For Ye Yinan, it is the sorrow that has really experienced the pain of the funeral sister. His hatred for Lu Hao is not less than that of Murong Zhan. Now that he knows that he is in Anhe, he may not go to see it himself.

Ye Hao knows her brother's thoughts, so she is silent. She knows that whether she is a brother or a beggar, if they see Lu Yizhi, they will probably do the same thing.

Murong Zhan did not speak, just nodded.

Fu Gonggong sent lunch at this time.

And Ye Yinan used lunch, Ye Hao sees that Murong Chong seems to have something to say, she let Fu Gonggong bring a pot of sweet-scented osmanthus, and then go back to the house, not long after, Jin Shanshan came.

Since Jin Shanshan left the priesthood to return to the wasteland, she has been worried that the Queen's Empress is safe. Even if she heard that the Queen's Empress was saved, she still couldn't feel at ease. Now she saw the Queen's Empress, and she really felt relieved.

"Listen to my brother, have you found the people around Jin Dajun?" Ye Hao asked Jin Shanshan to sit down. She would like to know if Jin Shanshan intends to stay in Jinguo or return to the North.

Jin Shanshan nodded lightly. "Dhu Big Brother is my adopted child. For me, he is also my big brother."

"It is a good thing to be able to find your loved ones." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Good, what about your big brother?"

"Dr. Zhu was injured and the general sent him to the city to recover." Jin Shanshan said.

Ye Hao looked up at her. "So... the death of General Jin Da, have you already known the truth?"

"Yeah, I already know it, but I can't really revenge now. However, it is a serious injury to Wan Ziliang, and Chu will be killed!" Jin Shanshan smiled lightly, she is now relieved, she is coming to Japan, she will always See you again.

"Then you want to go back to the North Ming State?" Ye Hao whispered.

Jin Shanshan’s smile is bitter. The North Ming Kingdom is her home country. She doesn’t want to go back. However, it is also the place where the father tried his best to survive his life, but the emperor whose father assisted for so many years did not care about his life and death.

Even if she returned to the North Ming State, she would probably not be her thing, and she might kill her.

"I don't want to." Jin Shanshan said faintly, "I am no longer there, and there is no home in Beiming."

"Then my brother?" Ye Hao whispered, his eyes gently looking at Jin Shanshan.

When I mentioned Ye Xiaonan, Jin Shanshan’s face was slightly red. “The goddess... I don’t understand what you are talking about.”

Seeing her reaction, Ye Xiaoyan’s smile deepened. “My brother’s age is not too small, and he’s not there anymore, so I want to choose a girl with a heart for my brother, just... I don’t know what kind of girl my brother likes. ""

Jin Shanshan heard Ye Hao’s words and his face was a little white. “I... I don’t know.”

"I am a very open-minded person. As long as it is a girl my brother likes, he will definitely agree." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"Yes..." This seems to mean that Jin Shanshan’s heartbeat is somewhat accelerated.

Until the afternoon of the afternoon, Murong Chong came back from the outside, Jin Shanshan hurriedly got up and said goodbye to leave.

Walking out of the room, she saw the familiar figure standing not far away.

"General." Jin Shanshan went up and looked up at Ye Lannan, who was standing in the sun. This handsome and handsome man turned her from the battlefield into a prisoner. She hated him and wanted to kill him. However, Later, if it weren't for him, she might have been out of this world for a long time.

She didn't know how to fall in love with him, but she felt at ease as long as she was around him.

"Don't you let me not call me a general?" Ye Yannan frowned at her impatiently. "What did you say, how long?"

"I didn't say anything." Jin Shanshan shook his head. "It's not early, I am going back to the military camp."

Ye Xiaonan took her hand. "I still go to the military camp. I live here tonight. You can clean up a yard and let us go."

Jin Shanshan stunned. "What? Live here, I... I can't live here."

"Why not?" Ye Xiaonan looked at her lowly and reached for her forehead. "Don't think too much, I said I live here here."

"The maiden seems to be giving you a kiss..." Jin Shanshan said mutteringly.

Ye Yinan faintly said, "Well, you just like to worry about these things."

"Do you know?" Jin Shanshan stunned and tried to break away from Ye's hand.

"It’s good to have a kiss early." Ye Yannan nodded seriously. "When the emperor hits Anhe City, we will decide."

Jin Shanshan stunned, "Ah? What?"

Ye Xiaonan turned back and frowned at her. "Don't you want to marry me? Who do you want to marry?"

"I don't mean this..." Jin Shanshan did not respond to it. "Is the Queen Empress not looking for a girl?"

"What are you thinking about, I have long known that I like you, how can I find other women." Ye Xiaonan said with a sigh of relief, "When I wait, I will come over, just let you see you."

Jin Shanshan’s brain is completely unaware of how it works. She remembers the words of the Queen’s Empress. It turned out that she was deliberately telling her that she was deliberately joking!

"Ye... Ye Daren wants to come to Anhe City?" Jin Shanshan whispered.

"Well, I will come over." Ye Xiaonan nodded and re-held her hand in her hand. "Go."

Jin Shanshan took back her hand. She looked at Ye Xiaonan seriously. "I am not going to spend a lot of money. I don't even have a family. You really want to... Do you really want to be with me?"

"It's stupid!" Ye Yannan poked her forehead.

"Ye Lannan!" Jin Shanshan did not scream his name.

Ye Yinan gently put her in her arms, and her tone was a bit harsh. "I know that you don't have a family, I will take care of you in the future, and I won't think about it anymore."

"Yeah." Jin Shanshan licked his lips and smiled and reached out and gently wrapped around his waist.

With the arrival of Ye Yinan, Wang Hao and others who went to the North Ming Kingdom also came back. The civil strife in the North Ming State was stirred up in the back of the land. No one has ever found out, if it is not Lu Yi’s reminder of Haitang, They are sure to be able to leave the North Ming State safely.

Although they are back now, there are many people injured.

Murong Cham is very appreciative to Wang Hao and others, so that the doctor must cure their injuries and reward them.

Everything is ready, the morale in the military camp is high, and Murong Zhan ordered to go to Anhe City.

Ye Hao personally sent Murong Zhan on the wall. She didn't know the danger ahead, and she didn't know what would happen next. She only hoped that he would return to her.

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