Anhe City is still in chaos, and Murong Zhan’s notice is posted. Many people are boiling. Some of them have to pack up and leave quickly. Some choose to stay, while others are hesitant and do not know how to choose.

"As I said, there is no difference between Jinguo and Beiming. Just give us a meal and don't suffer from war. Don't force us to be a soldier." In the restaurant, there are readers who are also discussing this. thing.

"Yes, since the death of General Jin Da, Wan Ziliang has become a general. Our people have not had a few days to live. If we have a fame, we have already been arrested as a soldier. Speaking here, since the emperor is so disregarding the lives of our people, why should we go back, maybe... When we left Anhe City, we were caught by Wan Ziliang as a shield."

"I heard that this emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom is ruthless and wise and decisive. It is definitely a generation of good lords. Why don't we stay in Anhe City and participate in the imperial examinations of Jinguo in the future? When we read poetry books, it is not an ambition, but we need to have a good emperor to appreciate our ambitions. Instead of going back to life, we will stay and make a fortune for ourselves." A young man of about twenty years old A wave, said aloud.

"well said!"

"Yes, we are not leaving!"


Obviously, the words of this youth have aroused the resonance of many people. The fact that Beitang’s forcibly grasping the Ding Ding to be a soldier has been greatly disappointing. Especially as a young man who is a scholar, they have already seen that the emperor is a heavy martial art, and naturally he is unwilling to stay. In the North Ming State.

The discussion in the tea house is still warm, and the man who has been sitting in the corner and listening quietly has already got up and left.

"The emperor, it seems that Beitang has lost the hearts of the people." Wang Hao said with a smile behind the body.

The man who has been at the corner of the tea house is exactly the ink-filled man. He has a simple straight-eyed face and a little face, but he still does not hide his grace. He is planning to come out to find Lu Yizhi and see the street is chaotic. So I went into the tea house to listen to it.

Today, many Anhecheng streets are soldiers of Jinguo. Only a few days can calm down. When they leave, how many people will be counted. As a king of a country, he naturally hopes that these people can return to him. Anhe City is a Very important place, if the people here are gone, then no one is farming, people are sparsely populated, and naturally it will gradually decline. That place is no different from the wilderness.

"Beitang is very important to Wanziliang, Wanziliang is ignorant of the literati, and does not pay attention to the people's livelihood. Naturally, it will cause the resistance of these scholars." Murong Zhan said faintly, these scholars take the lead and believe that the people who stay will have more .

"The emperor, what should I do with more than 10,000 prisoners?" Wang Hao whispered.

Murong Zhan said softly, "If you are willing to return, you can leave the army. If you don't want to go, you will go to the wasteland to cultivate. When will the North Church send the messenger to come over and say."

Wang Hao stunned, the emperor, this is not to return these prisoners to the North Ming State? Otherwise why should I send it to the wasteland? Hey, the Emperor’s move is really amazing. The wilderness is the most lacking of the people who are willing to go there. If these captives can open up the wilderness, they will not be able to feed their food.

"Beitang is afraid that he will not care about the life and death of these soldiers." Wang Hao whispered, "The soldiers of Anhe City are not elite soldiers. They will not enter the eyes of Wanziliang. What will Beitangyi take for them?"

Ink Murray smiled. "It doesn't matter if you don't change."

If the North Hall is really ignored by these prisoners, it is estimated that the soldiers in other parts of the North Ming Dynasty will be chilling. They are paying for the war for the country. As a result, when they become captives, they are abandoned by their emperors, and their lips are cold. Others must If you are not so stupid, you will naturally think of the end.

"What time is it?" asked Murong Zhan.

"Back to the emperor, it is already in the middle of it." Wang Hao said.

That is the noon time, Ye Xiaonan should be able to pick up Ye Hao at noon, Murong Zhan looked deep in the dark, Murong went to find a night, still did not find Lu Yizhi, he intends to let Murong You don't have to look for it, Lu Yizhi will definitely find him.

Since Lu Haozhi has done so many things just to get him to Anhe City, he will definitely appear on his own.

"Azhan!" Murong Chan has not returned to the General's House, Murong Yu riding a horse from the front, seeing Murong Cham, he immediately dismounted.

“Is it found?” Murong Zhan whispered Murong, who had come to him.

Murong squinted his head gently. "The whole Anhe City has been searched all over, and no one has been found."

"Then don't have to look for it, wait for him to see him." Murong Zhan said coldly.

"He will come to find it?" Murong asked.

Murong Zhan gently nodded, "Is there any place I haven't found yet?"

Murong Yan thought carefully, "The dock at the river has not been checked, will Lu Yuzhi be there?"

"The place is not only like merchants, but many scholars like to gather there. The poems are right, the red sleeves are fragrant, and this place is best to hide people's eyes and ears. Will Lu Yizhi be there?" Wang Xiao whispered.

Murong Zhan and Murong Yu looked at each other and "go to see."

"The place will only open at night, and it is not necessarily someone at this time." Wang Hao said.

"What do you think we are going to do?" Murong asked with an eyebrow.

Wang Hao smiled. "Nature is to find someone."

Murong Zhan said to Murong Yu, "You go to the dock first, and come back soon, I will pick her up first."

"You accompany me, if I find Lu Yizhi, I will bring him to see you." Murong said, he was worried that the emperor would have any accidents on the battlefield. Now that the dust has settled, he thinks maybe Lu Yizhi is a threat.

"Good." Murong Zhan nodded faintly, let Wang Hao go with Murong, and he went to the military office and other Ye Hao.

At this time, Ye Hao has come to the city of Anhe City.

This is the first time she came to Anhe City. When she saw the raging Anhe River outside the city, she flashed a few pictures she had seen in her dreams. Her face suddenly appeared white. "This is Anhe?"

"Yeah, Niangniang, it was raining recently. The flow of Anhe was very urgent. I could hear the sound of the waves hitting the shore." Jin Shanshan said with a smile.

Ye Hao's eyebrows slammed tightly. She looked at Anhe with uneasiness. Why did she inexplicably produce fear in her heart?

She saw in her dream that she was crying beside Anhe. Is it... Is this a brow?

"Odd girl, you see, the city gate is here." Hung Hom said happily.

Ye Hao gently shook his head in his heart. No, Murong Zhan has already beaten Anhe City. What will happen, she must have thought more.

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