Park Hyunsoo finished all the talking.

The expressions on the faces of those who were seated were different, but the thing they had in common was that they didn't look good.

It wasn't a bad thing in a bad way.


The expressions they were making were shocking.

“… … Heavenly Demon.”

Michael muttered.

He was the only one who had been directly attacked by the Heavenly Demon here.

no wonder.

He continued to think that he had talent, but the technique he used was unusual.

He must be the successor of Yunan's maintenance!

“Yunan must have suffered a lot.”

Seonghwang said in a groaning voice.

She didn't share her memories like a saint, but she knew as much as she was at the pinnacle of the doctrine.

“You worked hard too.”

Az Nabel had a complicated mind, but she bowed her head to Park Hyunsoo with a marvelous gaze.

On behalf of the school, she congratulated Park Hyunsoo.

She wasn't too bad.

Yunan, who had died alone and lonely, finally felt saved.

Although he had never seen it in person, she saw the end up close through his memory.

Did he expect this day to come someday?

“Is this a miracle or a misfortune?”

Raphael drooled.

The process by which Park Hyunsoo put his hand into power could not be described as good in empty words.

The succession of Yunan's maintenance was a great feat, but on the other hand, it was like a rope barely caught by a man who had lost everything.

“It’s all in the past.”

Park Hyunsoo smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I gained as much as I lost.

And now it was his turn to protect what he had earned.

“I have more questions than that.”

At that moment, the blue-haired beauty raised her smooth outstretched arms.

She was so beautiful that it could be said that she was a goddess who came down from heaven.

She was Gabriel, one of the four great angels.


When Aznabel asked, Gabriel turned to Park Hyunsoo.

“What is that hatchling?”

Since all attention was focused on Park Hyunsoo, everyone had completely forgotten about Monami.

Only Gabriel remembered Monami.

It wasn't really something to hide.

And to talk about the power of evolution, it was inevitable.

“Monami is my daughter.”

“… … Is she a daughter?”

Everyone's expressions changed to bewildered.

I understood enough.

“Even if I say humans are the parents of Hetzling, I won’t believe it.”

"same here."

Next to them, Carbon and Isaac spoke their hearts to each other.

“Hmmmm. They are not biological parents, they are raising them with their hearts.”



“It’s not even your child, so much.”

“From what I saw earlier, it seemed that the relationship between the couple was very deep.”

Unfamiliar words came from all over the place.

Park Hyunsoo was embarrassed and coughed a few times.

“Then who are your biological parents?”

This time it was Gabriel.

Her others are busy astonishing, but she doesn't react as much as she did.Each of the four great angels represents one of the four elements.

Michael is fire, Raphael is wind, Uriel is earth, and Gabriel is water.

Although the surface may be dizzy, the water remains infinitely calm and unchanging.

Truly the Myeonggyeong index.

She was Gabriel who looked lively on the outside, but on the inside she was calmer than anyone else.

“Monami’s biological father… … .”

Park Hyunsoo's face became bitter as he recalled Ionix.

“It was the Dragon King Ionix.”

Everyone's eyes widened.

This time, Gabriel also had a slightly bewildered expression on her face.

However, everyone's expressions quickly changed to somber.

“The Dragon King… … .”

“Is it his daughter?”

The Great Western Galaxy fell into the hands of the Chaos Army.

The life or death of the dragon king Ionix was unknown.

He hopes he's alive, but the odds of him being alive aren't that great.

“Then the child’s mother.”

“I am the Holy Spirit Princess.”


Aznabel's chair bounced back.

Seeing that his eyes had grown as if they were about to pop out, he looked very shocked.

Even so, if the Holy Emperor was the incarnation of Ravenox, the Holy Spirit Princess was a fragment of God.

The two were inseparable.

“Wait, is the Holy Spirit Princess alive?!”

he asked, drooling.

It was a face that looked desperate.

Park Hyunsoo closed his eyes and shook his head.


Aznabel staggered.

His aide came quickly and supported him.

“… … Did you die giving birth to a child?”


“Have you left a legacy, princess?”

He closed his eyes and wept quietly.

It was a passage that showed how much he loved the Holy Spirit Princess.

“… … If it’s the Holy Spirit Princess, are you talking about the fragments of Ravenox-sama?”


When Park Hyunsoo answered Gabriel's words, the heavenly figures took their breath away.

Even to them, the status of the Holy Spirit Princess was very high.

Well, even if the god they worshiped was different, it was a fragment of a god.

“It’s not just a shock today.”

Uriel smirked.

Even for him, the 4th angel, what he heard today was a strong shock.

The same was true of the school.

Wu Zhang, known as the leader of upbringing, said while gently waving the lizard's tail.

“The name of the Holy Spirit Princess will be mentioned.”

“That’s it.”

Raising Celine nodded her head.

“Then what was that light when you and your daughter met? At that time, our mother and Ravenox-sama descended at the same time.”

This time it was Gabriel.

Retaining her composure alone, she raised sharp questions again.

But Park Hyunsoo answered indifferently.

"I do not know. Why did that light happen?”

“You don’t know?”


If not, how would he know?

“If you knew that, wouldn’t it be God?”

It was the coming of the gods.

Not through consciousness, but by their will, they briefly appeared in this world.

How do you know what that means?

Gabriel nodded as if Park Hyunsoo's words made sense.


Then Park Hyunsoo raised a finger to focus their attention.

“I have found one thing.”


Raphael asked.

“What effect did the light generated at that time have?”

“Are you saying that there are other effects other than the coming of God?”

"That's right. It is evolution.”

At the word evolution, the atmosphere of the left became strange.

It was a reaction similar to when I talked to Saints, Carbon, and Isaac earlier.

At that moment, the silent saint opened her mouth.

“ The power of evolution that Park Hyunsoo said is the key to our victory.”

“What do you mean, saint?”

Lotus asked, wriggling its disgusting tentacles.

Just looking at the green juice flowing from the sucker was disgusting.

Gabriel, who was still calm, frowned, so he said it all.

Only the members of the Ravenox Church had nonchalant faces.

“The miracle light created by Hyunsoo and his daughter does not mean evolution of the species.”


“It’s a breakthrough.”

“Breakthrough is… … .”

“As you understand. Right, Hyunsoo-sama?”

Icent naturally tossed Park Hyunsoo.

"Yes. That light breaks down walls of limitations.”

“I can't believe it. Are you serious?”

“My ring experienced.”

Park Hyunsoo raised her hand on her Harley.

It was an ordinary-looking red ring, but all those gathered here belonged to the top of the Transcendental level.

There was no way he could not recognize the true nature of Harley.

“You have a great ring.”

Wu Zhang nodded his head in approval.


So was Michael.

As the strongest on both sides acknowledged, the others had nothing else to say.

“Originally, Harley… … Ah, Harley is the name of the ego in the ring.”

“You mean the ego ring?”

- I hate being in the spotlight... … .

Harley made a moan of embarrassment.

“Harley is an evolutionary ring. There are three stages, and now we are on stage three.”

“You mean you have reached the limit.”

"Yes. It was originally up to stage three, but now it is different.”

Harley got her hands on a way to go beyond the limits and go to step 4.

"surely. I don't think I've reached the limit."

It was Uriel.

He knew him well because he was one of the four great angels who was particularly interested in equipment.

“But it doesn’t seem like you can get power that goes beyond the limit right away.”

"Yes. What you get is the possibility of evolution.”

“And that possibility can be drawn from our school. Is that right, His Majesty Seonghwang?”

At Icent's question, Aznabel smiled faintly.

“After all, I can’t be a saint. Yes. Possibilities are also the realm of circulation. It’s not easy, but it’s not impossible either.”

Admiration flowed from the left.

I really didn't think such a thing would be possible.

If the light of evolution is real, the power of the alliance increases several times.

Then, no matter how powerful the army of chaos is, it will not be easily defeated.

"However."At that moment, Park Hyunsoo made a low-pitched voice as if striking a candle.

He looked at the ceiling with a slightly serious expression.

More precisely, it was the universe.

“There is little time.”

Six great powers approaching this place.

Others might not feel it, but to Park Hyunsoo, it felt so clear that he was right there.

“The most powerful subordinates under the Demon King of Chaos are coming here.”

“Is that true?!”

"Yes. Two days. It will arrive in just two days.”

It took only two days for the six sharpest daggers of the Demon King of Chaos to arrive here.

Can you break through the limits of all the troops in it?

‘You should try as much as you can.’

The six huge powers are definitely strong, but it's not the gnomes that matter.

‘If they arrive, the Demon King of Chaos will also arrive soon.’

I don't know why they sent them in advance, but in the first place, they are no match for the person I am today.

The Demon King of Chaos could not have known that.

‘Molty. Do you think you can do it alone?’

Park Hyunsoo came up with the name of the Demon King of Chaos.

At least 20,000 years have passed since Yunan died.

There was no way the Demon Lord of Chaos had been left unattended during that time.

He must have constantly polished to get revenge on his own nemesis.

Park Hyunsoo definitely got over Yunan.

He didn't seem likely to lose even to the Demon King of Chaos.

However, it is the demon lord of the chaos of the past.

Now I don't know how much power the current demon lord of chaos has.

- Hyunsoo, your heart is beating faster.

'little… … .'

became tense.

* * *

A large dark red spark jumped out.

Sitting on a huge throne in the middle of the universe, the demon king of chaos, Malty, saw the darkness gathered in his hands.

The darkness did not flow in one direction, but was wriggling in a complex shape.

It was faint, but there was also light.

It was 'chaos'.

In the past when he was fighting Yunan, Malty could not fully handle the power of chaos.

He had only recently awakened from chaos, and he would have been devoured if he misused it.

But now.


The chaos grew in volume.

It contains a terrible gravitational force that overwhelms even the black hole that has engulfed several galaxies!

And the explosive power of the Big Bang, the origin of the universe!

Power encompassing both the beginning and the end.

That was the chaos that denied all cycles.

“Yoonan. The burden will go higher.”

I tried but failed and only in the past.

Now it's different.

As long as he had completed the chaos that would break the cycle, no one could stop him.


Even if the real God comes.

“The burden is God. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

Malty bursting into madness.

around it.

‘… … Sally.'

Philip, ruler of Levinian and father of Sally, had fallen.

It wasn't over.

The entire army of the southern great galaxy heading towards the Ravenox Bridge.

'escape… … Run away.’

Annihilated by only one demon king of chaos.

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