Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

0994 The first chapter forging fire blade

A powerful and oppressive aura instantly enveloped him, and he wanted to imprison Senior Brother Qu without any explanation.

"It's unreasonable! If you don't give you a little bit of power, you really think that the Raging Fire Gate is easy to bully, but you forced me!"

Senior Brother Qu let out a yell, and a hint of madness flashed in his eyes.

The whole body's breath exploded, and the powerful coercion rose to the sky, and a huge flaming black moon suddenly appeared in the midair!


Violent roars spread above the mountain forest, streams of fire burst out from the blazing black moon, dancing wildly, distorting and turbulent the void.

Waves of spiritual power fluctuations visible to the naked eye rolled out violently, forcing the opponent's coercion away, and turned towards the opponent.

Seeing this, the green-robed man suddenly stopped his shot, paused with his right hand, and stopped in front of him.

Slowly raising his head to stare at the huge flame Xuanyue, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Liuyan bloodline, I hope the geniuses of Raging Fire Sect don't let me down!"


Brother Qu had finished his momentum, he swung his right hand, and suddenly pulled out a huge long knife in his hand.

The whole body of this knife is fiery red, as if it has just been pulled out of a furnace without being forged, but the terrifying heat wave released by the whole body makes the corners of the eyes twitch wildly, astonished.

"Hiss! Brother Qu really thinks highly of him, and even used the 'Blade of Forging Fire'!"

"What? This is one of the Zongmen's inherited magic weapons, the 'Forged Fire Blade'! When did Senior Brother Qu get this magic weapon, why have I never heard of it?"

"Do you still need to ask? This must have been taught secretly by the elders of the sect. Brother Qu has always kept a low profile, so he will tell you this kind of thing?"

The corners of everyone's eyes jumped wildly, each of them showed excitement, and they were amazed at the precious sword emitting a dazzling red light.


The next moment, Senior Brother Qu slashed out with the blade of the forging fire in his hand. With the movement of the blade, billowing flames gushed out crazily, and the void seemed to be forcibly torn apart by the power of the flames. The scene was extremely horrifying!

Amidst the rumbling explosions, a huge flame instantly came to the top of the man in the green robe, and he couldn't help but slash down wildly.

The hunting knife wind is mixed with terrifying flames, like the wild fire from hell, bursting out with an irresistible strong will!

"Hmph! What a treasure, it's a waste in your hands!"

Faced with such an offensive, the green-robed man shook his head and sneered, his expression extremely disdainful.

He clenched his right hand and struck out suddenly, a silver light instantly pierced through the void and hit the huge knife shadow.


A sky-shattering roar suddenly sounded, silver light swirled wildly in the void, and the attack of the forging fire blade suddenly collapsed.

"Hiss! How is it possible?"

Senior Brother Qu was shocked and fell into complete horror.

It's incredible that the opponent scattered his attack with just one punch!

"how so?"

"My God! What kind of cultivation is this person?"

Seeing this situation, everyone was also shocked.

As one of the inherited magic weapons of Raging Fire Sect, the Fire Forging Blade is already amazingly powerful, coupled with Senior Brother Qu's Profound Realm strength, the power that erupts can be called terrifying!

However, such an attack doesn't work against the man in green robe?

Everyone was completely shocked, and strong uneasiness quickly enveloped their hearts.

The green-robed man didn't give them too much time. He shook his right fist again and directly blasted the forging fire blade in Senior Brother Qu's hand.

At the same time, one step swept out, and the right fist turned into a palm and slammed down.


The Baizhang Void shook violently, and an astonishing force of confinement crazily shrouded it, enveloping Senior Brother Qu involuntarily.

The six people next to them couldn't bear the coercion, and their bodies shook violently, vomiting blood, and they were thrown backwards, falling to the ground and screaming.

"Damn it!"

Senior Brother Qu showed a frenzied look on his face and tried his best to stimulate the blood and spiritual power, but under the strong suppression of the opponent, he was unable to break free at all.


Accompanied by a dull roar, the pressure of the green-robed man skyrocketed. Senior Brother Qu, who had lost the forging blade, had no power to resist at all, and was firmly imprisoned on the ground.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Brother Qu's body trembled, and his heart was enveloped by a strong uneasiness.

"What I'm going to do, you'll know right away!"

The green-robed man flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Senior Brother Qu, with a strange smile on his mouth, and pointed his finger between Senior Brother Qu's eyebrows.


A roar exploded between Senior Brother Qu's eyebrows, and the strong fluctuation of spiritual power seemed to flick off the fingers of the green-robed man, but under the suppression of his powerful spiritual power, there was still nothing he could do.


Senior Brother Qu let out a scream of extreme horror, his face twisted and deformed in an instant.

The ferocious look on the green-robed man's face quickly receded, and he became expressionless again. He retracted his right arm and swung it out again.

While the palm was shaking, it pierced the opponent's chest like a sharp sword!


Accompanied by a strange explosion, Senior Brother Qu trembled wildly, his spiritual power collapsed instantly, and at the same time, there was a rumbling muffled sound in his body, as if something was surging, extremely strange.

Seeing this scene, the six companions next to him felt their scalps go numb, and their hearts filled with incomparable horror!

The green-robed man flickered with silver light all over his body, frantically cast some kind of secret technique, and swallowed up Senior Brother Qu's essence and blood!

After only a moment of effort, Senior Brother Qu turned into a shriveled corpse and fell to the ground.

"Hiss! Let's go!"

"My God! Run for your life!"

Everyone cried and shouted and got up from the ground, trying to escape with all their strength regardless of their injuries.

"You are all dead, what are you still struggling for?"

The green-robed warrior smiled coldly, a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes, he slapped his right hand in the air, and there was a loud booming sound in the air above.

A huge silver light palm print suddenly appeared, and it was photographed with a strong pressure.

After a loud bang, the six of them were killed in unison, so that there was not even a scum left.

The green-robed man withdrew his gaze coldly, the expression on his face receded quickly, his eyes closed, and the aura around him rose rapidly amidst a rumbling and strange noise.

After a while, his aura slowly dropped after reaching a certain limit, which was significantly higher than before.

"The genius bloodline level of Raging Fire Sect is not bad, and it didn't disappoint me too much."

The green-robed man opened his eyes again, nodded slowly, and smiled coldly.

"Yu Tian, ​​with your current strength, as long as you don't meet some perverted guys, there should be no opponents at the level of Xuanyue Realm."

A deep voice suddenly sounded, and an old man in silver robe suddenly appeared, standing beside Yu Tian, ​​a man in green robe.

"Master, thank you!" Yu Tian nodded slowly and smiled lightly.

"Okay, I still have my own things to do as a teacher, let's take a step first."

The silver-robed old man waved his hand lightly, and disappeared into the depths of the forest in a flash.

A moment later, Yu Tian also swept forward and quickly disappeared into the forest.


Below a cliff about tens of feet high, straight up and down like a knife and axe, more than a dozen warriors wearing uniform blue animal pattern costumes are hunting monsters with all their strength.

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