Murong Chan's forehead is holding a layer of gauze, and there is blood on the gauze. Even if the gauze is not uncovered, it can make people feel that his wound is terrible. Although there is no other injury, his face is pale and terrible. Even some timid to give him the pulse.

"Hey, it's Azhan." Murong saw Ye Hao just standing in the same place, thinking that she was happy and broke, and reminded her with a smile.

Ye Hao returned to God, and she reluctantly smiled at Murong. "I know."

"What happened to you? Seeing the emperor is not happy?" Murong asked in a low voice.

"Not..." Ye Hao’s eyes were a little wet. She walked toward Murong Zhan. "He is in front of me, but I dare not approach, afraid of him..."

Murong squatted at her pale face and sighed helplessly. "I don't remember you when I wake up. You thought that my dream didn't exist, is Azhan already remembering you? Or you see outside. That fisherwoman, so I am worried? If this is the case, I can kill her, so I will be a hundred."

Ye Hao suddenly looked up at him. "What? That fisherwoman? No... can't kill her, I am not because of her, I am afraid that I can't save the emperor."

"Hey, you are not such a weak person." Murong whispered.

"I..." Ye Yan said and stopped, then smiled bitterly, yeah, what was she afraid of? No matter whether it is the fisherwoman or the body of Murong Cham, nothing can change. She has changed her own destiny, and she is afraid that she will not change the forerunner of a nightmare.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "I know."

She slowly walked down to the bed and sat down, looking at the face of Murong Zhan Qing, her tears suddenly came up.

"Azhan..." She wiped her tears and hurriedly checked if there were any other injuries on his body. When she determined that there was only a wound on her head, she gave him a pulse and checked his pupil.

His pupils were a little distracted, and the pulse was also weak and disordered. Ye Xie’s heart sank.

The little girl outside did not make a mistake. The situation of Murong Cham was very serious. His signs of life were too weak. I wonder if Lingquan could save him.

"Bring the medicine box." Ye Hao whispered.

Her original medicine box was taken by Qi Ruoshui. This medicine box was prepared only a few days ago. Although it is not comparable to the original one, the medicine inside is taken out of the space, and Lingquan also All are ready.

"You all go out, let the red dragon come in and help me." Ye Hao whispered.

Murong nodded softly. "I am outside. I have nothing to call me."

"Okay." Ye Hao **** her sleeves and removed it for the gauze on the forehead of Murong Zhan. She saw the wound on his forehead, her heart was cut by the knife, although the wound had been treated, but look It is still **** and fuzzy.

This should have been hit by falling off the cliff and soaked in the water, so the wound looks terrible.

"Anniling..." The red dragonfly was scared by the wounds of Mo Rongzhan. She did not expect that the emperor would suffer such a heavy injury.

Ye Hao calmly said, "Go ask if there is any spirits."

"Yes." Hung Hom immediately responded and went out to find a show of spirits.

Zhao Ning, who was blocking the door, actually heard that it was a spirit of spirits. The eyebrows wrinkled. "Is it necessary to treat the wounds?"

Murong looked at the past in a cold and cold manner, and Zhao Ning looked at his heart and went to the back of Xiu Gu. He whispered, "I don't have wine at home."

Xiu Gu said, "I have it at home, you will wait a minute, I will get it right away."

"I haven't thanked the girl for saving her brother. I don't know the girl's name." Murong faintly looked at Zhao Ning's politeness.

Zhao Ning heard Murong’s polite question, and he was not so afraid of him. “My name is Zhao, called...”

"Zhao girl, I heard that there is a man who was rescued together. I don't know who he was taken away?" Murong asked, he didn't care what the woman called.

"I don't know. I only saw two people taking him away. They should have found no one." Zhao Ning frowned. I don't know why, she thought that this man seemed to hate her.

She obviously saved his brother. Why did he hate her?

Murong Yan blinked a little, so to say, Lu Yizhi was saved by his people?

"Are they still in this village?" Murong asked again.

Zhao Ning said, "How do I know that it should be gone?"

Murong Yu looked at Song Wei, who was on the side. "Let's ask, those people left, where did they go."

"Yes." Song Ying should be.

At this time, Xiu Gu, who went to get the wine, also returned. She handed Lin Zhiran. "This is the wine that we have hidden for many years. I don't know if it is useful."

"Get in." Murong nodded gently.

Lin Zhiran immediately took the rescue.

Ye Hao has used Lingquan to clean the wounds of ink-filled Zhan, just because the doctor here does not understand the stitching, so it is still very shocking.

"Put the silver needle in the wine." Ye Hao whispered to the red dragonfly. She had to tear open the wound of the ink-filled Zhan, and then cleaned it with Lingquan and stitched it so that his wound could be better.

If he is not in a coma, it will hurt to re-open the wound, but now she doesn't even frown.

Seeing such an ink-filled Zhan, Ye Hao’s heart is even more painful.

Lin Zhiran looked at Ye Hao and asked Murong Chong to suture the wound. She had never seen anyone else able to do this. It looked... terrible.

"Gauze." Ye Hao sewed fifteen stitches, shaking hands with both hands did not dare to shake, let the red 缨 take the gauze over, she gave the ink to the Zhan Zhan wound.

However, even if the wound is reprocessed, the ink pulse is still not changed.

Ye Hao needs to take a few medicines into the space. Those are valuable medicines that can sustain life. There is definitely no such thing in this small fishing village. "You must go ahead first, and this palace wants to be alone with the emperor."

Hung Hom nodded to Lin Zhiran and they both retired.

Murong Yu saw them coming out and frowned and asked, "How come out?"

"The niece said that she wanted someone to be inside." Lin Zhiran whispered.

"That's waiting." Murong said, he has sent someone to tell Ye Xiaonan, I believe he will come soon.

Zhao Ning on the side heard Lin Zhiran's words, but it was a move, the goddess? She heard what they said was the goddess, is the woman inside the palace, the man is not...

Zhao Ning’s heart was filled with inexplicable joy. She always felt that she should not belong to Huajia Village. Maybe she could finally leave here.

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