The meeting went on for two more hours and ended.

Ha Yu-rak sent him home to spend more time with his brother.

Park Hyun-tae was able to leave work early today under the direction of Ha Yoo-rak, the president of the association.

“Thanks to hyung I haven’t seen in a long time, so I’m leaving work early.”

“Are you okay?”

“Are there any office workers in the world who don’t like to leave work early?”



Park Hyunsoo burst into laughter at his brother's words.

Monami didn't know what to say, and smiled as the owner laughed.

Park Hyun-tae looked at it and smiled again.

“By the way, did you say dragon?”

He asked, holding her Monami, which was on her brother's head, in his arms.

Park Hyunsoo nodded his head.

"Huh. Dragon."

"Oh my gosh. Dragons actually existed.”

“The company you work for is also a dragon, right?”

“… … President of the Association?”

Park Hyunsoo and Ha Yoo-rak were close friends, but to Park Hyun-tae, he was a benefactor and an employer whom he did not dare to make eye contact with.

“Ah, to be honest, I received the power of a dragon.”

“Dragon’s power?”

“Yurak’s noona’s ability is the original dragon’s power.”


Park Hyun-tae opened his mouth wide, not knowing that fact.

He used to work for the association, but this was unfamiliar to him as a non-Awakened man.

Even the association president, Yoo-Rak Ha, was an S-class hunter.

Even though he was a benefactor, very little was known.

Especially when it comes to abilities.

But through his brother's mouth, he casually learned the secret of his power.

‘Then, hyung too.’

Like Yoo-Rak Ha, Park Hyunsoo was the only S-class hunter in the world.

Originally there were nine, but relatively recently, the ‘master of the magic sword’ Isaac joined the ranks and became ten.

Anyway, it was hard to believe even if I heard the truth about my brother.

My older brother is the hero who saved the Earth.

Above all, he was evaluated to be far stronger than other S-class hunters.

It was an undeniable fact, as most of the S-class hunters recognized it.

He was in a coma for two years, what the hell happened to his brother?

He wondered what happened during the two years he disappeared again.

As his brother and as a person, I was curious.

“You must be curious.”

And the only real brother was looking into what his younger brother was thinking.

“Don’t even wonder. The guy called hyung was a normal business person, but when he came to his senses, he was the hero who saved the planet. He deserves a sense of separation between the older brother he knew and the older brother he is now.”

“… … how did you know?"

“It’s all written on your face, kid.”

Park Hyunsoo patted his brother's head, his eyes widened.

Originally, he was an older brother who would never do something like this.

Park Hyun-tae did not shake the hand and accepted it as it was.

“It is long to explain. Let’s go home first.”

“My brother’s house?”


It's been two years on Earth, but for him, it's the first home in 40 years.

Park Hyunsoo looked down at his palms and clenched his fists.

A lot of time has passed, but he never forgot.

‘Master, I’m going back now.’There will be no one now, to the cold semi-underground.

Park Hyunsoo walked along with his brother.

* * *

A musty musty smell tickled his nose.

It was a unique smell.

not bad.

Rather, it reminds me of old memories that have been blurred.

Park Hyunsoo smiled as he looked at his semi-basement room that had not changed at all.

The kitchen in the right corner, a small refrigerator 1m apart, a TV, a folded dining table, and even a neatly folded blanket.

it's the same as before

Of course, I came in yesterday when Ha Yu-rak was asleep at her house, but I didn't check it properly because I thought she would wake up then.

“Is this her brother’s house?”

Park Hyun-tae frowned as he looked at the old and shabby house.

When his parents were alive, he lived in a house that was good or bad, and he is still living in a decent two-room house with Ha Yu-Rak's consideration.

However, the house of an older brother named S-Class Hunter was worse than I thought.

“Isn’t it too narrow?”

“… … It’s a little narrow.”

“It’s cheesy, it’s caring. How is this a little narrow? It’s very narrow.”

There was no shame on his face when he said that.

Instead, he put on a look that reminded him of something.

“It was good though.”


Park Hyunsoo did not answer.

He looked around the room for a while with a look on his memory-stained face.

about half a year.

As 40 years passed, many memories were blurred, but for that brief time, it was as vivid as if it had just happened yesterday.

“It’s Hyuntae.”


“My brother had one master.”


Hearing that there was a great teacher, the younger brother did not know what kind of expression he should make.

However, it seems that the teacher was a very precious person to his older brother.

“He was a pretty eccentric, stingy with compliments, and a prankster.”

That being said, he is not a very good teacher.

“But he always believed in me and believed in me. Maybe he was someone who understood me better than my mom or dad.”

Even if he cursed him for being a poor man, he did his best to teach him martial arts.

Although he ignored it on the outside, he cared more than anyone else.

He taught me what life is.

He taught me how to treat others.

How to hone yourself, how to overcome a slump.

He taught me how to live in the world.

Although not explicitly directed to do this way or that way, Park Hyunsoo learned a lot from his actions and attitudes.

Therefore, Chungyeong, the only teacher he no longer has, was like an alter ego to him.

“Where is he now?”

To his younger brother's question, the older brother looked up at the low ceiling and answered.

“No more.”

“… … Well?"

“You left for me.”

Park Hyun-tae didn't say anything to those sad eyes.

A moment of silence settled in the small room.

Park Hyunsoo stared blankly at the ceiling and grinned.

"sit down."


In the awkward atmosphere, Park Hyun-tae carefully sat down on the empty seat.

Park Hyunsoo opened the refrigerator.

He made sure he had everything inside, and he had no water to drink.

It was natural.

If the water had been left in an empty house for two years, it would have rotted immediately.

“Should I go out and buy some drinks?”

"I'm fine."

“I wondered if the other guy would be okay.”

“Another guy?”

Park Hyun-tae looked around at his brother's words.

There was no one in the house except him and his older brother, Park Hyunsoo.

I looked to see who was in the bathroom, but it was empty as well.

It didn't even show how much water was used.

“You won’t see it.”

“Do you have any ears or ghosts?”

“God is not God.”

Park Hyunsoo's gaze turned to Park Hyun-tae's back.

Then the space flickered, and a spirit body burning like a blue flame appeared.

it was mare


Park Hyun-tae screamed as if he had seen a ghost and hit his butt wheel on the floor.

He must have been greatly embarrassed, so he could not speak, and with his mouth wide open, he pointed at Mare with his finger.

Then I looked at his brother, and he was looking at the ghost-looking man and raising the corners of his mouth.

“Have you been hiding from his brother’s body all this time?”

“I didn’t think you would notice.”

“I’ve been feeling that level since the first time I saw Hyeon-tae.”

Mare listened to Park Hyunsoo and saw Monami sitting on his head.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Hetzling.”


Unsatisfied with Mare's gaze, Monami raised her wings and tail and wept fiercely.

It must be said that he was still cute because he was still a baby.

“Tongue, tongue, tongue, brother… … .?”

"it's okay. No enemy.”

“A bird, a bird, a thing, a thing.”

They say they are not enemies, but in Park Hyun-tae's eyes, Mare was clearly a monster or something resembling a monster.

He hid behind his older brother.

“Do I look that scary?”

“People are usually wary when it comes to being different from themselves.”

“That’s right. by the way."

Mare looked up and down Park Hyunsoo.

He rubbed his chin and nodded his head.

“Have you made Transcend completely your own?”

“I struggled a bit.”

“I thought you would come to me that day.”

Hearing those words, Park Hyunsoo carefully picked up Monami and gave it to her brother.

“At first, I had no intention of doing that.”

I had already heard from Mare, but I was going to go and ask him separately.

The reason for not doing so was simple.

Because I couldn't turn it back anyway.

Above all, it seemed unbearable.

As a result, the system that Mare had created led to the sacrifice of his master, so perhaps his anger was directed only at him.

If it had, the body of my now-defunct brother could have been seriously injured.

“I’m sorry for you.”

“You don’t have to. The anger and sadness of that time are almost gone now.”

“Two years is longer than you think.”

“Not two years.”

At Park Hyunsoo's words, Mare and Park Hyun-tae looked at him at the same time.

“I have spent 40 years off Earth.”

* * *Park Hyun-tae was greatly shocked by his brother's words, and Mare narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

“40 years?”

Park Hyeon-tae asked in a young voice in embarrassment.

Park Hyunsoo looked at his brother and nodded his head.

“Uh… … .”

Park Hyun-tae did not know how to take it.

Do I really have to believe those words?

Isn't that the most serious face to say a lie?

Above all, knowing the identity of his older brother, he could not conclude that it was a lie.

Park Hyun-tae felt like his head was about to explode.

It's only been a few hours since his older brother appeared, and the situation now hurts a lot more than in the past two years.

“Wow! 👌👌👌 🥳!”

Monami gently licked Park Hyun-tae's face.

A soft light came out and wrapped around his body.

Park Hyeon-tae closed his eyes as if asleep and then opened them again and again, and he fell asleep.

“It’s a Hetzling that uses mystical powers.”

“It will be even more amazing when you grow up.”

“I wonder who the parents of that child are.”

“You would be surprised if you knew.”

"Who is it?"

Mare lit her eyes, but Park Hyunsoo had no intention of letting him know.

If you want to find out, there's nothing you can't find out, but this was a minor revenge of the past.

“More than that, you’re not that surprised about 40 years.”

“I was surprised enough. But he was able to keep his emotions under control, because that's likely enough in space."

“Someone like a robot.”

“It’s 40 years. Somehow, it was too mature.”

In Mare's eyes, there was a certain amount of Park Hyunsoo's power.

In the realm of transcendence, which could not be compared with the previous one, he had completely adapted to it.

After losing a lot of strength, unfortunately, he could no longer be compared to Park Hyunsoo.


Mare felt an emptiness in him.

She didn't notice at first, but the closer he looked, the more he realized what it was.

“Is your name Harley? Where'd the little one go?"

Although there were no words, I could not feel the little spirit body that was always right next to Park Hyunsoo.

I was usually inside the ring, but the ring had faded as if it had lost its power.

Park Hyunsoo rubbed the ring on his middle finger.

“By the way, it’s been a while since Harley was asleep.”

“Did you fall asleep?”

It's just good, but it doesn't make sense to not feel it.

Park Hyunsoo recalled a time when Harley fell asleep.

It's not as far-fetched as it can be, but in terms of the number of years, it seems that roughly three years have passed.

- Hyunsoo, see you later.

He grinned as he remembered Harley's last words.

“I’m slowly waking up.”

“What do you mean?”

“The time for completion is near.”

It was a word I couldn't understand in English, but it didn't seem like he was going to answer it, so I didn't ask any more.

Instead, I asked something else.

“More than that, he left with you, why didn’t he come back with you?”

The third singularity selected by Marais, carbon.

Since Park Hyun-tae couldn't come to the meeting room, Mare also didn't hear about him.

At that question, Park Hyunsoo snapped his finger as if he suddenly remembered it.

"right. There was a word that Carbon asked you to pass on.”


“If you are the cause of the great disappearance, I will surely kill you.”

At those words, Mare's brow furrowed.

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