Huge cogs spin with a creaking sound.

The starlight of the vast expanse of the universe gathered at one point and flowed down.

There, a naked woman with jet-black hair covered her body was crouched.

“It’s done.”

The Black took her back and saw the new Queen sleeping in a huge glass tube of liquid.

The new queen was smoothly absorbing the power of the starlight.

“I feel great power.”

Reiji looked at her with her hollow eyes.

Did I mention that it was made by raking the traces of Park Hyunsoo?

I could only say 'really'.

“Isn’t this object unrestricted?”


The answer was King.

He looked at the bubbles rising up and then turned his body around.

The black fur cloak fluttered.

“But it will not be sent down.”

“That’s not right.”

Reiji shook her head as if in agreement.

“If I let him go for nothing, and if I even get hit by Park Hyunsoo… … .”

“ Speaking of Park Hyunsoo. Did everyone feel it?”

On the day Park Hyunsoo showed off his power, of course your rider felt it too.

It was an electrifying force.

Reiji even made her riot, saying that he should go down and fight right away.

“He is definitely stronger than me.”

She didn't want to admit it, but Weiss had to admit it.

Even if he recovers all his strength, Park Hyunsoo cannot win.

And from her point of view, there was only one person who could oppose him here.

"king. There is only you.”

The leader of the four riders looked more Black at first glance, but in reality it was the King who led everything.

The reason was simple.

The strongest and the smartest.

“Hey, Vice! You don't believe me?"

Reiji asked with an exaggerated frown on one side of her face.

Weiss didn't even look at him to confirm.

“You can never do it in your own strength. Even if we talk calmly and recover our strength, the two of us cannot catch Park Hyunsoo.”

“Weiss is right.”

“This inspiration?”

The Black went around the glass tube with his back luggage.

“And there’s no guarantee that it’s power?”


The power that Park Hyunsoo expressed was enormous, but did he really do it without thinking?

He thought it was no black.

And it was the same with King.

“If it’s a show to show us, there’s absolutely no way it’s going to be a show.”

“Sheesh. In such a case, if you take care of your comrades, where will it come from?”

Reiji grumbled, but no one comforted him.

“I just want to go out.”

Weiss decided he didn't need to be here any longer.

As she came out, her knight approached.

“Are you done talking?”

“Yes, I will go back.”

She checked Quinn's condition, and she checked other riders' feelings for Park Hyunsoo.

But she couldn't confirm one thing.

‘Why doesn’t everyone talk about Satan?’

If she had heard her voice, the Black or Lazy, the talkers would have been the first to speak up.

Especially if it was Reiji, she would have been excited to talk about it.

Because he followed Satan particularly well.

Seeing that she was still speechless, there was a high possibility that she did not hear her voice.

'King is.'

he couldn't have heardwhat is the intention

Weiss felt his head cluttered.

‘I think he has a plan, but I don’t know what it is.’

Thinking about it doesn't give you an answer.

“By the way, humans are training to fight those monsters.”

“Oh, is it today?”

It had already happened three times, and I knew the next one was coming soon.

In the last turn, two Awoken who reached S-class by human standards were born.

"It's done."

“Are you talking already?”

"Yes. As a result, this time among humans… … .”

* * *

From the 4th level monster wave, S-class hunters also participate.

Excluding the singularity, there are a total of ten S-class members.

One person was assigned to each gate.

Ha Yu-rak was in charge of Gate 5, the Southeast Asian side.

“Sister, are you okay?”

“Are you okay?”

"haha… … .”

Lee Min-ah scratched her cheek with her haggard face.

This was her fourth time.

She was mentally exhausted.

Ha Yu-rak patted her on the back and she walked forward.

“Oh, this is the president of the Association, Yoo-Rak Ha.”

“The lioness of Korea… … !”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen it this close.”

From Korean hunters to hunters from various countries.

Everyone looked at Ha Yoo-rak with awe-filled eyes.

To them, the S-class hunter was a supreme being, and it was a human weapon that occupied an overwhelming proportion of their total power.

Such a being was at the forefront.

“There are a total of 50 monsters that can only be hunted with three A-class hunters.”

Looking at the numbers, it doesn't seem like much, but Yoo-Rak Ha, who has a lot of experience, knows.

2 is not simply 1+1.

Even if four A-class hunters gather, they cannot catch two.

If there were 50 of them, even though Ha Yu-rak was here, it was not at all satisfactory.

“I know you are strong, but be careful. It's never easy.”

"do not worry."

The gate emitted an ominous light.

She knew the battle was about to begin.

“Waiting for battle!”

“Waiting for battle!”

The voices of the commanders spread widely across the silent battlefield.

Gate 5 performed better than the other gates.

The reason was that the command system was firmly established.

It was an activity of the Korean Association's Operation Planning Team.

‘But I can’t be vigilant.’

Just because Gate 5 had the best performance did not mean that there were no deaths.

Ha Yurak took a deep breath in her and then exhaled a long one.

'It's clear what I'm going to do. No fatalities.’

No matter how difficult the 4th level is, if there is even one S level, the balance will be quite tilted.

And Ha Yu-rak was one of the strongest among the S-class.

Therefore, it is his role to manage the battlefield so that the death toll does not occur one after another while leaving a foothold for the growth of other awakened people.

“Come on!”

At the same time as Lee Min-ah's urgent cry, huge monsters from the gate began to rush to this place.

Ha Yoo-rak's whole body was engulfed in flames.

And two people were watching the scene from high above.

“It’s your girlfriend.”


Park Hyunsoo was looking at the battlefield with his arms crossed and his expressionless face.

Ha Yu-rak divided the fire into five and drew it on the ground.

He was meant to disperse the monsters.

If we unite in one place, it is sure to cause great damage to the Hunters.

‘It’s a good choice.’

The reason the S-class was assigned from the 4th stage was not to develop them.

As long as the S-class is included in the first stage of the 4th stage, there will be no dramatic situation.

The purpose of the S-class was to support other hunters so that no fatalities appeared as much as possible.

Of course, not everyone was like Yurak Ha.

In particular, Ferrinkle Roach, who has just joined the S-Class.

“Is that guy really crazy?”

Carbon muttered a chuckle, wondering if she was funny.

Perrinkle is currently on the front line, blasting his thunderbolts like crazy.

Still, his face was blushing, and he had a hazy expression as if soaked in pleasure.

“I told you to correctly identify the peer.”

Her lightning had neither friend nor foe.

Still, she seemed to be trying, at least a little, to target her enemies.

“Don’t let that woman lightning hit the lover.”


Even if she said that, it was Carbon who did everything she could do like a tsundere.

He combined two magic circles and developed a technique that prevented her lightning from reaching friendly hunters.

“Magic is really convenient.”

“Do you want to learn too? Why doesn’t a guy who receives so much love from mana learn magic?”

“You must not lose your essence.”

“His nature, his essence. I'm going to get a scab on my ear."

It wasn't that Carbon didn't understand it either.

However, the essence of martial arts does not disappear just by learning some magic.

It didn't seem like that to Park Hyunsoo.

“If that’s the case, why not learn auxiliary magic?”

"It doesn't affect my fighter in the slightest."

“It’s up to you to write.”

"Shut up."

“Shut up every day if you don’t have anything to say.”

Carbon grunted and turned his gaze back to the battlefield.

“The places where the S-class doesn’t work properly look tougher than the last time.”

“I will.”

Ha Yu-rak acted as if he was active, but in reality he only used noisy techniques.

Park Hyunsoo saw Lee Min-ah throwing stones like a catapult, maximizing her telekinetic power.

She was an A grade, she was infinitely close to an S grade, but she had a very tired face.

She continues to use her powers as if she doesn't want to be here any longer.

“Half a step left.”



Carbon tilted his head at Park Hyunsoo's sudden murmur.

* * *

Lee Min-ah looked like she was going to collapse from exhaustion.

It wasn't that she had exhausted all her power.

It just feels like her fatigue has filled her head.

She couldn't quite figure out why she had to be here.

The great war starts in 5 months, so she has to be strong before then?

If so, wouldn't that be a terrifying reality?

'Want to cry.'

She can't depend on anyone.

lonely, lonely.

She used her powers like her machine with her dead eyes.

She fires a flaming bullet at the running monster.

She fired two or three consecutive shots if one didn't work.

In the sky, Ha Yu-rak was flying, breathing fire.

‘Like my sister.’

Can she be like her sister?

She was told that two S-classes were born in the last wave.

I work so hard.

Her mental fatigue had accumulated this much.

It's painful.‘Why me, why?’

I don't really want to become an S-class, but I hate the fact that I wasn't chosen even in this case.

Lee Min-ah smiled sadly.

In the noisy battlefield, she stood alone.

It was then.


Ha Yu-rak's cry was heard from the sky.

However, the sound was buried in the noise of the battlefield.

I just felt like someone was calling me.

quagga gaga-!!!!

A loud noise was heard from the side.

The sound grew louder as it got closer.

Lee Min-ah turned her head to her side like her machine.


Similar animals do not come to mind.

It was just a huge monster.

They trampled on the Hunters and pushed them away, and they were several dozen times larger than their own.



Then she heard her sister's voice.

But maybe it's already too late?

Lee Min-ah raised her hand in front of her and used her telekinesis.

The giant body was dyed green, but the charge didn't stop at all.

They said that if there were two A-class hunters, they could hunt.

With the power of two A-class people, why can't he stop even one?

"at there!!"

From Ha Yu-rak's hand, a spear of blue flames was shot at the monster.

A blue trajectory was drawn in the air like a light beam.

However, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed that the monster stepped on Lee Min-ah and passed faster than the spear of flame.


An ominous thought ran through Ha Yu-rak's mind.

How long has it been since she vowed to stop the hunters from dying from the monsters?


Ha Yu-rak screamed.

That moment.

“Mr. Hyunsoo.”

For some reason, Lee Min-ah felt as if Park Hyunsoo was looking at her.

What is this feeling?

No, it doesn't matter how you feel.

An important thing is,

"iced coffee."

There is only one fact that I cannot die like this.


Her dazzling green light exploded from her.

Ha Yu-rak blocked the light coming from her with her arms.

However, her light did no harm to her.

Instead of that, she felt a warm sensation all over her body.

'no way.'

this light.

Lee Min-ah is clear.

That is… … !


A huge monster struggled in the air.

It wasn't just that monster.

Monsters that were nearby began to appear one by one.

At its center,

Lee Min-ah was standing alone.

She said.

“Thank you, Hyunsoo.”

I don't know what to be thankful for.

She swept through her battlefield, feeling her body overflowing with vitality.

On that day, a total of six S-class hunters were born across all gates.

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