The black particles nestled in the ruins slowly coalesced, and soon became the appearance of a withered old man.

“It’s finally over.”

The dull skin and the age spots on his face were telling him that the old man's condition was not good.

The old man staggered, clutching the air with his hands.

A black fur cloak appeared, swept to the floor.

The old man, King, put on his cloak.

“Even Satan has been defeated and we can no longer see the future.”

He perched on the rubble of a collapsed building.

A cool wind blew.

His hands were slowly scattering like black sand.

already dead body

He is forcing himself to preserve only the body.

It will soon disappear without a trace.

“My wish cannot come true.”

A very long time ago.

A kingdom existed on the far side of the universe.

The kingdom had developed an incredibly advanced scientific civilization.

It was a peaceful world.

The technology that developed day by day made it easy for the people, and it was heading towards the kingdom's utopia through constant exploration of the universe.

Everyone was happy.

The little prince of the kingdom thought he could always enjoy such a peace.


However, the world was not easy.

The young prince never forgets the despair of that day.

‘This is my land.’

Chaos appeared.

Chaos showed no mercy.

He intercepted the chaos with all the technology of the kingdom, but the chaos only ridiculed him.

That day, the little prince lost all of him.

Parents, people, and country.

The prince swore.

No matter how much time passes, he will surely take revenge on the 'Demon King of Chaos' who stole everything.

However, the young prince did not seek revenge even after he had grown up.

The now-old prince, he was at the dead end of his death, which he had dealt with.

The one and only secret wish was so lonely and scattered.

“It is a cruel world.”

The name ‘King’ was his wish to one day reclaim his kingdom and return to his throne.

“Park Hyunsoo.”

I still hated him.

He was cursing the man who had deprived him of his qualifications.

But in the end, it was Park Hyunsoo who won.

would things be like this?

‘If you give me five years, do you think your humans will be strong enough to block Jim’s forces?’

‘Because you have to deal with long and short things to know.’

Five years ago, I remembered a conversation I had with a human named Choi Sang-ho.

‘With your victory.’

What would have happened if it hadn't been for that day's deal?

He looked down on humans.

Even without the variable Park Hyunsoo, the excuse that it doesn't work doesn't work.

After all, he was also human.


The black sand was blown away by the wind.

Only a black fur cloak remained in the ruins.

* * *

The Black couldn't accept the now dying situation.

'Can not be done. Jim's empire must be resurrected... … ! It cannot end in vain!’

But his wish did not come true.

The total offensive that all the Hunters poured out was not something that could be tolerated no matter how much.

Above all, death could not be avoided even because of Park Hyun-tae and Hak-sen, who became transcendents at this moment.

‘No… … .'

The image of the empire that was called splendid glory flickered in the hazy memory.

Unlike the King's Kingdom, it was a country where magic and swords had developed.

The Black was revered as the greatest and wisest king in the country.

It was a beautiful world.

It was a country where children ran around the flower garden and adults had a beer in the evening when they finished their work.

As chaos struck, the peaceful world became hell in an instant.

The Emperor tried to escape Hell, but the chaos did not allow him.Then I will destroy the chaos.

Even if you sell your soul.

‘Jim’s life… … finally.'

The Black disappeared with a bitter face.

And, realizing that they had won, mankind cheered on the spot.

* * *

“Give up. It’s all over.”

“Heh heh… … . Give up!”

Isaac and Sally appealed to Weiss, who was weeping, to surrender.

Weiss looked at them and said.

"Do not be ridiculous."

It's not over yet.

it can't end like this

How long has it been a longing wish?

The virus leaked out of her fingernails.

Even if it's a Transcendent, even if it doesn't die if touched, it won't be able to move right away.

“Satan is dead.”

“… … .”

“You and your only comrade, what can we do with just the two of us?”

Another rider named Rage was currently fighting Carbon.

That fight will be over soon.

Not only Satan, but also King and The Black died.

The army has lost its power, and victory and defeat have been decided before.

“It is pointless to resist. If my comrade immediately defeats your comrade and joins you, you will eventually die. If not, if Park Hyunsoo comes back, you will be just a bug.”

Isaac casually spit out poison.

Sally looked at him, licking her big eyes.

He was usually sharp-spoken, but it was the first time I had seen him swearing at this level.

"I… … I cannot give up.”

“I don’t know what the story is.”

Isaac raised his sword again.

“If you’re going to get mad, I’ll take it.”

"me too… … .”

“You are.”

Isaac stopped her as her Sally tried to help her.


“I will fight her against her.”

[Partner, you have to... … .]



Isaac walked forward.

[Can you? It was hard for both of us.]

He joined forces with Sally, but it was impossible to defeat him.

By the way, does she fight her alone?

In the eyes of the demon sword, it was an absurd act.

“I could do it over and over again.”


I hit the sword several times.

The vice is definitely strong.

Even objectively, he was above himself.

But if she couldn't win on her own, that wasn't the case either.

The reason she didn't fight was because she wanted to try first, and secondly because she wanted her to give up on her own.


The little boy did not answer and raised the sword over his heart.

over it.

Another sack was erected.

[Ugh! Partner, you bastard!]

[Heart Sword - Lee (二)]


Weiss rushed forward with his nails straight.

The little boy closed his eyes.

He could see without seeing.

Even if it's not the mind, after all, everything is the movement of the mind.



The two hearts were drawn with a diagonal line.

Weiss felt his chest burning.

He had no idea what had happened, but he seemed to know what had happened.

"I… … like this… … .”

His nails stopped on the back of Isaac's nose.

“I can’t even take revenge on my child… … .”

Vice slid down, leaning against his body.

Sally came over with his gun gun.

“Are you done?”


The little boy put his magic sword in and laid the vice in a comfortable position.

Although she was an enemy, she was able to achieve much of her growth thanks to her.

Above all, I could feel a lot about her while fighting her.

"She wasn't a bad girl."

Isaac turned around without hesitation.

Sally squatted, looking at his back, and then shifting her gaze to Weiss.

There was a stern expression on her face.

She flattened her expression with one soft hand.


Sally also left.

The corpse of Weiss, which had become a cold corpse, was smiling.

* * *

“It’s over.”

Reiji smiled blankly with half of her upper body blown away.

“I didn’t know this would be my end.”

“Shut up. Don’t give me that much consideration.”

“It’s self-defeating.”

To insist on self-determination, a symbol of violence, struggle, and domination.

I didn't know how I got into this situation.

Even that word is really caring.

Reiji couldn't help but laugh.

“A lot of people died, me too.”

“I do not ask for self-determination whenever possible. It means that I recognized you as an enemy.”

"Hahaha! That is an honor.”

She stopped laughing.

The dark clouds that filled the sky were gone.

‘It was a fun life.’

Like the other riders, Reiji didn't have a grand reason like revenge.

I want to fight the Demon King of Chaos.

With that single thought alone, he took the place of the rider.

Far from being the Demon King of Chaos, he was defeated by Park Hyunsoo's colleague.

Would it have been more fun if I had an exciting fight with Park Hyunsoo?

'King was helpless. There is no way I can compete.’

It is absurd that he, who is similar to or slightly inferior to King, can defeat Park Hyunsoo.

Even so, it would have been fun.

They both use their fists.

“Is there no way for me to live?”

"does not exist."

Not only did she join the military, but Reiji was the ruling class.

He cannot accept him as a human being.

If he had chosen the option he accepted, he would have let him go when he asked to let him go in the first place.

“It seemed so.”

“A choice.”

“I want to die for you.”


The magic of the moon struck him.

Reiji raised the corners of his lips.

Caring for you until the end.

‘It wasn’t too bad.’

Unlike other riders, Reiji met the end without leaving much regret.

Carbon sighed with a tired face.

The enemy of Reiji was a huge burden for him as well.

In other words, there was a slight difference in their skills.

In that fight, he just won.

"I feel tired."

Carbon came down to the ground and sat down.

The magic of the moon was released, and his hair returned to his hair, which was half and half sky blue and dark blue.

He roughly threw the staff on the floor.

He placed his interlaced hands on the back of his head and laid down on his back.

He just closed his eyes and fell asleep.

* * *

Humanity has won.

But no one felt the victory.

The war with the army has devastated the earth.Nature was greatly damaged, and many people died.

At least it was over because they built a defensive line as much as possible in Africa and blocked it.

A week has passed since the war ended.

Ha Yoo-rak returned to his office after a long absence.

A week has passed, but his office is still there.

It made me wonder if such a big war really happened.

'What foolish thoughts I have.'

She smiled and sat down.

She had a mountain of work to do.

The aftermath of the Great War did not extend to Korea, but there was a great uproar in Europe and the Middle East, which are adjacent to Africa.

A serious virus has spread.

The power used by a rider named Vice has advanced to other continents with the wind.

A lot of people were suffering because of it.

‘The war is over, but it doesn’t look like it’s over.’

She let out a deep sigh.

Ha Yu-rak was also tired, but she had to do it, so she got busy with her work.

She was like that when she was at work.

Someone in her was looking at her through her window glass.


He tapped her glass with his finger.

Ha Yu-rak flinched and looked towards him.

She then widened her eyes.


“Are you busy?”

Park Hyunsoo smiled and walked in.

She got up from her seat, and then she ran to him.

“Are you feeling okay?”

“It’s been a week since.”

“It’s only been a week! Are you really okay?”

Park Hyunsoo's condition, discovered a week ago near the Himalayas, was quite serious.

He was hastily taken to the Awakened Hospital, but none of the many healer hunters could fix him.

As the day passed with so much restlessness, people could be relieved.

It was because Park Hyunsoo's body began to recover on its own.

“Besides, sit down.”


“I have something to give you.”

“Will you give it to me?”

He had nothing to receive from him.

no way-!

Ha Yoo-rak's face went red.

Are you going to give it to me here?

What if he didn't even have a proper relationship?

'He didn't even kiss me, and again... … Bar, even at night... … .'

I thought I was skipping too much and giving.

Ha Yurak wrapped his cheeks and shook his body from side to side.

Park Hyunsoo looked at her, squinting one of her eyes.

"what are you doing?"

"Huh? Oh no. Let’s sit down.”

Ha Yu-rak sat down awkwardly.

I don't know why she is doing this, but it seems that the aftermath of the war is not over yet.

Park Hyunsoo thought so and sat down next to him.

“Well, what kind of giving… … .”

Her eyes twinkled fiercely.

She was looking forward to something.

What the hell?

Park Hyunsoo tilted his head.

He skipped over the trifles and pulled a small seed out of his pocket.

“Take it.”

Ha Yoo-rak's twinkling eyes became salty.

As she looked at the black seed in Park Hyunsoo's hand, she made a hoarse voice.

“… … what's this?"

"Well. If you have to ask.”

Park Hyunsoo grabbed the seed with his index and thumb and lifted it to the height of his head.

“A special medicine that the earth needs?”

“A special drug?”

"Yes. It will take some time, but with this, the planet will be healthy again.”

“What the hell is that?”

“The Seeds of the World Tree.”

It was the seed of the tree of the gods, which could sustain the planet's atmosphere for a thousand years with just one tree.

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