Park Hyunsoo could not understand the sudden current situation.

He was obviously relaxing himself in a hot bath.

But, why is the Demon King of Conquest in front of him?

It wasn't like he was sleeping with his body curled up like he used to, but he got a chair from where he came from and sat there with his legs crossed.

“… … What happened?”

[As you can see, you are playing solo with me.]

“Then why are you asking why I am here?”

[Because I called.]

Park Hyunsoo tried to respond to the shameless Demon King's words, but ended with a sigh.

“Is your body fully awake?”

[As you can see, too.]

The Demon King of Conquest showed his ease by raising his arms loosely.

‘Is that then?’

When the chain of reason was cut by Luciel's sacrifice, it was the magic possessed by the Demon King of Conquest that controlled his own body.

It must have been that he had been resurrected at that time.

But, why have you been quiet until now?

I didn't understand that part.

[I wonder why I stayed still.]

“Have you developed a hobby of reading your mind?”

[Even if you don't read your mind, you can infer this level easily.]

It really wasn't wrong.

The Demon King of Conquest showed no reaction until about a month after waking up.

So I didn't think Park Hyunsoo would be resurrected either.

But now that his resurrection was confirmed, the first thing he had to do was ask ‘why?’.

He was an inference that could be easily made without even having to read his heart.

“I don’t think he intends to take revenge on me.”

[Why do you think so?]

“If you were going to get revenge, you would have listened to me right after waking up to take over my body.”

He is a demon king with the nickname of 'conquest'.

Of course, his revenge will come from conquest.

Whether that was the correct answer, the Demon King of Conquest laughed bitterly.

[Keuk. As you said, I have no intention of getting revenge. I didn't have that idea from the beginning.]

“… … What does that mean?”

[It is not difficult to say. Why do you think I fell asleep in your body in the first place?]

"that… … ”

I do not know.

When he just woke up, the Demon King of Conquest was spinning inside his body.

That was it.

[Because I went in myself.]


It was a shocking statement.

At that reaction, the Demon King of Conquest, Oberk, laughed out loud as if he was happy.

[That embarrassed expression is very funny. Ha ha ha ha!]

“What is funny?”

[Your bewildered mogol, how can you shoot the boat without smiling!]

Park Hyunsoo's expression frowned.

I don't know his intentions.

No matter how much he turned his head, it was not predictable in the slightest.

What did you think came into your body, and why are you doing that now?

'By the way, for a few days before I left, I could hear a voice believed to be a gnome.'

The voice that made my mind go wild by saying what to do with chaos.

“The Demon King of Chaos. Is it because of him?”

[Heh heh.]

“Why don’t you just laugh and talk?”

[How much do you know about the Demon King of Chaos?]

“… … .”

[Except for information that is known to the public, there is no way we would know anything.]“Then do you know something?”

[Where do you think your power came from?]

It was an off-topic question.

Park Hyunsoo had no idea why he was asking such a question.

“Don’t be rude all of a sudden.”

[I don't know why you think it's different.]

“If I ask you how much you know about the Demon Lord of Chaos and then suddenly ask the source of my power, what is it?”

[So why do you think it's a different story?]


Weirdly grabs the horse's tail.

Park Hyunsoo decided there was no reason to keep this conversation going any longer.

I was brought here suddenly, but I could escape whenever I wanted to.

I wasn't who I used to be.

“If you don’t have anything else to say, I’d like you to leave the room altogether.”

[Are you going to let me go?]

“There is nothing that cannot be done.”

From the danjeon, a black interior began to flow.

The corners of Oberk's lips rose.

[It's very different from back then.]

“What do you do?”

[But it's not easy to understand.]

“Are you making noise in moderation?”

[Why do you think there is no connection?]

The Demon King was saying that sincerely.

[The power you have. Where did that power come from, and why am I asking this question? Don't you know?]

“What do you know about the Heavenly Demon ball? … .”

[Heavenly Demon Ball. The power to bring down the god that will one day appear, isn’t it?]

Park Hyunsoo couldn't hide his astonished expression.

Oberk didn't know about Prince Heavenly Demon.

The power he used was not non-gong, and he didn't have any inner strength.

It was a secret that he could not figure out no matter what he did, unless he had mastered the Heavenly Demon ball.

But, how can a person who is the Demon Lord know that secret?

[You look very surprised. Kkukkuk.]

“… … What are you."

[Are you thinking about having a proper conversation now?]

“How and why do you know the secret of Prince Heavenly Demon!”

[ruler. Let me ask the question again. Where do you think the origin of Heavenly Demon's origins came from?]

“… … that."

I didn't even know that.

As the head of the Heavenly Demon Church and the martial arts inherited by the Heavenly Demons, he only knew about the martial arts that brought down the god that would one day appear.

He had never heard the details of its history.

[You don't seem to know either.]

“… … .”

[but. Had I known, there would have been no way I would have reacted like that.]

Oberck said he knew it, and shook his head.

“Do you know?”

[If you didn't know, would you have asked this question?]

“… … You, you are not just like a demon king.”

[Now that you know that, that's great.]

Even with that chatter, Park Hyunsoo could not respond.

He wasn't wrong either, but now wasn't the time for arguing.

“What is the origin of the Heavenly Demon ball?”

[The questioner's attitude is completely ignorant.]

“Do you want me to bow my head?”

[That would be fun, but unfortunately we don't have much time.]

Oberck looked at the star-studded universe.

[okay. I really don't have time.]

He mumbled quietly and smiled.

[I was called the Demon King of Conquest in the world, and I have done so much destruction and conquest to be called that.]

“Why are you introducing yourself all of a sudden?”

[Then why did I do such a thing?]

“… … Are you going to do some riddles?”

Oberk's cold eyes stared at Park Hyunsoo.

[It was to fulfill the mission.]

"mission? What kind of dog-like mission kills countless lives and conquers their homes!”

Even the expression of “atrocious dance” was inappropriate for what Oberk, the demon king of conquest, committed.

The number of lives perished at his hands was uncountable, and the number of destroyed planets and dimensions broke through the triple digits.

He was a cruel sinner who dyed the universe with blood with the sole idea of ​​conquest.

“Did you dare say those words out of your mouth?”

Godzilla life exploded in Park Hyunsoo's body.

The sight of the Sanctuary Sephiroth burning was still vivid.

The screams of the burning angel and the angel's corpse being crushed by his armies were so horrifying that they could hardly be seen with the naked eye.

But you're going to cover up such a terrible thing in the name of a mission?

But Oberk's expression was only calm.

[I couldn't help it.]

“… … this bastard.”

[I had no choice but to kill the Demon King of Chaos.]


[Did you know that there was a transcendent who stopped the Demon Lord of Chaos?]

“It’s almost like changing the subject.”

[Answer the questions.]

“I know. I don't know for sure.”

[His name is Yuran. A transcendental person who stopped the Demon King of Chaos and lost his life shortly thereafter. and.]

Au Berg closes his eyes and continues his words.

[My ancestor and the one who laid the foundation for Heavenly Demon.]

* * *

“… … When are you going to leave?”

A handsome man with short green hair asked while looking at Taesa standing high up there.

In the large taesa, there was a figure lying roughly with his back turned.

Her white, white hair swayed softly whenever the wind blew.


“He’s so noisy.”

Then a voice came from Taesa.

Handsome, Sansa scratched her head.

“I don’t have much time.”

“Did you say it was annoying?”

"However… … .”


When Sansa was about to say something, a middle-aged man who looked like a bandit who was watching from the side shouted.

It was such a profound work force that the large intestine vibrated.

He walked to the front of the mountain and stared at him with a terrifying look.

“Didn’t the lord say it’s annoying!”

“Because the day is urgent… … .”

“Heh heh- hello to this guy!”


Hearing the old man's voice, the bandit-like man quietly lowered his raised hand.

The command the old man gives is like a word from God to his man.

Even at the cost of losing his life, he had to follow.

"Hey. It had only been a few years since Bonjwa returned from a long journey. But why are you urging me like this?”

“The Demon King of Chaos and the army he leads will sweep the entire universe. A lot of life will die, even here... … .”

"this place?"

The man widened his eyes.

Sansa flinched his body.

It's a world that doesn't make sense.

Why are there so many strong people here that are hard to find even in the wide universe?

Look at this bandit-like man right now.It wasn't as strong as Tassa's old man, but it was absurdly strong.

He wasn't the only one like this.

There are currently seven humans gathered here, excluding two.

All of them were equal to or higher than a bandit-like man.

Outside, there were not as many of them, but there were plenty of strong men who could never be ignored.

Even in a place called Jungwon in the distance, there were many more strong men as strong as here.

‘That’s why we have to take them even more!’

Tassa's old man who killed the novelist.

The powerful transcendents under its control.

Even though they are opposed to them, all of them, including the masters of the midfield, who are a strong force.

Even compared to one large galaxy, it was not at all pushed back.

“Are you going to stand by the destruction of the universe?”

“Uh-huh! This one!”

“Will you not sit down and sleep, and when the time is right, the main seat will come out?”

“You have a great sense of beat!”

“Excellent as well!”

The old man was just joking around with words, and the people around him clapped his hands saying he couldn't believe it.

Sansa couldn't believe the sight any more.

That much, it was proof that the authority of the old man was unwaveringly strong.

So if you only get the old people to move, they'll come with it for free.

“There will be no discomfort at all. It might be more convenient than here.”

“Do you dare despise the world we live in!”

“I can’t stand listening to this! You cheeky weed!”

“Highest lord, I will take that bastard’s supply!”

I just said it was comfortable, but if there was any sense of damage, the elders started to approach Sansa with a terrifying glow in their eyes.


“Jon name!”

But at the old man's words, he returned to his place like a lie.

The old man sat obliquely on Taesa and pressed his chin.

Then he looked at Sansa with eyes full of annoyance.

“What are you going to do for the main seat?”

“Eh, yes?”

“If Bonjwa defeats the demon king of chaos, he asks what he will do.”

“… … We will do everything we can.”

“What can you do?”

“The Lebenox Church, to which I belong, is building the largest force in the universe. If you want anything, I can give you everything.”

It wasn't a lie.

Sansa is the High Priest of the Ravenox Church.

Although he was not the supreme bishop, he had the right to use more than 90 percent of the doctrinal functions at will.

It was also possible to advance the civilization level by more than 10 levels by covering a planet with a less developed civilization like this one with cutting-edge technology.

“You said anything.”

“Anything that is possible at Ravenox Church is possible.”

“Hmm, that’s an interesting proposition.”

The old man's face lit up with joy.

“Shall we enjoy the entertainment until here?”

“Lord, are you really going to accept the weed’s request?”

‘Why do you keep looking at me in weeds?!’

He could have green hair!

But Sansa wasn't stupid enough to get his thoughts out of his mouth.

“Now that I have rested, it is time to lighten up.”

There was no one here except Sansa who did not understand those words.

They all bowed to the old man.

“Manmaangbok (萬魔仰伏) in the New Gyocheonse (神敎千歲) world! I will obey the supreme command!”

The voices of the elders resounded loudly.

The old man grinned, and Sansa swallowed dry saliva from the huge energy that swallowed his intestines.

This is the strongest force here in Moorim.

Heavenly Demon Church (天魔神敎).

they started to spawn

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