Roar... Roar!

The violent howling sounded non-stop, the demonic aura surged below the cliff, countless broken branches and broken trees danced wildly, and clouds of smoke and dust billowed up, blocking everything inside so that it was difficult to see through.

And twenty feet away, those warriors wearing cyan animal pattern costumes took swords and other magic weapons with all their strength, and kept attacking the place where the evil spirit was tumbling.

The void was filled with the sound of rumbling spiritual power bursts and the roar of berserk monsters, shaking this cliff to the point of collapse!

"Hehe, the strength of this group of juniors this year is really good, obviously better than last year!"

"Of course, these are first-class geniuses carefully selected by the sect. Their aptitude and strength, even compared with the geniuses of the three Canglan sects, are not far behind!"

Behind the dozen or so warriors wearing animal pattern costumes, two young and slightly tall warriors with powerful auras folded their arms and watched, looking calm and calm.

These two were also wearing animal-print costumes, but compared to the others, there was a slightly complicated round silver mark on their chests, which showed that they were of a higher status than those people.

Judging from the deep coercion emanating from them, they are obviously two masters of the profound realm!

And the dozen or so warriors who besieged the monsters in front were all at the peak of Chongyang Realm.

"Senior Brother Shen, Senior Brother Hu, we... we are about to be overwhelmed!"

"The strength of these two monsters is really too strong, I also ask the two senior brothers to help!"

The two warriors in the center yelled anxiously after slashing wildly a few times, their brows furrowed into a ball.

At the beginning, the surging monster energy was limited within a range of 30 feet, and there was a tendency to retreat under their attack, but just now, the fierceness of the two monster beasts broke out again.

This time, their aura suddenly increased, which made the dozen or so people feel exhausted.

Not only that, the mass of monster energy was also surging wildly, tumbling and spreading outwards crazily, with a tendency to intensify, forcing more than a dozen warriors to retreat involuntarily.

In just a moment of effort, it has expanded to a radius of more than forty feet!

However, after hearing the shouts from the same sect, the two Profound Realm warriors still stood with arms folded, unmoved at all.

The two wanted to look at each other, and a sly smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Senior Brother Shen, who was slightly taller with sword-browed brows, said calmly, "Calm down, don't panic!"

"Senior Brother Shen! But..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Senior Brother Shen waved his hand lightly to interrupt the other party.

"Stop talking nonsense! If you can't even take down the two injured monsters, what face do you have to call yourself a sect genius?"

"Hmph! That's right! Senior Brother Shen and I have already wounded two monsters, and you spent so much time and still can't take them down, you're nothing but trash and idiots!"

Senior Brother Hu smiled coldly when he heard the words, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and with the same attitude as Senior Brother Shen, he began to ridicule these people wantonly.

"Hmph! If you shrink back when encountering a little difficulty like you, I don't think there is any need to practice. Hurry up and go home and beg for food!"

"The Heavenly Beast Sect will go on without you. If you can't even take down these two monsters, you will lose all your experience results this time!"

The two talked to each other, their attitudes were very firm, and they had no intention of helping those Chongyang realm disciples. Their words were full of contempt and contempt, and they even seemed to be a joke.

Hearing this, the dozen or so Chongyang realm warriors were ashamed and ashamed. They were both ashamed and indignant for a moment.

Sure enough, stimulated by the two people's words, more than a dozen warriors joined forces, and within a short time, the billowing monster energy was compressed to a range of more than 30 feet, and there was even a tendency to gain the upper hand!


"Hahahaha! Two senior brothers, watch out, we will definitely be able to take down these two monsters!"

"Shoot with all your might, don't let the two senior brothers down!"

Everyone knew that Senior Brother Shen and Senior Brother Hu didn't really look down on them, but were using this special method to stimulate them and force out their potential.

If they can only shoot within their own ability, their strength will not be able to improve quickly. The purpose of this experience is to let them burst out their full potential in the face of tremendous pressure.

Senior Brother Shen and Senior Brother Hu looked at each other with a smile on their lips, but there was still a bit of disdain in their eyes.

"Hmph! Is that all you guys are capable of?"

"How long has it been? You still can't take down the two wounded monsters. I think your practice in the past few years has been cultivated on dogs, right?"

Hearing the ridicule of the two, everyone seemed to be poured with cold water, and couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.

In order to prove themselves, in order to prove their identity and status as a genius in their sect, they couldn't help but launch another ruthless attack.


At the bottom of the cliff, there was a sudden flash of spiritual light, and the spiritual power was soaring, and he couldn't help but go towards the cloud of monster energy, the momentum was extremely crazy!

Roar... ouch!

Under their frenzied attacks, the evil spirit shrank smaller and smaller, and soon shrank to a radius of more than twenty feet.

Not only that, the monster shrouded in the demonic aura is even looming, revealing ferocious head horns and bloodthirsty and violent eyes!

"Quick! Work harder, we're going to get it soon!"

"Everyone do our best, let's take them all in one go!"


The crowd shouted and shouted, and the attacks became more intensive. Waves of spiritual power attacks poured down like a tidal wave, pouring all of them on the two monsters.

Ho ho ho!

The two demonic beasts seemed to feel the crisis of life and death, and with a few wild roars, their respective blood rose, exuding an extremely terrifying aura!


There was a dull roar suddenly, and the monster energy that was about to shrink to a radius of twenty feet suddenly surged violently like an explosion, and in an instant it soared to a radius of more than forty feet, and it was still spreading rapidly. Then more than a dozen warriors were enveloped in it.

"Ah! Not good!"

"Damn! How could this be?"

"Everyone back!"

A few angry exclamations came out of the frenzied demonic aura, and before the words were finished, figures shot back backwards and landed twenty feet away.

The corners of the eyes of the two Profound Realm warriors swept away, and they couldn't help but frowned at the same time.

Most of the original dozen or so disciples have withdrawn now, and there are still six or seven who have not had time to withdraw. If the situation is allowed to continue, the consequences will be disastrous!

"It seems that this is their limit!" Senior Brother Shen shook his head and sighed, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Well, if we don't take action again, they must be in bad luck."

Senior Brother Hu nodded lightly, the sharpness in his eyes ready to move.

A moment later, the two of them rushed out together in a flash, and the aura around them instantly swayed wildly with a bang, blasting straight into the monster energy in front of them.

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