No one immediately understood the power of evolution.

"uh… … So, when you say monkeys evolve into humans, what evolution?”

Normally, one would think of such an evolution.

Park Hyunsoo shook his head.

“Evolution of power, not evolution of species.”

“Are you talking about the rise of the realm?”

“Yeah, that.”

“Does that mean that if you have that power, you can increase your power?”

“I think it’s difficult right now.”

He rubbed Harley.

Harley, who had been at the end of Stage 3, only had the possibility to develop to the next stage, but maintained the status quo.

“It’s about getting your hands on the possibilities.”

“Is it huge?”

Carbon continued to look surprised at how it was possible.

“… … Is it possible?”

“In the current situation, it would be better to get the power immediately, but unfortunately that’s about it.”

It was no exaggeration to say that the power of evolution that her daughter and daughter created was the realm of God.

It was a serious greed to wish for more than that in words.

Icent shook his head with a light smile.

“No. That is enough.”


“Hyunsoo, you might be the real savior of the world.”

“Is there any way?”

“Come with me.”


“There was a commotion, of course, shouldn’t we talk a little bit?”

After talking with the heavenly side, Seonghwang was waiting for Park Hyunsoo.

Originally, she had to meet him there as well, but she wanted to hear it as soon as possible, so she ran one step at a time.

“The dinner is ready.”

“It’s dinner.”

Park Hyunsoo laughed at the word dinner.

“Will you be able to eat properly?”

“If you work hard, you can eat, right?”

“There is nothing in the world that cannot be done without effort.”

Still waiting for their meeting to end.

One way or another, they were the ones to fight on one side.

We needed to talk about the future situation.

“Let’s go.”

“Can’t I eat separately?”

Carbon asked with an annoyed face.


Park Hyunsoo refused like a knife.

* * *

In the sacrament area, which only high-ranking priests of the church or higher could enter, there were plenty of menu items that would make your eyes widen.

Seonghwang, who was sitting at the top, smiled and briefly bowed down to Park Hyunsoo and his party as they entered the sacrament hall.

“Come here.”

There were few people in the huge sacrament hall.

The high priest Lotus and three nurturing members, including the prosperous, were seated on one side, and all the four great angels were present on the other side.

The saint greeted them only with her eyes and walked over to the seat next to the saint.

She used to be a tomboy, but she is showing off her lofty figure here.

“He’s funny.”

Carbon let out a laugh.

“Sit across from me.”Seonghwang suggested a seat across from him with his hand.

They sat down where they were directed.

Carbon savored the luxurious food.

Then, he gently pulled his head to the side and whispered to Park Hyunsoo.

“Hey, it looks like a dog.”

“Are you sure you have to say those words to your ear?”

“How are you?”

I thought it wasn't a place to eat properly, but it didn't seem to matter to Carbon.

Like Isaac, he was scanning the food with his eyes.

Seonghwang chuckled at the sight.

“Let’s eat the sacrament first.”

As soon as the words fell, the two began to eat eagerly.

Park Hyunsoo took a deep breath and grabbed the chicken leg, which had a proper Maillard response.

If you give them a proper meal time, there is no reason to refuse.

The meal was soon over.

Originally, it would have been done slowly while we were talking, but with Carbon and Isaac's aggressive meal, that didn't happen.

“Did you eat well?”

Holy Emperor Aznabel asked with a kind face.

When she was angry, her face and the impression itself were different.

He is the prosperity of the Ravenox Church.

The distinction between good and evil was made by the Messiah, but that too was eventually included in the circulatory system.

Aznabel, who had been chosen to cycle, had no choice but to be good.

“It was delicious.”

“Whoa, my stomach is going to explode.”

The carbon next to him slapped his thick stomach with his palm.

Lotus and Yook Sung's expressions got worse at the seemingly disrespectful behavior, but Aznabel chuckled as if it didn't matter.

“It looks like you really enjoyed it.”

“The food here is amazing.”

Carbon showed this and laughed.

Sometimes I was envious of Carbon's personality.

“Anyway, I’d like to talk a little bit, is it okay?”



Aznabel's smiling expression slowly hardened.

It was the same with others.

“I want to ask you about what happened.”

I wasn't stupid enough to ask what it was.

“Not that great.”

Park Hyunsoo rubbed his dandan.

The qualities of the Heavenly Demon Prince possessed by the successive heavenly demons were brought together and became one.

The total amount of internal air did not increase.

It was useless to have to come and increase the air force now.

“I just found out about the history of the monks.”

“… … The history of the monks?”

Az Nabel tilted her head.

“I am curious about your inquisitor.”

The one who opened his mouth was the archangel Raphael in the form of a boy on the side of heaven.

“It’s Raphael.”

Carbon said quietly from the side.

Contrary to his appearance, he was the oldest among the four great angels, and he was an archangel with great wisdom through age.

The strongest of the Four Archangels is Michael, but his actual leader was Raphael.

Since Metatron is currently absent, he was the representative of the Brilliant Heaven.

“The power was obviously cycle-based. As you know, only His Majesty the Holy Emperor here can properly wield the power of the cycle.”

Only the being chosen by Ravenox, Holy Aznabel Garuta, was granted the power of circulation.

However, an outsider who did not belong to the church radiated the power of a cycle that went beyond Aznabel.

“As far as I know, you are an Earthling, and there is no way on Earth to obtain such power.”

They knew that Park Hyunsoo had taken Satan from Earth.


“I looked it up and found records of over 40 years of wandering in space. With the wizard next to you.”

Raphael looked at Carbon.

Carbon shrugged his shoulders when he was mentioned.

“Did you get it from space?”

“Like I said, it was called a monk.”

“But on Earth… … .”

“Do you know what happened to the Earth you left?”

One of Raphael's eyebrows twitched at Park Hyunsoo's sharp words.

“If you don’t know, check it out. what happened What happened to the naughty lizard you left behind.”

It was all over, but that didn't mean the lost things were returned.

To be honest, Park Hyunsoo didn't like them.

The earth was destroyed because of the repercussions called ‘Satan’ that they left behind.

Park Hyunsoo lost his parents and became an orphan.

He didn't stop there.

Many have lost family members, loved ones, and close friends.

“… … You feel bad for us. I don't think it's because of work."

“If it was such a small thing, I wouldn’t even take it to heart.”

Michael flinched at the remark that it was trivial.

It was said that her fight with herself was trivial.

I was hurt, but I stayed still to avoid repeating the same mistake.

“I don’t want to say more, so I’ll dismiss it.”

Park Hyunsoo calmed down and spoke up again.

“Anyway, I got my hands on it at the time.”

"Is that so."

Raphael nodded his head as if he understood, then slowly moved his head to look at Park Hyunsoo.

At first I thought it was something, but he suddenly got up from his seat and bowed his head to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea that the earth would be so endangered because of him we left behind.”

Everyone in the room, including the other four great angels, looked at Raphael with surprise.

I didn't know that the person who was the head of the 4th angel would bow his head so easily.

“It is equivalent to repairing a barn after losing a cow, but in the future, the heavenly side will compensate the earth properly. If everything goes well.”

Carbon's eyes widened.

If it was a heavenly reward, it would never be ordinary.

Their technology literally reached the sky, so civilization on Earth would advance several steps.

“Is it honey?”

Carbon was smiling at how good it was.

‘They are said to be the leaders of the four great angels.’

Isn't it true to the saying that rice bows its head as it ripens?

Frankly, I expected him to express his discomfort.

Raphael was a man with a bigger bowl than he had imagined.

“I will accept the apology on behalf of the people of the earth.”

"thank you."

“It’s nice to be warm.”

Aznabel laughed pleasantly.

“By the way, I would like to hear an answer to your inquiry.”

He naturally switched the subject.

“You said that you obtained your power through an unfortunate incident on Earth, but something is strange. Isn't that power taught by a monk?"

As the head of a huge force that encompasses the universe, he pinpointed the gaps Park Hyunsoo said.

Park Hyunsoo awakened as a singularity due to Marais.

There could be no such thing as an inquisitor.They could only think that way.

Because I didn't know Chungyeong existed.

“Where should I start talking?”

Park Hyunsoo pondered the decision.

“It must be a long story.”

He opened his mouth, recalling the first time he met Chungyeong.

* * *

Six Death Masters were traversing the universe at tremendous speed.

“It’s been a long time since I thought of eating an angel, and my saliva keeps flowing.”

The gluttonous Bazanti roughly wiped the saliva flowing down his beard.

There was a constant rumble from the boat.

If you eat an angel, how long will it take to taste it?

I don't even remember

He was the second winner of the Chaos Demon Lord Malti.

It's been so long I can't even remember when it was already.

It was just when we occupied the eastern great galaxy.

“It’s been so long since I haven’t tasted an angel!”

None of the things in the enemy world taste the same.

How happy I was when I took over the Western Great Galaxy.

There was plenty to eat.

In particular, dragons were the best delicacy for the Byzantines, who had not enjoyed food for a long time.

However, no matter how dragons were, the taste of angels could not match.

Especially the flavor that comes out of those wings... … !

“I can’t. I will go first with this body!”

“You glutton bastard!”

Zerda tried to capture him, but it was impossible to capture the gluttonous Byzantines.


With a shock enough to crush the space of the universe, the new Byzantine model disappeared like a lie.


The liger snorted as she saw the Byzanti completely out of sight.

They were out of control in the first place.

I didn't even think about going together from the beginning.

“I’ll go first too!”

At that time, the holy horse Ozan drew a grin and speeded up her speed.

She was the one who, along with the Byzantines, competed for supremacy with her desires.

I was just watching, but when Byzanti ran out without covering the fire, I was excited and followed him.

“Will I be able to sleep if I finish it sooner?”

“You bastards, let me show you that I am better than you!”

“Uh… … .”

Starting with the two, all Death Masters revealed their desires.

They let the liger go and speeded up.

“Ignorant bastards.”

Except for the Liger, all the Death Masters were with them from the first war that the Demon King of Chaos had started.

As a liger who joined late, he could neither understand them nor did he want to understand them.

Still, I did admit it.

'If it wasn't for the ignorant and strong power, I would have grabbed it right away.'

They were as strong as the superpowers fighting for supremacy in this universe.

So, only the Demon Lord of Chaos can control them.

“Kuk Kuk Kuk!”

Liger laughed horribly.

“It’s good! Create a suffocating wind of blood in this universe!”

Death Masters would be able to do that.

But Liger didn't know.

That there is a man of the same age as their master wherever they go.

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