“Weiss… … !!”

Vice's escort knight jumped up.

Something big happened to the owner.

Since he belonged to the spirit of her Vice, he was able to recognize her danger faster than anyone else.

Was there anything on Earth that could threaten its owner?

Two years ago, the human who drove the army called the singularity into a crisis was missing for the second year, and the one remaining singularity was not threatened by the 'four riders' that the army found out.

S-class hunters were not worth discussing.

Did you develop any special weapons in the meantime?

Humans have made significant progress in the past two years, and their progress has certainly reached a level that can rival the army.

'Even so, it's not a threat to Vice-sama.'

The article got complicated in my head, but this was not the time.

He quickly opened the door and went outside.

It wasn't difficult to find the owner because the souls were connected.

He had just arrived at the gate to Earth.


At that moment, the knight stopped with a voice that resonated even in the soul.

The knight frowned.

I didn't really want to hear this voice.

Especially in such an emergency situation.

But if she ignores the call, she will lose her life before she can even protect her master.

The knight turned around and answered the owner of the voice.


Muscles that are about to explode, red skin, and stiff red hair and beard.

And even the savagery surrounding it.

A man who suits the word savage better than anyone else.

The knight looked at the man he called Reiji and bowed his head.

“What are you doing?”

“Are you going to Vice?”

“You are in an emergency. I must go now.”



The air rumbled in the sudden light.

The knight grabbed his head and knelt down on one of his knees.

My body succumbed to the sound of laughter.

“Kukkuk. you stay here.”

“Yeah, it can’t be.”

“That’s where this body will go.”

Reiji's eyes gleamed.

Red eyes stained with madness were seeping unimaginable destruction.

One of the four riders like King and Vice, and the man who loves war the most in the world.

And he says that the most combat-specialized monster of the four riders will come in person.

The article thought.

The author is not going down to save the owner.

‘I am going down to fight the enemy who put Weiss-sama in danger.’

But the three riders, except for King, have not yet returned their strength.

Because they did not belong to the King's army, there were no restrictions, but there was still time before they could become whole because they were forcibly released from the seal.

No matter how much Reiji is specialized in combat, can even the owner be able to easily deal with a threatening enemy?

‘It’s better than I go… … .'


Vice pushed the thoughtful knight aside.

Its power was so great that it was unable to resist and was thrown against a wall several tens of meters away.

“Heh heh.”

Reiji smiled slyly.

He stood at the door to Earth, clenching his fists repeatedly.

King told him not to go to Earth for a while, but it was slowly limiting.Isn't there a good reason there?

A colleague is in danger.

Also by a strong enemy.

His big mouth made a big smile like that.

Shark-like sharp teeth were revealed without mercy.


Reiji rushed to the door.

Dust exploded inside with a bang.

The knight grabbed his shoulder and looked in vain in the direction he disappeared.

* * *

Park Hyunsoo hardly moved.

Weiss's body was a mess.

Taking a rough breath, she looked at Park Hyunsoo.

It was very surprising.

Previously, he had used his hand a little, but now he used only mana or an energy similar to mana to press himself.

What is surprising is that, despite this, they were only unilaterally attacked, and the counterattack itself was impossible.

‘You really are a monstrous human being.’

No, was it really human?

Even if it wasn't her heyday of power, she was clearly close to the level of the Transcendent.

It just doesn't make sense to be treated so unilaterally.

She said, 'She was told she was definitely not like this two years ago.'

At that time, she confirmed the information that she had reached the level of transcendence.

Two years later, she must have been stronger than she was back then, but this rapid growth rate was out of the norm.

Poor compatibility also contributed.

If a powerful sword had been his opponent, he would not be so helpless.

‘So I need Lazy.’

If he pursues blind destruction and domination, he will be able to stand against Park Hyunsoo.

Thinking about it like that made me laugh.

How many times have they been treated as weak?

‘It’s the first time since that day.’

Weiss recalled his old memories.

Never forget the humiliation of that day.

If he could pay it back, if he could get back what he had lost, he could always be a weakling.

King's plan failed, but not entirely.

[Virus Particles]

[Devil's Tooth]

Black thorns that looked like fangs protruded from under Park Hyunsoo's chin.

A terrible virus she created that rots everything she touches.

In their heyday, there were not only one or two Transcendentals who died of this.

Park Hyunsoo grinned as he saw the devil's teeth reaching down to his chin.

[Heavenly Demon Ball]

The Milky Way, which started from Danjeon, wraps around the whole body.


The moment the black thorn touched his chin-!

[Reverse Horse]


A demon's tooth slammed into Vice's shoulder.

It had the power to necrosis and melt the cells of everything it touched, but it also contained considerable physical force.

The virus didn't work for Weiss, but it was quite painful to have his shoulder pierced.

“What was that just now?”

"you do not need to know."

Park Hyunsoo smiled sadly and stretched out his hand.

A sense of crisis came over him to the point that the nape of his neck became cold.

Weiss clenched his teeth and stepped back.

“It cannot be avoided.”

[ Heavenly Demon Circulation]

Mana grabbed her body.


I didn't know what kind of attack was coming, but my instinct was warning me that way.

die this time


Park Hyunsoo dropped his hand down.

Mana's pressure intensified.

The pressure on her body increased, and her skin began to swell as if it was about to burst.

Weiss couldn't even moan.

Are you saying that you can't achieve your dreams and die in vain here?

‘No matter what you think… … Bad luck... … .'

That moment.


A familiar madness dug into her ears.

Weiss's eyes were obscured by her bandages, but her eyes twinkled more intensely than ever before.

“Vice! What are you doing there!”

A loud voice descending from the sky to the ground.

Her always confident voice pierced her straight through her.

And black shadows like meteorites.




“It has been From now on, this body will do it.”

Reiji, who looks good with the word “ferocious,” radiated a golden eye.

A tremendous energy exploded out and overturned the soil floor.

Park Hyunsoo just looked at him quietly despite the raging wind.

Then he said with a faint smile.



Reiji accurately caught that small voice.

“Are you lucky?”

He didn't say what was lucky, but the smile he was putting on made him feel bad.

Doesn't it look like he's smiling arrogantly?

“I saw him overpowering Vice. But."

“Single pong. You all talk a lot.”

Park Hyunsoo did not listen to the enemy who suddenly appeared.

“Shut up and just die.”

He spread his five fingers.

The black river covered the world.

* * *

Isaac stopped running as he saw the dark energy rising up to the sky in the distance.

It was undoubtedly the energy of Park Hyunsoo, reminiscent of the universe.

Immediately after a gigantic energy intervened, Park Hyunsoo unleashed a power that had not been revealed before.

It was such a powerful force that it gave me a thrill.

[Is this the power he obtained through the universe?]

The demon sword said in a trembling voice.

Isaac had the same idea.

It was also surprising when he showed up cheating on his gut, but the power he now shows was enough to make him laugh at himself, what he once thought was a rival.

If there is a problem, an existence that is not pushed by Park Hyunsoo has appeared.

The red energy penetrated the darkness like the universe.

The two forces intertwined as if in competition, creating a spark with the momentum to destroy the heavens and the earth.

[We can't do anything until we go.]

It was cold, but the magic sword's words were right.

Over the course of two years he, too, had grown a lot stronger, but he didn't even respond to the surprise of the woman who had bandaged his eyes.

But, what can he do against an enemy who must be stronger than that?

It will only be a hindrance.It was disgraceful, but that was the reality.

He bit her lower lip until it bled.

The blood absorbed during that time quickly filled his lips with new flesh, but the more he did, the harder he bit.

The demon sword opened his mouth as he felt his master's trembling hand.

[Partner, be strong. Someday you can become like that too.]

“If I entrust myself to you, can I be that strong?”

[Well… … .]

The magic sword did not answer easily.

I would answer yes, even if it was out of greed to take over my body.

[I think it is still difficult.]

At the candid answer of the demon sword, Isaac showed a self-helpful laugh.

[However… … .]

At that time, the magic sword spoke to me like a whisper.

[Partner, I don't know if you plan to personally attend the Demon King.]

"Devil… … second?"

[okay. The devil who made me.]

He had heard of the Demon King several times from the Demon Sword, but he never heard it properly.

He was curious, but even when he asked, he only said that the magic sword was unqualified.

But now.

The Demon Sword first suggested an audience with the Demon King.

“Didn’t I say that I was not qualified until then?”

[Eligibility has been met.]

In a few hours ago.

The demonic sword's eyes curved like a crescent moon.

‘It’s the Demon King.’

As the master of the magic sword, I expected that one day I would come face to face with that existence.

The little boy gripped the grip tightly.

[Oh! Catch it, hold it fast!]

* * *

Park Hyunsoo hurriedly moved his legs as he watched the rain of fists pour down like a storm.

His fists slammed into the air, and every time it struck the ground, a great aftermath raged.

It felt like a chain explosion of hundreds of TNT.

It's definitely different from Vice.

If she specializes in neutralizing her majority, then he is a monster specialized in face-to-face combat.

Park Hyunsoo grabbed his fists with an expressionless face.

“Awesome, Awesome!!”

Reiji swung her fists non-stop, shouting happily.

“Even though this body is in a weakened state, you’re not going to allow a single one!”

“… … .”

“I don’t think I have a quiet personality!”

“It’s loud, it’s loud.”

Naturalization flowed in Park Hyunsoo's eyes.


Reiji, who was charging fiercely, took a step back.

If he had just dug in there, he would have been severely hit.

“What a sneaky bastard!”

Reiji slammed his fists back into position.

“Come on, let’s jump again… … !”

“Take that mouth off.”

Lazy could not catch Park Hyunsoo who appeared in front of her.

Park Hyunsoo slowly reached out and grabbed his mouth with his icy eyes.

Shut up.”

A thick, beard-filled lower tube.

“… … !”



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