“Huh… … .”

Monami was sitting on the steep mountaintop, holding her breath.

I do not know where this place is, but it is certain that she flew a considerable distance.

She had incredible stamina for a young Hetzling, less than a year old, but still a Hetzling.

“This is not the time to be like this.”

She feels ominous.

It was such an ominous feeling that something bad was about to happen to her father.

Monami led her exhausted body and started her flight again.

Then, what she feared happened.

“… … dad!"

Her father's aura felt far away from her became wildly violent.

It was hard to believe that he was the same person, and his aura was tainted with evil.

She could easily guess what had happened.

Luciel's energy disappeared.

It meant death.

Perhaps he died in front of his father.

That was the trigger for her anger.

"Quickly! I have to go quickly!”

She doesn't know what to do with it, but Monami eagerly waved her wings.

A huge shock wave from far away flew to where her Monami was.

she was ignoring

It was a clash of evil and evil.

Monami looked like she was about to cry.

her dad is sick

Her children felt the pain of their parents.


“Oh, Dad! dad!!"

Her vital reactions began to fade quickly.

It felt like her heart was about to explode.

An emotion too heavy for her child to feel shook her little heart.

Monami waved her wings without a word.

However, her small body did not speed up no matter how much she hoped.

Tears like chicken poop flowed nonstop.

daddy is dying

The evil dragon uncle is trying to kill his father.

It shouldn't have happened.

The child hoped for her miracle.

Dad shouldn't have died here.

For yourself, for your loved ones, and for the world.

"iced coffee… … .”

But contrary to her child's expectations, her vital response reached the brink of extinction.

Even the slightest wind will blow it off easily.

daddy dies

They are not the parents who gave birth to them, but they are the parents who raised them with their hearts.

It was only a few months, but to Monami, those months were everything in the world.

Her dad was Monami's everything.

“Hey… … Daddy... … .”

Tears streamed down my cheeks non-stop.

can't forgive

I couldn't forgive the evil dragon uncle who made my father like this.

Her Monami's expression was terribly distorted.

Her golden light flashed from her yellow skin.

She is trying to awaken a force she can't handle with her body in Hetzling.

That was the moment.

“… … dad!"

Her dim life reaction suddenly began to burn.

Her Monami's eyes widened.

As her evil energy gradually diminished, she began to feel the power of her original Heavenly Demon ball.

No, it's not just the power of Heavenly Demon.

“Something has changed… … !!”

Monami's face brightened.

As if she was crying, she clapped her little hands as Hetzling stretched out.

I don't know what happened to her dad.

"dad! go for it!!"

She cheered on her dad as much as she could in an unheard of place.

* * *

I don't know if the Master's voice I heard is real or fake.

The same goes for notification sounds.

It may all be an illusion created by pain.

Does not matter.

real or fake.Master said.

Come and show me what heaven is.

"I… … .”

Park Hyunsoo rose from the center of a huge pit that had not yet cooled down.

His weary body staggered, but he did not fall.

He lifted his head hard.

“Every thousand.”

Apart from his weary body,

His eyes were clearer than ever.


Heavenly Demon's inner energy circulates throughout the body.

Like black ink swimming in the water, a black river was released around the body.

“I don’t lose.”

Park Hyunsoo took each step, step by step, strenuously.

It was the same Heukganggi as usual, but for some reason, I felt more comfortable than usual.

‘Is it because I heard the teacher’s voice?’

hallucinations are good

It had been a long time since Master's voice came to mind clearly.


It's been a long time.


raised his gaze.

Satan did not notice his existence and was constantly wandering in the sky.


“I’m going to have to bring it down to the ground.”

[Heavenly Demon Ball]


A strong wind blew around him.

“The beginning. okay. The most basic would be good.”

He gently clenched his fist full of calluses.

[Early 1 meal of Pacheon Horseman]


clench your fists as hard as you can

Heukganggi, which had rotated once, swelled backwards.



A cool sound echoed through the air.


Satan screamed in sudden shock.

“Next, Geunpa.”

He rotated his fist and shouted at the regime.

Next, raise your hand and swing it.

A heavy penetrating mirror crossed the space and penetrated its huge body.

Excluding the tribes and spirits, the first four seconds of eclipse crossed space and hit Satan directly.

Big oh oh-!

Satan, writhing in pain, fell to the earth.

At least, it was the first 4 seconds of Heavenly Demon.

It's not lacking in power, but considering the vast potential of Heavenly Demon Goddess, it was just an introductory martial art.

“The true power of heaven.”

Did you cheat too much?

I had Heavenly Demon Goddess.

Strong enough, even without borrowing other powers.


He had the most powerful force in the universe.

What the hell were you afraid of?

Park Hyunsoo grinned and walked towards Satan's fall.

“I am the first and last disciple of Chungyeong, the 34th Cheonma.”

What is Wu?

Master said ‘to protect’.

In the past, I was thinking of following my master's advice.

But, as he lived, that wasn't the case.

The word ‘mu’ was different.

Protecting others is violence to some, struggle to others, and life to others.

“Bite me.”

Now it seems that I can see a little bit ahead.

‘Master. Sorry. I think we have to take a different path.’

I have lived by attraction.

He rarely moved voluntarily.

even to this moment today.

I acted with the determination to save the world.

Have I been me all this time?

From the day Master left me to today.

Park Hyunsoo must have been dead.


The fallen Satan jumped up and made a roar.

“Now you are in the same position.”

… … The height difference was overwhelming to say, but the fact that they were each other's feet on the ground didn't change.

“It is very large.”

Park Hyunsoo fixed his posture.

“It’s nice to have a lot of places to hit.”

and kicked the ground

* * *

“One flow ends again.”

A woman in her white cloth is kneeling on her knees and holding her two hands.

In front of her was a priest in a splendid priestly robe, holding an X-shaped staff in her right hand.

She also had a staff crest painted on her robes.

“It’s an interesting result.”

“Soon, the greatest and final wave that marks the end is coming.”

A woman in a white cloth, her saint, slowly raised her head.

A rainbow was shining from her eyes.

The priest nodded her head.

“The winner is decided in the flow of cause and effect. The person concerned does not know this yet, but he must be feeling it instinctively.”

“Dragon King Ionix has moved.”

The conqueror of the western universe, the Dragon King Ionix.

It was rumored to be strong enough to stir up the universe.

“Did the dragon king move? Sansa has also succeeded in making contact with the Transcendent in the eastern corner.”

“… … You mean the man who killed the ‘novelist’?”

The priest shook his head.

“For some reason, it didn’t go into space, but it is said that it is a planet with incredible power. Sansa said the expectations were high there.

“The preparations for the final flow have begun.”

The saint rose from her seat.

“When we prepare too.”

“All heavens will move.”

“I know.”

The saint turns her body.


She said, pressing her white cloth even deeper.

“I will prepare to meet the winner.”

Her white light enveloped her and disappeared.

The priest, who was left alone, looked at the letter X hanging on the wall with hollow eyes.

The letter X was a religious symbol that worshiped Ravenox, the “true god” who created a cycle in the universe.

“O Ravenox.”

The priest knelt down on one of his knees and bowed his head in front of the symbol.

“Please, grant peace to the universe you have created.”

* * *

Park Hyunsoo's moves were unparalleled.

His movements were lighter and softer than ever before, to the extent that it was questionable whether he was the same person.

big aww!

Satan burst out and swung his huge tail.

The atmosphere trembled terribly.

If it was natural for something like that to be swung quickly, it was a natural phenomenon.

should be avoided

If it were you before, it would have been.

[ Heavenly Demon Circulation]


Now there was no reason to do so.

[Seungryu (勝流)]

All flows are mine.

“You won’t even pass me by.”


The tail grazed overhead.

A gust of wind that looked like it was going to rip off the skin raged terribly.

There, Park Hyunsoo was smiling.

“Let’s finish it. If we do this, the earth will be a mess.”

[Heavenly Demon Ball]


“This time it’s your turn to taste despair.”


[Disruption of Thought]

Body, consciousness and nature became one.

The open mind extended beyond the Earth and into space.

Black naturals burned in both eyes.

[Destroy the regime]

He gently clenched his fist.puck-!

An unusual hitting sound.

As the name suggests, the fist he clenched was an ordinary slaying of the regime.

However, what was contained in it was by no means ordinary.

Big woooooooooo!!!

The fists engraved on Satan's chest weighed down on the thick dragon's skin, constantly digging into it.

The power to dig into the essence of everything.

That power repeated hundreds of thousands of times alone.

It melted into action as natural as breathing.

-… … !

And the red ring asleep in the middle begins to respond to that power.


The ring loosened like a liquid and spread rapidly across Park Hyunsoo's torso.

It quickly took shape and became a reddish armor boasting a beautiful curve.

Park Hyunsoo smiled at the immense power felt in the armor.

“You are this guy.”

-Long time no see, Hyunsoo.

On the right, a grown-up Harley appeared in the form of a soul.

He was a handsome man with a sharp impression that hardly remained of his childhood.

Harley said with a smile.

-Originally, you could have come out sooner, but the energy you were imprisoning was so strong that you couldn't come out for a while.

It seemed to be talking about the power of the Demon King of Conquest.

Park Hyunsoo waved his hand saying it was okay.

"done. Because I'm still awake."

Then he put his clenched fists around his waist again.

“Let’s eat one more room.”


Park Hyunsoo once again lashed out at the tormented Satan.

“Hey, stop… … !”

Heavenly Demon Goddess, which unfolds in polarity, attacks Satan.

In the torrent of great power, Satan screamed.

However, in the end, he could not stand it and flew a long distance while being thrown to the ground.

“Do you think the opposite sex is back?”

Seeing Satan speaking, Park Hyunsoo flew away again.

A single person trembled in the hazy smoke.

He seemed to have returned to his human form.

He went down and grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

“ね… … .”

Satan looked down at Park Hyunsoo with a devastated look.

“Oh, how do you have that kind of power?”

"I do not know."

"haha… … . Is this really unfair?”

He never lost his smile, even at this moment.

It seems that he possessed a great mentality because he was sealed in the abyss for eons.

He was a great guy in many ways.

“Even if it’s unfair, I can’t help it.”

“Heh heh. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

Satan laughed bitterly as if he was really sorry.

“I thought this time would be my world. After all, there was another guy like Metatron.”

“I will not seal you.”

“Heh heh. Do you want to kill me?”

“You have to throw it back into the abyss, and after some time it will reappear. I don’t see anything like that.”

“When that time comes, you can stop it again.”

“I’m not sure about that.”

The Transcendent could live eternal life if he wished.

But Park Hyunsoo was transcendent, yet human.

Can a human mind endure that eons of time?

Rather, at that time, he did not even know that he had become a demon lord.

“So you die.”

“Even Metatron couldn’t kill me.”

“I am stronger than Metatron.”

“… … you?"

"I. It’s heaven.”

Heavenly Demon's inner strength devoured Satan.

Satan struggled to escape, but he was no longer a match for Park Hyunsoo.

“Ugh… … How did I survive... … . I… … Only to a human!”

That was the last word.

Park Hyunsoo lay flat on the floor.

- Hyunsoo, are you okay?

Harley raises her head and asks.

He replied with a smile.

“I sleep.”

The war is over.

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