Ye Hao thought that it would take at least a few days to know the news of Mo Rongzhan. I did not expect that the news of the broken city had already arrived in the dark on the second day.

"The generals of Na'anhe City are too... not useful." Even Hung Hom was ashamed of Chen Jun's combat effectiveness. So there are still two or three thousand troops in Anhe City, so they are scared away.

It’s a shame.

However, they are shameful in the North Ming Dynasty, which is a good thing for them.

"Anniling, now you don't have to worry about any accidents in the emperor." He smiled and said to Ye Hao that the empress had been worried for a long time last night, and today she was relieved.

Ye Hao smiled lightly. She didn't really worry about Murong Zhan's defeat. However, she did not expect to send a good news so soon. "The people who played in the North Ming State are Chen Jun, is there no Lu Yanzhi?"

"I haven't heard of Lu Yizhi." Jin Shanshan said, "I have already escaped. I am a traitor to Jin. If I don't leave, it is not just a simple kill."

Lu Haozhi did so much, just for the rush to escape today? impossible! There must be other reasons.

"He may still be in Anhe City." Ye Hao whispered. "But don't worry, since the emperor has already entered the city, he will definitely find him."

"So you don't think too much, just take care of your baby." Jin Shanshan said.

Ye Hao smiled at her and told them to scream at them. "You have to pick it up. We should go to Anhe City soon."

Jin Shanshan is slightly different. "Mother, do you want to go to Anhe City?"

"If the emperor stays there, it will definitely make people pick me up, so pick it up first, and avoid getting too rushed." Ye Hao smiled.

Hung Hom and Yan smiled and said yes, turned and went to clean up.

Ye Hao smiled and looked at Jin Shanshan. "Listen to my brother, are you going to stay in Jinguo?"

"Yeah." Jin Shanshan said, "I am no longer there. It is not interesting to go back to the North Ming State. What's more... North Hall may not let me go. He may have turned me into a traitor."

"You are very happy when you stay," Ye said with a smile. "If your brother bullies you, you will come to me."

Jin Shanshan’s cheeks were slightly red. “How could the generals bully me?”

Ye Hao grinned. "What kind of person is he still I don't know? My brother didn't understand the girl's mind before. Now it's in the military camp all the year round. It's definitely not very considerate, but good. Our Ye family is a common example without a concubine. Your brother will definitely be single-minded and you will have to bear more care for him in the future."

"He... is already very good." Jin Shanshan was more and more ashamed by Ye Hao.

"Well, it seems that my brother is not wood." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Jin Shanshan bit his lip. "The general is hard-hearted. After being with him for so long, he still knows how much."

"You can understand that he is the best." Ye Hao smiled. "Well, you are going to pack it up, maybe your brother will pick us up."

When it was going to be dark, Ye Xiaonan returned to Xiazhou. He first came to see Ye Hao and told her about going to Anhe City.

"Brother, did you see Lu Hao on the battlefield?" Ye Hao had already guessed that Murong Chong would send someone to pick her up. She just wanted to know that Lu Yuzhi had caught it.

"No, even the shadows have not been seen. When I left, the emperor had already let the six princes go to him. You can rest assured that even if you dig three feet, you will find the scorpion." Ye Xiaonan said with a grin.

Ye Hao sighed in his heart, "What is Lu Zhizhi's ability to actually live to the present."

"Insidious and despicable people always live longer." Ye Xiaonan stunned.

"No, brother, I have a doubt in my heart." Ye Hao let the people in the house retreat, leaving her with Ye Lannan.

Ye Yannan looked at her heavy face in confusion. "What happened? Is it happening?"

"Brother, remember that I told you that when I was poisoned by Lu Hao, my soul was floating in the palace for two years?" Ye Hao said in a low voice.

"Hey, don't mention the past." Ye Yannan's face changed. He didn't want to think of the past, it was a painful memory.

Ye Hao shook her head, she just kept avoiding and thinking about not remembering, so she felt that she ignored too many things. "At that time, the emperor was very jealous of Lu Yizhi, as if Lu Yuzhi had any threats. Country, I remember that Lu Shuanger had fallen out of favor at that time, but she was still a high-ranking nobleman. The emperor seemed to have tolerated her because of Lu Zhizhi."

"Wait." Ye Xiaonan raised his hand. "You have been in the palace for two years... But when you became Lu Hao, you returned to two years ago, that is... then you were a medical woman in Kyoto. At that time, did you think that Lu Yizhi had any threat to the emperor? Lu Shuanger was not given the same death?"

"So this is the place I can't figure out. Will it be because of me, so the Emperor did not find the threat behind Lu Yizhi?" Ye Hao said, "When Xiliang was in the cold, Lu Haozhi appeared a lot. Helper, that can't be Qirui water to him, how did he do it? In the wilderness, he was a waste person... but Qi Ruoshui still found him, healed his body, and Lu Shuangercheng The nephew of the Qi emperor, these are not a waste can do."

Ye Xiaonan was cold and cold. "What do you say? Whose Lu Shuanger became?"

"I am as surprised as you are, yes, it is Zhao Wei." Ye Hao said with no anger.

"Sure enough, I am very capable." Ye Xiaonan sneered. "No wonder Lu Haozhi dares to stay in Anhe City."

Thinking of the evil of Lu Yizhi, "Brother, let's go to Anhe City."

"It’s all dark, we will start again tomorrow morning, and the night road will not go well.” Ye Xiaonan said in a deep voice, “Hey, don’t worry about Lu’s things, I will check it out.”

"I asked Wu Chong to go to Qiguo to check." Ye Hao said that she felt that the most suspicious thing was in Qi.

Ye Yannan frowned and glanced at her. "You are too anxious, Qi is not elsewhere."

"I know, so I didn't let Wu Chong go to check Lu's children, just... to inquire about Liu's whereabouts." Ye Hao smiled.

Liu definitely took Lu Hao to Qi, and she felt that as long as she was staring at Liu, she would always find a clue.

"In short, you should stop worrying about it, and don't think that you are a fast-paced person." Ye Yannan said, "I will check it out."

Ye Hao smiled. "I know."

"I will go back to the house first," said Ye Nannan.

"Looking for goodness?" Ye Hao raised a smile.

Ye Xiaonan’s black cheeks raised suspicious blush. “What happened to her? Can’t I find my wife?”

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