After a short break with his brother, Park Hyunsoo followed Ha Yurak to the conference room on the top floor.

She took a seat at her top and pointed to her right.

“Sit there.”

“I felt it before, but the facilities have improved a lot.”

“The world has improved a lot while you were away.”

From tables to chairs to conference screens on the walls.

As she said, the conference room was all up-to-date.

Some of the items were improved as sculptures and acted as an air purifier.

Monami was also good, crawling around the table and crying.

Ha Yu-rak looked at Monami with her adorable sweet face, and Park Hyunsoo walked around looking around her conference room.

At that moment, the door to the conference room opened and familiar faces entered.

“Mr. Hyunsoo!”

As soon as Lee Min-ah found him, she threw the papers she was holding in her arms on the conference table and ran away.


Park Hyunsoo felt her dazed and accepted her gently.

Ha Yu-rak glared at him from behind, but there was no time to worry about it.

It was because Lee Min-ah raised her head and looked at him with a weeping face.

He smiled awkwardly.

"I'm back."

“How are you doing without a word?”

There was sadness in her crying voice.

He had nothing to say, so he just laughed.

“This is won. We won't even have time to rejoice."

As Lee Min-ah continued to hold her in her arms, the two behind them smiled and said.

Park Hyunsoo pulled her apart and gave her light humility towards them.

“It’s been a while, President of the Association.”

It was Baek Cheon-ho, who served as the president of the Korean branch association when the artillery commander reigned in the past.

Baek Cheon-ho smiled kindly and shook his head.

“I am no longer the president of the association. The president of the association is sitting over there, right? I am just an advisor.”

"right. I am the president of the association.”

Ha Yu-rak spoke as if protesting from behind, but his voice was full of playfulness.

Rather, if you are an advisor to the president of the association, isn’t it a little bit ‘one’?

Park Hyunsoo was puzzled and saw a young man behind Baekcheonho.

“By the way, he… … .”

"nice to meet you. My name is Woojin Chun.”

“This is Park Hyunsoo.”

“You are the head of the operation planning team.”

The introduction was given by Lee Min-ah.

“There is no longer an interest group like a guild, and we have to move a large number of hunters under the control of the New World, so we needed an operation planning team.”

Previously, there was an operation planning team.

However, due to the existence of the guild, it was a group with little or no activity.

not now

As Lee Min-ah said, guilds no longer exist, and only New World has become a group that can attack portals.

Because of that, the chapters of each country needed a tool that could lead the hunters in that country.

So, the operation planning team was created.

In other words, it could be said that Chun Woo-jin was a powerful person with considerable influence even within the Korean branch.

“It is an honor to meet the hero of the Earth like this.”

“A shameful hero.”

"no. Without Park Hyunsoo, the earth would have already been destroyed.”

“That’s too exaggerated… … .”

“What is an exaggeration? If not for you, who would stop that monster?”

Ha Yu-rak clearly remembered the old-dressed monster he fought with Park Hyunsoo two years ago.

Park Hyunsoo succeeded in killing the monster that was enough to flinch even with the S-class hunters' all-out attacks.

Without him, a monster would have swept the Earth.

“Aside from that, without Mr. Hyunsoo, humanity would have suffered enormous damage over and over again.”

Park Hyunsoo was embarrassed, but he couldn't resist.

Because it was all true.

"So… … .”

It was when Lee Min-ah was just about to say something.

Something yellow wiggled right next to it.

His eyes naturally turned to it.

It was the same with Baek Cheon-ho and Cheon Woo-jin.

The three men's eyes met the yellow, small creature sitting at the table.

The little creature tilted its head, shining bright eyes.

“What?”Lee Min-ah's eyes widened.

She grabbed her monami and shouted.

“It’s cute!”

Park Hyunsoo also felt a strong sense of déjà vu this time.

* * *

“So, where did you get this cute kid from?”

Ha Yu-rak asked, rubbing her finger on Monami's stomach, who was sleeping with her stomach covered.

At that question, the eyes of the other three turned to Park Hyunsoo.

“Um, I don’t know what to say first.”

Park Hyunsoo scratched his chin.

two years time.

It would have been such a time on Earth.

But it was different for him.

“First of all, Monami is the child of Ionix, the dragon king who reigns in the Tetronian dimension.”

Suddenly, silence came into the conference room.

They blinked and looked at Park Hyunsoo, unable to say anything.

Needless to say, the words that just came out of Park Hyunsoo's mouth were difficult to accept realistically.

Park Hyunsoo gave their reaction that he thought so.

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?”

“… … Tet... … what?"

“It’s Tetronia. It is about two billion light-years from Earth.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

The four of them looked at each other at the sudden, unrealistic shame.

It was as if they were asking each other if they understood what they were saying.

Ha Yoo-rak looked at Monami and then turned to Park Hyunsoo again.

“So, you mean you haven’t been on Earth for two years?”

“Two years.”

Park Hyunsoo smiled meaninglessly.

Neither of you could understand why he had that expression on his face.

“By the way, when I left, I wrote in a note that I would be back in two years.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s been a long time, so I’m a little fuzzy. What did I write on the note that day?”

“Mr. Hyunsoo?”

“You know what?”

Park Hyunsoo asked everyone.

“I mean time. Surprisingly, everything is different in space.”

“Speak so I can understand.”

“If you look at the solar system right now, each planet has a different daily cycle. It gets worse when you leave the solar system. In some places, 12 hours is a day, and in others, hundreds of hours are a day.”

“Are you talking about the theory of relativity?”

Chun Woo-jin's eyes lit up.

Park Hyunsoo smiled and shook his head.

“I don’t know how difficult it is. Because it’s literature.”

“What do you want to say?”

"2 years. The time you've been through is two years, but I'm a little different.”

It was roughly what Park Hyunsoo said, but somewhat expected.

They quietly waited for him to speak.

Park Hyunsoo, who was a little shaky, then opened his mouth.

“About 40 years. Yes, in Earth time, that would be enough.”

“… … Mr. Hyunsoo? Are you kidding me now?”

“40… … the end of the year?”

It was not easy to believe.

To say that you appear after 2 years and say you have lived for 40 years?

I only heard it as a joke.

Actually, considering that 40 years have passed, Park Hyunsoo is not much different from what it was two years ago.

There are no signs of aging.

“It must be hard to believe. I would have been like that too. However."

The faint smile disappeared.

Park Hyunsoo looked at you with a serious face.

The four of them were unable to speak.

There was a depth in his two eyes that he dared not predict.

It was completely different from Park Hyunsoo's eyes I saw two years ago.

"Wandered through all dimensions with Carbon."


“Ah, I forgot to explain because he’s so familiar.”When Park Hyunsoo told us about Carbon, the four of them had a startled face again this time.

Every word that came out of his mouth was enough to make his ears doubtful, so of course it was.

* * *

Park Hyunsoo told them about his past.

He couldn't tell you everything.

Because many “promises” also had confidentiality clauses.

Even excluding that part, a lot of the content was enough to astonish the four of you.

Ha Yu-rak said that he had heard too many extraordinary stories and said that he should take a break.

Everyone agreed.

“I mean, Monami, you mean she is the child you brought from the last dimension you arrived?”


“But the dragon king gave it away so easily? It’s your own child.”

“A dragon, not a human.”

“Ah, anyway.”

At Ha Yu-rak's point, Lee Min-ah responded with her pouty face.

“Because that was the deal.”


Park Hyunsoo only smiled and didn't answer.

He wanted to inquire about the transaction, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut as it gave off an atmosphere not to ask.

No one was in a position to force him.

When the time comes, he will tell you first.

“But why isn’t that carbon person with you?”

“He hasn’t come back yet.”


“He will come back when the time is right.”

Park Hyunsoo chuckled as he remembered Carbon, who must have been struggling.

Unable to understand the meaning of that smile, the four of them just shrugged their shoulders.

Then, as if he had forgotten something, Park Hyunsoo snapped his finger.

“I had something important to say right now, but I forgot.”


“From now on, once a week, Monster Wave will come.”

“… … ?”

Did you mean that even an undiscovered portal was opened?

It couldn't be.

The New World's surveillance network was spread across the globe.

Although we didn't find Park Hyunsoo for two months, it was just that Park Hyunsoo's abilities were huge and the portal was easy to spot.

“It’s not a portal.”

“Please give me an accurate explanation.”

Chun Woo-jin asked with a serious face.

Since he was in a position to oversee the awakenings of the Korean branch, the Monster Wave was a serious problem.

Even if it was a monster wave that appeared from somewhere other than the portal, there was nothing more to say.

“These are the monsters I brought with me.”

“Park Hyunsoo!”

Ha Yu-rak slammed the desk and stood up.

Her Monami jumped up in surprise.

She thought for a moment that her ears were wrong.

I wonder if it was the same with Lee Min-ah, and she tilted her head while picking her ears.

Baek Cheon-ho looked at him with a serious face with his arms crossed, and Cheon Woo-jin was ready to call the hunters at any moment.

“You just spit it out, you have to explain it properly.”

“There is nothing to explain. Well, if I had to correct my words a little, it would be correct to call it a summons.”

“What are you talking about! You summoned a monster? Right now, I'm overwhelmed with just the army, but... … .”

“The Awoken of Earth are weak.”

“ Hyunsoo, wait a minute. What did you say all of a sudden?”

“Not now. The earth cannot escape destruction.”

“So you mean to destroy it with your own hands?”

From Ha Yu-rak's point of view, it sounded like Park Hyunsoo said so.

Monster Wave was such a sensitive issue.

Fortunately, Park Hyunsoo denied her words.

“Please. If I had, I wouldn't have come back to Earth."

However, Ha Yu-rak and Lee Min-ah felt that something was wrong with the cold words.

For a moment, I listened to what he had to say.

“Throughout my experiences outside of Earth, of course, I also heard stories about the military. king. He was a great guy.”

Until now, aside from what Mare had said and what they had been through, they knew nothing of the King's forces.

However, the other dimension was a different story.

Dimensions open to the universe knew some of the King's forces, and some were quite detailed and knowledgeable.

“They are space pirates. Among them, we are proud of a very unique force.”“Space pirate, are you talking?”

“Yes, space pirates. A swarm that loots planets and dimensions. I don't know why, but the number of planets that have been destroyed because of it is uncountable, and in the case of dimensions, it has broken through triple digits."

Their actions in space could be said to be in jeopardy.

Dimensions dominated by the superpowers could not be easily touched, but relatively weak dimensions invaded without harshness.

“Those who act freely even in space are the enemies of the Earth. It is completely different from what I had known only in the abstract.”

It was the army of the King who was notorious even in the universe.

If you put your mind to it, you could steam enough to eat the earth.

I just couldn't do it because of restrictions.

Those restrictions are no longer there.

The promised five years will soon pass, and King's army will invade Earth in earnest.

There was no way they could not destroy even a single planet, destroying dimensions.

“Three singularities are not enough. All Awoken must increase experience.”

“So you’re saying you brought a monster?”


“Maybe that monster that appeared in the East Sea… … .”

“He must have been sent for a test. I was a little surprised by sending someone stronger than I thought.”

“How many … because of him… … !”

“I couldn’t even stop him. Until I do.”

Ha Yu-rak couldn't say anything.

Not only her fierce tiger squad, of course, she too could not stop the monstrous giant monster.

Far from stopping her, she almost got her back.

If Park Hyunsoo hadn't appeared, it would have been a real mess.

“He’s a relatively strong guy, and the wave to come isn’t that far. But if you keep getting stronger, someday, monsters of that level will come.”

At that, Ha Yu-rak swallowed her dry saliva.

She is an S-class hunter, and if a horde of monsters she couldn't handle swarmed her, it would have been worse than her army.

“It would be better for the earth to perish if it was going to collapse here.”

“Mr. Hyunsoo, I don’t think that’s a little bit.”

Lee Min-ah responded with her serious face.

She was looking at Park Hyunsoo with slightly terrified eyes.

“You have to work as hard as you can.”

“So it is.”


“Monster Wave is one of the things I can do to save the planet.”

Everyone was silent.

Park Hyunsoo's actions were extreme, but as he said, the earth will inevitably be destroyed if it is not enough to handle it.

Just then, the door opened and a familiar girl entered.

The girl who looked good with the cute black bread hat frowned.


it was chungran

She reconfirmed with Park Hyunsoo, recalling what she had heard outside.

“Is everything I just said true?”


Park Hyunsoo speaks calmly without changing his expression.

No more, there was no young man with a bright smile before.

“If you do what you say, can humanity fight the army and win?”

“I don’t know.”

Park Hyunsoo recalled a conversation he had with the ruler of the Karma dimension who promised to airlift monsters to Earth.

‘It will be difficult, strong one.’

‘I’m going to try everything I can.’

'I owe you, I just give you what you want. But the king's forces are powerful.'

‘You have to overcome it.’

‘Keep in mind. The king is not alone.’

Maybe he was right.

Even if humanity grows by hunting monsters, there is a greater possibility that it will not reach the army.

Still, if there is a glimmer of hope, wouldn't it be right to hold on to it?

“You try to do what you can.”

“I understand what you mean. Let me prepare.”

Qing Lan turned her around and opened the door to her conference room.

Park Hyunsoo looked at her back and gave a brief thank you.

"thank you."


She only swung her head back.

“I’m no longer the chairman, but the vice-chairman.”

The door is closed.

Park Hyunsoo looked at the other four.

They only shrugged their shoulders.

Zx The Cheonma Who Keeps Hunsu Episode 112

After a short break with his brother, Park Hyunsoo followed Ha Yurak to the conference room on the top floor.

She took a seat at her top and pointed to her right.

“Sit there.”

“I felt it before, but the facilities have improved a lot.”

“The world has improved a lot while you were away.”

From tables to chairs to conference screens on the walls.

As she said, the conference room was all up-to-date.

Some of the items were improved as sculptures and acted as an air purifier.

Monami was also good, crawling around the table and crying.

Ha Yu-rak looked at Monami with her adorable sweet face, and Park Hyunsoo walked around and looked around the conference room.

At that moment, the door to the conference room opened and familiar faces entered.

“Mr. Hyunsoo!”

As soon as Lee Min-ah found him, she threw the papers she was holding in her arms on the conference table and ran away.


Park Hyunsoo felt her dazed and accepted her gently.

Ha Yu-rak glared at him from behind, but there was no time to worry about it.

It was because Lee Min-ah raised her head and looked at him with a weeping face.

He smiled awkwardly.

"I'm back."

“How are you doing without a word?”

There was sadness in her crying voice.

He had nothing to say, so he just laughed.

“This is won. We won't even have time to rejoice."

As Lee Min-ah continued to hold her in her arms, the two behind them smiled and said.

Park Hyunsoo pulled her apart and gave her light humility towards them.

“It’s been a while, President of the Association.”

It was Baek Cheon-ho, who served as the president of the Korean branch association when the artillery commander reigned in the past.

Baek Cheon-ho smiled kindly and shook his head.

“I am no longer the president of the association. The president of the association is sitting over there, right? I am just an advisor.”

"right. I am the president of the association.”

Ha Yu-rak spoke as if protesting from behind, but his voice was full of playfulness.

Rather, if you are an advisor to the president of the association, isn’t it a little bit ‘one’?

Park Hyunsoo was puzzled and saw a young man behind Baekcheonho.

“By the way, he… … .”

"nice to meet you. My name is Woojin Chun.”

“This is Park Hyunsoo.”

“You are the head of the operation planning team.”

The introduction was given by Lee Min-ah.

“There is no longer an interest group like a guild, and we have to move a large number of hunters under the control of the New World, so we needed an operation planning team.”

Previously, there was an operation planning team.

However, due to the existence of the guild, it was a group with little or no activity.

not now

As Lee Min-ah said, guilds no longer exist, and only New World has become a group that can attack portals.

Because of that, the chapters of each country needed a tool that could lead the hunters in that country.

So, the operation planning team was created.

In other words, it could be said that Chun Woo-jin was a powerful person with considerable influence even within the Korean branch.

“It is an honor to meet the hero of the Earth like this.”

“A shameful hero.”

"no. Without Park Hyunsoo, the earth would have already been destroyed.”

“That’s too exaggerated… … .”

“What is an exaggeration? If not for you, who would stop that monster?”

Ha Yu-rak clearly remembered the old-dressed monster he fought with Park Hyunsoo two years ago.

Park Hyunsoo succeeded in killing the monster that was enough to flinch even with the S-class hunters' all-out attacks.

Without him, a monster would have swept the Earth.

“Aside from that, without Mr. Hyunsoo, humanity would have suffered enormous damage over and over again.”

Park Hyunsoo was embarrassed, but he couldn't resist.

Because it was all true.

"So… … .”

It was when Lee Min-ah was just about to say something.

Something yellow wiggled right next to it.

His eyes naturally turned to it.

It was the same with Baek Cheon-ho and Cheon Woo-jin.

The three men's eyes met the yellow, small creature sitting at the table.

The little creature tilted its head, shining bright eyes.

“What?”Lee Min-ah's eyes widened.

She grabbed her monami and shouted.

“It’s cute!”

Park Hyunsoo also felt a strong sense of déjà vu this time.

* * *

“So, where did you get this cute kid from?”

Ha Yu-rak asked, rubbing her finger on Monami's stomach, who was sleeping with her stomach covered.

At that question, the eyes of the other three turned to Park Hyunsoo.

“Um, I don’t know what to say first.”

Park Hyunsoo scratched his chin.

two years time.

It would have been such a time on Earth.

But it was different for him.

“First of all, Monami is the child of Ionix, the dragon king who reigns in the Tetronian dimension.”

Suddenly, silence came into the conference room.

They blinked and looked at Park Hyunsoo, unable to say anything.

Needless to say, the words that just came out of Park Hyunsoo's mouth were difficult to accept realistically.

Park Hyunsoo gave their reaction that he thought so.

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it?”

“… … Tet... … what?"

“It’s Tetronia. It is about two billion light-years from Earth.”

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

The four of them looked at each other at the sudden, unrealistic shame.

It was as if they were asking each other if they understood what they were saying.

Ha Yoo-rak looked at Monami and then turned to Park Hyunsoo again.

“So, you mean you haven’t been on Earth for two years?”

“Two years.”

Park Hyunsoo smiled meaninglessly.

Neither of you could understand why he had that expression on his face.

“By the way, when I left, I wrote in a note that I would be back in two years.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s been a long time, so I’m a little fuzzy. What did I write on the note that day?”

“Mr. Hyunsoo?”

“You know what?”

Park Hyunsoo asked everyone.

“I mean time. Surprisingly, everything is different in space.”

“Speak so I can understand.”

“If you look at the solar system right now, each planet has a different daily cycle. It gets worse when you leave the solar system. In some places, 12 hours is a day, and in others, hundreds of hours are a day.”

“Are you talking about the theory of relativity?”

Chun Woo-jin's eyes lit up.

Park Hyunsoo smiled and shook his head.

“I don’t know how difficult it is. Because it’s literature.”

“What do you want to say?”

"2 years. The time you've been through is two years, but I'm a little different.”

It was roughly what Park Hyunsoo said, but somewhat expected.

They quietly waited for him to speak.

Park Hyunsoo, who was a little shaky, then opened his mouth.

“About 40 years. Yes, in Earth time, that would be enough.”

“… … Mr. Hyunsoo? Are you kidding me now?”

“40… … the end of the year?”

It was not easy to believe.

To say that you appear after 2 years and say you have lived for 40 years?

I only heard it as a joke.

Actually, considering that 40 years have passed, Park Hyunsoo is not much different from what it was two years ago.

There are no signs of aging.

“It must be hard to believe. I would have been like that too. However."

The faint smile disappeared.

Park Hyunsoo looked at you with a serious face.

The four of them were unable to speak.

There was a depth in his two eyes that he dared not predict.

It was completely different from Park Hyunsoo's eyes I saw two years ago.

"Wandered through all dimensions with Carbon."


“Ah, I forgot to explain because he’s so familiar.”When Park Hyunsoo told us about Carbon, the four of them had a startled face again this time.

Every word that came out of his mouth was enough to make his ears doubtful, so of course it was.

* * *

Park Hyunsoo told them about his past.

He couldn't tell you everything.

Because many “promises” also had confidentiality clauses.

Even excluding that part, a lot of the content was enough to astonish the four of you.

Ha Yu-rak said that he had heard too many extraordinary stories and said that he should take a break.

Everyone agreed.

“I mean, Monami, you mean she is the child you brought from the last dimension you arrived?”


“But the dragon king gave it away so easily? It’s your own child.”

“A dragon, not a human.”

“Ah, anyway.”

At Ha Yu-rak's point, Lee Min-ah responded with her pouty face.

“Because that was the deal.”


Park Hyunsoo only smiled and didn't answer.

He wanted to inquire about the transaction, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut as it gave off an atmosphere not to ask.

No one was in a position to force him.

When the time comes, he will tell you first.

“But why isn’t that carbon person with you?”

“He hasn’t come back yet.”


“He will come back when the time is right.”

Park Hyunsoo chuckled as he remembered Carbon, who must have been struggling.

Unable to understand the meaning of that smile, the four of them just shrugged their shoulders.

Then, as if he had forgotten something, Park Hyunsoo snapped his finger.

“I had something important to say right now, but I forgot.”


“From now on, once a week, Monster Wave will come.”

“… … ?”

Did you mean that even an undiscovered portal was opened?

It couldn't be.

The New World's surveillance network was spread across the globe.

Although we didn't find Park Hyunsoo for two months, it was just that Park Hyunsoo's abilities were huge and the portal was easy to spot.

“It’s not a portal.”

“Please give me an accurate explanation.”

Chun Woo-jin asked with a serious face.

Since he was in a position to oversee the awakenings of the Korean branch, the Monster Wave was a serious problem.

Even if it was a monster wave that appeared from somewhere other than the portal, there was nothing more to say.

“These are the monsters I brought with me.”

“Park Hyunsoo!”

Ha Yu-rak slammed the desk and stood up.

Her Monami jumped up in surprise.

She thought for a moment that her ears were wrong.

I wonder if it was the same with Lee Min-ah, and she tilted her head while picking her ears.

Baek Cheon-ho looked at him with a serious face with his arms crossed, and Cheon Woo-jin was ready to call the hunters at any moment.

“You just spit it out, you have to explain it properly.”

“There is nothing to explain. Well, if I had to correct my words a little, it would be correct to call it a summons.”

“What are you talking about! You summoned a monster? Right now, I'm overwhelmed with just the army, but... … .”

“The Awoken of Earth are weak.”

“ Hyunsoo, wait a minute. What did you say all of a sudden?”

“Not now. The earth cannot escape destruction.”

“So you mean to destroy it with your own hands?”

From Ha Yu-rak's point of view, it sounded like Park Hyunsoo said so.

Monster Wave was such a sensitive issue.

Fortunately, Park Hyunsoo denied her words.

“Please. If I had, I wouldn't have come back to Earth."

However, Ha Yu-rak and Lee Min-ah felt that something was wrong with the cold words.

For a moment, I listened to what he had to say.

“Throughout my experiences outside of Earth, of course, I also heard stories about the military. king. He was a great guy.”

Until now, aside from what Mare had said and what they had been through, they knew nothing of the King's forces.

However, the other dimension was a different story.

Dimensions open to the universe knew some of the King's forces, and some were quite detailed and knowledgeable.

“They are space pirates. Among them, we are proud of a very unique force.”“Space pirate, are you talking?”

“Yes, space pirates. A swarm that loots planets and dimensions. I don't know why, but the number of planets that have been destroyed because of it is uncountable, and in the case of dimensions, it has broken through triple digits."

Their actions in space could be said to be in jeopardy.

Dimensions dominated by the superpowers could not be easily touched, but relatively weak dimensions invaded without harshness.

“Those who act freely even in space are the enemies of the Earth. It is completely different from what I had known only in the abstract.”

It was the army of the King who was notorious even in the universe.

If you put your mind to it, you could steam enough to eat the earth.

I just couldn't do it because of restrictions.

Those restrictions are no longer there.

The promised five years will soon pass, and King's army will invade Earth in earnest.

There was no way they could not destroy even a single planet, destroying dimensions.

“Three singularities are not enough. All Awoken must increase experience.”

“So you’re saying you brought a monster?”


“Maybe that monster that appeared in the East Sea… … .”

“He must have been sent for a test. I was a little surprised by sending someone stronger than I thought.”

“How many … because of him… … !”

“I couldn’t even stop him. Until I do.”

Ha Yu-rak couldn't say anything.

Not only her fierce tiger squad, of course, she too could not stop the monstrous giant monster.

Far from stopping her, she almost got her back.

If Park Hyunsoo hadn't appeared, it would have been a real mess.

“He’s a relatively strong guy, and the wave to come isn’t that far. But if you keep getting stronger, someday, monsters of that level will come.”

At that, Ha Yu-rak swallowed her dry saliva.

She is an S-class hunter, and if a horde of monsters she couldn't handle swarmed her, it would have been worse than her army.

“It would be better for the earth to perish if it was going to collapse here.”

“Mr. Hyunsoo, I don’t think that’s a little bit.”

Lee Min-ah responded with her serious face.

She was looking at Park Hyunsoo with slightly terrified eyes.

“You have to work as hard as you can.”

“So it is.”


“Monster Wave is one of the things I can do to save the planet.”

Everyone was silent.

Park Hyunsoo's actions were extreme, but as he said, the earth will inevitably be destroyed if it is not enough to handle it.

Just then, the door opened and a familiar girl entered.

The girl who looked good with the cute black bread hat frowned.


it was chungran

She reconfirmed with Park Hyunsoo, recalling what she had heard outside.

“Is everything I just said true?”


Park Hyunsoo speaks calmly without changing his expression.

No more, there was no young man with a bright smile before.

“If you do what you say, can humanity fight the army and win?”

“I don’t know.”

Park Hyunsoo recalled a conversation he had with the ruler of the Karma dimension who promised to airlift monsters to Earth.

‘It will be difficult, strong one.’

‘I’m going to try everything I can.’

'I owe you, I just give you what you want. But the king's forces are powerful.'

‘You have to overcome it.’

‘Keep in mind. The king is not alone.’

Maybe he was right.

Even if humanity grows by hunting monsters, there is a greater possibility that it will not reach the army.

Still, if there is a glimmer of hope, wouldn't it be right to hold on to it?

“You try to do what you can.”

“I understand what you mean. Let me prepare.”

Qing Lan turned her around and opened the door to her conference room.

Park Hyunsoo looked at her back and gave a brief thank you.

"thank you."


She only swung her head back.

“I’m no longer the chairman, but the vice-chairman.”

The door is closed.

Park Hyunsoo looked at the other four.

They only shrugged their shoulders.

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