Flight 171

“This is Earth.”

As the saint walked the path of light, she saw a beautiful blue star.

The distant past, the land where a huge flow began and ended.

And recently, the land where the great flow once again ended.

It was surprising to see that there were two massive currents in these remote galaxies.

“There are a total of six strong auras. There are six Transcendents on this tiny planet.”

It was an unbelievable fact.

Six transcendents in a galaxy are not rare, but not common.

There was no separate planetary administrator.

It once existed, but when the great currents of the past came to an end, the Earth's administrators left it.

“It’s an amazing world.”

It was not lacking even compared to a small planet in the east that was so remote that even the eyes could not reach.

Come to think of it, the two planets had a lot in common.

Both had no managers, and had multiple Transcendentalities.

Although the power itself is larger on the eastern planet.

'It's a standalone power, though.'

A human with unbelievably powerful power.

The human who ended the huge flow that occurred on Earth this time is also incredibly strong, but that human killed the novelist.

who is the novelist

He was the worst criminal ever to change the existing future to his liking by interfering with the cycle.

His rank as a transcendent was so high that even the space police Cosmos couldn't catch him.

‘I’m curious. How the hell did that person kill the novelist, and where did he kill him?’

It was learned through Cosmos that the novelist had died.

Cosmos could know the life or death of the criminal they designated, and if he was murdered, he could even determine who he was murdered by.

However, it was impossible to know the place of death.

The novelist was a criminal who had disappeared for a very long time.

He also tried to track in the Cosmos, but he failed every time.

‘Is this all a journey to the final stream?’

The lady did not know.

The god she worships is Ravenox, who created a cycle in the vast universe.

If the flow is also a part of the cycle, what does Ravenox want?

He had lived a long life, but his will was never understood.

“You will know when you go.”

Who would be the main character who ended this flow, and her eyes would be able to see through everything.

The saint's body was engulfed in light.

* * *

Armand looked at the seeds of the World Tree with curious eyes.

So was the other person.

“If you plant one of these, the real earth will be revived?”

“Since Hyunsoo said it, it must be true.”

Ha Yu-rak answered her head with a confident face.

It was Park Hyunsoo who gave it to me, and I didn't understand why she had such a face, but it didn't matter.

“It would be perfect if planted in Africa.”

Qingran said with a smile.

The most damaged continent on Earth.

It has become a land where no one can live, let alone other animals and plants.

It was a huge loss for mankind to lose a vast land full of potential.

What if you plant seeds there?

“If Park Hyunsoo's words are true, Africa will be the most vibrant land in the world.”

“There is no place to plant anything other than Africa.”

Haksen, who was leaning against the wall in the corner, pierced with his characteristic low tone.

Takeshi smirked.

“Why don’t you come over and join the meeting properly?”

“This place is comfortable.”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“Who is shy!”

“It’s embarrassing, so don’t make fun of me.”

Hak-sen was furious at Ching-ran's teasing, but that didn't hurt his pride to sit in the meeting seat.

The person who changed the most in five years was Haksen, but it seemed that her characteristic personality did not change.

They all knew, so she went back to the meeting.“Then we will plant the seeds of the World Tree in Africa.”

“I need to make a clear city plan.”

“What should the existing countries do?”

“There are experts in that field, so you have to trust them.”

“I have a lot to do.”

“We will probably be busy until the day we die.”

peace has come

In a world where there is no end to despair.

The protagonists of this era still did not realize that fact.

There will be many conflicts.

Fragmentation may occur.

Sometimes there will be reconciliation.

It doesn't matter though.

Everything is being told by history.

As in the past, the future will be somehow.

I just let the flow lead me there.

* * *

Park Hyunsoo smiled faintly, imagining the world that would soon change.

But the smile didn't last long.

The peace he created.

The stability he created.

I want to see with my own eyes how the world will change, but unfortunately that seems difficult.

He defeated Satan and fell asleep.

I knew it instinctively when I woke up.

“You who have realized the final flow.”

Park Hyunsoo looked back.

There stood a woman in a white cloth holding her two hands.

“I was waiting.”

"you are?"

“I am Saint Eisent of the Ravenox Church.”

Ravenox School.

A religion that uses X as a symbol of the denomination.

Park Hyunsoo knew it too.

He couldn't have known if he had walked through space.

Because Ravenox Bridge was the largest in the universe.

The Ravenox Church had the most powerful force.

It was more powerful than any other universe.

It can't be compared to the King's army.

The force that should not be placed as an absolute enemy was the Ravenox Church.

If it was a saint there, she was a very tall person.

“Why did the saint of Ravenox come to this remote planet?”

“You know?”

Her closed eyes opened.

All of her eyes were emitting a dazzling light.

Among the four riders, Vice, who was one point in the red, had a deep eye.

Those eyes were also heartbreaking.

But just like the world, there was a level in the heart.

Vice's heart was never weak.

He was blocked by Isaac's heartbeat, but it was only Isaac's heartbeat that excelled.

However, Icent's heart was different.

“I want you to close your eyes.”

“Because it’s not something you can control.”

It seemed to be triggered regardless of his will.

Even so, the fact that she took the position of a saint was explaining the level of her heart.

“I don’t like to have my whole insides exposed.”

“You are humble. It was me who was surprised. There is nothing in my eyes.”

Ai Cent didn't show her off, but she was bewildered inside.

Her mind was at a level that was number one in the universe, as Park Hyunsoo thought.

She became a saint of the Great Religion, and the share of her heart became 50%.

However, it was difficult to look inside Park Hyunsoo.

‘I think it’s good.’

He is the one who ended a flow.

Rather, it was more reliable.

That's the proof that it's stronger.

“Can you tell me the reason now?”

“Are you sure you want to listen to me?”

“Because I know the exact circumstances.”


Isent smiled.

Her pink lips shone beautifully.

“The enemy world has begun to gnaw at the universe it has seen.”

enemy world.

I've heard it through Marais before.

A universe ruled by the ‘Demon King of Chaos’.

The existing universe was divided into east, west, north, and south, and the central large galaxy, under the control of each ruler.

However, this is just a normal universe, and the universe outside the universe also existed.

That was the enemy world.

“The Demon King of Chaos has begun to move in earnest.”

“Do you know about him?”

“To some extent, I know.”

“Then you must know what his strength is.”

The entire universe almost fell into his grasp.

That alone was enough to explain.

“Strong power, great leadership, great charisma. A monster with everything.”

Ai Cent was not even born at that time, but his saint shared the memories of the previous saint.

That is why he knew the Demon King of Chaos better than anyone.

“The strongest and worst demon king in history who was once closest to the ‘true god’. He is the Demon King of Chaos, Malty.”

“Malty… … Your name is more common than you think, right?”

“It’s just a name. Everything but the name is an overwhelming horror.”

Such beings aim for the universe they saw again.

That was the reason why the saint came to Park Hyunsoo.

“Please come with me.”

“… … .”

“Please help us drive the Demon King of Chaos back into the enemy world.”

Park Hyunsoo turned to look at downtown Seoul.

A world where stability is restored.

If we leave the Demon King of Chaos as it is, the world that has just been restored to peace will be tainted with chaos again.

How did you get peace?

“I need your power to put an end to the great flow.”

“Let me go.”


“Don’t take the shichimi. You were planning on taking the other guys as well.”

“… … Do you have any thoughts?”

“Even if you don’t have that, you know enough.”

Except for Park Hyunsoo, there were five Transcendents on Earth.

It was at a level where even a transcendent of low rank could have his own planet.

Icent couldn't give them up.

“Ummm… … .”

She actually rubbed her index finger against her lips, in anguish.

The Demon King of Chaos was an opponent who was afraid of defeating him by any means and methods.

Also, the enemy was not the only demon king of chaos.

The number of demon kings existing in the enemy world was estimated to be equivalent to two large galaxies.

Just imagining how much more the Transcendental person possesses is terrifying.

But to give up the five Transcendents?

No matter how great Park Hyunsoo was, it was a crucial matter on which the future of the entire universe was at stake.

It was then.

“Why are you trying to decide our own well-being?”

The gentle magic of the moon stimulated Icent's skin.

“I go too.”

I also felt bad magic and sharp energy.

“I miss Daddy after a long time!”

Even Levinian's outstanding vitality.Icent turned his head slightly back.

There stood a wizard with a green staff on his shoulders, a swordsman with a magic sword on his back, and a young Levinian.

Park Hyunsoo looked at them and frowned.

“Why are you here?”

“You are the one who decides our safety as you please.”

“All thinking of you… … .”

“Why do you think of us?”

Isaac asked, wrinkling one of his eyes.

“ Hyunsoo, are you worried about me? Yes? Huh?"

Sally said she had taken care of herself again and she was delighted.

Carbon and Isaac looked at her with her pathetic eyes.

Of course she was, but she wasn't the type of person to keep an eye on the two of them.


Park Hyunsoo took a deep breath.

He didn't want to rest, but he couldn't.

Carbon snorted her nose for nothing and looked at I Cent.

“Hey, lady.”


“Do you know when the Demon King of Chaos will invade?”

“They will probably invade within a month.”

“How is your power?”

“The rulers of each galaxy will lead all forces.”

The scale was beyond imagination as the existence of the universe was at stake.

Carbon laughed.

“That would be a lot of fun.”


"Noisy. I decide where I live. To be honest, the earth today is boring.”

It had only been a week, but the peace was not very pleasant to him.

“I also want to acquire a stronger power than now. To do that, you need a battlefield where you can use your power to your heart’s content.”

He was the one who felt more possibilities as his status as a swordsman rose.

There were obviously limits on Earth.

So, he had to go through the universe beyond Earth.

If it is a war with the Demon King of Chaos, it will be a very good stepping stone for growth.

Sally... … .

"let's go!"

He seemed to have no idea.

“You guys… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be better to follow the will of the parties rather than the guardians?”

Icent said with a smile, aiming for this gap.

Behind the scenes, Carbon asked, 'Who's the guardian!', but she didn't listen.

“… … We should all try not to die.”

“You know that even if you don’t say it.”

“I too… … Even for the dead.”

I clenched her fists, thinking of the little boy Luciel.

They were each other's greatest rivals.

Even for him, I always wanted to become stronger.

Sally... … .


This time, he didn't seem to mind.

“It has been decided. I will not approach the other two. There must be Guardians on Earth.”

“Thank you so much for that.”

“When are we going to depart?”

“… … Do it in a week.”

“Then I’ll see you in a week.”

Isent was enveloped in the light and disappeared.

Park Hyunsoo scratched his forehead and looked at his colleagues.

They were laughing at what's good.

“Annoying children.”


“You are hungry.”

“Me too! Do you want to eat!"

The three men grinned as they watched Selly jump with excitement.

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