Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0998 tragic killing

Since all sects, big and small, are preparing for the Martial Dao Conference of the Canglan Country recently, there are many teams of experienced warriors in this mountain range.

Of course, those who want to enter such a dangerous place must be accompanied by experts from the profound realm.

And those small and medium sects are not like the three major sects of Cang Lan, where Profound Realm warriors abound.

For them, Xuanjing fighters can be described as a rich resource, and they are the core combat power of the sect.

Most of their disciples are only at the Chongyang Realm, and when they come here to practice, of course they must be protected by a strong person at the Profound Realm.

This was done to guard against those powerful monsters, and to prevent some people with ulterior motives from taking the opportunity to make trouble and kill these young disciples.


In a certain valley, a group of warriors are fighting with each other.

There were a total of twenty of these people, wearing red and yellow attire, obviously from different sects.

Both sides had a Profound Realm fighter, but they did not rush to fight, but faced each other from a distance, witnessing those Chongyang Realm disciples attacking each other.

Only such a tragic scene can make these Chongyang realm disciples grow up as soon as possible. Some people whose cultivation has reached the critical point may take this opportunity to break through!

This is comparable to several months, or even years of hard work. Although it is a bit cruel for warriors, it is also the most effective way of training.


The violent roar kept ringing, and the battle between the two sides intensified. From time to time, some people uttered miserable screams, and even corpses flew out every so often. The scene was extremely tragic.

"about there!"

The Profound Realm warrior in the red robe nodded slowly, the light in his eyes flashed away, he jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards the battle group.

"Can't wait?"

The yellow-robed profound-level martial artist on the opposite side snorted coldly, his brows brightened, and he greeted him with a fighting spirit.

The two sides immediately started fighting, and suddenly the spiritual light flashed wildly in the void, and the mighty spiritual power rolled and spread, covering the entire small valley.

The strength of the two is almost the same, and they can't tell the winner after a long time of fighting. The disciples of Chongyang Realm below are getting more and more anxious as they fight, and their numbers are rapidly reduced.

If things go on like this, don't talk about training, I am afraid that the young warriors on both sides will have to fight for nothing.

Just when the two were at loggerheads and were eager to end the fight, a thick blue light suddenly rushed over, one moment it was hundreds of feet away, and the next moment it swept over the valley.

"Who is coming?"

"What are you doing?"

The two Profound Realm warriors, the red robe and the yellow robe, stopped fighting immediately, and asked each other sharply.

They all sensed that the owner of the cyan light was not a good person.

However, their voices were still echoing in the void, the blue light suddenly paused, and the green-robed warrior who appeared suddenly uttered a murderous sentence.

"Send you on your way!"


Before the words were finished, a giant silver light palm suddenly appeared, and without any explanation, it slammed down on the two of them.

The powerful coercion enveloped the two of them with an irresistible momentum, knocking them to the ground heavily, vomiting blood incessantly.


The figure of the green-robed warrior flickered, and he landed between the two of them in an instant. He flipped his palms and pressed them on top of the two of them involuntarily.

The two Profound Realm fighters, the red robe and the yellow robe, had hoped for a while, and were about to temporarily abandon their previous suspicions and join forces to attack the unexpected visitor, but before they could make a move, they were empowered by a terrifying spiritual force, screaming and crippling their cultivation.


Silver lights shrouded the arms of the green-robed warriors, pumping out their blood containing pure spiritual power.

In the blink of an eye, these blood essences merged into one and were quickly swallowed by the green-robed warrior. At the same time, his aura of cultivation began to skyrocket, and after reaching a certain limit, it began to reverberate, and finally stopped at an Front slightly higher level.

There were two abnormal sounds, and the two mummies fell to the ground, already inhuman.

The green-robed man closed his eyes for a moment, but when he opened them again, he shook his head slowly, with a disappointed look on his face.

"Why is it so bad?"

He slowly shook his head and looked forward, but saw several figures running away hastily, which turned into black spots in a flash.


The green-robed man gave a sneer, and didn't go after them any more. In his opinion, these people were not worth his time, and since they were far away, let them run away.


In a blink of an eye, the green-robed man rose into the air, and flew towards the depths of the forest, continuing to look for the next target.


Within a few days, more than a dozen massacres occurred in the southern mountain range!

Especially for those small and medium sects and certain family warriors, once they go deep into the mountains, they will often encounter tragic killings.

The emotion of fear shrouded the mountains, so that the news spread, and all the warriors who came here became panicked.

"Hey! I heard no. Recently, a murderous demon appeared in the southern mountain range. His cultivation level is so high that it is said that he can easily kill even a master of the profound realm!"


Somewhere on the top of a hill, several warriors in different costumes gathered together, exchanging the news they got in the past few days.

These people all looked tired, and their eyes kept looking around, all of them looked overly vigilant.

In fact, they can't be blamed. After all, the tragedies that happened in the southern mountains in the past few days are too shocking, and they have already been thoroughly spread among experienced warriors.

Now, all the warriors have heightened their vigilance, and the eyes of those experts in the mysterious realm who are following the team are even more wide-eyed, and their murderous intent will skyrocket at the slightest movement. Shocking killing intent.

Some family forces and small and medium-sized sects with weak foundations involuntarily withdrew from the southern mountain range in order to avoid danger or even end their training early.

There is no way, their strength should be limited, and once they encounter that kind of crisis, it will be a huge blow, and some are even enough to destroy a family or a sect.

In contrast, whether or not he can participate in the Martial Dao Conference of Canglan Country is not the most important thing.

However, there are also some powerful sects who don't care, and even scoff at these rumors.

They didn't believe those near-bizarre rumors, and they thought that some people with ulterior motives were deliberately fabricating news in order to disrupt the preparations of all parties in order to benefit from it.

Of course, some people speculated that the real reason for the group destruction of those warriors was not some mysterious warriors, but encountering powerful monsters!

You must know that this mountain range is huge, and there are many fifth-level monsters living in it for several days. Even in the deepest part of the mountain range, there are even more powerful monsters.

Once encountering such a monster, it would be difficult for even a master of the Profound Realm to deal with it, let alone a martial artist of the Chongyang Realm.

And if you fall into the siege of many monsters, no matter how strong you are, it will be useless, and you will only end up in a tragic death.

Judging from all the signs, those forces that were wiped out were probably caught in the siege of monsters.

"……this is too scary!"

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