The world has gone dark.

The sun was dyed purple.

Clouds took on a form never seen before.

The wind began to blow fiercely.

All living beings trembled in unfamiliar anxiety.

Satan saw Park Hyunsoo turned into a black shadow.

That fluttering flame was different from the power Park Hyunsoo had used until now.

It looks like a mixture of several things.

It was unpleasant, sultry, and reluctant to see himself, who was nothing more than evil.

'Hmm. The tail was cut off.'

Although he had been vigilant, he did not realize that his tail had been cut off.

He even chewed it with scales.

“It’s funny for me to say this, but it must have been pretty fishy, ​​right?”

Satan flicked his shortened tail.

A handful of black blood poured out, and flesh quickly sprouted from the cut.

In an instant, the tail regenerated.

He smiled contentedly and swung his tail.

Boom- Boom-!

Also, this sound is the best.

“More than that. You said you were going to kill me?”

A playful smile.

I hate to see

I will rip that mouth open and make a face that can no longer smile.


Darkness trembled around her body.


“It’s so scary… … !”


Satan frowned.

It went from his neck to his shoulders and even deeper to his lungs.

He luckily didn't fall off his head.

Even so, such speed and power.

I grabbed his head and pressed him down.

The chafed area began to regenerate rapidly.


He mumbled as he licked the dripping blood with his tongue.

It was completely different from Park Hyunsoo's fighting style so far.

that will fly


An animal that can only be seen in the wild!

Of course, it has a different level of power than a normal beast.

‘It is similar to being unpredictable.’

how old

To meet an enemy who puts his life at risk.

Park Hyunsoo earlier was fun, but honestly, there was nothing like tension.

how about now



Satan broke out in a cold sweat as he saw the five claws falling in front of his nose.

The dark areas that had covered his head rose like thorns.

Standing on all fours, Park Hyunsoo's limbs no longer looked human.

The inside of the dark would be Park Hyunsoo normally, but that didn't matter now.

Park Hyunsoo kicked the ground with all fours.


Satan's body flew away and was slain.

He flew quite a distance.

His cloaked wings spread wide.

Meanwhile, a black trail crossed the ground and quickly approached.

He raised his front foot and swung it vigorously.

Satan soared upward.

The huge rock wall he was stuck in split into six parts.

“Hwiyu~ I swung my claws once, but that’s the power. I'm out of my mind."

The view from the sky was absurd no matter what.

But it wasn't the time to relax.

A black object protruded from the thick smoke of the rock wall collapsing.

It ripped apart one of Satan's wings in an instant.


When I found out it was coming, it was already too late.

He saw with both eyes, but could not be pursued.

His speed alone was clearly superior to himself.

Moreover, his destructive power was not unusual.

A red light flashed from Satan's eyes.

Park Hyunsoo stepped on the air like the ground and made a sharp turn.

Ten claws split the sky.

“I just checked how much it is.”

Red scales stood up, and his fingernails and toenails grew thick and pointed.

“Would you like to test whose fingernails and toenails are stronger?”

His nails were stained yellow.Superheated energy was concentrated.

The corners of Satan's lips caught on to his ears.

The moment ten black claws fall over your head-


It collided with yellow nails.

A powerful shock wave crushed the space.

The ground just below them could not withstand the impact and began to split left and right.

The dark clouds swirled and scattered thunderbolts without mercy on the ground.

Magma erupted from the cracked ground, and the surrounding vegetation was swept away by the storm, leaving only a handful.

It was just one crash.

However, the scene that unfolded afterward was too excessive to express with the word ‘only’.


Park Hyunsoo screamed and removed Satan's claws.

He spun around behind him at the same time and swung his hind feet.


His claws collided with the scales covering his chest and sparked.

I couldn't teach this time.

“It’s just that you have to raise your defense to the limit to barely block it.”

Satan laughed happily at his tingling heart.

“I’m happy to die!”

Darkness and the red dragon intertwined.

Kwareung! Quarreung!

With each collision, the world shook with the force of collapse.

Existing terrain has lost its traces.

The map has changed.

Still, they did not intend to stop.

Fierce hand-to-hand combat.

A fight that ends when one of them dies.

[Die, die!]

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

Fist and fist collided.


A large lightning bolt engulfed them both.

A bitter torrential rain swept across the battlefield.

The two looked at each other.

Park Hyunsoo has eyes full of life.

Satan has an eye that says he's crazy because it's funny.

The skills of both of them are dragons and tigers.

They were almost identical with no discrepancies.

[It shouldn't be like this.]

Your opponent is too strong.

strong but too strong

[From this point on, Luciel's revenge... … .]

Darkness began to creep in.

[I can't take revenge.]

Naturalization burns in the dark.

can never forgive

raw flesh is torn

The bones are broken.

Even if the muscles are bursting.

I had to be stronger than I am now.

more more more more!!

Whoops, whoops-!

The darkness swelled.

Park Hyunsoo's limbs are getting longer.

His back was boiling, and black particles that looked like champ-wings were sprayed.

The crest of conquest appeared on his forehead.

* * *

Satan was shocked to see Park Hyunsoo.

“… … Are you getting stronger?”

Park Hyunsoo was getting stronger at an incredible rate.

He couldn't believe it even when he saw it in person.

What the hell is the Demon King sleeping inside that holds such a ridiculous possibility?

'I'm not full power either, but... … .'

There is still one more step left.

I hate it because I can't keep my rationality in that form, but in my current state, I won't be able to defeat Park Hyunsoo, let alone kill him.

‘Do I have to go back to my original form?’

A time when myths were alive.

The angel who drove him into defeat came to mind.

Although their temperament is completely different, I felt the same way from him as I do now.

‘Of course, the strength itself is incomparable.’

The angel literally overpowered himself in his prime, and sealed him in the abyss.

I still remember his face and name clearly.

‘Metatron, you motherfucker… … !’

A being called the king of heaven.

The one who mercilessly crushed his own army.

No, it doesn't matter what he does with his army.

The problem is that he threw himself into the abyss for eons... … !

Just thinking about it, an unbearable rage took over his brain.


Satan shook his head.

Now is not the time to think of him.

Before long, Park Hyunsoo was almost done with the change.

Shall I attack you now?

‘That’s no fun.’

No matter how dangerous the situation, he doesn't do uninteresting things like surprise attacks.

I'd rather not change into the person closest to him and see the expression on his face when he betrayed him.

The expression of anger when frustration and despair are intertwined.

After that, if you fall into the path of corruption... … .

“Just imagining it makes me go crazy!”


Ordinary surprise attacks or traps were not to my liking.

“It’s done.”


Park Hyunsoo let out a long breath.

White steam flowed out in the air.

Satan couldn't help but sneer at him.

“So you.”

Satan's entire body was covered with red scales.

“Are you a human or a demon lord?”

His body grew bigger and bigger.

His snout elongated forward, and six gigantic horns rose from the temple.

Five pairs of wings were spread out from their enlarged body, and their thick tail became so huge that it could destroy Mount Tai with one swing.

“Does anything matter?”

Satan, whose size is difficult to capture at a glance, has said so.

Park Hyunsoo.

No, now that he doesn't even know if Park Hyunsoo is right, he lifts his head and sees Satan's huge face.

[…] … .]

"come! Let's have a lot of fun with me!”


Dragon Fear resounded across the globe.

All living things shuddered in fear.

The demon king who once colored the earth with corruption has been completely resurrected.

* * *


Carbon widened his eyes at the feeling of pressure tightening his whole body.

I've experienced arrogance in all my life, but it's the first time in my life that I've been so depressed.

It was the same with Reiji.

He smiled awkwardly.

“… … Satan has returned to his dragon form.”

“Dragon… … figure?"

“But Park Hyunsoo isn’t unusual either.”

As he said, Park Hyunsoo's energy was also incredibly violent, unlike usual.

At first he thought that a completely different person had appeared.

What the hell is going on?

Carbon was frustrated, but couldn't go to help him, even because of the opponent in front of him.

“I should have ended up with that one room earlier.”

“It’s the same with each other.”

Should he have let him go when he said he just gave up?

Carbon was a bit regretful, but he had already spilled the water.

His oppression was almost gone.

His body was now moving normally.

“The guys’ fight is the boys’ fight. Should we do it?”

“Kuk. It's true that the war has lost interest, but you're starting to get more and more interested."

“That sounds like a pervert.”

Kwa Gaga Gaga River-!!!

A huge shock wave blew up here from afar.

It was a clash between Satan and Park Hyunsoo.

The two use it as a flare.

“Let’s stop it!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

The battle resumed again.

* * *

The horrors of hell burned.

Flames that seemed to set fire to everything that existed on the earth poured out like meteors.

[porridge… … sign… … all.]

Black tentacles protruding from Park Hyunsoo's back destroyed all the flying meteors.

Furthermore, he was savagely swung towards Satan.

Satan soared high and avoided the tentacles.

Despite his enormous body, his speed was unmatched.

It was as if he was denying the theory of relativity.

[porridge… … uh!]

Tentacles were twisted like a pretzel in five rows.

In that state, it rotated at high speed like a drill and was shot at Satan.

Satan raises a magical energy around him, and he shoots beams at random toward the ground.

The ground collapsed, and magma overflowed from underneath.

The land became uninhabitable for living things.

It was a good thing for both of them.

Park Hyunsoo swung his arm.

“Not once!”His arm moved only once, but dozens of dark blades slashed through the beams.

He shook his arm dozens of times in a brief moment.

Satan stuck out his tongue and flapped his wings loudly.

His air currents became wild, and a fierce gust of wind blew.

The trajectory of the blades flying in front was twisted to the side.

A mountain of great height was cut as it was.

[porridge… … Inda!]

Darkness wrapped around his arms soared to where Satan was.

‘Chi… … . it's damn fast by the way.'

My consciousness began to flicker.

Slowly the time came.

Satan kicked her tongue and moved her body to escape the darkness as much as possible.

It is a specification to be caught by it before consciousness is extinguished.

I don't want to face the end with such a bad feeling.

However, the darkness, divided into hundreds, surrounded the body and enveloped it.

At the same time, Satan's consciousness suddenly-did out.


Satan howled.

His eyes were red and bloodshot, and a red light began to flash.

He lost his sanity when he changed to his true form.

At first he still had reason, but as time went on his instincts grew stronger.

Eventually, the string of reason was cut and it became a light dragon that moved only by instinct.


Satan has gone mad to tear away the darkness that has bound him.

The vicious magi erupted violently.

A red beam of light erupted from his mouth obliquely.

The earth touched by the rays melted to the point where the shape was unrecognizable.

[porridge… … sign… … all!]

Park Hyunsoo threw himself at Satan, repeating the same words like a machine.

And, he pulled forward the darkness that had redeemed Satan.


Satan screamed in agony.

He opened his mouth under him and let his breath out once more.

Park Hyunsoo made a shield of darkness to stop his breath.

However, Breath is Satan's strongest attacking weapon.

The shield of darkness broke in vain and fell straight to the ground.


A dome-shaped explosion destroyed hundreds of kilometers of land.

Everything disappeared without leaving a trace.

The huge pit, which had not cooled down, was billowing black smoke with a reddish trail.

Krona la la la la la la!

Satan roared.

His breath has one of the most powerful dragons spread throughout the universe.

Even if the power was not at the level of destruction of the planet, even the strongest Transcendents could not avoid extinction.

Satan prowled over his pit time and time again, as if celebrating his victory.

‘… … I don’t want to die.’

My heart stopped slowly.

‘You have to kill me.’

can't fall

'Sacrifice for me... … .'

Luciel's face lit up.

'How many times do I have to be stronger... … .'

To defeat Satan.

To save the planet.

To finish Luciel's revenge.

What to sacrifice

- It's Hyunsoo.


I can't.

I've done everything I can, but I can't think of a way.

- It's Hyunsoo.


I want to rest.


It's too hard.

- It's Hyunsoo.

Master... … .

-You can. no matter what you say

This is obviously hallucinatory.

But why does it seem like I can hear the voice right next to me?

I don't know.

- He's the disciple I'm most proud of.


-go. Go, show me what a true heavenly devil is and come.

[Hunsu Listening is activated!]

… … Yes.


The darkness was lifted.

Another darkness emanated from within.

It was a beautiful color like ink.

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