Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1001: Soldiers under the city

Murong Zhan took 20,000 soldiers to approach Anhe City step by step. Chen Jun, who stood on the wall, thought that the opportunity came. Until he saw the man in black armor, the gale raised his robe. Zhang Junmei's face is as clear as the face of the king.

"Who is that?" Chen Jun’s voice changed. "Isn’t that the emperor of Jinguo? How could he be here, is he taking the troops today?"

"Yes... it is him!" The people around Chen Jun were also scared.

In the face of Wang Qu and facing Murong Zhan is not the same, they can not resist him.

"Fast, go find Lu Yizhi!" Chen Jun shouted. "If you pass on the order, you must keep the gate."

The war that has not yet begun, Anhe City did not even have the courage to face the battle. Once the army of the Jin State was seen, it would only be prepared for defense. The city gate was closed and it was hard to open the battle with Murong Zhan.

Murong Zhan looked at Chen Jun on the wall in a deep and secluded manner. He did not find the figure of Lu Yizhi. This is not an accident. He is not going to appear today because of Lu Hao’s embarrassment. He will only hide in it. A corner of Anhe City is waiting. He is not really trying to help Chen Jun. Now he will not meet him for Anhe City.

"Siege." Murong Zhan cold voice underground command.

Ye Xiaonan was behind him, and after hearing his order, he had already taken the troops and rushed up. "Broken city!"

The sharp arrows on the wall were shot, and the soldiers standing in the front row were immediately blocked by shields, and the steps approached neatly.

"General, what should I do?" The soldiers on the wall began to panic.

"Even if it is Murong Zhan, isn't our strength less than him?" Chen Jun shouted loudly, as if he could add confidence to himself.

This did not add half a day of morale to the soldiers on the wall. When Anhe City had 200,000 troops, Murong Chan did not beat them.

"General, can't find Mr. Yu, he... his house is empty."

"He must have known that the person who led the troops was Murong Zhan, so he slipped away." Chen Jun said with hatred, "I don't believe that I will die if I don't have him."

"That... what do you do now?"

Chen Jun bit his teeth, "out of town to fight!"

On the other hand, Lu Yizhi is not nervous at all. He is in a remote tea house, drinking tea in a leisurely way, listening to the ring to tell him what is happening outside the city gate.

"...The people who led the troops in Jinguo were seen in Xiliang." Guan said, "The martial arts are better than me. They are all coming. The idiot has ordered to fight."

Lu Yanzhi listened with a smile, and others may not understand what the ring is saying, but he knows.

He said that the person who led the troops was the Murong Zhan who was seen in Xiliang last time. The martial artist who is better than him is Murong Yu. It seems that Murong Zhan is necessary to attack Anhe City. "Chen Jun has to Going out of town to fight?"

The nod of nod, "Will he win?"

Lu Yi’s ridiculous smile, “Impossible, we can go, wait for Murong Zhan to enter the city and say.”

"Why didn't my brother help the idiot this time?" Guan Guan asked curiously.

"Since it is an idiot, it is natural that it is useless to help him." Lu Yizhi whispered, "Other people, go see them."

The nod of nod, "Okay."

Lu Yan’s smile, Murong Cham... finally came, and they almost arrived when they met.



After Ye Hao was watching Mo Rongzhan leave Xiazhou, her heart began to feel uneasy. She didn't know what would happen on the battlefield. Even if everyone said that Murong Zhan was invincible on the battlefield, he was not invulnerable, although he was No defeat, but the scar on the body can be seen. Every time she sees it, she feels pain in her heart. If she can, she hopes that he will not add any wounds.

"Mother, are you going back?" Hung Hom whispered, and the Queen's Empress was standing here for a while.

Ye Hao gently nodded, even if she stood here in the dark, Murong Cham would not come back so soon, "Well, go back."

He said, "The goddess, the emperor will definitely come back. Now, Anhe City is only Chen Jun. It is not enough to lead him to fight."

"It is not him who is worried about this palace." Ye Hao whispered that she was worried about what would happen to Lu Yi, who was still in Anhe City at this time.

Murong Cham is already a very savvy person, but she has been concealed by Lu Hao for so many years, so she is still very wary of Lu Hao.

Ye Hao recalled the Lu Yizhi of the last world. It seems that before she was born again, he still had a lot of trust, even though Lu Shuanger was no longer favored.

Speaking of it... It seems that she hasn’t remembered what had been trapped in the palace for a long time.

When did Lu Shuanger fall out of favor? Why is it falling out of favor? She doesn't remember much. It seems that she can't say that she is out of favor. Murong Chong will occasionally go to see her. However, at that time, it seems that because of Lu Yizhi, Lu Shuanger can continue to be a noble.

What is it because of what? At that time, no one should tell Murong Zhan the truth. Didn’t he always regard Lu Shuanger as a child when she was a child? With his character, it is impossible to easily dislike Lu Shuanger unless he knows the truth.

Ye Hao regretted that he should not only be immersed in resentment at the beginning, and he did not want to know more about Lu Shuanger, so he always deliberately avoided it.

correct! Ye Hao suddenly had a bright eye. With Murong Zhan as a person, it was impossible to be easily restrained by people. Why did he avoid taboo?

"The niece, carefully under the feet." The red dragonfly held the hand of Ye Hao, and there was a step in front, but the maiden seemed to be thinking about something, and did not see the ladder at all.

Ye Hao returned to God, and her thoughts were interrupted at once. Until she got into the carriage, she rethought one thing.

If at that time, Murong Cham was jealous of Lu Yi, then it must be a threat that Lu Hao must not solve at one time, but she was born again on Lu Yi, but Murong Chan did not find this thing, is it because she The relationship between Murong Chong and Lu Yizhi is different?

How did Lu Yanzhi follow so many people in a short period of time? Where did those people come from? Should this be the threat that the last generation of Murong Zhan perceived?

“Wu Chong?” Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"The emperor will leave Wu Chong and Sun Jun all to listen to the goddess's dispatch. If the goddess is commanded, the slave will call them." Hung Hom said.

Ye Hao nodded gently, "Let them come to see this palace for a while."

If Lu Hao is still in Anhe City, then he must be very confident to avoid the pursuit of Murong Cham, why is he so confident? She must find out, behind what they don't know, what is the secret of Lu Yizhi's unknown.

At this time, she had to admit that she had underestimated Lu Yizhi from the beginning.

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