“World tree?”

It was an unfamiliar name to Ha Yoo-rak.

Since she rarely enjoyed content with fantasy elements, such as novels or movies, she only frowned at Park Hyunsoo's words.

“Yes, world demand. Have you ever heard of it?”

"Huh. Hear it for the first time.”

“If you plant just one tree, the earth will not run out of oxygen for a thousand years.”

“… … Is that real?”

“It’s a unique plant that grows in space, and they call the World Tree the Tree of God.”

God tree.

Sephiroth, the hometown of Luciel, was also a World Tree.

Although it has now been burned down, Sephiroth was so huge that it was used as the 'heaven' among the world trees.

This seed will one day become as huge as a Sephiroth.

Because it was none other than one of the seeds that Sephiroth left behind.

‘I should have shown this to Luciel.’

Satan had tempted him to give him the seeds of Sephiroth.

At that time, I didn't have to say it because I could promise for a later date.

There was no situation to speak of.

Had he known it would be like this, he would have told me ahead of time.

There were many opportunities to speak.

Park Hyunsoo laughed bitterly.

“Why all of a sudden?”

"no. Anyway, plant this and the Earth will slowly return to its original shape.”

“Really, you surprise me every time.”

Ha Yu-rak smiled and took her seeds.

Now, the earth is not devastated and about a third of the land has become unusable.

Africa has gone beyond the level of devastation, and even when the military power has disappeared, people have not been allowed to go there.

“With this, will the Earth really return to its original shape?”

“Even though it may look different, it will become the source of human life.”

“That’s it. I'll bring it to you right away!"

Ha Yu-rak headed straight for the basement.

He ran to the headquarters of the New World.

Park Hyunsoo smiled and walked to the window.


He smiled and spread his hands.

A black marble floated there.

“… … Satan’s heart.”

In other words, Dragon Heart.

It wasn't an ordinary dragon heart.

He was a demon king covered in magic and the heart of an old dragon.

So much power was latent.

If you consume it, you will gain much greater power than you do now.

‘It’s something I don’t need.’

It is only exaggerated to increase it further here.

Excessive force made the body rather heavy.

However, it was clear that no matter how strong a person was, he would not be able to withstand the demon king's magic.

At first, I was thinking of giving it to Ha Yoo-rak.

Since the source of her power is dragons, she wondered if hopefully she could enter the transcendence.

However, seeing her in person, it seemed that there was a high possibility that she would become a demon dragon by being eaten by a magician.

Once she put the heart of Satan back in.

“Let’s go back.”

She had nothing more to do with her.

In the future, it was a problem that all human beings living on Earth would have to overcome.

Park Hyunsoo's new model disappeared with a light wind noise.

* * *When I got home, Monami was sleeping soundly.

Monami moved her little wings a week ago, and she flew to the place where she and Satan were fighting.

As soon as she arrived, she cried, saying she was happy, and sweating to comfort her, but she thought of her father as much as she did.

‘Come to think of it, you’ve grown a lot.’

Park Hyunsoo, squatting in front of Monami, measured the child's body with both hands.

It was definitely huge.

He didn't feel it because he saw it every day, but when he checked it with his hands, his feeling was evident.

“He’s my baby, but he’s cute.”

Of course, I am not a child born with stomach pain.

Park Hyunsoo gently stroked her Monami's hair.

She laughed so hard as she slept that it made her feel good.

She speaks well, but she is a child.

“You should go see Hyun-tae as well.”

His younger brother Park Hyun-tae is currently unconscious.

He was going through something he had never experienced before.

Fortunately, the situation was not as unanswered as the last time.

He would only lose consciousness from the use of excessive force.

He also checked the qi flow yesterday, so he will wake up sooner or later.

“I thought about the future, but where and what is Marais doing?”

I can't even remember the last time I saw Mare.

The person who should be happy more than anyone else was none other than Mare herself.

He deserves to show her, but he doesn't show her face.

She tries to be a little sad.

“Someday he will show up.”

Park Hyunsoo gently kissed Monami's forehead and headed straight to the hospital.

He said the hospital was empty.

It was thanks to the fact that Korea was almost on the other side, so the aftermath of the war was not touched.

As she entered the single room line on the highest floor, there was one room that was lit up.

‘You come without missing a day.’

Park Hyunsoo chuckled as he remembered the main character in the hospital.

He glanced through the room through the window on the door.

I could see his hair coming down slightly down his shoulder line.


I knocked lightly on the door, and I saw his hair fluttering.

“Who, who?”



Chayun sighed in relief, saying she was surprised.

“Why are you so surprised?”

"Iknow, right. It was just a knock, so why were you surprised?”

She smiled awkwardly and sat back in her chair.

Park Hyunsoo sat roughly in the seat opposite her.

“A store?”

“We’ll have to go back in a little while.”

“It’s a lot of trouble.”

“My brothers suffered more.”

Cha-yoon smiled and stroked Park Hyun-tae's hair.

The behavior was so natural that Park Hyunsoo didn't find anything unusual.

Rather, when Cha-yun realized his actions, he flinched.


“Oh, no.”

With his awkward face, he retrieved his trembling hands.

Park Hyunsoo couldn't help but laugh.

“You must have patted me a lot when I wasn’t there?”

"Yes?! that can't be Hahaha."

Chayun's face turned bright red like a ripe apple.

If you're going to say no, do you have to manage your facial expressions?

Park Hyunsoo burst out laughing at the freshness he felt after a long time.

“It reminds me of the old days.”

“Think of the past?”

“I asked you back then. I want you to look at my brother.”

She had asked Hyeon-tae Park to take care of her as a condition of recovering her younger siblings.

At that time, it was a burden to each other because they were a part-timer and a customer at a sandwich shop that were a little close, but as a result, they were desperate for each other, so the deal was made.

“It’s already 40… … No, three years ago.”

"Iknow, right. I was still a student at the time.”

“I am the boss now. The car boss!”

“Hahaha, don’t make fun of me.”

"I'm counting on you."


Chayun's eyes widened at Park Hyunsoo's sudden request.

Park Hyunsoo saw his brother.

“He’s a good boy. Do you know better than me? Anyway, from a young age, unlike me, he was a steady person. He studied hard and listened to his parents. You didn't listen to me, but that's it, brother."


“In a world where my parents passed away and even my older brother disappeared, you would have been the only one I could rely on. know. that was a burden on you Is Hyuntae still a burden?”

At those words, Chayun shook her head.

"no. He is the only person I have.”

“That’s it.”

“My brother is also very rude. First, get those words out. What would he have done if he hadn't thought of me?"

"I'm sorry."

Park Hyunsoo laughed as he scratched the back of his head.

“I beg you.”

“I wish you well too.”

With Park Hyun-tae in between, her future uncle and Mr. Jesu held hands.

Chayun sticks out his tongue in embarrassment.

Then he tilted his head as if he sensed something strange.

“But where are you going?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“Something, just like that… … ? I feel like I’m acting like someone who goes far.”

Park Hyunsoo grinned.

Chayun didn't know why he was smiling.

“I’ll stop and see.”


“What are you doing next to an unconscious guy?”

“Then what will I become?”

“Are we going to get married in the future?”


"Hahaha! It was natural. Then I will go.”

Park Hyunsoo lightly waved his hand and left the hospital room.

Chayun looked at the closing door and tilted his head again.

"what? Where are you really going?”

* * *

The sun went down and the moon came up.

Park Hyunsoo sat with Monami on the spaceship.

“It’s cool.”

Monami closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze.

Slowly summer passed, and autumn came.

Neither of them tolerate the heat, but they terribly hated the humidity of summer.

“Are you okay here?”


Monami replied vigorously.

What's so good, she shook her head from side to side with her hands and feet.

Park Hyunsoo smiled and looked up at the sky.

The moon was a full moon bigger than ever.

aka Supermoon.

I've never had time in my life, so I've seen a supermoon a few times, but it's the first time I've seen it properly.

'So beautiful.'

He placed both hands on the floor and leaned back.

The straight leg was slightly twisted.

Monami creaked and climbed onto her stomach.


And then smile softly

“What are you doing here?”


Carbon flapped his robes and climbed onto the ship.

After that, Sally jumped up and appeared.

She hung like a cicada on Carbon's back.

"Ahh! What are you doing, my lord!”

"Hurray! Hurray!"

“Mom, I’m strangled! Breath, breathe!”

When Carbon's face turned purple, it was Selly who released her neck.

He exhaled her breath heavily and looked at her Sally.

Either way she giggled and shook her back.


Then Monami put her hand on her waist and shouted.


Sally looked at her Monami, crying.

She was still weak against Monami.

She had no choice but to be a reptile-fearing race.

“Then I can’t use it!”

“Mi, Miang… … .”

“Good job, Monami. Also my nephew!”

“Why is Monami your nephew?”

Carbon cheered for Monami as soon as he was next to him, and Park Hyunsoo shot him.

“If you are a father, then I must be an uncle! Right, Monami?”

“Not my uncle.”

Carbon groaned at Monami's determination.

Sally burst out laughing.

Then she looked at Monami and covered her mouth.

In fact, Monami is still.

Park Hyunsoo couldn't contain it and burst out laughing out loud.

It has become a peaceful world.

As in the past, there will be many conflicts in the period of change, but it will become a stepping stone for greater development.

There is no more foreign invasion.

‘I’m going to make it at least not as much on Earth.’

The battle against the army is completely over.

However, Park Hyunsoo's fight was not over.

[Soon, he will appear again.]

A voice that has been heard non-stop for exactly one week since the defeat of Satan.

- Hyunsoo.

Only Halle, who became a part of Park Hyunsoo, hears that voice.

He didn't show off.

I just stare at the Demon King of Conquest showing signs of awakening from within.

[Confusion... … .]

A voice like scratching iron,

[It will color the universe.]

He predicted the final war.

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