Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 0999 demon birds and tigers

"I think it's possible that a monster is at work?"

"That's right, I think so too. There are so many monsters in this mountain range. So many sects and family warriors have come to practice. It's strange not to encounter monsters attacking!"

"I don't think it's that simple. I've made up my mind. I'll end this training and return to the family as soon as possible. Whether you leave or not is up to you."

The crowd discussed for a while, and soon dispersed, several warriors chose to leave, but there were still some people who did not believe in evil, and still wanted to carry out the training to the end.


In a hidden valley somewhere, a seemingly ordinary pile of rocks was suddenly shaken away by a huge force.


A figure flew out of it, circled slightly and landed on the ground.

This is a young man wearing a light blue cloud-patterned Taoist robe, with a frightening light on his brows, and a strong aura. It looks like he has just finished retreat.

This person is none other than Jiang Tian!

After nearly ten days of retreat, the elixir on his body has been almost consumed. Now his cultivation base has just broken through the shackles of the middle stage of Chongyang Realm, and he is still far away from the late stage of Chongyang Realm.

"The effect of the Yunling Treasure Pill is really good, but it's a pity that the quantity is a little less."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, recalling the effects of the ten Yunling Treasure Pills, a look of light appeared in his eyes.

It was these ten Yunling Treasure Pills that helped him get rid of the shackles of the middle stage of Chongyang Realm, while the other nearly a hundred pills only added to his bloodline spiritual power, and had no particularly strong effect.

"Relying on pills alone is not enough after all, monsters are everywhere here, after all, I still have to do it myself."

Jiang Tian let out a sullen breath and muttered to himself, with a self-deprecating smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he said these words to himself. If Ling Xiao or even Tang Xiao heard them, he might be so surprised that he would vomit blood.

There are so many precious pills, which can be used for at least several months in other people's hands, but they only lasted less than ten days in Jiang Tian's place.

And he still... thinks the quantity is too small and the effect is not enough?

This is too exaggerated!

In fact, Jiang Tian didn't place too much expectation when he got the elixir. After all, he knew his own situation best. If he completely relied on the elixir to improve his cultivation, he might eat up all of Tianxu Peak's treasury.

If you really want to do that, many fellow disciples of Tianxu Peak will not need to practice.

Of course not!

That's why he proposed to go out to practice immediately without any hesitation.

Because he knows very well that his physique is extremely special, and every step of his cultivation will consume a huge amount of cultivation resources, and the general supply is far from enough.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Tian quickly got up and swept into the forest in front of him.

Ho ho ho!

Not long after, a ferocious beast roar resounded in the dense forest by a certain pool.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of violent spiritual power erupted, and after several flashes of spiritual light, the roar of the beast stopped abruptly, and there was complete silence.


The spiritual power rolled away in the void, and Jiang Tian fell to the ground, looking at the three huge fifth-level monsters, his eyes flickered thoughtfully.

He used the Sky-Swallowing Finger just now, but he didn't completely use his talent of soul suppression to deal with these monsters.

He just released a little bit of blood aura, and casually used the sky-swallowing finger to create huge finger shadows that pierced through the vital points of these monsters.

"The power of the Sky Swallowing Finger has indeed improved, but it is still not enough to deal with the strong in the profound realm!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, he pondered for a moment and slowly shook his head, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

After these days of retreat, although his spiritual power has increased a lot, but limited by the realm of cultivation, there is still a certain limit to his overall strength.

To break this situation, there is no other good way other than improving strength and breakthrough cultivation.

Jiang Tian suppressed his distracting thoughts, and used his talent of devouring blood to start extracting the blood essence of monsters.

After the muffled rumbling sound, he devoured the blood essence of the three monster beasts one after another. After collecting the remaining monster beast materials, he quickly left the pool and rushed forward.


Not long after, an amazing scene took place on the top of a hill!

A two-winged demon bird with a size of more than ten feet is hovering in the air, and a white tiger-shaped monster shaped like a hill is fighting with each other. The scene is very intense.


The shape of the two-winged monster bird is like a giant eagle, covered with blue-purple feathers, a pair of sharp claws flashing with cold light, and when it is grasped in the air, cold shadows like sword lights will rush out.

That giant tiger-shaped beast couldn't fly in the air, but it was better than a monster with rough skin and thick flesh.

Facing the light blades rushing towards them, they continuously uttered crazy roars, and the powerful monster power contained in the voices shattered these light blades like invisible walls of air, turning them into balls of white light and dissipating them. Come.

However, after all, the two-winged demon bird was more flexible in stature, and took the initiative to attack. After a moment of entanglement, the giant tiger-shaped monster was scarred.


A figure came through the air, landed on the top of the slightly higher hill opposite, and watched intently.

"Hey! Why does this demon bird look familiar?"

Jiang Tian watched intently, his eyes flickering thoughtfully.

The blue-purple feathers of the two-winged demon bird reminded him of a powerful monster described in an ancient book.

It was a mutated monster bird named "Qingpeng", which contained a trace of the blood of the ancient divine beast "Tianpeng".

After observing carefully for a moment, Jiang Tian suddenly frowned slightly, shook his head and sighed.

"No! Although the two-winged monster bird is somewhat similar in size, there are obvious differences. It is definitely not a descendant of 'Qingpeng'."

Jiang Tian shook his head in disappointment, feeling a little depressed.

If this monster is really a descendant of "Qingpeng", he will find a way to subdue it no matter what.

That kind of monster has a unique bloodline and has great potential. If it is tamed and cultivated properly, it can grow into a powerful bird monster.

Although the one in front of him was fierce and abnormal, it was obviously not too intelligent, which inevitably disappointed him.

However, the beast's steel wings like a long knife still surprised him!

Every time those wings flap, a strong hurricane can be rolled up, and every time the attack of the giant tiger monster is resolved invisible.


Jiang Tian sighed softly, shook his head and smiled.


Suddenly there was a wild roar, but the giant tiger-shaped monster seized the opportunity to rise into the air, and attacked the two-winged monster bird unexpectedly.

The bloody mouth opened wide and the monster force spurted out wildly, at the same time, the two giant pillar-like front claws rushed out fiercely, ready to tear the monster bird apart.

However, it still underestimated the speed talent of the monster bird, and when it was about to succeed, it saw the monster bird's aura flash wildly, and a layer of blue-purple streamer instantly enveloped the whole body!

"Huh?" The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, he couldn't help being taken aback, and his heart was shocked when he looked intently.

While the cyan-purple streamer was blooming, the two-winged demon bird moved horizontally out of thin air, and appeared more than twenty feet away in an instant. The speed was so fast that Jiang Tian didn't even see it clearly!

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