Do you mean that ‘Yunan’ is the first Heavenly Demon who created the foundation for Heavenly Demon?

It couldn't be.

Park Hyunsoo was able to browse information from the invitation to the teenage Cheonma while completing the Cheonma body.

His name was not Yunan.


That was the name of the first Cheonma.

[You seem to be misunderstanding something.]


[Yunan said he built the base of the Heavenly Demon ball, but he never said he used the Heavenly Demon ball.]

“That is… … !”

[Seonjo had no disciples. I just left it.]

The power that is the basis of the Heavenly Demon.

In other words, the first Cheonma Gouhongyeong acquired the power that was the foundation and improved it into a martial art called ‘Heavenly Demon Gong’.

Shortly after learning the Heavenly Demon ball, I remembered the words my master had told me.

‘That is the only reason why, as the first supremacist, Cheonma made Heavenly Demon’s memories continue.’

'He also doesn't know what a great enemy is. Neither the master of this throne nor the ancestors knew it.’

‘It is simply passed down from generation to generation and passed down from generation to generation.’

‘Actually, I don’t know what the enemy was, so I don’t even know if it really exists.’

‘But even if you have doubts, you have to follow them.’

‘That is the significance of Heavenly Demon’s existence and the reason why Heavenly Demons exist.’

‘However, since you didn’t become a member of the Heavenly Magical Church with your own abilities, the principal was hesitating whether or not to speak. In the end, he remembers some of the memories of martial arts, so he said it because he thought it was meaningless.’

A huge enemy that will one day appear.

The second half of the 6th type of betting machines created to bring down the gods.

Now everything fits.

The Heavenly Demon ball was created to defeat the Demon King of Chaos.

So, in the entire universe, the only people who can defeat the Demon King of Chaos are those called Cheonma!

[That is the source and secret of Heavenly Demon.]

“… … .”

[I knew it as soon as I saw you. That the destination of fate is you.]

“So, did you intentionally lose to me and come into your body?”

[You were defeated on purpose.]

Oberk scoffed.

[I don't know why you think it's intentional.]

“I definitely felt it when fighting you in Sephiroth. You were incomparably stronger than me back then.”

[Yes it was.]

“Is that so?”

[You don't know what happened after you lost consciousness.]


Park Hyunsoo lost his consciousness during the fight with Auberg.

When he regained his senses, Oberg was covered in scars, and after admitting his defeat, he was sealed inside his own body.

[Until then, I did not recognize you as a ‘heaven’.]

“… … !!”

came to mind

Come to think of it, Oberg said that the nickname 'Cheonma' didn't suit him.

At the time, he thought that he had translated the heavenly horse as it was.

'no. That guy knew about Heaven.’

Park Hyunsoo frowned and grabbed his head.

I had a headache.

Memories surrounded by black smoke slowly, very slowly, appeared.

“ね… … .”

Fragments of memories visible through the darkness began to emerge one by one.

The headache got even worse.

My vision was blurry, and a table came up on the white.

Still, the memories that slowly came to mind did not stop.

‘That power… … !’‘Ah, is that so? I mean, it wasn't me.'

‘I was wrong.’

Oberk's voice.

His bewildered and resigned face.

Black darkness crosses the front.

A red light floated above it.

That moment-

[‘Heavenly Demon Ball’ is activated.]

Regardless of the will, Heavenly Demon's inner strength exploded in Danjeon.

* * *

It was a very, very old memory.

In that memory, the two men he had never met were facing each other.

“Ah ha ha ha ha!”

A lively man wearing black armor and a red cloak engraved with gold thread laughed wildly.

“Did I say Yunan? Are you really that great?”

The man couldn't contain his laughter at what made him so happy.

Every time that happened, the dark magic made the space boil.

A long-haired man called Yunan, with his head half cut in a white long robe, slowly took a stance.

“It seems that there is no need for a long conversation between us.”

“Heh heh- that’s right. Not like that.”

The man, Malty, nodded his head in agreement and raised his palms upwards.

“Fighting for the future of the universe, there is no need to chatter.”


Yunan clapped his hand.

A white energy emanated from his body.

Although it was dwarfed compared to the magic that Malty emitted, it did not bow down at all to the power it contained.

“Yeah, that’s it!”


Magi pierced the space like a whip and gathered with their palms.

It was a powerful yet terrifying magi suitable for the great evil that possessed all the great galaxies of the east, west, north, and south.

Yunan's eyes narrowed.

It was because the magic that the opponent emitted was beyond imagination.


Molty smiled happily and “declared” the attack.

Yunan narrowed her brow.

Saying that you would attack in front of your opponent meant that you looked down on him that much.

Naturally, I didn't like it.

But the opponent deserved it.

No matter what anyone says, the author is a monster called 'chaos'.


You can't give up just because your opponent is strong.

Malty stretched out his hand towards Yunan.

at the same time.

The pure white energy inflated his body toward the coming Magi.

Two energies collided in the vast universe.

The entire universe trembled quietly at the collision of the two.

* * *

“Yuna! Yunan!”

“Be quiet.”

Yunan smiled hard, wiping away the tears of the crying saint.

“Because crying like that doesn’t mean you can live.”

“Younan… … whoops... … .”

"I have a favor to ask."

“… … If there is a request I can grant, I will do it.”

“Morty… … Whoa.”

Even while lying down, his breathing was rapid.

That much, the Demon King of Chaos, Malty, was a strong enemy that had to risk his life.

He took a breath and continued what he was saying.

“Morty will definitely come back one day.”

“… … Yes?"

“I couldn't kill him. Rather, I have become like this.”

Fortunately, he doesn't know his condition.

If he found out, he would have invaded immediately.

He has to stop that.

“So you have to deceive everyone.”

“Don’t say that. You must survive... … .”

“You know, too.”

“Ha, but.”

Tears welled up again in the girl's eyes.

I wanted to raise her hand and wipe it, but I couldn't.

“Please keep my death a secret.”

“… … .”

“It should never be kept secret. never."

Disappearing and dying are different.

“Disappeared” means that it may reappear someday.

With that alone, Malty won't be aiming for this universe for a while.

The saint's chin was wrinkled from holding back her crying.

“Okay, okay.”

The words don't come out of her crying.

She clasped his hand tight.

“And one more thing.”

"Please speak."

“For the preceding condition to be met, I must really disappear.”

“… … Yes?"


Yunan struggled to get up.

I felt the pain of the five internal organs being crushed even though it was simply waking up.

My breath caught up to my throat.

But now he couldn't even breathe easily.

“Huh… … .”

Barely exhaling on her breath, he took a deep breath at her and looked at her saint.

"I am… … I must disappear.”

“Where are you going with that body?”

The saint tried to stop him with a desperate voice, but the more he did it, the more Yunan repeated the words to make up his mind.

“You have to look long. If you truly care about the peace of the universe, you must do so.”

"still… … But that's too cruel... … .”

He somehow tried not to cry, but he couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

Weeping sadly, the saint buried her face with his knees.

Yunan smiled bitterly and stroked her hair.

'I'm sorry.'

She too, she herself, was too heavy a burden.

But there were only two people who could do it.

The next day, Yunan left without leaving a note.

I remembered the saint crying sadly.

You're probably still crying like that.

Her heart ached, but she couldn't help it.

Yunan has arrived on a small planet that is barely reachable by him.

It was a world where civilization had hardly developed.

"Here… … .”

The world that will be his own last.

There he wrote down his thoughts on his paper.

Hoping that Huin, who will appear one day, will realize his true intentions and defeat the Demon King of Chaos in the distant future.

"must. Definitely definitely.”I don't know what kind of person the successor will be, but a righteous person will definitely understand his deepest feelings perfectly and elevate him to a higher level.


He bowed his head toward Huin, who had not yet appeared, and quietly closed his eyes.

* * *

[‘Heavenly Demon Ball’ ends.]

“… … .”

Park Hyunsoo suddenly felt his cheeks get wet.

When I wiped it with his hand, it was wet.

It is a memory engraved in his heart before Heavenly Demon Goddess was created.

The hope that a man gave his life to pass on to his posterity.

His hands were trembling.

[…] … What happened?]

Oberg questioned Park Hyunsoo's anomaly.

Park Hyunsoo did not answer the question.

He clenched his fists, just feeling the air flowing through his hands.

How many generations did he come to reach now?

[You're asking what's going on!]

Auberg couldn't stand it and raised his voice.

Park Hyunsoo raised his head and looked at him.

“Heavenly Demon Goddess is complete.”


There is no change in martial arts.

But a lot has changed.

It is pointless to explain what has changed.

“You are not a descendant of Yunan.”

[…] … Don't say anything you can't handle.]

“Yunan never got married. Of course, she never had children, and she never adopted anyone.”

[What do you know... … !]

“You are just an illusion created by rumors.”

Oberk's eyes widened.

A magical energy that could be processed was spurted out.

[I! I am a descendant of Yunan!]

“Yunan has no descendants. He died alone, waiting for his successor to appear someday.”

[Cutely saying that Yunan’s maintenance was a little bit… … !]

“You can’t see him because you haven’t been able to keep up with him. Even if there was actually blood.”

It didn't really matter if Oberk was his blood or not.

In the first place, he doesn't even have any blood and blood, and even if they do, he's just blood and flesh.

If he hasn't mastered the Heavenly Demon ball, there's nothing he can do in the first place.

Oberg was angry, but he couldn't help it.

“But thanks to you, I was able to reach the truth. I appreciate that.”

All the forgotten memories from the fight with him returned.

“I can make further progress.”

Oberg clenched his teeth at Park Hyunsoo's rapidly changing mood.

I don't know what happened to him, but Park Hyunsoo and I have become a completely different person.


That feeling.


He may not have become an absolute yet, but he has definitely reached the level of ‘class’.

He knew he wasn't the main character.

When I saw the power of the true 'Heavenly Demon' shown in the fight against him, I already realized it.

Even then, I wasn't desperate.

'I'm desperate now.'

What he's done so far.

All the time that was sealed in Park Hyunsoo's body.

‘Is it all for him?’

There was nothing I could do.

The man who was once called the Demon King of Conquest had a hard time accepting the cold reality.

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