Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1016: Get into trouble

Time passed by little, Ye Hao had already fed the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, but I don’t know how many springs, but he still has no way to wake up.

After Ye Xiaonan heard the news, he had already arrived. He was kept around the fishing village and began to look for the whereabouts of Lu Yizhi. Since Lu Yizhi also fell on the cliff, he must have been seriously injured and could not go too far. .

Murong Yu was still outside the door, and Murong Chong did not wake up. He simply did not worry about doing other things.

Zhao Ning has a family that can't enter, and can only grieve and swear by Murong.

"Why can't I go in, here is my home, I go in and get something to do." She was stunned with red eyes and was very angry at the behavior of these people occupying her house.

"Zhao girl, what do you need, let people go in and take it out for you." Murong said faintly.

Zhao Ning sighed. "Why do I want someone else to take it, you don't let me go inside the house, I am in the outside world."

"No." Hung Hom did not want to say, since the Niangni wants to be alone with the emperor, naturally no one can go in and disturb.

"You... you are a robber. You know that you will not save him." Zhao Ning screamed.

"What is going on?" Hua Pozi came over with a cane and saw Zhao Ning squatting, she asked with a frown.

Zhao Ning saw that Hua Pozi immediately had the feeling of seeing her loved ones. "My mother-in-law, they occupied my house and still did not let me in."

Hua Pozi blinked and looked at Murong and gave them a look. "Is that man yours?"

Murong smashed his hand. "That is the younger brother. Because the injury has not yet been seen, I can only temporarily borrow Zhao’s house. We will compensate her in the future."

"How do you want to compensate? What is the best compensation?" Zhao Ning said.

Hua Pozi looked inside. "His injury is too heavy. I am afraid that I will live tonight. You still leave as early as possible. There is a common case in our village. But those who die in our village cannot leave, advise you or... ..."

"Let's relax!" Fu Gonggong yelled. "Our master is also a curse. Even if your entire village is dead, our master is also good."

Murong Yu said that Fu Gonggong does not have to be angry. He whispered, "Can he wake up, we naturally know what you are, you are the doctor here?"

Zhao Ning said, "The mother-in-law's medical skills are very powerful. If it weren't for her, your brother must have died."

"If you need to, I can go in and see the injury of my brother." Hua Pozi whispered that she felt that these people were unusual and only wanted them to leave Huajia Village as soon as possible.

"Hung Hom, go in and ask the lady, do you need a doctor." Murong whispered to Hung Hom.

The red dragonfly gently nodded and went into the room to see Ye Hao staying by the bed. The emperor's face was still pale, and he didn't look like he was waking up. "The maiden..."

Ye Hao has been watching Murong Zhan, and heard the red screaming her a few times before she returned to God. "What?"

"There is a flower girl outside, saying that it is the doctor here, I want to come in..." Hung Hom whispered, she felt that the Queen Empress at this time seemed to be too distressed.

"Well, let her come in, just as the palace has something to ask her." Ye Hao said faintly.

Hung Hom promised to go out and ask the flower woman to come in.

Zhao Ning followed behind Hua Pozi, Hung Hom wanted to stop her, but heard the voice of Ye Hao inside, "Let Zhao girl come in together."

Murong Yan raised his eyebrows with disapproval, but he did not say anything, let Zhao Ning go along with him.

Hua Pozi squinted at the moment when she saw Ye Hao. Although she had never left Huajia Village for a lifetime, she experienced a lot of things, and her eyesight was naturally much stronger than that of Zhao Ning. It can be seen at a glance that Ye Hao’s identity is definitely not ordinary. The home of the people.

"I have seen the nobles in my old age." She did not humble her salute, just to avoid leaving any trouble for Huajia Village in the future.

Ye Xie’s gaze flashed across Zhao Ning’s face and landed on Hua Po’s body. “Is your family’s wound healing?”

"Yes, it is the old man who handles the wound for him. His wound is too big and he bleeds too much. He is afraid that he has already hurt his roots. His old body has limited ability and he can't save him." Hua Pozi said with coveted.

Ye Hao didn't care about her boldness, but turned to Zhao Ning. "Are you the first person to find him?"

Zhao Ning looked at Ye Xie's eyes and nodded gently. "Yes, he is kneeling on a piece of wood. I was just collecting fishing nets, so I just saved him. However, he seems to be dying."

"Shut up!" Hung Hom couldn't help but swear at her.

"When you saw him, was he already unconscious?" Ye Hao didn't like Zhao Ning's bold look at her, but she was thinking about Murong Zhan at this time, too lazy to care about her.

Zhao Ning said, "Yes."

Hua Pozi whispered, "It is not completely unconscious. When dealing with his injuries, he has been talking in his mouth, but he is ambiguous. I don't know what to say?"

"Yao Yao..." Zhao Ning said, "I only heard these two words, this will not be your nickname,"

Ye Xun looked coldly at Zhao Ning.

Hung Hom shouted, "What are you talking about? The lady asks you, you answer it."

"I heard them calling you so much." Zhao Ning whispered, and was forced to pull it by the flower woman. She said, "He always read the name, but after the wound was wrapped, he did not speak again. ""

Murong Zhan is not called Yaoyao, but hehe, he is thinking about coming back to see her when he is on the cliff.

"What medicine have you given him?" Ye Haoqiang endured the grief and distress in his heart and calmly asked Hua Pozi.

Hua Pozi said, "There is no valuable medicine in the village, just eating some ordinary hemostatic medicine."

Ye Hao gently nodded, it seems that it was not a problem with the previous medication. He was unconscious because the injury was too heavy. However, she had already fed him so many springs and cooked the medicine with Lingquan. Under, how can we still have no effect at all?

Zhao Ning looked at Ye Hao, her eyes finally fell on her stomach, she was stunned, and she was already pregnant...

"You must step back." Ye Hao said faintly, and did not want to let Zhao Ning stay here again.

Hua Pozi looked at Ye Hao deeply and wanted to say that if the man could not wake up, he might not wake up, but when she saw the sadness on the woman's face, she still forbeared her words.

The person who can be called a maiden in this world is not a Mazu or an expensive person living in the palace. Obviously, this woman is the former.

If she is the goddess in the palace, then the man is not... the emperor?

Hua Pozi’s thoughts were heavy, and he regretted that Zhao Ning should not save the man. Now he is afraid of causing big trouble.

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