the Moon Lane Realm? Why... hiss!"

The expressions of the other two changed drastically, and the corners of their eyes twitched wildly.

It didn't take long for Jiang Tian to enter the Cangyun Sect. When he first entered the sect, he only had a peak cultivation level of the Moon Lane Realm. He didn't expect to break through to the middle of the Chongyang Realm in a short period of time.

This speed is so amazing that they can't believe it at all!

"What? Hiss! It really is the middle stage of Chongyang Realm!"

Xun Yu didn't pay much attention at first, and only after hearing the exclamation of Huang Junsong and others, he looked at Jiang Tian again.

In an instant, a strong uneasiness rose in his heart. He knew that this young boy in front of him would definitely be his confidant.

Not in the future, nor how long after, but now!

Now Jiang Tian has become his confidant's serious trouble.

The corners of Xun Yu's eyes twitched, his thoughts were turbulent, and he made a decisive decision in an instant, and immediately killed Jiang Tian before he grew out of control!

"Hmph! Jiang Tian, ​​it seems that you heard what you said just now?"

There was a gloomy light in Xun Yu's eyes, his whole body was about to move, and his strong spiritual power was silently gathered, and his killing intent could no longer be concealed.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered: "Of course, I just didn't expect that you would go to such lengths to deal with me, but it's a pity that I was not killed as you wished, but came back alive."

Jiang Tian sneered and looked at the four people opposite him with contemptuous eyes.

"Come back alive? Hmph! So what? You still cannot escape death today!"

"Do you think that with your little cultivation base, it's really amazing? Jiang Tian, ​​let me tell you, you shouldn't have followed them here, but since you're here, there's no need to leave!"

Xun Yu gritted his teeth and shouted sharply, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Jiang Tian smiled instead of anger when he heard the words, he was speechless: "Why, do you want to kill me here?"

"You guessed it right, surround me!" Xun Yu waved his big hand, and Huang Junsong and the other three bravely surrounded Jiang Tian.

Although they were very afraid of Jiang Tian and knew very well that he was no match for Jiang Tian, ​​they still dared not disobey Xun Yu's orders.

However, at the beginning, Jiang Tian, ​​who only had a cultivation level at the Moon Lane Realm, beat them up helplessly. Now that his cultivation base has risen two levels in a row, it is naturally even more terrifying.

"With me here, what are you afraid of?" Sensing the fear of the three of them, Xun Yu cursed angrily.

If it weren't for these three idiots rushing to announce the good news to him, this matter would not have been revealed so quickly, but now it is too late for him to deny it, and his heart is still full of anger.

Facing the siege of the four people, Jiang Tian was calm and calm, with a calm look, as if nothing happened.

"Xun Yu, are you sure you want to kill me in the sect?" Jiang Tian stared at him with a strange expression.

Xun Yu flashed sternly: "Hmph! There is no one left or right in this place, even if you call for someone, it's too late. Once I make a move with all my strength, do you think you will have a chance?"

Contrary to the expectations of Xun Yu and others, Jiang Tian was not very surprised when he heard the words, but nodded in agreement.

"That's right, it makes sense. As long as you shoot fast enough, even if you kill someone, it won't alarm others. It's indeed a good idea."

Jiang Tian had a smirk on his face, glanced back and forth at several people, exuding a powerful aura faintly.

"Dare to be so rampant when you are about to die, die!"

Xun Yu waved his big hand, signaling for everyone to attack together, but he knew very well that he was the only one who could kill Jiang Tian, ​​and the other three could not be counted on at all.


A dull roar rang through the surroundings, and a powerful aura of cultivation rose up from Xun Yu's body. He held a radiant sword in his hand and was about to attack Jiang Tian.

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