
Lightning struck and the dark room lit up for an instant.

King said, looking at the three riders in each seat.

“We have been informed that next week is the final training for humans.”

Although a large number of agents were lost in the incident two years ago, very few survived and were continuously sending information.

“It is said that the weak are gaining new strength in crisis.”

"huh. Well, shouldn't it be garbage?"

“Eight S-class hunters have already been added.”

“If you put all those things together, you’re just a fire moth.”

Reiji snorted at her.

The S-class hunter may be the strongest among humans, but it was true that there was nothing to see when he rose to the rider level.

The other riders agreed with that.

the problem is.

“The problem is that there is a high possibility that S-class hunters will also awaken in the next training.”

“They have to wake up… … .”

“There could be a mass of Transcendentalities, I mean.”

“That’s right, my lord.”

Only The Black noticed King's intentions.

Weiss added, as if he understood.

“It must be unusual. The occurrence of multiple Transcendentalities on a planet.”

Even if you search the universe, it will be difficult to find such examples.

In fact, something unusual has already happened.

The military didn't know, except for Park Hyunsoo, Isaac and Carbon were transcendental from Earth.

It was as if three Transcendents were born at the same time in one generation.

In addition, Luciel, one of the 12 families of Sephiroth, was also on Earth.

If you find out about this, you will be astonished.

"huh. Even if several Transcendental Transcendents appear, at least the little ones who are just starting out. Once I get my strength back, I can handle those things on my own.”

“Ttttttttt. stupid bastard.”


When The Black shot with a pathetic gaze, Reiji wrinkled her face.

“When there are more transcendents in the opposing camp, it means that the power to support Park Hyunsoo increases. Can you afford it?”

“ Park Hyunsoo is a good match for me.”

“It would be a good sandwich.”

“Are you talking about me?”

"I'm glad I'm not a deaf person."

“This old man!”


The situation is instantaneous until the two collide.

King quietly opened his mouth.

The Black sniffed his nose, and Rage glared at The Black with her tongue.

“This is not a place where we gathered to fight amongst ourselves, Reiji.”

“You’re going to be miserable.”

“We will intervene in the final training.”

“Then you can lose even more.”

Weiss, who had been silent, intervened.

“I’ve already done a lot of damage to Park Hyunsoo twice.”

Weiss and Reiji's identities were revealed, and the existing Queen's body was taken away.

It was a huge loss for the military.

We were lucky enough to create a more powerful Queen, but it was never good that the information of two of the four riders was made public.

“There’s no way you won’t get hit again.”

“That’s right.”

King agreed with astonishing ease.

Weiss wondered what his intentions were.

I don't know what my heart is.

Then her king looked at her and began to laugh quietly.

“You look like you don’t understand.”


King picked up the wine glass next to him.

The sparkling purple wine was poured into the glass and swayed gently.

“The method is simple. We just need to send enough power to disrupt the battlefield.”

“If we have enough power, we have nothing more than our horsemen or officers of the new army.”

“That’s right, Reiji. But it doesn't have to be the military's strength."

If not the military power, what power are you talking about?

Weiss looked at the King with curious eyes.

As that gaze responds.

“Does everyone know that the beast of 666 will wake up soon?”

“?!?!?!”The three riders looked at the King with astonished faces.

The Black took a step forward.

“Is that true?”

“It is true.”

“Satan… … You mean right before waking up?”

“It was like that.”

“Why do you only know that?”

When Reiji asked with her dissatisfied face, King said he didn't know and slipped over.

“I knew it was coming, but I didn’t know it was coming... … !”

The Black's old, ugly lips twisted upwards.

He put his bare hands out and wiggled his fingers.

"Oh oh-! Can you feel the joy of that time once again!!”

myth era.

In that fierce battlefield, Satan shone more dazzlingly than anyone else.

At least for The Black.

“But is there any way to summon the beast of 666?”

The beast of 666 was Satan's clone and the most reliable limb.

He looked down on everything except Satan, and so was your rider.

I did it if I ordered it, but I couldn't follow the riders' words.

“I owed him a long time ago.”


“You don’t even need to know that. The important thing is that even if there is only one beast of 666, it has no choice but to move according to my will.”

“Heh heh. Good job, King. very good!"

“If so.”

The Black and Lazy nodded satisfactorily.

Weiss wondered what the debt was, but as King said, he didn't need to know.

“Lucky. This opportunity has come to us.”

King laughed lowly.

* * *

Luciel dodged his bright red blade that ran past the tip of his nose by a single point.

At the same time, he soared upward with his wings on the wind.

Two silver blades flash! and crossed in an X.


The little boy raised his demon sword at an angle and blocked the blade.

Disgusting mouths flew open from his armor.

[To use that messy technique again!]

A long, sticky fluid stretches between the gaping mouth.

Luciel frowned and didn't give the distance.

Afterimages of light were drawn in zigzags and rushed.

Isaac spewed out blood-red rays in all directions.


It exploded everywhere, but it didn't reach Luciel at all.

He drew a white trail and freely swung his twin swords.

Chaejaeng- Chaeng! Kaga-Gaga-!!

The three-digit cutlery collided and fired sparks without mercy.

[Heart Sword]

He passed the blade of the magic sword behind his neck.

The blood-red eyes that flowed into the face guard exploded like an explosion.

He swung his magic sword as it was.

[Cleaning the Archduke]


A solid black line was drawn on Luciel's chest.

From the deployed halo, the temple radiated a strong light.


The solid line drawn in the air wriggled loudly,


It cracked with a pit-sound.

[Heart Sword is very annoying!]

Luciel gritted his teeth as if he was genuinely annoyed.

He was glad that it ended with only his clothes cut.

[This time it's my turn!]

Two pairs of wings spread dazzlingly.

The light of the temple grew stronger.

As a result of fighting with Isaac several times a day, Luciel was also growing day by day.

The white light turned to golden light.

[Heaven's Illusion]

Luciel's body began to multiply at a tremendous rate.

It's just different from his body.

All entities are affected by the Temple.

And each individual, each individual, was endowed with an independent consciousness.

[Be prepared!]

[Today, this body will win!]

[Defeat in moderation!]


Dozens of Luciel rushed to Isaac at the same time.

The little boy pointed his demon sword down and focused his mind.

"not there yet."

[Heart Sword - Transformation]

He closed his eyes.

Ordinary people would think that they gave up when they close their eyes, but if that's Isaac, it's a different story.

[back stabbing]

I was able to see more because I didn't look.


[I was not doing anything, but why… … !]

[Damn it… … .]

Luciel's stomach was dyed red.

Not all were like that.

Individuals with a large distribution of senses succeeded in minimizing or completely avoiding damage.

However, none of the individuals that were hit did not remain, and all of them were annihilated.

[Die, Isaac!!]

At that time, Luciel, who was at the end, increased his speed.

It was an instant for the golden trajectory to reach Isaac.

“… … !!”

[Damage, partner!]

The demon sword shouted, but Luciel's speed was overwhelming to respond.

Isaac stepped back as far as possible and showed his deep sword.

The blade, embodied in his will, mercilessly slashed through Luciel, but he couldn't catch his speed.


Luciel, who reached in front of him, raised the corners of his mouth and lowered his twin swords.

“Both were good.”

Luciel's handsome face contorted with irritation.

He shouted as he looked at his twin swords in his one hand.

[What are you doing!]

“Your victory today. So let's go over here.”

[profit! let this go! I mean, I was beaten harshly every day! This time it's my turn to beat it hard!]

Park Hyunsoo sighed deeply as he watched Luciel whining like a child.

“What kind of kid are you?”

And then pushed it forward.

Luciel couldn't resist and was pushed away.

That hurt his pride, but seeing that his opponent was Park Hyunsoo, he couldn't actively protest.

[Damn it… … . I won.]

“Yes, yes. that you won.”

[This is not a win!]

“Anyway, Isaac couldn’t stop the attack. So let’s just move on, today.”

Having said this all the way, if I said more, only Luciel would become naive.

A member of the great Sephiroth 12 family can't be heard of nonsense.

He mumbled to himself and summoned his twin swords in reverse.

"Hmm. Did I lose this time?”

Either way, Isaac was once again replaying the fight he had just fought.

“The transformation was fine, but Luciel is already completely accustomed to you.”

Luciel had already experienced his sim sword to exhaustion.

So, he knew more than anyone what his characteristics and weaknesses were.

Even he has grown through many battles, so this defeat was natural to some extent.

“Continue thinking about what you just lacked.”

"I get it. Rather, why did you come here?”

"Ah. Both of you follow me. I have something to tell you.”

[What are you talking about?]

Luchi L asked with his mouth wide open.

If you come, I'll relax my face a bit.

That's why he seemed to know when he was young that her mother told her not to stick her mouth out.

it's ugly

However, he did not even say that as he was sure he was going to get really pissed off.

“This is the last monster wave gun.”

“That has nothing to do with us.”

“It used to be.”

Park Hyunsoo ordered him to follow without saying anything.When I went upstairs, everyone was gathered.

If I had to say ‘everyone’, it was only the existing members.


Monami jumped into Park Hyunsoo's arms.

“Yes, yes.”

Park Hyunsoo sat down, holding Monami.

"What happened? What happened?"

First of all, I asked why Sally sang.

She was a little excited, because it was the first time Park Hyunsoo had found her.

“It’s no different. We're all going out on the last wave day next week."

“Didn’t you say you were going to push it to the limit?”

Isaac tilted his head.

It has been over a month since people died or were seriously injured.

Park Hyunsoo had never come forward until then.

“It’s the same again this time.”

[Then there is no need for us to go out.]

“Because you really have to avoid the worst.”

The answer came from Carbon.

“To die is to die, shouldn’t annihilation be avoided?”

Perhaps all Awoken will be wiped out in the final wave.

The condition that there must be at least one S-class hunter per monster literally meant that there must be at least one.

Maybe two, or three or more of them stick together, meaning you can barely handle one.

“Six S-classes were added in the 4th wave, but there are a total of 17 people.”

Even if the distribution is good, the power is not enough.

It's a different level of difficulty than the wave so far.

“At least we should avoid annihilation.”

“It’s as you say. If there are people in this place, the monsters that appear at the gate won’t be difficult.”

“Of course, it’s to be prepared for any contingency, and a new Transcendent may be born.”

new transcendent.

In fact, the biggest purpose of the Monster Wave was the reawakening of the hunters, but it was the hope that a new transcendent among the S-class might be born.

Park Hyunsoo confirmed that hope with his own eyes this time.

‘Minah is much more powerful than other S-class hunters. She wouldn't even dare to rub her unless she was Hyeon-tae.'

At least for her, Armand's nickname of 'king of flames' was just enough to be passed on to her.

She was considered to have succeeded in this re-awakening because she was the strongest among her A-classes.

If so, how much will it be when the S-Class is re-awakened?

‘You can even aim at the transcendental border.’

The gap between the S-class and the Transcendent was not a difference that could be bridged, but it was just in case.

“Anyway, for that reason, so that everyone can attend this time.”

"Hmm. Dalian should be pushed aside for a while.”

[As of today, I will not be able to defeat this body again! Hahahahaha!]

"I'm hungry."

Isaac didn't even listen to what Luciel was saying and headed for the food warehouse.

“But, Hyunsoo.”

At that moment, Sally, with her big eyes shining, called out to him.

As Park Hyunsoo looked at her, she could see her upright ears swaying softly from her side to her side.

This is what it looked like when expectations were high.

“Am I really going? really really?"

"really really."


“Noisy pokey guy. It started again.”

Carbon said that Sally's illness was over and left her.

With those words, Sally did not take her eyes off Park Hyunsoo, with her eyes shining.

Until she is satisfied with herself!

“… … Yes. You go too.”

"really? Really, really?!”

“… … .”

"really! really really!"

Park Hyunsoo pushed his face up to his nose before he knew it.

“Damn it!!!!”

“Hey profit!”

Monami, who was watching, couldn't stand it anymore and exploded.

Sally pulled her hair up all over her body and ran away behind her.

“It’s also my daughter.”


Monami smiled and buried her head in the crevice of her clothes again.

Another week passed by her.


“Creep… … .”

Something mixed with all kinds of animals, with 666 on its forehead, came up to the ground.

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