Even though Reiji was crushed, she smiled.

He had intense pain running down his nerves, but for him the pain was nothing more or less than an exhilarating shock.

He looked down at Park Hyunsoo, restoring his chin.

The difference in height between the two of them was quite large, about two heads.

“Are you pretty?”

Rage said rubbing his regenerated chin.

He smashed his chin to poke his snout, and he played casually.

If you die easily, that's no fun either.

The corners of Park Hyunsoo's lips ripped up.

His fists moved with invisible speed.


Reiji's big body leaned to the right.

Park Hyunsoo retrieved his fist that stabbed him in the side, raised his palm and slapped his chin.

A dull sound rang out.

Reiji was also suffering, but it wasn't.

As he tilted his head back, his knees stood up.

[Heavenly Demon Ball]

The pore was thick and wrapped around the pointed knee.

[Seungryu (勝流)]

The flow has changed.

The direction of the knee, which had come up aiming at his face, returned to its original position like a lie.

Reiji's eyes widened.

His legs were lying on the ground, as if he were not against the laws of nature.


Weiss's urgent voice called out to him.

Reiji swung his fist.

His fists were fast and sharp, not matching his size, but not a single shot reached Park Hyunsoo like before.

It wasn't like exhaustion.

The flow of fighting was flowing exclusively for Park Hyunsoo.

‘Is this very interesting?’

Reiji radiated a golden light from her eyes and smiled ferociously.

Although it was not at the level of his prime, it had been a long time since he had been beaten unilaterally.

This moment was fun.

“It’s so much fun!”


legs hit the ground

The earth shook violently like an earthquake.

Park Hyunsoo saw a red monster that radiated more power than he had expected.

“You are better than him.”

Compared to a woman with a purple bandage around her eyes, this one fights a lot better.

I don't know if it's stronger.

Maybe the special abilities are different.

no matter what

“It’s lucky to be able to catch you two here.”

stretched out his hand

The giant quickly fell back.

It's also not easy to catch.

It didn't matter either.

It wasn't easy, just because it wasn't difficult.

The Heavenly Demon circuit unfolded.

Mana seized his body.

A red energy exploded.

Its power swirled terribly and tore through the bonds of mana.

“It doesn’t work!!”

Reiji, who opened his chest wide, roared.

His little palm rested on it.

[Falling – Heat]

A handprint was engraved on the center of his chest.

Heukganggi cracked like a spider's web around it.

“It’s not enough on my own.”

Vice has released a large amount of virus from her body.

A virus in the form of blue smoke was blown away by the wind and flew to Park Hyunsoo.

The virus avoided Rage and aimed only at him.

Park Hyunsoo shoved his palms deeper as he watched the blue smoke cover his body.


Thick red skin sunken.

Weiss raised his nails.

He was fine with the virus particles, but he thought it was because he was only focused on himself.

‘What is the immune system like?’

His head got complicated.

A variety of viruses were formed on ten fingernails.

Each and every country could be destroyed by a plague.

The vice flew up.

He rushed to Park Hyunsoo, waving a dusty white dress.

“For once, one guy.”

Park Hyunsoo ignored the approaching vice and raised his opposite hand.

Kanggi wrapped his arms around his palms.

He literally tried to hit his neck.

Until Reiji opens her eyes.



With a roar, red energy exploded from inside the body.

Park Hyunsoo spun back and landed on the floor.

His eyes frowned.


He avoided his claws, which were swinging through the air, only by bending his head.

Weiss opened his mouth slightly, not knowing how to fail.


With his mouth open, he groaned, and blood flowed back.

She looked at her own belly.

When the hell did she put her toes in her stomach?

she did not see

She frowned and swung her nails wildly with her, but none of them reached her."done."

Park Hyunsoo exhaled briefly.

what happened

Weiss, who rolled over the floor, tried to get up in a hurry, but he was much faster.


Vice's tiny body flew across the dirt floor.

Reiji jumped over her and snapped her leg down from her heel.

She lifted up her arms, supported her Achilles tendon with her lower arms, twisted her wrists like a snake and grabbed her shins.

They even use their opponent's powers against them.

No more wasting time.”

He threw Reiji on the floor.

Hundreds of black marbles floated around his body at once.

The two riders were astonished.

Massive masses of energy were created without a series of precursors.

This was something they could do even in their prime.

Also, these humans are equal to themselves.

That means.

“I have to get here.”

“Is there any way?”


Reiji jumped up.

He smiled and looked at Park Hyunsoo.

“I admit defeat today.”


“The next time we meet, it will be very different from now.”

Park Hyunsoo frowned at the unexpected remark.

“You mean running away?”


What did you mean by shouting so proudly?

Looking at the vast expanse of Lucheon, I could never say such a thing.

‘There is something.’

What is it?

It was as if the woman did not know how to do it.

Had she known, she wouldn't have been getting beaten with excitement.

She shook her head.

Come to think of it, I don't know anyway.

Carbon could be found, but unfortunately Carbon was not yet on Earth.

“If you can.”

He snapped his fingers.

A large number of strong qigong masses surrounded the two riders.


and it was shot

Reiji smiled and her energy was in full bloom.

Park Hyunsoo's eyes narrowed.

His vision was all covered in red.

* * *


Park Hyunsoo smirked as he watched the hazy smoke covered his eyes.

I never even dreamed that the method would be ‘self-destruction’.

He remembered what had happened just a minute ago.

A red light exploded from Reiji's body.

It was unable to swallow up all of Luchen, making it incapacitated.

Furthermore, in order to hold onto him, he released energy beyond his limits.

He tried to forcefully move, but it could be said that he was indeed King's companion.

Even in a weakened state, an attack that risked his life was enough to threaten himself.

He would have been able to break through, but if he did, he would have taken a significant risk himself.

Even if he tried to capture the two in that way, there was no way he would have lost his weakened self from the army.

Even if it was overkill, there was no chance of winning as long as there was one more King's mate left.

“I’m sorry, but this is not bad enough.”

He knew his opponent's level.

That alone was a huge benefit.

Their strength was not restored, but it wouldn't be a big deal if they got stronger there.

If not, you can use 'it'.

40 years in space.

I wasn't sure at first, but I was convinced by the fight.


I remembered what the red guy said.

“Okay, then. Kwok.”

Darkness flowed through his body, consuming even the light.

That sakka-mom was different from the previous Heavenly Demon Prince.

Naturalization was louder than ever.

next time we meet

“Give me a taste of hell.”

He laughed so hard that he could see his teeth.

* * *

“Mr. Hyun-tae! Give this to the filing manager!”

"all right!"

Park Hyun-tae, who received the documents from the team leader, hurriedly ran to the manager's office.

What is happening in Africa has caused an untimely riot in the Korean Association.

A massive force flow has occurred in Africa that has not been observed in two years.

The Korean Association also knew that Isaac was in charge of this case because an official letter came from the general headquarters.

However, the great powers now appearing were not the work of Isaac.

Drones observing all over Africa could not withstand the power and went down.

In a situation of ignorance, the associations of each country immediately started preparing for their own survival.

It was then.

[Concentration! Concentration!]

The broadcast resounded throughout the association.

Everyone stopped their busy legs and looked up at the ceiling.

Tuk-tuk- A familiar voice came through the speaker along with a knock on the microphone.

[The African crisis is now over by the time part, so everyone can return to their seats.]

Ha Yu-rak said that and ended the broadcast.

Park Hyun-tae stood still and looked at the documents in his hand and tilted his head.

At this time, I was confused as to whether I should return to my seat or deliver the documents to the manager.

* * *

Ha Yu-rak put his arm on the desk and sighed.

Massive forces that arose suddenly in Africa disappeared at the same time.

The cause is unknown, but when the drones restarted and looked around, huge signs of destruction were found.

A further search was made, but nothing special was found.

Two years ago, a monster that did not budge came to mind when attacked by S-class hunters except for Park Hyunsoo.

'The hardship was enough to remind me of the monster of that time.'

I could feel it from the other side of the world.

I thought I had tried to die for two years, but I still have a long way to go.

‘More than that, Hyunsoo?’

Suddenly he came to mind.

no way-!

Ha Yoo-rak got up from his seat.

Why couldn't I remember him?

“Maybe one of the powers that arose in Africa.”

Park Hyunsoo is quite understandable.

If so, the cause of the disappearance of other forces.

Ha Yu-rak picked up his cell phone and called Park Hyunsoo.

An ordinary beep sounded.

She looked out her window and bit her nails.

The beep continued over and over, but the call did not connect.

“Why not take it?!”

She waited more, but it didn't seem like the signal would connect.

She sighed as she was about to end her call.


“Park Hyunsoo!”

-Why are you screaming?

"Where are you now?"

- Hmm. Where are you going?


“Why are you shouting?”

“You are sick… … !”

Ha Yu-rak was about to scream at her, but stopped her.

She looked at the screen of her cell phone.

Her communication was cut off.

But why is the voice heard?

Hopefully, I looked back at her.


“… … you?"

“Aren’t you happy to talk?”

“You have been in Africa all along!”


“Why do you say nothing and go to such a dangerous place by yourself?”

“Are you worried?”

Suddenly, Park Hyunsoo's face popped out in front of his nose.

As if she had already moved, Ha Yu-rak opened her eyes and looked into her black eyes.

His eyes were so black that no light could enter.

Park Hyunsoo smiled faintly.

“You worried about me.”

“Hey, what are you worried about?”

Ha Yu-rak shook her head.

Her face was dyed as red as the color of her hair.

Park Hyunsoo looked at it and laughed.

“Thank you. For worrying about me.”

“Hmmmm. So, work there, are you okay?”

“Unfortunately, I missed it.”

Park Hyunsoo playfully raised his hands and waved them.

“Are you missing out?”

“Well- that’s it.”

He sat down at his desk and answered.

“Accurate explanation… … .”


Park Hyunsoo's index finger touched Ha Yoo-rak's lips, who was about to ask for an explanation.

She blinked her eyes and saw her finger covering her mouth.

“We eat together. I'm hungry."

Ha Yu-rak nodded her head involuntarily at Park Hyunsoo's active appearance following today.

* * *

"it's okay?"

“Heh heh heh.”

Rage, supported by Vice, did not stop her laughter.

All of her power was forcibly pulled up and exploded.

Thanks to her, her whole body was messed up.

She was the price to get out of there.

Almost no organs left of her.

It is regenerating, but the regeneration rate is slow because most of the power has been dissipated.

Even this was thanks to the 'nuclear' intact.

Without nuclear weapons, ignorant methods such as self-destruction would not have been possible, and in the end, both would have died at the hands of Park Hyunsoo.

“It was overkill.”

“If we didn’t, we would both be dead.”

“It would be.”

Weiss nodded politely.

It was she who suffered the most from Park Hyunsoo more than anyone else.

Even if the power of the prime was restored, the winning picture was not well drawn.

“Very fun.”

Even though he might not be in a state of being able to smile, he didn't care.

“Even though he committed suicide in the present state, he did not take any damage. How could such a person exist?”

He lived many years, but had never seen such a strong being.

That made Reiji happy.

Weiss shook her head.

It was then.

“Miss Vice!”

Her direct escort driver rushed to her.

The knight would prostrate before her master and beg for punishment, she ejaculated.

“Do not forgive your disloyalty! I did not dare to go even though my lord was in danger!”

"wake up.""no. Belief, this neck... … .”

"go away!"

Reiji kicked the knight with her feet.

The knight rolled on the floor several times and then jumped up.

Even though his body would be in a mess, he still had the strength to blow away a knight without difficulty.

“I’m going to die of pain, so why are you blocking my way?”

Weiss knew how tough he was, but seeing it all over again was surprising.

The knight looked at Reiji with a puzzled face and then turned to his master.

Weiss nodded his head.

The knight stood behind his master with a shy face.

After a while, a guide and five soldiers appeared.

“I will guide you to the recovery room.”

The guide led Reiji to the recovery room.

He went away, supported by the soldiers.

“I’m sorry, are you all right?”

Only after he disappeared did the knight speak again.

“I’m fine.”

All his wounds were healed.

However, the damage was still there.

I didn't even tell the driver about that.

Her knight said it was her luck and led her to her bedroom.

“It is disappointing.”

Then, her voice as if scratching her wall stopped her.

The knight glanced back.

She was a tall man wearing a black cloth all over.

What was unusual about her was that she was skinny enough to look like a toothpick, apart from her tall stature.

Weiss called out his man's name.

“The Black.”

“The army has suffered great losses because you went down without listening to the King.”

“Weiss didn’t lose anything… … .”

“I did not allow you to speak.”

The knight's voice was erased.

He tried to raise his voice with a bewildered face, but no voice came out apart from the ringing vocal cords.

Weiss sighed.

"Don't worry, it's coming soon."

At the owner's words, the knight blinked like a crucian carp and then nodded her head.

The Black continued.

“Our rider must not be exposed to power until he has regained all his strength. But thanks to you, that human can gauge our strength.”

Knowing and ignoring the enemy is very important on the battlefield.

Even if he wasn't at full power, the fight taught Park Hyunsoo a lot.

Rather, if only two people knew the information, it could end up with a little loss.

“It’s safe to say that you and the King’s powers were also exposed.”

“I have nothing to say.”

“We need not be in a hurry.”

The Black was right.

There was no reason to be in a hurry to do anything.

If the time comes when the constraint of the army is gone, and the strength of the riders is all back.

“But it wasn’t just the loss.”

The fabric fluttered, revealing a blacker, dingy glow in his eyes.

“We, too, have grasped the human power to some extent.”

“You don’t get hit twice.”

Weiss removed the purple bandage.

“If these eyes return.”

A faint light shone in her silver eyes.

“We can achieve what we want.”

“It is.”

The Black smiled contentedly.

* * *

“Whoa. It’s been a very long time.”

Her man, dressed in a white robe all the way to her head, stood leaning against a green staff with her twigs stretched out in all directions.

He had a black background behind him, and where he was looking, there was a beautiful blue star.

“Finally arrived.”

The man took off his hood, revealing mysterious hair, half blue and half indigo at the front and back.

He shook his head violently and opened his eyes.

The red-yellow Odd-Eye, full of his confidence, looked at the blue star Earth.

After a 40-year journey, he returned to Earth.

Carbon smiled broadly and shouted hurray.


What a hard time!

It was a hard road that could be compared to when he fell in Marcana.

When Carbon remembered that time, tears seemed to flow.

“Stop drowning!”


Then, a thin leg kicked Carbon's ass.

Carbon jumped and grabbed his ass.

Then he stared at the person who kicked his ass.

“You crazy rabbit! What are you doing!”

“Carbon, the palace! Stop gossiping!”

The blonde girl with her long bunny ears upright jumped and shouted.

A cute wad of cotton fluttered in his ass.

Carbon frowned and rubbed his ass.

“Stop the palace! Stop angst!”

"Damn it… … I shouldn't have brought it."

He saw Sally running around like a madman, crying.

Why is a guy who just lived for 17 years so strong?

‘Damn transcendental species.’


It's unfair!

If there is one emotion that I have felt the most over the past 40 years, it was emptiness.

To Park Hyunsoo's talent, to the transcendental talent.

‘What about hard-working people like me!’

Carbon, too, was a terrific wizard for saying that, but it didn't matter that much to his party.

Carbon shook his head and looked at the Earth as he looked out the spaceship window.

“I need to get there quickly and hand over that crazy poker to Hyunsoo.”

Carbon said so and clenched his fists.

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