Ravenox Church Headquarters.

High Priestess Lotus was moving busily.

The Great Western Galaxy was destroyed by the Demon King of Chaos.

The life or death of the dragon king Ainox and his six teeth was also uncertain.

“What is the causal world doing?”

“We are trying to figure out the causal flow again.”

The high priest quickly answered his question.

“The foolish ones.”

The causal world was an organization that predicted the future by reading causality in the cycle.

However, their foreknowledge was deviated for a long time.

What they had to do now was not to read cause and effect.

If you come back now and figure it out again, you will be wrong again.

We had to figure out how to move forward with the data.

Because the causal world was not a simple foresight organization, but the brain of Ravenox.

“They have never been wrong in their entire life. Their pride has been properly crushed, so they want to cling to it for a while.”

At the high priest's words, Lotus clicked his tongue.

I kind of knew that.

Knowing that, he was even more angry and pathetic.

“A splendid heaven?”

“I voted for the alliance.”

“It should be. No matter how valiant people are, if they know what the Western Great Galaxy has become, they will have no choice but to break their high self-esteem.”

“The saint is also bringing Park Hyunsoo and his friends.”

“You mean the human who defeated the Demon King of Corruption?”

"That's right. And I sent you a plausible plan.”

“A plausible plan?”

“It’s an assassination.”

The high priest only said the word assassination, but Lotus was able to grasp the meaning of it without difficulty.

“We gather only the most powerful people in the universe to assassinate the Demon King of Chaos, does that mean?”

“You are correct.”


It was simple, but depending on who was summoned for the assassination, the result might not be simple.

But it was never easy.

The opponent is the Demon King of Chaos.

Even unlike in the past, he was not alone.

The entire enemy world has passed over to this universe.

Breaking through that large army and approaching the Demon King of Chaos?

“Is an all-out war necessary?”

It was impossible with commonly known assassination methods.

If so, we had to aim for the chaotic situation caused by the war.

"Is it possible."

The chance of winning the war against the Demon King of Chaos in the first place was less than 10%.

At this rate, this universe will fall into the hands of the Demon King anyway.

If so, you have to use the full mobilization method.

The plan presented by the saint seemed to be the least promising among such methods.

“I need him.”

“… … right?”

“The man who killed the novelist.”

A small planet that few people know about, spanning the edge of the eastern great galaxy.

A powerful human who reached transcendence there.

The other high priest, Sansa, had now arrived there and was in contact with the human.

Let the sansa report it.‘The power of this place is equivalent to that of one great galaxy.’

Why can such a place exist?

No, how was such a place not known until now?

‘Especially, the owner of this place is stronger than any Transcendental I have ever seen.’

How did he obtain such power even though he had no contact with the universe?

It was difficult to believe until he saw it in person, but he could not dismiss Sansa's opinion as a lie.

“When do you say you will arrive?”

“I haven’t even contacted Sansa.”

“You haven’t even started yet?”

The Daeshin-tolerant spacecraft is one of the most valuable objects in the universe, but it will take a month at the very least if it departs from a planet that spans the edge of the eastern great galaxy.

“I will call you separately. Have you been contacted from anywhere else?”

“Space Police Cosmos has already joined our side, and Philip, the ruler of the Karma dimension, is on his way here as supreme commander in the southern galaxy. The northern galaxies are keeping an eye on the situation, and the eastern galaxies know.”

“Because there is a splendid heaven, there will be no problem.”

"That's right."

“Is the northern great galaxy the problem?”

Unlike the other four major galaxies, the northern great galaxy did not have a definite hegemony.

Maybe that's why, even in this situation, each power was checking each other and keeping an eye on it.

They were pathetic bastards.

If they lost the war anyway, their powers would only be scattered like a dream of one night.

"Ah! Now, the saint has arrived.”

“Go right away.”

Lotus and the high priest went straight to where Saint and Park Hyunsoo's party had arrived.

* * *

“Welcome. This is the headquarters of the Ravenox Church.”

“… … Shocking.”

Isaac, who is the first to enter space, is at a loss for words at the jaw-dropping mega structure.

Almost all of the size of the moon was the headquarters of the Ravenox Church.

The tallest building on Earth was common here.

It wasn't just Isaac.

Park Hyunsoo and Carbon also traveled the universe, but it was their first visit to the Ravenox church.

“It’s huge.”

“I thought there was nothing bigger than Sharond’s castle.”

Sharond's Castle was the residence of Prince Sharond in the Great Southern Galaxy.

If you build a castle on top of Russia, it will be about the size of Sharond's castle.

This place was dozens of times bigger than there.

“As we manage our Ravenox Church that is spread all over the universe, it has naturally come to this size.”

There was a strong sense of pride in Icent's voice saying that.

Actually, belonging to a place like this would give me a sense of pride that I didn't have.

“If it had been the same, I would have introduced them here and there, but please understand that it is a matter of concern.”

“I didn’t come here to play anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

“I just need to give you a place to rest.”

“I want a place to practice.”

“Selly is hungry!”

“Monami too!”

Monami raised her short arms above her Selly's head.

The two of them, of similar mental age, danced with excitement.

“I will make it as luxurious as possible.”

The saint said confidently.

Her position in Ravenox Bridge is on one hand, so if you want, Park Hyunsoo and the group can live here like royalty.

At that time, two figures were approaching from afar.


“Ah, High Priest Lotus.”

“… … The lieutenant?”

The three-person, one-to-one dragon could not welcome the approaching bizarre creature with a bright face.

“… … Are you a priest?”

Carbon asked Icent in a quiet voice.

She asked with a face that didn't understand why she was asking such a question.

“Can't you feel it? The great divine power emanating from him?”

“Uh, um… … .”

great divine power... … ?

I don't even feel that way.

“That… … Isn't that an octopus?"

Like that.

High priest named Lotus was an octopus man who looked up and down.

wiggle wiggle-

In particular, the sticky tentacles wriggling under the chin made me vomit just by looking at them.

The bright yellow eyes were covered with a sticky film and shone.

He approached me with a smile (?) and hugged Icent softly.

She hugged her happily.

"I'm back, Lotus."

“You have worked hard, saint. Get a good rest today.”

“Thank you for your consideration. People here… … .”

After hugging, Icent smiled and pointed to Park Hyunsoo and his friends.

Everyone in the party looked at her clothes.

Her gooey fluid ran down her white dress.

“Ah- I don’t need to introduce myself. Didn't you tell me in person?"

“Let’s say hello.”

Isent took a step back.

The lotus walked up to them, wriggling dozens of tentacles instead of feet.

A thought crossed everyone's mind.

Fortunately, he didn't hug them or anything like Lotus did to Icent.

“Nice to meet you. I call it Lotus, his wretched servant who enshrines Ravenox, the God who created the cycle in the universe.”

“… … nice to meet you. The bar is called Park Hyunsoo... … .”

Sticky- wriggling-

"NS… … .”

Park Hyunsoo couldn't speak easily as he watched the tentacles waving his hands relentlessly.

He wouldn't be this much offended if he touched a real octopus.

“I am familiar with your brother’s story. The hero who defeated the Demon King of Conquest who destroyed the Sanctuary Sephiroth 5 years ago, and defeated the resurrected Demon King of Corruption this time!”

Somehow, my forehead twitched at those words.

- Hyunsoo… … . Can't you just let go of his hand?

Harley, who had been quiet for a while, cried and asked.

‘Ah, the ring.’

Park Hyunsoo glanced at the ring with Harley in it, and Lotus hurriedly retrieved the tentacles as if it had made a mistake.

“Hahaha, I’m sorry. When I see metal, I somehow want to keep touching it. Should it be some kind of addiction?”

Since he blatantly touched the ring, Harley had no choice but to start the game.

“Oh, no. How much?”

“You are merciful to your brother. I believe that it is probably Ravenox-sama’s will that such a person fights with us.”

"Yes… … .”

“I have to say hello to my other brothers and sisters. nice to meet you."

Since then, Lotus has been shaking his tentacles vigorously from Carbon to the last Monami.

Icent's beautiful face, smiling with a single smile from behind, looked like a hater these days.

* * *

They said they had a hard time coming a long way, and were assigned the best room.

The bathroom was as big as a palace, and the bath was also made large according to temperature.

Park Hyunsoo, Carbon, and Isaac were each warming up in a bath they liked.“Damn, I think I still have that terrible touch.”

Carbon said as he wiped his right hand gently.

To that extent, the tentacles of the Lotus were the most creepy and disgusting I had ever touched.

“It is the same.”

Isaac was no different.

Was it just my mood to wash it clean with soapy water?

“I knew that all kinds of races gathered in the Ravenox Church, but I didn’t know that an ancient servant would be in charge of the high priest.”

“Ancient species?”

“The race that was born immediately after Ravenox created a cycle in the universe is called the Ancient Species.”

At Carbon's additional explanation, Isaac nodded.

“You mean that disgusting high priest is an ancient servant?”

“Cturian. A race that once was the master of the universe.”

“… … It was a great race.”

“It’s so rare that it’s hard to find now, but among the ancient species, there are quite a few.”

“Maybe it’s because he’s the high priest.”

The influence of Ravenox religion is beyond imagination.

If he was a high priest in such a place, his power would extend to the universe.

It wouldn't be difficult to take care of the other Cturians scattered throughout the universe.

“It’s funny. The Cturians are a race that doesn't care without anyone's care."

“What does that mean?”

“It’s unbelievably strong.”

“Since birth, the Cturians are a race with powers comparable to those of the Transcendental. They are monsters that become transcendental immediately after their coming-of-age ceremony.”

Isaac's chin was wide enough to fall out.

“Are you surprised?”

“… … No matter how much, do you become a transcendent to the extent of holding a coming-of-age ceremony?”

“So, isn’t that the way things are now?”

Because he was incredibly strong, he was eventually dragged down from the top position.

“Originally, if you are uniquely strong, you will become lonely.”

“To be lonely is to be alone.”

Cturian, who was the master of the universe, went to war with all races except for them, and in the end suffered a catastrophic blow that was close to extinction.

“That was a billion years ago as far as I know.”

“… … .”

“What are you surprised? This is the universe. How long do you think the history of the universe is?”

“I know it in my head, but still, hearing it in person, I was shocked.”

“I was too.”

Park Hyunsoo grinned and poured a dilute gourd over his head.

When I first came out into space, everything was new.

Carbon also didn't know the universe well, so the two watched and learned at the level of heading to the ground.

“You are lucky. Do you have a teacher called us?”


“Is that guy?”

Watching Isaac snort his nose, Carbon furrowed his eyebrows.

Park Hyunsoo just burst out laughing.

“It’s good to be like this after a long time.”

It was then.

My forehead was throbbing.

Park Hyunsoo flinched at the sudden pain and touched his forehead.

The world went dark as if it had gone dark.

He hurriedly got up from his seat.

And what unfolded was a vast universe.

at the center of it.

[It's been a long time.]

The Demon King of Conquest was sitting with his legs crossed.

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